Thallium-201 myocardial perfusion scintigraphy to evaluate patients after coronary bypass surgery

Thallium-201 myocardial perfusion scintigraphy to evaluate patients after coronary bypass surgery

AUGUST 1978 The American Journal of CARDIOLOGY@ VOLUME 42 NUMBER 2 CLINICAL STUDIES Thallium-20 1 Myocardial Perfusion Scintigraphy to Evaluate P...

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San Francisco, California

From the Cardiovascular Division of the Department of Medicine, Nuclear Medicine Division of the Department of Radiology and the Cardiovascular Research Institute, University of California. San Francisco, California. This work was supported in part by Program Project &ant HL 08285 from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and Federal Contract HV 52989 under the Myocardial Infarction Program, U. S. Public Health Service, National institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. Manuscript received November 28, 1977; revised manuscript received March 28, 1978, accepted March 29, 1978. l Dr. Qreenberg is a recipient of a Olant-in-Aid from the Bay Area Heart Research Committee, San Francisco, California and is currently at the University of Oregon Health Sciences Center, Portland, Dregon. t Dr. Botvinick is a recipient of a Grant-in-Aid fKWlltheBayAreaHWtReseeVdlGWlliialX.l from the Qeorge Smith Foundation, San Francisco, California. t Dr. Shames is a recipient of a Research Career Development Award, GM 70304 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. Address for reprints: Elias H. Botvinick, MD, Departmsnrs of Medicine and Radiology, Room 1188, Moffitt Hospital, Univarsity Of Califcmii San Francisco, California 94143.

To determine the utility of thallium-201 stress scintigraphy in assessing the resutts of coronary bypass surgery, chest pain, stress electrocardiograms and sclntigrams were evaluated in 27 patients postoperatively. These findings were compared with coronary angiographic data in which a significant postoperative lesion was defined as 75 percent or more stenosis in a graft, its distal vessel or in an ungrafted native vessel. As an indicator of postoperative coronary lesions, chest pain lacked sensitivity (60 percent) and was nonspecific (20 percent). The stress electrocardiogram had poor sensitivity (60 percent) and good specificity (86 percent) but was not helpful in six patients who had equivocal or suboptimal tests. The sclntigram had good sensltivtty (77 percent) and was highly specific for the diagnosis of coronary stenosls. tt was significantly more specific than chest pain (P
Each year in the United States an estimated 50,000 coronary arterial bypass procedures are perf0rmed.l As a consequence, there is now a large group of patients who have undergone this procedure and will require follow-up evaluation for the presence of myocardial &hernia. Although useful information on such patients is obtained from a history of symptomatic improvement, the resting electrocardiogram and the functional and electrocardiographic response to graded exercise, evaluation of the extent of revascularization and graft patency relies on repeat coronary angiography. Because angiography is costly and timeconsuming and subjects the patient to a small but definite risk,2*3its use has been limited in the follow-up of patients after bypass surgery.

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The American Journal of CARDIOLOGY

Volume 42





TABLE I Clinlcal Data In 27 Patients After Coronary Bypass Surgery Preoperative Case no.

Age (yr) 8. Sex

TI-20 1 Stress Rest

... ...

44M 57M 51M 5OF 33M 48M



47M 59M


52M 41M



%: 23 24

65F 55F 65M 56M

... ... ‘i’ ... + ... ... ++ ... ... ... ... + ... ... ... ... ... ...

50M 62M 42M

: ++

::I! 52M 10 11

57M 54M









Stress ECG

Postoperative Ma on Treadmill

... ...

. . ...

1 ... ... ‘I’ ... ... ... + ... ... ...



‘4’ ... ... ... ... ... ... -


Angiography (% Stenosis) LAD LCX RCA



.. . . . . .. . 0 . . .

... ...

Pat Pat Pat Pat Pat Pat

b:d . .

RX2 Pat G Pat G Pat G; 90% NV Pat NV



. . .


. . .




G G GX 2 G GX 2 G

. . . . . .

... ...

.. . 0


. .. . . .

... ..

. . . .

... ... .. ...

Pat G; 90% NV 80% 0; 100% G 80% NV Pat G; 90% NV Pat G Pat G; 100% G 100% G Pat G; 100% G 100% G Pat G Pat G 100% G X

3.0 3.0 ^^

... . . .

. ..

. . . .

. . . .






Pat Pat Pat Pat Pat Pat Pat Pat Pat


Pat G

Pat G; 90% NV Pat G: 90% NV Pat G, 90% NV Pat NV

Chest Pain

TI-201 stress Rest


.. .. ... ... .. ... + ... ...

