The Contribution of Interval-based Models to Complex Systems Fault Detection Problems

The Contribution of Interval-based Models to Complex Systems Fault Detection Problems

Proceedings of the 7th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety of Technical Processes Barcelona, Spain, June 30 - July 3, 2009 The ...

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Proceedings of the 7th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety of Technical Processes Barcelona, Spain, June 30 - July 3, 2009

The Contribution of Interval-based Models to Complex Systems Fault Detection Problems J. Quevedo*, V. Puig*, T. Escobet*, R. Sarrate*, F. Nejjari* and L. Travé-Massuyès** 

* Automatic Control Department (ESAII), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Rambla Sant Nebridi 10, 08222 Terrassa (Spain) (e-mail:[email protected]) ** LAAS-CNRS, Université de Toulouse (France) Abstract: This paper discusses the use of interval models (LTI models with interval parameters) to represent the dynamics of complex systems in fault detection. Fault detection methods using interval models, such as interval observers and parity equations, will be reviewed and compared. Tools used to implement such algorithms will also be presented. Finally, an overview of the real domain application of these methods and their experimental performance will end the paper. 1. INTRODUCTION Model-based fault detection of dynamic processes is based on the use of models to check the consistency of observed behaviours. However, when building a model of a dynamic process to monitor its behaviour, there is always some mismatch between the modelled and real behaviour due to the fact that some effects are neglected, some non-linearities are linearised in order to simplify the model, some parameters have tolerance when are compared between several units of the same component, some errors in parameters or in the structure of the model are introduced in the model calibration process, etc. These modelling errors introduce uncertainty in the model, but many times they could be bounded and included in the fault detection model. There are several ways of considering the uncertainty associated with the model (structured or non-structured). In FDI community a fault detection algorithm able to handle uncertainty is called robust. The robustness of fault detection algorithm is the degree of sensitivity to faults compared to the degree of sensitivity to uncertainty (Chen and Patton 1999). Research on robust fault detection methods has been very active in the FDI community these last years. One of the most developed families of approaches, called active, is based on generating residuals which are insensitive to uncertainty, while at the same time sensitive to faults. This approach has been extensively developed by several researchers using different techniques: unknown input observers, robust parity equations, H, etc. In the book of Chen and Patton (1999), there is an excellent survey of this active approach. On the other hand, there is a second family of approaches, called passive, which enhance the robustness of the fault detection system at the decision-making stage. This approach is still under research. Several techniques have been used, but most of them are based on using an adaptive threshold at the decision-making stage. In the present paper, passive robust fault detection when considering the nominal model plus the uncertainty on every parameter bounded by intervals is presented and reviewed. This type of uncertainty modelling provides a type of models 978-3-902661-46-3/09/$20.00 © 2009 IFAC

known as an interval model. The use of interval models has received several names depending on the field of application: in circuit analysis it is known as worst-case (or tolerance analysis), in automatic control as set-membership, bounding approach or robust and in qualitative reasoning as semiquantitative. In the automatic control literature, the setmembership (or robust) approach has been treated extensively in the book of Milanese (1996), but mainly focusing on the parameter identification and state estimation problems. The worst-case analysis of circuits has been treated in the book of Kolev (1993) and in several research papers appearing in circuits journals and congresses. Finally, the semi-quantitative approach is treated in the book of Kuipers (1994) and in several papers appearing in artificial intelligence journals and congresses. Several research groups in FDI have been working these last years following the bounding-approach, see for example: (Armengol et al., 2000; Hamelin et al, 2001; Sainz et al., 2002; Puig et al., 2002; 2008; Tornil et al, 2003; Fagarasan et al., 2004 and Ploix et al., 2006). This approach has also been integrated with Qualitative Reasoning tools (from AI communities) giving a diagnostic tool known as CA~EN (Travé-Massuyes et al, 2001). Finally, the paper presents some tools and industrial FDI applications where interval models have been used. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: in Section 2, interval models of dynamic systems for fault detection are introduced. In Section 3 fault detection using interval models are recalled. In Section 4, interval based fault detection and isolation tools are presented. Section 5 presents two industrial application case studies where interval models have been used for fault detection. Finally, the major conclusions are drawn in Section 6. 2. INTERVAL MODELS FOR FAULT DETECTION 2.1 Interval models of dynamic systems Considering that the system to be monitored can be described by a MIMO linear uncertain dynamic model in discrete-time and state-space form as follows



