TheBoyden Premium. J
A. BOYDEN, ESQ., of Boston, Mass., has deposited TW~IWTE the snnl of one thousand dollars, to he awarded
as a Pre-
“Any resident of North America who shall determine by experiment whether all rays of light, and other physical rays, are or are not transmitted with the same velocity.” The following conditions have been esv>blished for the nwnrd of this Premium : I. Any resident of -North America, or of the CYest India Islands, may he a competitor for the Premium; the southern boundary of Mexico being considered as the southern limit of North America. 2. Each competitor must memoir, describing in detail and all memoirs received by hundred and eighty six will, Committee cf Judges.
transmit to the Secretary’ of the FRANKMY INSTITUTE a the apparatus. the mode of experimenting, and the results; him before the first day of January, one thousand eight as soon as possible after this date, be transmlttetl to the
The Board of Managers of the E’K,~NICI,INIssr-rru-r-E shall, before the first day of Januzuy, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six, select three citizens of the United State5 of competent scientific ability, to whom the memoir shall be rererrcd ; and the said Judges shall examine the memoirs and report to the FKAKKLIN ~NSTITUTF.whether, And, in their opinion, and, if so, which of their memoirs is worthy of the Premium. on their report, the FRASICLIN INSTITUTE shall decide whether the Premium shall be awarded as recommended by the Judges. 4. Every memoir shall be anonymous, but shall contain some motto or sign by which it can be recognized and designated, and ThaII be accompanied hy a sealed envelope, endorsed on the outwle with home motto or sign, and containing the name and nddress of the author of the memoir. It shall be the (luty of the Secretary of the FR,\YKLIN INSTITUTE to keep these envelopes securely and unopened until the Judgesshall have finished their examination; when should the Judges be of opinion that any one of the memoirs is worthy of the premium, the corresponding envelope shall be opened, am\ the name of the author communicated to the IS~TITUTL 5. Should the Judges think proper, they may require the experiments any of the memoirs to be rqxate~l in theu presence. 6. The memoirs presented for the Premium shall become FRANKLIN INSTITUTtS, and shall be published as it may direct.
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