Pat NV Pat NV Pat G Pat G Pat NV Pat G Pat G Pat G Pat G; 100% G’ Pat NV 90% NV

Typical Typical None Atypical Atypical None Atypical Typical Typical

Pat G




Pat G




Pat NV





... -

Atypical None

Stress ECG

Mn on Treadmill



Paced 9.0 6.0 12.6 11.8 3.1 6.0 8.3


11.1 6.0



13.3 6.6 4.1

100% G Pat NV

90% G 100% G

Typical Typical


100% G 90% G

100% NV 100% G

Typical None



subop -

8.0 7.2

Pat G PatGX2

100% G Pat NV

Atypical None


+ +

Subop -

3.5 7.6

100% 100% 100% 100%

Pat G Pat NV 100% G Pat NV

Atypical Typical Typical Typical


Pat G

Pat G


. .


. . .

. . .

None None ..



: +


5.0 6.1 3.0 2.0






of pm- and postoperative angiograms reveals no significant stenosis in native right coronary artery. - = no perfusion defect; + = perfusion defect; ++ = new perfusion defect in addition to defect at rest; 0 = no ischemic S-T change. ECG = electrocardiogram; Eq = equivocal because of baseline S-T abnormalities; G = graft; I = ischemic S-T change: LAD = left anterior descendlng coronary arterial system; LCx = left circumflex coronary arterial system; Min = mlnutes; NV = natlve vessel: Pat = no significant stenosis; RCA = right coronary erterlal system; Subop = exercise test suboptimal because less than 85 percent of maximal predicted heart rate was achieved; TI = thallium. l


Thallium-201 stress scintigraphy is a noninvasive method for assessing regional myocardial perfusion and, indirectly, identifying significant coronary stenosis.4-6 It has been successfully used in evaluating patients with coronary artery disease. 4-s In this study we examined the value of the method in follow-up studies of patients after bypass surgery. We also compared the results obtained with pre- and postoperative stress scintigraphy with those obtained with postoperative studies alone. Methods Patients: The 27 patients studied (Table I) represent all patients who underwent thallium-201 stress scintigraphy at this institution as part of follow-up evaluation after coronary bypass surgery. Nine of these patients (Patients 3,4,8,10,13, 18 and 25 to 27) had undergone stress scintigraphy preoperatively. Twenty-five (Patients 1 to 25) also underwent postoperative selective coronary angiography. The age of the 23 men and 4 women averaged 52.5 years (range 33 to 69). In 17 patients the postoperative evaluation was undertaken because




The Antarlcan Journal of CARDICLOGY


of recurrent chest pain; 11 of the 17 had typical angina pectoris. Ten patients who were free of chest pain were studied because the patient or his physician desired information regarding graft patency. Two patients were experiencing pain at rest. Four (Patients 8, 15,16 and 22) were receiving propranolol, and seven (Patients 4,7,13,19,20,23 and 27) were receiving digoxin at the time of study. Two patients had a single graft; 9 had double, 12 had triple and 4 had quadruple bypass grafts (average 2.7 grafts per subject). Thirty-two grafts were placed to the left anterior descending coronary artery or diagonal vessels, 23 to the left circumflex or marginal vessels and 17 to the right coronary artery. With the exception of three internal mammary artery grafts to the left anterior descending coronary artery, saphenous veins were used in all instances. Stress testing: In 25 patienta stress perfusion scintigraphy was performed in relation to graded treadmill exercise according to the method of Bruce.’ A 12 lead electrocardiogram was taken at rest and an intravenous catheter was placed in an antacubital vein to facilitate administration of thallium201. The blood pressure and CMs electrocardiographic lead were monitored during standing, hyperventilation, exercise





FIGURE 1. Patient 4. Complete revascuiarization with three patent grafts on angiography. The postoperative thallium-201 stress scintigrams (f&t) show that myocardial perfusion is homogeneo us; no defect is seen in any projection. A schematic interpretation of each projection (m) demonstrates the methcd used to localtire defects to the distribution of the coronary artery. ANT = anterior; AW = anterior left ventricular wall: FW = free left ventricular wall; IVS k interventricular septum; IW = inferior left ventricular wall; LAD = left anterior descending system distribution; LAO = left anterior oblique projection; LCX = left circumflex coronary system distribution; L LAT = left lateral projection; PLW = posterolateral left ventricular wall; RCA = right coronary arterial distribution.