7th IFAC SAFEPROCESS (SAFEPROCESS’09) Barcelona, Spain, June 30 - July 3, 2009

x( k  1 )  A( θ ) x( k )  B( θ )u( k ) y( k )  C ( θ ) x( k )  D( θ )u( k )


where y(k)ny, u(k) nu, x(k)nx are the system output, input and the state-space vectors respectively; A( θ )nxnx, B( θ )nxnu, C( θ )nynx and D( θ )nynu are the state, the input, the output and the direct transmission matrices respectively; θ  n is the vector of uncertain parameters where Θ is a bounded set of box (interval) type θ  Θ such

that each component  i   i , i  i=1,..n,. This is why the resulting model is known as an interval model. The set Θ contains all possible values of θ when the system operates normally. Intervals for uncertain parameters can also be inferred from real data using set-membership parameter estimation algorithms (Ploix, 1999). The system in Eq. (1) can, alternatively, be expressed in input-output form using the shift operator q-1 and assuming zero initial conditions as follows:

y (k )  M (q 1 , θ )u(k )

3. FAULT DETECTION APPROACHES USING INTERVAL MODELS 3.1 Fault detection using interval observers The system described by Eq. (1) can be monitored using a linear observer with Luenberger structure. The resulting interval observer can be written as: xˆ (k  1, θ )  ( A(θ )  LC (θ )) xˆ (k )  ( B(θ )  LD(θ ))u(k ) (7)  Ly(k )  Ao (θ ) xˆ (k )  Bo (θ )u(k )  Ly (k ) yˆ (k , θ )  C (θ ) xˆ (k )  D(θ )u(k )


where M (q 1 , θ ) is given by

M ( q 1 , θ )  C (θ )( qI  A(θ )) 1 B (θ )  D (θ ) 2.2 Interval models for fault detection The principle of model-based fault detection is to test whether the measured input and output from the system is consistent with the behaviour described by a model of the faultless system. If the measurements are inconsistent with the model of the faultless system, the existence of a fault is proved. The residual vector, known also as analytical redundant relation (ARR), is usually used to check the consistency between the predicted, yˆ (k ) , and the real measured behaviour, y(k). r ( k )  y( k )  ˆy( k ) (3) Ideally, the residuals should only be affected by the faults. However, the presence of disturbances, noise and modelling errors causes the residuals to become nonzero and thus interferes with the detection of faults. Therefore, the fault detection procedure must be robust against these undesired effects (Chen and Patton, 1999). In case of modelling a dynamic system using an interval model, the predicted output is described by a set that can be bounded at any iteration by an interval (4) yi (k )  [ yˆ i (k ), yˆ i (k ) ] in a non-faulty case. Such interval is computed independently for each output (neglecting couplings between outputs) as follows (5) yˆi (k )  min( yˆi (k , θ )) and yˆi (k )  max( yˆi (k , θ )) θΘ

Such interval can be computed using the algorithm based on numerical optimization presented in (Puig et al., 2003). Then, the fault detection test is based on propagating the parameter uncertainty to the residual, and checking if 0   r ( k ), r ( k )  y( k )   ˆy( k ), ˆy( k ) (6a) or, equivalently y( k )   ˆy( k ), ˆy( k ) (6b) holds or not. In case it does not hold a fault can be indicated.


where u(k) is the measured system input vector, xˆ ( k , θ ) is the estimated space-state vector and yˆ (k , θ ) is the estimated output vector for a given value of θ  Θ . The observer gain matrix L  nxny is designed to stabilize the matrix Ao (θ ) and to guarantee a desired performance regarding fault detection for all θ  Θ (Chilali et al, 1996). Alternatively, the observer given by Eq. (7) can be expressed in input-output form using the q-transform and considering zero initial conditions as follows: ˆy( k )  G( q 1 ,θ )u( k )  H ( q 1 ,θ ) y( k )



G( q 1 ,θ )  C ( θ )  qI  Ao ( θ )


Bo ( θ )  D( θ )

H ( q ,θ )  C ( θ )  qI  Ao ( θ ) 1



Interval observation requires solving the optimization problems introduced in Eq. (5) using Eq. (8). In order to preserve uncertain parameter time-invariance and to avoid 1 the wrapping effect , the observer output prediction in Eq. (5) is substituted by ˆy  k   C  θ  A0  θ k x0  C  θ 

k 1

 A0  θ 

( k  1 j )

B θ  u  j 

j 0


When proceeding in this way, the optimization problems in Eq. (9) will not be convex since the non-linearity with respect 1

The problem of wrapping is related to the use of a crude approximation of set of states associated with the interval simulation. If at each iteration, the true solution set is wrapped into its interval hull, since the overestimation of the wrapped set is proportional to its radius, a spurious growth of the enclosures can result if the composition of wrapping and mapping is iterated.


7th IFAC SAFEPROCESS (SAFEPROCESS’09) Barcelona, Spain, June 30 - July 3, 2009

to parameters. Therefore, the existence of a unique optimum is not guaranteed. In order to guarantee that the global optimum is reached, a global optimization algorithm must be used. In particular, a branch and bound interval arithmetic global optimization based on Hansen’s algorithm (Hansen, 1992) can be used. An additional computational problem appears when using Eq. (9) since the degree of the polynomial in the objective function increases with time. This implies that the amount of computation needed is also increasing with time, being impossible to operate over a large time period. This problem can be solved if the interval system (1) is asymptotically stable (Puig et al., 2003). In this case, the predicted system output at time k depends, approximately, only on the inputs that occurred in a time sliding window with a length  (whose value is of the order of the settling time) and the state at the beginning of such window. Then, Eq. (9) can be approximated by limiting the computation to a finite time horizon as it has been proposed in (Puig et al., 2003).

