47 iorward and a gathering in of loose ends in order that, in the strenuous days ahead, the dentists of this country may continue to hold their position second to none. I am, Sir, yours
THE CASUALTY LIST. THE following names of medical men appear Instructor, and Curator of the Mechanical Laboratories, among the casualties announced since our last Royal Dental Hospital of London. issue :Leicestar-square, W.C., Dec. 28th, 1915. Died ofWounds. Colonel E. 0. Wight, R.A.M.C., Assistant Director of Medical Services, with the 49th division. GERMAN MEASLES. Lieutenant 0. G. Maginness, attached to the Royal To the Editor of THE LANCET. Field Artillery, was educated at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital and received his qualification tne substitution or tne title SIR,—Aitnougn in 1913. Prior to the war he had an appointroseola or roserash for this as disease, epidemic ment in H.M. Dockyard, Pembroke Docks. Dr. Clement Dukes in for issue by suggested your Dec. 25th, might be desirable, I would suggest Wounded. that until writers of text-books initiate the practice Lieutenant J. Campbell, R.A.M.C. it is premature to expect the medical profession in Lieutenant A. C. attached to the D. M. SHAW,
general to adopt
Edwards, R.A.M.C.,
a course.
4th Yorks Light Infantry (T.F.). I am, Sir, yours faithfully, Lieutenant F. G. Foster, R.A.M.C. C. W. HUTT, M.D., D.P.H. Brighton, Dec. 27th, 1915. Captain C. A. Bernard, R.A.M.C., attached to the 4th York and Lancaster Regiment (T.F.). Captain J. So Hall, R.A.M.C., attached to the 5th York and Lancaster Regiment (T.F.). A COMBINED PHYSICAL TREATMENT FOR Captain A. L. Shearwood, R.A.M.C. DISABLED SOLDIERS. To the Editor
of THE
THE CENTRAL MEDICAL WAR COMMITTEE: MEDICAL ENROLMENT. issue of Dec. 25th a humorous letter is. published Compulsory military service need not affect the Dr. T. D. Luke, of from the East of Scotland. of members of the medical profession, as position Peebles, very modestly describes himself as- "a the arrangements made by the Local Medical humble balneologist," yet I venture to suggest that War Committees should suffice to meet all the even the most humble balneologist usually knows demands of the medical service of the army. Full that in neurasthenic conditions there is all the differ- details of the plan of the Scottish Medical Service ence between the application of the ordinary douche Emergency Committee are given below, and the and the under-water douche or the details of the method of procedure in England and bath. I would suggest to Dr. Luke that if he Wales, which it is hoped to announce next week, inquiries of the medical authorities at the Grand will probably be on the same lines. Medical men Palais Hospital in Paris- he will find that there is a in England and Wales- who have not yet enrolled similar difference between the ordinary hot douche should at once do so through the Local Medical War and the hyperthermal eau courante treatment, which are in direct communication with Committees, against which he gibes so pleasantly. the Central Medical War Committee for England I am, Sir, yours faithfully, and Wales. This Committee will give to each J. CAMPBELL J. CAMPBELL MCCLURE. applicant a certincate of enrolment. It has arranged Harley-street, W., Dec. 28th, 1915. the grouping of members, and with regard to the order in which individuals should be called on for service it will consider, in cooperation with the THE BELGIAN DOCTORS’ AND Local Medical War Committees, the special difficulties PHARMACISTS’ RELIEF FUND. of any individual practitioner. On any point of personal difficulty medical men in England and Wales are invited to communicate direct with,the THE WEEK’S SUBSCRIPTIONS. secretaries, 429, Strand, London, W.C. The Central Medical War, Committee has been THE subscriptions to, the Belgian Doctors’. Pharmacists’ Relief Fund received during the week actively engaged working at certain of the problems which have been lately discussed in Parliament and have been as follows :in connexion with the demands & s. d. the daily press je s. d. Bournemouth Division, made by the War Office upon the members of the Balance of Fund raised B.M.A. (per Dr. I by medical men of civilian medical profession. As might have been Eleanor U. Bond, Mansfield and neigh’, Hon. Sec.)the principal difficulties arise in conbourhood to givehosexpected, Dr. 0. J. Girllng. Craiipitality to a. Belgian nexion with the position of the panel practiborne ... ... ... ... 0 10 6 family who have now Dr. Margaret McNeill... 1 00 returned to Belgium tioners who. are under contract to discharge Dr. Mantle (per Dr. (per Dr. G. Temple certain duties, and upon whose services the 5 50 i, 8 12 Barrs) Tate) Dr. G. D. H. Carpenter 0 10 6 National Health Insurance Commissioners natuAlbert May...... Dr. (eighth donation, rally desire to exercise their lien. Much detailed total B8)............ 1 0 0 information is in the hands both of the ComSubscriptions to the Fund should be sent to the missioners and the executive subcommittee of the treasurer of the Fund, Dr. H. A. Des Vœux, at Central Medical War Committee as to the number 14, Buckingham-gate, London, S.W., and should of general practitioners compared with population be made payable to the Belgian Doctors’ and in the different administrative areas, and the Pharmacists’ Relief Fund, crossed Lloyds Bank, result ofcooperation will certainly smooth away Limited. of the difficulties which are only too some
SIR,-Ex Africâ
In your
and. ,
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