and a 6 to 8 minute recovery period. The treadmill electrocardiogram was considered abnormal and positive for ischemia if there was 1 mm or greater horizontal or downsloping S-T segment depression below an isoelectric baseline, 0.08 second from the J point, during exercise or in recovery. The treadmill electrocardiogram was called equivocal for the diagnosis of ischemia, regardless of the degree of exercise-induced S-T segment depression, if the baseline S-T segment was depressed greater than 1 mm. Negative treadmill tests in which 85 percent of the maximal predicted heart rate for age was not reached were classified as suboptimal studies. In two patients (Patients 1 and 2) with pain at rest of apparent cardiac origin, stress perfusion scintigraphy was performed in conjunction with atria1 pacing.s A no. 7 French bipolar pacing catheter was positioned in the upper right atrium. Pacing was begun at 20 beatalmin above the sinus rate and increased by 10 to 15 beats/min at 2 minute intervals until limited by the patient’s symptoms or block at the atrioventricular node. Electrocardiographic monitoring and evaluation were performed as during exercise. Electrocardiograms were interpreted by two independent observers who had no knowledge of the patient’s identity, coronary anatomy or scintigraphic findings. There was complete agreement in 96 percent of the studies and minor disagreement in 4 percent; assessment of the latter was determined by consensus with the aid of a third observer. Perfusion scintigraphy: All scintigrams were obtained with the patient in a fasting state. Thallium-201 was administered in a dose of 1.5 to 2.0 millicuries intravenously at peak stress and, when indicated, at rest (see later). Exercise or pacing was continued for 60 seconds after the administration of thallium. Imaging was begun within 10 minutes of administration of thallium and was generally completed within 30 minutes. Scintigraphy was performed using either a portable (Ohio Nuclear, Solon, Ohio) or stationary (Pho Gamma IV, Searle Radiographics, Inc., Des Plaines, Illinois) 37 phototube camera equipped with a converging collimator and employing a 20 percent window centered at 75 KeV. Hepatic and splenic radioactivity was shielded when significant.

To ensure adequate evaluation of relative myocardial radioactivity, an image was taken to 200,000 counts in the anterior projection and the time noted. Then images in the 45O left anterior oblique and left lateral projections were taken to equal time. Unprocessed images printed on Polaroid@ film were obtained for the initial 15 studies. In 12 patients studied thereafter, images were also acquired on a PDP 11/40 computer, and image enhancement was performed by spreading the gray scale between peak cardiac radioactivity (upper threshold) and a mean background level (lower threshold). Although computer processing made the defects in the analog images appear more prominent and occasionally increased the security of interpretation, all defects were identified from the analog image. Patients with a normal stress scintigram were not restudied. Patients with an abnormal stress scintigram were

restudied at rest in all three projections, using the same camera and imaging technique, 1 week after the initial study. After initiation of the repeat studies, it became apparent that a delayed resting image, obtained 4 hours after the stress study, accurately depicted the resting perfusion state.9 Patients at our institution are now studied with the delayed image technique. Scintigraphy was performed an average of 16.3 (range 2 to 70) months postoperatively. Among 25 patients who underwent postoperative coronary angiography, scintigraphy was performed within 1 month of angiography in 21 patients, and within 4 months in all patients. No patient had a history of an ischemic event between the two tests. The results of preoperative thallium-201 stress scintigraphy were available for comparison with postoperative studies in nine patients. Stress scintigrams that revealed new or enlarged defects when compared with the image at rest indicated segments of relative hypoperfusion and were considered positive for stress-induced myocardial ischemia. Scintigraphic defects

at rest were interpreted as evidence of prior infarction. The postoperative scintigrams were compared with those obtained preoperatively and changes in perfusion noted. Scintigrams were evaluated by two independent observers without

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The American Journal of CARDIOLOGY

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knowledge of the patient’s identity, coronary anatomy or the results of stress testing. Observer agreement was complete in 92 percent of images. Minor observer disagreement concerning the location or extent of abnormalities occurred in 8 percent of images; the final interpretation was decided by consensus with the aid of a third independent observer. Scintigraphic defects were localized to regions of coronary perfusion according to the known coronary anatomy. Each scintigraphic projection was divided into three left ventricular segments (Fig. 1). The anterior projection was divided into the anterior or free wall, apex and inferior wall; the left anterior oblique projection into the posterolateral wall, inferior wall and septum; and the left lateral projection into the anterolateral wall, apex and inferior wall. Hypoperfusion in the distribution of the left anterior descending coronary artery was diagnosed if scintigraphic defects involved the septum with or without involvement of the anterolateral wall; hypoperfusion in the distribution of the left circumflex artery was diagnosed if defects involved the posterolateral walk and hypoperfusion in the distribution of the right coronary artery was diagnosed if defects involved the inferior wall. Because

apical abnormalities could result from hypoperfusion in the distribution of any of the three vessels, localization depended on the presence of accompanying scintigraphic abnormalities. Coronary angiography: Selective coronary angiography with visualization of grafts and the native coronary circulation was performed in multiple projections with the Judkins technique in 25 patients. If a graft could not be demonstrated on selective angiography and if there was no definite evidence of graft closure at the aortic anastomosis, aortic root biplane angiography was performed in the 60“ left anterior oblique and the 30’ right anterior oblique projections. The degree of coronary and graft stenosis was determined by agreement of two independent observers who were unaware of the results of scintigraphy or stress testing. Narrowing of diameter by 75 percent or more in a graft, the coronary artery distal to the graft or a major coronary artery that had not been grafted was considered significant.

