862 are well known, was appointed to act The Society for the Protection of Infants came to an fowl and frog, &c., Flower’s locum tenens during that ge...

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862 are well known, was appointed to act The Society for the Protection of Infants came to an fowl and frog, &c., Flower’s locum tenens during that gentleman’s important decision at its last sitting. It voted a second as sum of 40,000 francs (a first fund of the same amount from ill-health. We congratulate the Council on having been speedily exhausted) for the purpose of assist- its selection. Mr. Savory was appointed a member of the ing poor parents who have been obliged to send their Dental Board, in place of Mr. Hilton, resigned; and Mr. children to wet-nurses in the country, and who can no longer Doran, of St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, was appointed an

Professor absence


afford to pay for the nursing of the infants." This shows one of the many ways in which the Society has contributed most usefully since its foundation to the protection of infant life and the public good. At the last meeting of the Council of the Society for Help to the Wounded a vote took place for the nomination of a President to the Society in lieu of Count de Flavigny, whose death I mentioned in my last letter. The Due de Nemours Two votes was elected President by twenty-four votes. There were given to M. de Meaux, and one to Dr. Ricord. were seven votes lost. The house-surgeons of the Hotel Dieu of Caen have just received a most flattering testimonial from the Administrative Council of the hospitals of that town for their handsome conduct during the recent cholera epidemic. It is mentioned that the concours among all the housesurgeons of the Paris hospitals, which ended a few days ago, was a most remarkable one, all the candidates giving proof of extensive reading and competing most energetically for the various prizes. The contest for the first prize, or gold medal of the Paris hospitals, was a close one between two champions, MM. Rendu and Renaut, and ended in a dead-heat, the two coming in ex cequo. According to the regulations in such cases, the prize was to be given to the candidate who had already gained one of the hospital medals at a previous concours ;so it was bestowed or M. Rendu, whilst his competitor was presented with a silver medal. The building works of the new H6tel Dieu are about to be resumed. They had been abandoned by the contractors, who had vainly claimed an indemnity for the suspension of the works during the siege and Commune. But the Council of the Prefecture, after rejecting the claim, has summoned the dissatisfied contractors to go on with the building without further loss of time. The question, it is supposed, will be brought before the Council of State. The discussion on the proposed laws for liberty of superior education, which was to have taken place last Monday, has been postponed until Monday week. As regards the question of medical reform especially, it appears that the Commission has adopted the most liberal views, with the only reserve that the State alone will have the right of conferring

diplomas. The troops which


quartered in

assistant in the museum. Professor Humphry brought forward a motion proposing to open the Fellowship of the College to members of only two years’ standing; but, on the motion of Mr. Simon, the whole subject of the examination for the Fellowship was re. ferred to a committee. We shall return to the consideration of this important question next week.




country encampMeudon, Satory, Rocquen-


meeting Thursday last, the llth inst., some important appointments were made. Mr. Erichsen was elected to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. Quain among the representatives of the College in the Committee of Reference upon the Conjoint Examination Scheme. Mr. William K. Parker, F.R.S., whose researches on the Foraminifera, the development of the skull of the on






following are lists of

the candidates who have passed the recent examinations-.M.D. EXAMINATION. Anderson, Tempest, B.Sc., B.S., Univ. Coll. Aveling, Charles Taylor, M.S., St. Thomas’s Hosp. Barnes, Edgar George, St. George’s Hosp. Burn, William Barnett, B.Sc., St. Barthol. Hosp. Cane, Leonard, B.S., Univ. Coll. *Carr, William Ward, B.S., Univ. Coll. Dalton, Benjamin Neale, Guy’s Hosp. Humphreys, John Henry, Univ. Coll. and Middlesex Hosp. Langmore, John Wreford, B.S., Univ. Coll. and Middlesex Hosp Oliver, George (Gold Medal), Univ. Coll. Roberts, Richard Lawtoo, Univ. Coll. Sawyer, James, Queen’s Coll., Birmingham. Shewen, Alfred, Univ. Coll. Smith, Richard Thomas, Univ. Coll. Wall, Alfred John, B.S., St. Mary’s Hosp. Warner, Francis, King’s Coll. Wyman, John Sanderson, St. Barthol. Hosp.

ments around Paris (such as court, St. Germain, Villeneuve 1’Etang, and Saint Maur) will stay there this winter, as they did last winter, the results having shown that their health in no way suffered therefrom. A distribution of warm clothing has already been made among them. The chair of Embryogeny at the College de France, rendered vacant by the death of Coste, will shortly be filled. There are three candidates of great merit who aspire to be Coste’s successor. One, M. Gerbe, was his assistant and co-operator for several years ; another, M. Dareste, of Lille, is well known by his remarkable researches on experimental teratology, which he has been conducting for the last twenty years; the third, M. Balbiani, is at present at the head of the histological department of Claude Bernard’s laboratory of general physiology at the Museum of Natural History. He has written several important works on the phenomena of development of insects, and will very likely be the successful candidate. Paris, December 8th, 1873.

AT the Council


The following Members, having passed the required examina. tions for the Fellowship on Nov. 27th, 28th, and 29th, were, at a meeting of the Council held on the llth inst., duly ad. mitted Fellows of the College :Franklin, Geo. Cooper, L.It.C.P. Lond., Victoria-park Hosp. Penhall, John Thomas, L.S.A., St. Leonards-on-Sea. Saunders, Henry Wm., M.B. Lond., L.S.A., Royal Free Hosp. Thomas, Andrew Appeby, L.R.C.P. Lond., H.M. Indian Army. Woodman, Samuel, L.R.C.P.Lond., Ramsgate. Five other candidates were examined, but failed to satisfy the Court of Examiners, and were referred to their profes. sional studies for twelve months.





Ingoldby, Joseph Theodore, Guy’s Hosp. Price, William, Univ. Coll. Spencer, George Owthwaite, Univ. Coll. M.S. EXAMINATION. Godlee, Rickman John, B.A. (Gold Medal), Univ. Coll. SECOND M.B. EXAMINATION (HONOURS). MEDICINE. FIRST CLASS.

Addy, Boughton (Gold Medal), St. Thomas’s Hosp. Skerritt, Edw. Markham, B.A. (Gold Medal), Univ. Dodson, Andrew, Birmingham and Guy’s Hosp. Cockburn, John Alexander, King’s Coll.

Equal Coll.

Barlow, Thomas, B.Sc., Univ. Coll. Benham, Henry James, Univ.

Equal. Coil..


Coupland, Sidney, Univ. Coll. and Middlesex Hosp. Rayne, Charles Alfred, Univ. Coll. THIRD CLASS.

Dyson, William, B.A., Univ. Coll. Pope, Harry Campbell, Liverpool Royal Infirm. and Univ. Coll. OBSTETRIC MEDICINE. ,


Addy, Boughton (Scholarship and Gold Medal), St. Thomas’s Ho.p. tSkerritt, Edw. Markham (Gold Medal), Univ. Coll. Dodaon, Andrew, Birmingham and Guy’s Hosp. Benham, Henry James, Univ. Bomford, Gerald, King’s Coll, Colgate, Henry, Univ. Coll.

Coll. Equal.


Petch, Richard, King’s Coll. Bird, Cuthbert Hilton Golding, B.A., Guy’s Hosp. Barlow, Thomas, Univ. Coll. Cockburn, John Alexander, King’s Coll. Dyson, Wi11iam, Univ. Coll. * Obtained the number of marks qualifying for the Medal. t Obtained the number of marks qualifying for the Scholanhip, t Obtained the number of marks qualifying for a Gold MedaL