coupled pump at flow rates of up to 681.9 I h-1 (150 gals h 1). Hose nipples are provided for connection to equipment. The manufacturers say it provid...
coupled pump at flow rates of up to 681.9 I h-1 (150 gals h 1). Hose nipples are provided for connection to equipment. The manufacturers say it provides an ideal method for shell freezing liquids prior to freeze drying, eliminates the need for dry ice and enables low temperature liquid to be pumped directly through cold taps. A. C. Edgson, Churchill Instrument Co. Ltd, Riverside Way, Uxbridge, Middx UB8 2YF, UK
Cold store cooling plant The refrigeration plant for Dale Farm Dairies cold store for hardening ice cream in Belfast has been provided by StaI-Levin. The store has a capacity of 8500 m 3 (300 000 ft 3) and is designed for an operating temperature o f - - 2 9 ° C (--20°F). Two Stal SVA 51 E Economiser screw compressors which combine the advantages of a screw compressor with the economic operation of the Stalomiser (interstage subcooling) system were installed. These machines provide sufficient capacity to accommodate the doubling of store size at a future date. The plant operates with pump recirculated ammonia refrigerant
and an evaporative condenser provides the necessary condensing capacity. Fast, economic defrosting of the coolers is accomplished by injecting hot gas taken from the compressor discharge side. It is important that the oil in recirculating refrigerant is kept at a minimum. The specially developed Stal 3 stage oil separators ensure low, oil throw out from the compressors.
The concorde of thermometers Superior reliability and accuracy specifications at a low price is the claim made by a French company for their two platinum RTD digital thermometers.
Another impiotant feature is the refrigerant-cooled, oil coolers for the screw compressors. These are intended to ensure reliable and efficient cooling of the compressor oil without decreasing compressor capacity or absorbed power. The system uses condensed refrigerant directly from the receiver and heat is ejected directly to the condenser. Air within the cold store is distributed from cooling coils via a false ceiling for even and complete air distribution throughout the store, and a temperature variation as low as :J:0.2°C, irrespective of the number of pallets stored. The false ceiling also cuts down on fan power and noise levels, and reduces draughts. StaI-Levin Ltd, River Pinn Works, Yiewsley High Street, West Drayton, Middlesex UB7 7TA, UK
Digital thermometerwith a Jessthan 1 s response time
The manufacturers say their linearization-method combined with low electronic error has given an accuracy of better than +0.25°C. A response time of <1 s, absence of warm-up drift, and a stability of better than +0.1°C year 1 are some of these portable thermometers' other features. The LIS-135 offers a range of --190°C to +199°C with a 0.1°C resolution; the LIS-235 has a range of----80°C to + 600°C + 1.0°C. The casing is of ABS polycarbonate and aluminium and the facia was designed by a British designer making this a joint Anglo/French project.
Two Stal SVA 51 E economiser screw compressor and the evaporative condenser at a cold store for hardening ice cream
Both models work off a 220/240 V mains supply or from two rechargeable AA (HP 7) nickel-cadmium batteries. A fastresponse, calibrated, hand-held, immersion probe for use up to 600°C and the battery charger/eliminator are provided as standard.