Results The results from all 27 patients

are shown in Table


Coronary anatomy: Significant stenosis existed in the native vessel proximal to the site of graft insertion in all but one grafted vessel (in Patient 10); thus, perfusion was dependent on the integrity of the graft. Complete revascularization was thought to be present in Patients 1 to 9, in whom all grafts, distal vessels and major native ungrafted vessels were free of significant stenosis, and in Patient 10, who had an occluded graft


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FIGURE 2. Comparison of thallium (TI)-201 stress scintigraphy and exercise electrocardiography (ECG) in relation to angiographic results. - = exercise or scintigraphic study negative for ischemia or no angiographic evidence of coronary artery disease; + = exercise or scintigraphic study with stress-induced ischemic change or angiographic evidence of coronary artery disease; f = equivocal or suboptimal study.

to the right coronary

artery but no significant stenosis in the native artery. Three patients (Patients 11 to 13) with patency of all grafts had stenosis either distal to a patent graft or in an ungrafted native vessel. Twelve patients (Patients 13 to 25) were found to have stenosis in one or more grafts. Chest pain: Seventeen of the 25 patients who underwent angiography had chest pain. Nine of these patients had stenosis of either a graft or a native vessel (Patients 12,15 to 17,19 and 21 to 24), whereas eight (Patients 1,2,4,5 and 7 to 10) were considered to have complete revascularization. In none of these patients did the history, examination or laboratory evaluation suggest postcardiotomy syndrome. Among the 11 patients with a history of typical angina, 7 (Patients 12,15 to 17 and 22 to 24) had stenosis in either a graft or a native vessel; however, 4 (Patients 1,2,8 and 9) were considered to have complete revascularization. Among eight patients without chest pain who underwent angiography, only two (Patients 3 and 6) had complete revascularization. Overall, chest pain was present in 9 of 15 patients with a significant postoperative coronary abnormality, and thus had a sensitivity rate of 60 percent. Chest pain was absent in only 2 of 10 patients with angiographic evidence of complete revascularization (specificity rate only 20 percent). Postoperative exercise stress testing: The results of all 23 patients undergoing postoperative graded exercise testing who also had follow-up coronary angiograms are shown in Table I and Figure 2. In this group, six tests (in Patients 4, 16, 17, 19, 23 and 24) were inconclusive because of suboptimal stress in two patients, baseline S-T segment changes in three patients and rate-related left bundle branch block in one patient. Five of these six patients (all but Patient 4) had significant stenosis in either a graft or a native vessel. Among the remaining 17 patients, angiographic evidence of significant narrowing in either a graft or a native vessel was seen in 6 of the 7 patients with a positive stress test (Patients 12,14,15,21,22 and 25), but also in 4 of the 10 with a negative stress test (Patients 11,13,18 and 20). When the equivocal tests were excluded, 6 of 10 patients with significant postoperative coronary arterial abnormalities had a positive stress electrocardiogram (sensitivity rate 60 percent), and 6 of 7 patients with angiographic evidence of complete revascularization had a negative stress electrocardiogram (specificity rate 86 percent).

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FIGURE 4. Patient 15. Selective visualization of graft to the right coronary artery. Note the high grade proximal stenosis in the graft (arrow). Stress scintigraphy revealed a correlative inferior wall defect. FIGURE 3. Patient 15. Stenosis of graft to the right coronary artery. Thallium-201 scintigrams and electrocardiogram during stress (above) and at rest (below). During stress, a defect involving the inferior wall is best seen in the left anterior oblique projection (arrows). At rest, the images are normal. The scintigraphic study was positive for inferior wall ischemia. Angiography revealed stenosis of grafts to the left circumflex and right coronary arteries and in the ungrafted native left anterior descending coronary artery. The stress electrocardiogram was positive for ischemia. Abbreviations as in Figure 1.

