Marine Environmenlal
Research, Vol. 46, No. 1-5, pp. 499-500, 1998 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. Printed in Great Britain 0141-1136/98 $19.00+0.00
Developmental Toxicity in a Laboratory Surrogate Fish Species: Role of Embryo Development and Environmental Factors in Response to Pesticides. J. A. HAMM, S. A. VILIALOBOS AND D. E. HINTON. Department of Anatomy, Physiology, and Cell Biology, School of Veterinary California 95616, USA.
University of California-Davis,
United States Environmental Protection Agency three species tests indicate toxicity in agricultural return waters, Sacramento River water samples, and sites within the delta formed by the confluence of the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers. Chemical analysis of pesticides in riverine and upper San Francisco Bay water samples during and after dormant spray applications in stone fruit orchards reveals that they often exceed National Academy of Science recommendations for ambient waters. Populations of fish with pelagic larvae have been shown to be in a decline and recent modeling efforts suggest a relationship between this decline and use of chemical control agents. Work in this laboratory has been directed at responses of the medaka (Oryzius futipes) to diazinon, an organophosphate, and to thiobencarb, a thiocarbamate. The role of the chorion in protection from aqueous solutions of thiobencarb has been assessed using intact and dechorionated embryos. Age and susceptibility to each agent have been assessed. Physical factors, temperature and salinity, strongly influence the incidence and extent of pericardial edema associated with thiobencarb exposure. Retinal necrosis follows diazinon exposure and host embryo factors related to response will be presented. (Supported in part by US EPA Center for Ecological Health Research, UC Davis Grant R8 19658 and Superfund Basic Science Research Project Grant ES-04699 and US EPA Grant R823297.)
The Biochemical Effects of Toxicants in Developing Eggs and Larvae of Black Sea Fish Species. I. RUDNEVA-TITOVA. Department of Ichthyology, Institute of the Biology of the Southern Seas, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Nahimov av. 2, Sevastopol335011,
The effects of heavy metals (Hg) and different oil fractions were investigated on the antioxidant enzyme activities (superoxide dismutase, catalase, peroxidase, glutathione reductase), lipid composition and lipid peroxidation parameters (lipid peroxidation index, 499
then conjugates, ketodiens, TBA-reactive products) in developing eggs and larvae of different Black Sea teleost fish species. The UV and fluorescense spectra of eggs and larvae lipids were also determined. Increases of lipid peroxidation occurred in fish eggs and especially in larvae following exposure to oil in various concentrations. The activities of catalase and superoxide dismutase were increased more than 8- to lo-fold compared to intact eggs and larvae. The activities of other enzymes as well as the concentrations of lipid fractions varied less. The high correlation (r=0.62) was estimated between mercury concentration in water and the activities of examined antioxidant enzymes in eggs and larvae. The similar correlation coefficients (0.55 < r < 65) were established between the oil content in water and the activities of antioxidant enzymes in eggs and larvae of different fish species. The intensity of pollutant response depended on the fish species and especially on the developing egg stage or larvae. The antioxidant system of pelagic fish eggs is more sensitive to pollutant effects than of bottom fish eggs. The early developing stages were also more vulnerable. The data obtained can be used as biomarkers for determination of pollutant responses on fish eggs and larvae and for analysis of anthropogenic impact of the marine environment.
Behavioral Toxicology of Lead in Larvae of the Mummichog, Fundulus heteroclitus. J. S. WEIS” AND P. WEIS.b nDepartment of Biological Sciences, Rutgers University, Newark, New Jersey 07102, USA; bDepartment of Anatomy, Cell Biology and Injury Sciences, UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School, Newark, New Jersey 07103, USA.
Mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus) larvae were exposed to 0,O. 1,0.3, or 1.Omg/litre Pb (as lead acetate), starting at the day of hatching. Mortality in the highest dose did not differ from controls. They were tested at weekly intervals for prey capture ability (vs Artemia nauplii), spontaneous activity, swimming performance (stamina) and social activity. There was less successful prey capture and more miscues, and less spontaneous activity and diminished swimming performance, although data were not statistically significant every week. The effects were sometimes, but not always, dose-related. There were no measurable effects of social behavior (distances among individual larvae and numbers of ‘close encounters’). Larvae were tested at 2-3 weeks of age for predator avoidance, using grass shrimp (Palaemonetes pugio) as the predator. There was a dose-related increased susceptibility of the exposed larvae to predation by shrimp. After 4 weeks of exposure, a dose-dependent uptake of Pb considerably above background was found, Larvae were then returned to clean seawater and testing continued for an additional 4 weeks. By 8 weeks, all behaviors of previously exposed larvae were no longer statistically different from those of controls. Lead tissue levels had decreased substantially but were still elevated.