The bilateral isodanse subdural hematoma on computerized tomographic scan

The bilateral isodanse subdural hematoma on computerized tomographic scan

Katz D, &eel L, Clin Radio1 30~207. 1974 Grecnhou:r AH, Barr JW, Arch Fieurol 36~305, 1979 Blood caws striking changes on computerized tomography. How...

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Katz D, &eel L, Clin Radio1 30~207. 1974 Grecnhou:r AH, Barr JW, Arch Fieurol 36~305, 1979 Blood caws striking changes on computerized tomography. However, (chronic subdural hematomss may becomeisod%: with brain and therefore not be visible. Midli”ear~~ive”tri~:ulardisplaci:me”t, effacement of conicd sol& narrowinp; of whits matter on one side, and ve”tri:ular distortion should sug8-t o onilatcral &dense process. Bilateral ixdensc arbd’rral hematcmas pose a major problem on computer;zed tomography since them are no indications cfa “tagslesion. A nepativt,report coulldlull th: cliniciu, into a fa% %n% OF security. In these cases, ~cnrx?.ldisappcuamc of !olci a”d considerabie “arrowint? of ventricles are h<:lpf”l findings. A puticolarly importat and overlooked sign is a” abnormally decrwmd bicaudato cerebroventricolar index. above all. a hi& degree of s”rpk:ion is vital.


Authtx’s Abstract

TLC r&b1 poetaro&tml Vnrbml txmdl Kiltsedge RD, J Cornput Assist Tomogr 3:348, 1979 acheid band and iable pwarneter~ auparior mediasteroLtcrn1 tracheal 2 tm below the rternal “etch in cCa”putedt.nnogat”f. At the slernal notch, the.-lhlcknctlru8.4*3.6mm. Atrhelevd2 an bdow the stanal notch, the p~nolaterai band ww 6.4: 1.8 mm. lids rcprc(e”ts meuuremcntr from 100 ramnat pukes. I’athoto6y in the 1”~. ploum. a0phuw raft tiuua, wd aher mcdiercinal struchuu all ckarly affed the posterol~teral tr* chwl brad. awi”6 &mw”ul contows a”d wideni”& of the bad. Awhor’r Abatra

Attention is drawn to the signs of ashestosison computed axial tomography and comparison made with findings in conventional radiology in 3~6patients. CT was found to be significantly “tore sensitivein the detection of hoth pleural and parenchymal diseaseapart from thickened fissures.A possiblesign of early mesothelioma is mentioned and an encasing variety of pleural thicket@! described. Perfusion changesthat may x:rese”t a “pre-radiological” interstitial fibrosis are di:russed. Author’s Abstract

Computed tomography of bladder: rtaglag of bladder ca”al using low denally oprciftcailo” :ahniqae Hamlin DJ, tickett AT, ltlrology 13:331;1979 In the course of computed to’nlographic (CT)SZRI”tion involving 200 patients with suspsted pelvic diseasewe have found that scanq~ualityis often suboptimal. A preliminnry report employing a tow deonsity b!addcr upacificatlon method Is presentedwherrhy an indwelling catheter i9 inserted to control bladder vol““1~ and to facilitate the instillation of low density iodinated contrast agent (0.6% Ro”o~afio~~). The patient remains supine throupho’utthe 25minute piecedare. Observations during tL CT staging and follow-up of a controlted group of 8 ~ient% undersoinn immwtotheratw and/or radiation theraw for bladder carcinomztindicate that this is D si~~~,~~f~, and cffeairc stagingprocedure. We have obraiwd reliable clinical-radi~-pnllloloSie ccrrelatio” as Y result or sur&al sUplog md biopsy. followed by open wrilery and Nl patiolo& cramirution. II is hoped that this infommdon wttJ help IniUare other similar stuoIc4 to determIne the cllr6”ntic accuracy of this method and thua its “SCin wthwapeotic cvaJuatio” of the bladder k&n lad ha


sp”nse tomatnlc”t.


Autl or’s Abstrwt