Patients with complete revascularization exercised for a slightly longer time (8.2 versus 7.0 minutes) than those with stenosisof a graft or a native vessel.However, the difference was not significant and could not reliably predict the extent of revascularization in an individual patient. Two patients (Patients 1 and 2) with chest pain at rest underwent atria1pacing stress. Both had negative S-T responses for ischemia and complete revascularization as assessed with angiography. Postoperative stress scintigrams: In patients undergoing postoperative coronary angiography, thallium-201 scintigraphy was performed during atria1 pacing in 2 patients (Patients 1 and 2) and in association with treadmill testing in 23 patients (Patients 3 to 25). The results are shown in Table I and Figure 2. Overall, results of stress scintigraphy were negative in 15 patierts. In 10 patients (Patients 1 to 6 and 8 to ll), no scintigraphic defect was seen, and in 5 (Patients 7 and 17 to 20), the defect seen during stress was unchanged from the that observed in the study at rest. Two patients (Patients 17 and 19) had a suboptimal stress test, and both had graft stenosis on angiography. Of the patients

with a negative scintigramduring optimal stresstesting, 10 of 13 (77 percent) were considered to have complete revascularization. The data from one such patient are shown in Figure 1. Of the three patients with a negative scintigram and vessel stenosis, two (Patients 11 and 18) had stenosis in the distribution of all three coronary vessels.Patient 18 also had a large defect at rest. Neither patient had well developed collateral vessels on angiography. The other patient with a negative stress scintigram (Patient 20) had a fixed defect during rest and exercise in a region supplied by an occluded graft. The distal native vessel received considerable collateralflow from an adjacent successfully grafted vessel. All 10 patients with a positive stress scintigram (Patients 12 to 16 and 21 to 25) had significantangiographic lesions in vessels perfusing the region of scintigraphic abnormality. Eight patients had stenosis of one or more grafts. An example of a positive scintigram with an inferior defect is shown in Figure 3. On angiography, stenosis of the right coronary bypass graft was demonstrated (Fig. 4). An example of a positive scintigram with anterior and septal defects is shown in Figure 5. Two patients with a positive scintigramhad fully patent grafts, but their angiograms revealed stenosis in an ungrafted native vessel (Patient 12) or stenosis distal to graft insertion (Patient 13). Ten of 13 optimally stressed patients with significant postoperative coronary abnormalitieshad a positive scintigram (sensitivity rate 77 percent), and all 10 patients with angiographic evidence of complete revascularization had a negative scintigram (specificity rate 100 percent).

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The American Journal of CARDIOLGGY

Volume 42



TABLE II Accuracy of Stress Scintlgraphy in Localizing Hypoperfusion In Patients Afler Coronary Bypass Surgery


Coronary Stenosis on Angiography

TI-201 Stress Defect 6

k:: RCA Total

:: 2:

z 14

Sensitivity to coronary abnormalities =t true positive scintigraphic segments/true positive -k false negative scintigraphic segments = 14126 = 50%. Specificity to coronary abnormalities = true negative scintigraphic segments/true negative + false positive scintigraphic segments = 47147 = 100%. Figures In parentheses indicate subjects with at least one bypass graft to the coronary system noted. LAD = left anterior descending coronary artery; LCx = left circumflex coronary artery; RCA = right coronary artery.

FIGURE 6. Patient 26. Pre- and postoperative evaluation-good result. Thallium-201 stress scintigrams and electrocardiograms obtained before (above) and after (below) coronary bypass surgery. The preoperative study revealed an inferior wall perfusion abnormality seen best in the left ante&r oblique projection (arrow) as well as an ischemic electrocardiogaphlc response at a low level of exercise stress. After placement of a graft to the right coronary artery, the patient became symptom-free and demonstrated normal scintigraphic and electrocardiographic findings at much increased exercise stress. Angiogaphy was not performed; however, the scintigraphic findings document reperfusion. POST-OP = postoperative; PRE-OP = preoperative; other abbreviations as in Figure 1.

FlGURE 5. Patient 2 1. Thalliurt+PO1 scintigrams and electrccard~am during stress (above) andatred (below). Largedefects involving the anterior wall septum during exercise (arrows) were not present at rest and suggest stenosis of the grafl to the left anterior descending coronary artery. Angiography revealed stenosis of grafts to both this artery and the left circumflex coronary artery. The full stress electrocardiogram was positiie for ischemia. Abbreviations as in Figure 1.

