dilution of a suspected TTX or STX solution, before and after heating the stock solution (ca. 2 pg/ml) to 100 at pH 1~0 for 20-30 minutes, is a simple and reliable method for distinguishing between the two agents. S.L.F.
Cot~tn~ourt, D., H~romsox, R. and Rn~, J. M. (Yak University, Dept. Chew, New Haven, Connecticut 06510, U.S.A.). The binding of tritium-labelled tetrodotoxin to nonalyelinated nerve. J. PhystoL, Lond. 224, 25P, 1972. AFtst treatment of desheathed rabbit vagus nerve for 6 hours with a 126 nM solution of tritium-labelled tetrodotoxin 443 f-mok per mg of dry w~ght was taken up by the nerve. It was concluded that there are about 150 f-mole binding sites per mg dry weight on the nerve which corresponds with 27 binding sites per lun'. A.V.H .
CHNOtAiOVS[Y-Moat~mu, M., Dvrurrr, Y., ßawF, J., Rte, C. and SrawH, R. W. (Eeole Medical Institute Pharmacology, ßeneva 1211, Switzerland). Metabolic and structural lesions of a sympathetic ganglion by blado-widow venom. F.xperknaia 28, 727, 1972 . Snv~rnc conductivity in the rat superior aivical ganglion failed rapidky in the presence of Lmrodeetw venom. This was paralleled by an inhibition of creative phosphokinasa The ATP content dropped 20 pea ant. The ganglion showed no structural changes at the time conduction fa~7ed . Gj~toplasmic alterations and loss of synaptic vesicles developed later. The venom would act by interfering with the ganglion mdabolism. A.V.H .
McDoiv~, T. F., 5~~, H. ß. and DsIIesN, R. L. (Dept. of Embryology, Carnegie Institution of Weahiagton, Baltimore, Maryland 21210, U.S.A .). Development of sensitivity to tetrodotoudn in beating chick embryo hearts, cingle alla, and aggregates. Science 176,1248, 1972 . Trn: s~nvrrr of chickea embryo hearts for tetrodotoxin (3 x 10''M) ina+eases markedly from day 4 to 7. Isolated single heart cells are relatively insensitive to TTX independent of the embYo ~. whereas aggregates of single cells responded as the whole hearts . It is suggested that the increase of TTX seasttivity with age indicates an increase of sodium specificity of membra~ channels. A.V.H .
ne Vas, A. and Kocxv~, E. Toxfns of Aninwl and Pbxl Orialn. New York, ßordon sad Breach, 1971, 2 vola As so ra®Qvevrt.Y happens in texts on symposia, which all are too oftea diBx,~ult to ßnd and too expensive, the Silt two volumes of this throe-volume work contains many excellent papers of flmdameatal importance to our understanding of the oompoaition and modes of action of animal and plent poisons. There are as 71DXlCON 1973 Yob ll .