Textbook of Pediatrics

Textbook of Pediatrics

BOOK REVIEWS Each annual issue of this unique publica­ tion has been more expansive than its prede­ cessor. The current volume features a sym­ posium ...

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BOOK REVIEWS Each annual issue of this unique publica­ tion has been more expansive than its prede­ cessor. The current volume features a sym­ posium of 207 pages on ocular tuberculosis in which 15 distinguished contributors par­ ticipate. Isoniazid is most effective in early cases. Its germicidal spectrum is limited to tuberculosis, leprosy, and some mycoses. Phlyctenular keratoconjunctivitis is more responsive to local cortisone therapy. Mis­ cellaneous topics follow that touch almost every phase of ophthalmology. America is represented by Conrad Berens and ReinerDeutsch on vaccinotherapy, and by Castroviejo on beta-radiation. For high myopia, Deodati suggested prolonged administration of vasodilators to prevent or mitigate fundus changes. Hartmann emphasizes again the psychosomatic factor in glaucoma. Sourdille has abandoned the trephine in the surgery of chronic glaucoma in favor of iridencleisis but in the younger group he prefers the Lagrange operation which, though somewhat more traumatic, gives a more cosmetic pupil. Thomas tests the resistance of the conjunctival vessels and holds that this harmless procedure reflects, more reliably than the cutaneous vessels, the status of the uveal and retinal vasculature. Other interesting articles deal with gonioscopy, tonography, tabetic optic atrophy, retinal detachment, and trachoma. James E. Leben söhn.


II AND III. Edited by E. B. Streiff. Basel, S. Karer, Volume II, 1953; Volume III, 1954. Price : 39.50 Swiss francs per volume. These volumes continue the subject of "Advances in ophthalmology" that was so well done in Volume I (1952). The col­ laborators of Volume II are Bietti, Godtfredsen, Grignolo, Hessberg, Monnier, and Rintelen. Volume II reviews the structure of the


vitreous body (Grignolo), electrophysiology of the eye in man (Monnier), and presents a fine chapter on the normal and pathologic anatomy of the eye (Rintelen). Godtfredsen describes the recent advances in our knowl­ edge concerning the orbit, ocular adnexa, and skull. Hessberg writes on injuries of the eyes, industrial medicine, insurance and social medicine, and matters of the blind. Bietti concludes with a review of trachoma during and after the war. Volume III begins with an original article by H. A. Feldman of Syracuse, New York, on the laboratory, methods in current use for the study of toxoplasmosis. Bischler (in French) discusses the retina; Brüdener (in German) the eye and the vegetative nervous system; Maeder (in French) the pupil; and Dekking (in English) the subject of physi­ cal therapy in ophthalmology. These review articles with complete bib­ liographies are. proving to be useful and deserve applause and encouragement. The mass of ophthalmic literature is getting too heavy and complex and such articles as these serve to keep it in line. Derrick Vail. By Waldo Nelson, M.D. (with the collaboration of 70 contrib­ utors). Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders Company, 1954, 6th edition. 1,581 pages, 478 figures. Price : $15.00. The reason for a review of a textbook of pediatrics in T H E JOURNAL is an excellent section on the eye written by John S. McGavic. In a short 20 pages Dr. McGavic covers the child's eye from examination through refractive errors and strabismus to tumors and retrolental fibroplasia. As might be expected the latter condition receives a great deal of attention and it is to be hoped that enough pediatricians will read this sec­ tion so that in future editions this frightful iatrogenic disease will be only of historic interest.




As it should be, emphasis is placed on the early treatment of squint and the pediatri­ cian is twice advised that children do not outgrow crossed eyes. It is interesting to note the inclusion of the Adie syndrome in the section on acquired diseases of the pupil. This is a rare enough phenomenon in adults and must certainly be a rara avis in children. One can only suspect that its inclusion rep­ resents a personal interest on the part of the author. Since a great deal of material had to be covered in a short 20 pages this book has only limited interest for the ophthalmologist but it can be recommended unhesitatingly to our colleagues in pediatrics who are taking a greater and greater interest in the eye. Well-written résumés such as this are ring­ ing the death knell for the older pediatrician whose investigation of the eyes was limited to counting them. David Shoch.

BOOKS RECEIVED FOR REVIEW The following books have been received for review. Acknowledgement is made here because often there is a delay before a suitable review appears. RESOURCES FOR TEACHERS OF BLIND W I T H SIGHTED

CHILDREN. By Géorgie L. Abel. N e w York, American Foundation for the Blind, 1954. Paper-bound, 58 pages, bibliography. P r i c e : $0.75. THE P I N E BROOK REPORT: NATIONAL WORK SESSION ON T H E EDUCATION OF T H E BLIND W I T H

THE SIGHTED. New York, American Foundation for the Blind, 1954. Paper-bound, 72 pages. P r i c e : $0.90. BEHANDLUNG VON A U G E N K R A N K H E I T E N : FÜR DEN








1954. (Hans Huber, exclusive representative for the United States and Canada : International Medical Book Corporation, 381 Fourth Avenue, New York 16, New York.) 112 pages, illustra­ tions and tables, index. Price ; $4.00. THE



Ciba, Pharmaceutical Free on request. PHARMACOLOGY



New Jersey,


1954. Price :





York, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1954. P r i c e : $19.50. LA


QUI S'EN RAPPROCHEUT. By Robert Gros. Lyon, Maurice Fabre, 1953. 112 pages, 5 figures, index. Price : Not listed. K L I N I K DER AUGENSYMPTOME BEI NERVENKRANK­

HEITEN. By Prof. Dr. Werner Kyrieleis. Berlin W. 35, Walter De Gruyter & Co., 1954. 153 pages, 35 illustrations, index. Price : D M 32.DIRECTORY OF ACTIVITIES FOR T H E B L I N D I N T H E U N I T E D STATES AND CANADA. Compiled by Helga

Lende. New York, American Foundation for the Blind, 1954. 133 pages. P r i c e : $2.00. ABNORMAL MOVEMENTS OF T H E FACE. By Dr. S. G.

Little. University, Alabama, University of Ala­ bama Press, 1954. Paper-bound, 70 pages, bib­ liography. P r i c e : $2.00. RÖNTGENDIAGNOSTIK DES SCHÄDELS. B y P r o f . D r .

Willy Loepp and Prof. Reinhold Lorenz. Stutt­ gart, Georg Thieme Verlag, 1954. 579 pages, 613 illustrations, bibliography. P r i c e : $23.10. COLLECTED REPRINTS. Francis I. Proctor Foundation for Research in Ophthalmology. University of California. Volume 1, 1947-1954. CLINICAL ORTHOPTIC PROCEDURE. By William Smith,

O.D. St. Louis, The C. V. Mosby Company, 1954, 2nd edition. P r i c e : $10.00. C L I N I Q U E D' L ' H U M E U R A Q U E U S E PATHOLOGIQUE.

By Florian Verrey. Neufchâtel, Delachaux, and Niestlé, 1954. 269 pages, 202 figures including 27 in color, bibliography, index. P r i c e : 64 Swiss francs. ANATOMY




Wolff. New York, T h e Blakiston Company, 1954, 4th edition. 491 pages, 406 illustrations including 52 in color, chapter bibliographies, index. Price : $15.00. PERIPHERAL



M A N . Edited


G. E. W . Wolstenholme and J. S. Freeman. Bos­ ton, Little, Browne & Co., 1954. ( A Ciba Founda­ tion Symposium.) 219 pages, 72 illustrations, index. P r i c e : $6.00.