Stress scintigraphic localization of ischemic regions through the distribution of the major vessels is outlined in Table II. The stress scintigram in the vascular distribution of the left anterior descending coronary artery (Fig. 5) was positive in 6 of the 25 patients (Patients 13, 14,16,21,24 and 25). All had significant narrowing of the graft or of the distal native vessel. The stress scintigram of five patients was positive, with defects in the distribution of the left circumflex coronary artery. Three of the five (Patients 22 to 24) had significantgraft stenosis; the two others (Patients 12 and 13) had patent



The American Journal of CARDlOLOGY

grafts but significant stenosis in a major ungrafted branch of the circumflex system. Three patients (Patients 15,16 and 23) had a positive stress scintigram in the distribution of right coronary artery (Fig. 3). All three had stenosis of the graft to the right coronary artery. The perfusion pattern involving the distribution of 75 vessels in 25 patients was assessed. In all cases, a

positive scintigram correctly localized stenosis to the distribution of the appropriate vessel. When all vessels with stenosiswere considered, 14 of 28 (50 percent) were identified with stress scintigraphy. Of the 14 stenotic vessels not identified, 5 were distributed to segments with defect-sat rest that did not change during exercise. Thallium-201 imaging thus localized 19 of 28 vessels (68 percent) with significant stenosis. Stress scintigraphy was totally specific and in no instance did it demonstrate hypoperfusion of the segment unless there was a corresponding stenosis in the vascular supply.

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FIGURE 7. Patient 13. Preoperative evaluation. Thallium-201 scintigrams and electrocardiograms duing stress (above) and at rest (below) from a patient with a prior anteroseptal infarction. Defects involving the anterior wall, septum and posterolateral watt are seen during stress (arrows). A~i~raphy revealed triple vessel disease. The stress electrocardiogram was judged equivocal because of baseline S-T segment depression. Pre OP = preoperative; other abbreviations as in Figure 1.

FISSURE 8. Patient 13. Postoperative evaluation-poor result. Thallium-201 scintigrams and electrocardiogram during stress (above) and at rest (below) after coronary bypass surgery (CABG). The patient was asymptomatic and had a normal exercise test postoperatively. However, scinti~~hy suggested ~ntin~ stress-induced ischemia and angiography revealed 90 percent stenosis of a large ungrafted vessel in the left circumflex system as well as stenosis of the left anterior descending coronary artery distal to one of the three patent grafts. Abbreviations as in Figure 1.

Comparison of pre- and postoperative scintigrams: Nine patients (Patients 3,4,8,10,13,18 and 25 to 27) were evaluated with stress scintigraphy both before and after operation. Six patients (Patients 3,4, &lo, 26 and 27) who exercised to the same or a higher level than that attained preoperatively had scintigraphic evidence of improved perfusion. Four of these patients, three with persistent pain, were shown to have complete revascul~ization. The other two (Patients 26 and 27) did not have a pos~perative angiogram The data from the former patient are shown in Figure 6. In three patients (Patients 13,18 and 25), all free of chest pain, the postoperative stress scintigram was unchanged from the preoperative study. In all three patients, significant stenosis was found on ~gio~aphy. The preand postoperative scintigrams of Patient 13 are shown in Figures 7 and 8.

Stress scintigraphy compared with chest pain and stress electrocardiography: The sensitivity of postoperative chest pain (SO percent), abnormal stress electr~~diogr~ (60 percent) and stress ~intigraphic abnormalities (77 percent) for the presence of postoperative coronary abnormalities showed no significant differences, and each indicator was moderately successful in identifying patients with incomplete revascularization. However, the scintigram was 100 percent specific for postoperative coronary abnormalities and was more specific than chest pain (P KO.01) in identifying such abnormalities. Although the specificity of the stress electrocardiogram was not significantly different from that of the scintigram, the latter study occasionally identified patients with false positive (Patient 7) or false negative (Patient 13) stress tests. An example of a false negative electrocardiogram and correctly positive scintigram in a patient with stenosis of the left anterior descending and left circumflex coronary arteries is shown in Figure 8. Exercise testing was inconclusive in six patients (Patients 4, 16,17,19,23 and 24). Scintigraphy was positive in three of these patients (Patients 16,23 and

Because the postoperative scintigram successfully predicted revascularization in the seven patients who underwent repeat ~giography, preoperative scintigraphy did not contribute to the predictive accuracy of the method.

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FIGURE 9. Double graft closure-equivocal electrocardiogram. Patient 23. Thallium-201 scintigrams and electrocardiogram during stress (above) and at rest (below). Defects involving the posterolateral and inferior walls during exercise (arrows) are not present at rest. These findings are consistent with exercise-induced ischemia in the distribution of the left circumflex and right coronary arteries. Angiography revealed stenosis of grafts to both these arteries. The electrocardiogram was considered equivocal because of resting electrocardiographic changes in association with left bundle branch block (LBBB). Abbreviations as in Figure 1.

