825 the effects of school influence in the spread of diphtheria, regard must be had to the indirect as well as to the direct mischief thus caused, and...

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825 the effects of school influence in the spread of diphtheria, regard must be had to the indirect as well as to the direct mischief thus caused, and that to assume the absence of diphtheria from a school because no case of the disease has been notified therefrom is an assumption which is not likely to aid epidemiological research. Notification is obviously a most useful agency for the control of infectious disease, but it involves so many uncertain factors that it only furnishes partial information, and those who proceed to investigate outbreaks of disease having regard only to recognised and notified cases are liable to obtain fallacious results. No one would go so far as to assert or to assume as a basis for investigation that schools are always in actual operation for harm, but at the same time no epidemiologist would, it is to be hoped, deny that at times when diphtheria possesses a high degree of infectivity schools present favourable opportunities for the dissemination of the disease.

was argued,

in dealing with epidemics have frequently to decisive action on the frontiers and among the take very uneducated peasantry, and often run great personal risks if the opposition of the people is aroused. The cholera riots of a few years ago, in which many medical men lost their lives, were eloquent proofs of the dangers which medical men often have to face. The sign on the breast will, it is thought, be a certain protection, particularly for civilian practitioners, who have no uniform to show their official position.. It will show that the wearer is a servant of the Tsar, and in this way will, it is hoped, command the respect of the people and enable medical men to carry out sanitary and hygienic measures without opposition.


WE have received an advance copy of the annual report of the Clinical Research Association, a body which has only been in existence for a little over two years and has a membership of more than 2400. During the last twelve THE PREVENTION OF TUBERCULOSIS. months 7237 specimens were submitted for examination, of THE present time is eminently suitable for the discussion which 1710 were chemical, 3804 bacteriological, and 1532 ofthis subject, inasmuch as the Royal Commission which histological. These figures represent an enormous amount is now sitting cannot but derive assistance from papers of work, the value of which as a means of establishing and debates calculated to thrash out the relative im- diagnosis and so of facilitating treatment cannot be too portance of the several preventive measures intended to highly estimated. A new department has been opened for diminish the prevalence of this disease, which enacts such medical photography, including x ray work, and a a heavy death toll every ysar. Dr. Niven’s name is portable sterile swab for obtaining and transmitting material intimately associated with this subject, and although the from the throats of patients suspected of suffering from position which he has taken up is perhaps regarded by many diphtheria has been devised and is supplied gratuitously on as somewhat a counsel of perfection, nevertheless all students application. of public health have great respect for his opinions and will LUNACY IN SYRIA. be very glad to hear the arguments which he will bring forward to-night (Friday) at the Epidemiological Society. MR THEOPHILUS WALDMEIER, a veteran missionary in The subject is one ofgreat national, and even international the East and formerly one of the Abyssinian captives under importance, and it affects not only medical officers of health, King Theodore, has taken up the cause of the insane in but also every medical man throughout the country. If the Syria and Palestine. At present there is no provision in notification of tuberculosis were made compulsory the these provinces of the Turkish Empire for the care of relations of every medical practitioner with his patients lunatics, beyond the convents, to which they are often taken would be affected ; and it is to be hoped that the debate will in order that the monks may exorcise the evil spirits by be well attended by those who are familiar with the which are they supposed to be possessed. Torture and even pathology ofthe disease as it manifests itself amongst our death result from. the inhuman treatment practised, whilst infantile population as well as in adults. We hear that demented persons often wander at large in the country, like Dr. Payne and Dr. Sidney Martin are expected to join in the the demoniac in the untended and ill-used. Mr. ___




Waldmeier, after long study of their condition, has originated a proposal for an asylum to contain 80 A DISTINCTIVE SIGN FOR RUSSIAN MEDICAL on the most or 100 lunatics, which is to be built PRACTITIONERS. at the foot of Mount Lebanon, approved cottage system THE Medical Council of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, rnear to the large town of Beyrout. The leading Dractithe highest authority on all medical matters in Russia, has tioners t at this town, American, British, and native recently decided to introduce a small snak, or sign, to be Syrian, have given the scheme enthusiastic support worn on the breast by all medical men, as a sort of insignia 2 and formed an executive committee to promote it. A com___

of their profession. The idea is not a new one. For mittee i has also been formed in London, consisting of Dr. many years past all Russian medical men with the degree Percy Smith of Bethlem Royal Hospital, Dr. R. Jones and of Doctor of Medicine have worn, or at least had the right Dr. F. R. P. Taylor of Claybury Asylum, and Dr. Whitcombe to wear, a little silver sign of this sort. It is of oval shape, of < Birmingham, besides others interested in missionary Dr. Gilbart-Smith, Dr. John Dixon, and about one and a half inches long and one inch broad,work abroad and bears a raised design of two intertwined serpents.Dr. ] Hingston Fox-and several well-known lay members. Under the new regulation-which is not yet law, bu willA meeting was held at the Bethlem Royal Hospital on probably very soon become so-this same z)ia74 will be wornMarch llth. Plans of the proposed buildings were produced, by all qualified practitioners, whether they have the higherwhich had been approved by Dr. Clouston of Edinburgh, degree of M.D. or only the lower qualification of lékar. The Dr. Yellowlees of Glasgow, and Dr. Bedford Pierce of question was discussed whether some new decoration of York, all of whom have taken the warmest practical interest special design should not be instituted for those who havein the undertaking. Mr. and Mrs. Waldmeier have visited taken their doctorate ; but this was decided in the negative many of the best asylums in Great Britain as well as in for the present, so that for the immediate future all Russian Switzerland and Germany in order to become acquainted medical men, without distinction of degree, will wear the with the best methods, both of construction and organisa same sign. The object in introducing the sign appears tion. They will take back with them a specially qualified to have been the hope that some distinction of British physician to have medical charge of the asylum. this sort would increase the safety of the wearer Sir Richard Tangye, who is treasurer to the fund, reported :in the less civilised parts of the country. Medical men, it that nearly £3000 of the total of .ElO,OOO required had -