962 ceased and the wound rapidly granulated. Recovery was uneventful. From the wound at the time of operation the staphylococcus pyogenes aureus was obtained in pure culture. The indiscretion in diet, the abdominal pain, at first generalised and then localised on the right side, the accompanying vomiting and constipation, the subsidence of the pain after catharsis and return in greater severity, the fever, rapid pulse, and tender hard mass in the region of the appendix, all seemed to point to disease of that
that diseased milch animals may be summarily condemned and destroyed. It is anticipated that there will be difficulty in getting the code transformed into law and that even then regulations will not easily be preserved intact. But in the end the health of the infants will surely be benefited."
A RETURN presented to Parliament by the Board of Trade gives some interesting particulars with regard to the conorgan. The literature of such conditions of the abdominal sumption of alcoholic beverages in the year 1905. It is stated wall is scanty. Hiller has reported the case of a woman, that in the United Kingdom the consumption of wine has aged 23 years, who complained of occasional pain in the been falling continuously since 1899 and in 1905 amounted region of the gall-bladder for three and a half years.’ For to only a little more than a quarter gallon (0’ 27 gallon) per two months the pain had been more severe and the patient head. The average for the period 1901-05 is a little higher, On noticed a tumour which had gradually enlarged. being 0 ’ 32 gallon. The consumption of beer in this country examination a smooth, somewhat moveable, easily palpable shows some fluctuation. In 1891 the consumption of tumour of the size of a goose’s egg was felt in the region beer head of the per population amounted to 30’2 gallons, of the gall-bladder, two fingers’ breadth below the costal from which fell yearly until in 1894 it was it point margin. It seemed to have a thin pedicle leading up 29’5 gallons. From 1894 it rose steadily until it reached under the costal margin and did not seem to be adherent 32’ 6 gallons in 1899, since which year it has again to the abdominal wall. An operation for cholecystitis was steadily declined, and in 1905 it amounted to not more performed but an abscess of the right rectus muscle than 27’7 gallons. In Belgium the consumption of beer infiltrating the adjacent muscles was found. No connexion per head of the population in 1905 was 40’ 8 gallons, and with the peritoneum or ribs could be found. Allison has in Germany 26 3. During 15 years the consumption recorded a case of abscess of the abdominal wall simu- of spirits per head of the population in this country lating malignant disease of the transverse colon in a has followed nearly the same course as the concoloured girl, aged 16 years.2 The region of the umbilicus sumption of beer, having been low (0’ 97 proof gallon) was tender and showed a swelling which resembled in 1894, from which point it increased yearly to malignant growth. On operation a tuberculous abscess was 1 - 09 gallons in 1899 and to 1’ 11 gallons in 1900. It has found between the rectus sheath and the peritoneum. decreased each year to a total of 0’ 91 gallon in 1905. Isince It is difficult to attach any exact meaning to these
figures, consumed
but the
A New York correspondent writes:" The annual report of the Bureau of Health of the Philippine Islands, from July lst, 1905, to June 30th, 1906, has just been issued in the United States. This is the only Bureau of Health under the American Government and much excellent work has been performed in Manilla and in other parts of the Philippine Islands by it and by the health boards which preceded it. Some three years ago the bureau began the systematic education of the public in matters pertaining to the care of infants. A committee of native physicians prepared a special bulletin and distributed The bulletin contained the usual it among the people. propaganda. Particular emphasis was placed on the value of proper feeding, and it was shown that mother’s milk is the natural food for infants and that the next best substitute is cow’s milk. Since the issue of the bulletin the consumption of milk in Manilla has increased 500 per cent., but, alas, this has had no effect in checking infant mortality. The fault has been soon found to be in the lack of care exercised with regard to the vessels and receptacles in which milk is kept and the failure to take the precautions necessary to keep the milk fresh. Contamination also at the period of milking must be taken into consideration. Nearly 95 per cent. of the milk used is obtained from the carabao which is by nature a dirty animal. A sanitary code which it is hoped will become law soon provides that all milk-dealers in the Philippines shall register at the Bureau of Health and that all vessels or receptacles used by them to contain milk shall be made of smooth impervious material which is capable of being thoroughly sterilised, and provided with suitable covers. The code also provides against adulteration by insuring that all milk sold or offered for sale shall be at all times subject to examination and analysis by the Bureau of Health and
1 Beiträge zur Klinischen Chirurgie, 1899, 2 Medical News, 1891, xxv., p. 217.
p. 826.
impression is that the amounts with the spending power of the vary directly public. So long as wines of the light kinds are sold at an high price so will the demand for ardent and especially whisky, be maintained, for whisky and water provide a stimulant which is cheaper than wine.and people do not concern themselves so much as to the qualities of wines as they used to do, while th& purse is not so long as it used to be. common
unreasonably spirits,
aesthetic average
INTRA-ORBITAL INJECTIONS OF CYANIDE OF MERCURY IN SYMPATHETIC OPHTHALMIA. A METHOD of treatment of sympathetic ophthalmia, which is claimed by the proposer, Dr. G. Valois, to have been practised successfully by him in several cases, has been published in Professor Galezowski’s Recueil D’OphtaZmologie (No. 1, 1907). One of the cases recorded is that of a child, aged seven years, who in playing with a knife inflicted on himself a severe penetrating wound of the cornea. Dr. Valois saw the patient on the evening of the same day, when there were blood in the anterior chamber An iridectomy was and a large hernia of the iris. performed and a part of the blood was removed. The case went on well for eight days, when suddenly the intraocular tension diminished, a zone of redness appeared surrounding the cornea, and pain was felt in the globe. Soon after the opposite eye became affected. The sclerotic reddened, the cornea presented a fine descemitis, and the iris ceased to respond to light. Enucleation of the injured eye was at once practised and 24 hours later all the symptoms in the sympathising eye were relieved. Ten days afterwards, when the patient was about to be discharged from the hospital as convalescent, a fresh attack of inflammation with descemitis supervened, large exudates in the form of a triangle appeared on the posterior surface of the cornea, and the iris could not be dilated with atropine. The eye was manifestly in. great danger. Dr. Valois therefore promptly injected deeply two drops of a 1 per cent. solution of cyanide of mercury into the orbit of the enucleated eye. On the following