24), all of whom had significant stenosis on angiography. The data from Patient 23 are shown in Figure 9. The results of scintigraphy were negative in three patients, including one (Patient 4) who had complete revascularization. The two patients with a negative scintigram and stenosis on angiography (Patients 17 and 19) had a suboptimal stress test. Prior infarction: Among the 27 patients included in the study, 9 (Patients 7,12 to 14,17 to 20 and 27) had an abnormal scintigram at rest. Seven of these subjects had Q waves in the electrocardiogram in the distribution corresponding to the perfusion defect. An additional defect was seen on stress scintigraphy in three of these patients, each with a related graft or native vessel stenosis (Patients 12 to 14). Of the six patients with a negative stress scintigram who had a fixed defect, three (Patients 17 to 19) had stenosis of a vessel in addition to the vessel supplying the segment of myocardium that manifested the defect at rest. Discussion Thallium-201 is a monovalent cation whose myocardial uptake in viable tissue is proportional to regional coronary blood flow. Of the radionuclides currently available to evaluate noninvasively myocardial perfusion, thallium-201 appears to have the best physical properties for obtaining high resolution perfusion images.lO Perfusion defects during thallium-201 imaging


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The American Journal of CARDIOLOGY

appear to correlate well with coronary stenosis.P6 This study was designed to assess the use of thallium-201 stress scintigraphy in the follow-up evaluation of patients after coronary bypass surgery and to correlate the scintigraphic findings with coronary anatomy. Positive stress scintigram: Thallium-201 stress scintigrams were positive in 10 of 25 patients who underwent repeat angiography. All 10 had 75 percent or greater narrowing of at least one vessel. Stenosis was found in the grafts of eight of these patients and in a site distal to the graft insertion or in an ungrafted vessel in the other two patients. Had angiographic evaluation been confined to examination of the grafts, the scintigrams of the latter two patients might have been considered examples of false positive studies. Their presence in this series helps to underscore the complexity of the vascular supply in the patient after coronary bypass, and to point out conditions, other than graft stenosis, that could lead to hypoperfusion and result in poor postoperative results. Negative stress scintigram: Thallium-201 stress scintigrams were negative in 15 patients who underwent repeat angiography, Ten of these patients were considered to have complete revascularization. Two patients with graft stenosis had negative thallium-201 scintigrams during suboptimal stress testing. McLaughlin et al.” have shown that the ability of stress scintigraphy to identify critical stenosis increases with the level of exercise, and it is possible that these patients did not have perfusion defects because of insufficient stress. In patients with optimal stress, 10 of 13 (77 percent) who had a negative scintigram were considered to have complete revascularization. Combining sensitivity and specificity, the overall rate of scintigraphic accuracy was 85 percent, a level similar to that achieved in patients with coronary artery disease who had not undergone bypass surgery. 4-6 Because the accuracy of the scintigrams was assessed by comparing them with the angiographic data, three patients appeared to have a false negative scintigram. An alternative possibility is that hypoperfusion did not develop in these patients, despite the presence of what was considered significant stenosis. Flow to a segment of myocardium that is apparently perfused by a stenotic graft or native vessel may not depend exclusively on this single coronary vessel. Collateral flow, possibly originating from a successfully grafted adjacent vessel, may be sufficiently great to protect against stress-induced hypoperfusion. Significant collateral flow to a region served by a stenotic graft was noted in one of our patients. Other possible reasons for a negative scintigram in patients with coronary stenosis were sought. In two patients (Patients 18 and 20), a large defect at rest representing prior infarction probably decreased our ability to recognize stress-induced hypoperfusion. Because scintigraphic defects depend on relative hypoperfusion of a segment of myocardium, a region may be hypoperfused during stress but still have greater perfusion than in an infarcted region and thus not be recognized. In two patients with triple vessel disease it is possible that stress-induced hypoperfusion developed

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in a homogeneous pattern so that localized relative perfusion defects were not seen.12 Although many of our patients were receiving propranolol or digoxin, or both (drugs that could affect the distribution of thallium-201), our good results, as well as those reported previously in patients evaluated for the presence of coronary disease,6 suggest that these drugs have a minimal effect on the scintigram. Sensitivity of a positive stress scintigram: Although a positive thallium-201 stress scintigram accurately localized the presence of a stenotic vessel in each case, it did not identify all stenotic vessels. In our series, 50 percent of all stenotic grafts or native vessels, or both, were identified with stress scintigraphy. When defects seen in the resting study were combined with those elicited by stress, 69 percent of stenotic vessels were identified. This lack of overall sensitivity in relating stenosis to perfusion may again possibly be due in part to the effects of collateral vessels. In addition, in several of the patients with multivessel disease, a positive scintigram successfully localized perfusion defects to some but not all of the involved vessels. Because the test detects relative perfusion it is probable that patients with multiple areas of hypoperfusion manifest defects only in the most severely affected regions. Comparison with other radionuclide studies: Perfusion defects were often subtle (Fig. 3 and 9), and considerable experience is necessary to identify accurately such abnormalities. In our study all scintigraphic defects were identified from the analog images by blinded observers. As suggested by Berger et a1.,13 computer enhancement of images may facilitate interpretation and further increase the diagnostic yield of the procedure. Zaret et a1.14 compared pre- and postbypass potassium-43 scintigrams to evaluate graft patency and found the method specific but far less sensitive than our method. Their patients with a normal or improved scintigram had at least one patent graft, whereas those whose scintigram was worse or unchanged after operation had all grafts occluded. Lurie et a1.i5 showed improvement in the perfusion pattern of 15 patients studied before and after bypass surgery with rqbidmm-81 stress scintigraphy; however, they did not obtain angiographic confirmation of the surgical results. Postoperative scintigram as a predictor of revascularization and graft patency: Recent reports have suggested that comparison of pre- and postoperative thallium-201 stress scintigrams can reliably predict graft patency,16-is and Ritchie et concluded that the presence of an exercise defect in the postoperative study was associated with lowered graft patency rates. Our results confirm that postoperative imaging alone can be used to predict the extent of revascularization and graft patency and that accurate postoperative evaluation is possible in bypass patients who have not been evaluated preoperatively. In our patients who underwent scintigraphy both preand postoperatively, evidence of improved perfusion was seen in patients with successful revascularization. These results are consistent with observations in pre-



vious studies’+-l8 in which scintigraphic improvement was associated with graft patency and scintigraphic deterioration or lack of scintigraphic change was consistent with graft closure or incomplete revascularization. Comparison with patient history, exercise capacity and electrocardiographic response to exercise: Although these clinical findings are helpful in the evaluation and management of patients after bypass surgery, they are relatively poor indicators of revascularization and graft patency. In our patients chest pain was a particularly unreliable indicator of the results of surgery and could not discriminate between patients with recurrent vascular stenosis and those with complete revascularization. Although relief of chest pain has been shown to correlate with graft patency,1g~20 the interpretation of symptom relief is complicated by additional factors, including the placebo effect of surgery, perioperative infarction and possibly surgical denervation.21-2s In the reports of both Sheldon24 and Kouchoukos20 and their co-workers, a significant number of patients with graft closure experienced relief of chest pain. The poor discriminating quality of chest pain, even when described as typical angina, in this group of patients differs considerably from the experience in patients not operated on whose angina is reliably correlated with coronary artery disease.25 Although improved exercise tolerance has been associated with revascularization,26~27 individual varia-

tion is great and prediction of graft patency is hazardous, particularly when a preoperative test is not available for comparison.2s In our patients the slight trend toward greater exercise tolerance in patients with complete revascularization was a poor indicator of the status of coronary anatomy in an individual patient. When thallium-201 stress scintigraphy was compared with stress electrocardiography, scintigraphy

appeared to be of greatest value in patients with inconclusive electrocardiograms. Scintigraphy also added to the diagnostic accuracy of stress testing by identifying occasional patients with false positive and false negative electrocardiograms (Fig. 2). Similar results using stress scintigraphy have been reported in the evaluation of patients without bypass grafts.4-6J2 Additionally, the scintigram offered localizing information that could be quite useful in the evaluation of coronary stenosis after bypass graft surgery. Possible limitations of study: We monitored only a single CM5 electrocardiographic lead. The use of multiple leads during stress testing would probably result in increased sensitivity of the stress test to ischemit changes; however, it is probable that the number of false positive results would also increase, leading to a decrease in specificity. Use of multiple leads would probably not resolve the equivocal tests. The patients in this study constitute a selected group and do not represent the general group of patients undergoing coronary bypass surgery. Almost two thirds of our patients were studied because of recurrent chest pain. A less selected study population would probably result in a smaller incidence of graft occlusion and a


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somewhat different rate of scintigraphic accuracy. However, our patients do appear to be representative of patients who require follow-up evaluation postoperatively for clinical indications. Implications: The effectiveness of thallium-201 myocardial perfusion scintigraphy in patients after coronary bypass surgery appears to be similar to that in patients without such surgery. Factors influencing image sensitivity and specificity also appear to be similar in the two groups. Thallium-201 scintigraphy seems to be an important noninvasive method for assessing myocardial perfusion after bypass surgery. Although comparison of pre- and postoperative studies can be used to document the effects of surgery, postoperative


scintigraphy alone can sensitivelyand specificallydetect and localize significant stenosis in grafts or native vessels. The method should serve as a useful noninvasive technique for the future evaluation of the postcoronary bypass patient. Acknowledgment We thank Shahbudin H. Rahimtoola, MD, University of Oregon Health Sciences Center, for critical review of the manuscript and Ruth Weidenaar and Kim Lay for assistance in preparation of this manuscript. We are also indebted to Earl Holloway, MD, for referring several of the patients included in this report.

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