3.2 Interval ARMA parity equations In case the observer gain in Eq. (7) is taken equal to zero (L=0), the observer becomes an interval simulator, since the output prediction is based only in the inputs and previous and Eq. (8) becomes: output predictions, yˆ (k )  M (q 1 , θ )u(k ) while the residual is given by

parameters as time varying. But, time invariance in uncertainty is wanted to be preserved, a  -order MA parity equation should be used (Tornil et al, 2003). Finally, Ploix et al. (2006) has, recently, proposed a method to obtain the interval parity equations directly from state-space using the Chow-Wilsky scheme.

3.3 Comparison In Puig et al. (2008), the behaviour of the different interval fault detection approaches considered so far are studied and compared using the FDI benchmark proposed in DAMADICS project. Table 1 summarises the results of this comparison. This table can be used as a guideline to decide in which applications an approach is more suitable than the others. Prediction and simulation approaches have antagonist properties: prediction does not suffer from the wrapping effect, has low computational complexity, has low sensitivity to unmodeled dynamics but can suffer the following sensor fault effect and has high sensitivity to sensor noise. On the other side, the simulation approach has the opposite properties, presenting good performance to detect sensor faults in noisy systems. Finally, the observer approach is in the middle, with the advantage that since it has one more degree of freedom (the observer gain), it can be designed trying to minimize the bad effects and maximize the good effects.

(10) r ( k )  y( k )  ˆy( k )  y( k )  M ( q,θ )u( k ) According to (Gertler, 1998), Eq. (10) corresponds with ARMA primary parity equations or residuals. This is an open-loop approach. Interval simulation requires solving the optimization problems following the same strategy as in the case of the interval observer but using the system matrices (1). In order to reduce computing complexity, as in observer case, a time window could be used. In this case this approach is known as  order ARMA parity equation (Tornil et al., 2003).

Table 1. Interval-based fault detection approaches Issue



Wrapping Effect




Computational Complexity




Unmodeled Dynamics












Sensitivity Initial Conditions Sensitivity

Fault Sensitivity

3.3 Interval MA parity equations On the other hand, in case observer gain in Eq. (7) is designed such that the poles are at the origin (deadbeat observer), the observer becomes an interval predictor, since the output prediction is based only in measured inputs and outputs. The prediction equation (9) is moving average (MA) and follows a closed-loop approach. Thus, the corresponding residuals (10) are called MA primary parity equations or residuals (Gertler, 1998). The optimization problems (5) that must be solved now are linear with respect to parameters, and, therefore convex. This means that there exist very efficient algorithms to solve them (as the simplex algorithm). Because of the linearity, the existence of a unique optimum is guaranteed being located in one of the vertices of the parameter uncertainty intervals. Interval prediction is not affected by the problem of wrapping because the predicted output is based on the previous output measurements instead of the interval of the previous predicted outputs (Puig et al., 2003). Thus, interval prediction considers uncertain


Noise Sensitivity

actuator sensor




LP filter

LP filter

Deadbeat Gain



HP filter

HP filter


4.1 Interval fault detection tools Fault detection is based on checking the consistency between the interval model and the measurements through Eq. (6). One way to prove such consistency is by evaluating the interval for predicted outputs by solving the optimization problems in Eq. (5). However, as discussed in Section 3, this is in general a computational complex problem. This is why different alternative techniques to optimization have been proposed.

Modal intervals. One of the first alternatives is based on the use of an extension of classical interval analysis based on


7th IFAC SAFEPROCESS (SAFEPROCESS’09) Barcelona, Spain, June 30 - July 3, 2009

modal intervals (Sainz et al, 2002). Such extended interval arithmetic allows in some cases reducing the overestimation that classical interval analysis produce when evaluating an interval function because of the problem of variable multincidences. Using such extended interval arithmetic a tool named Semi-Qualitative Tracking (SQualTrack) has been developed in the context of the European project CHEM (Armengol et al, 2004). Fault detection is based on a interval parity equations with different window lengths in order to avoid the fault-following effect due to the correction of model predictions using measurements.

Subpavings. Another, alternative to the use of optimization is to propagate the uncertainty iteratively by approximating the exact uncertain sets, that in general have a complex shape, by the use of subpavings (Jaulin, et al. 2001). Then, a set arithmetic based on subvapings can be used to test the consistency between the interval model and available mesuarements (Ocampo et. al, 2006). To implement such a consistency check using subpavings, a set of operations: the direct (ImageSp) and inverse image (Sivia) of interval functions, developed by Jaulin et al (2001), among others, can be used. Constraints satisfaction. However, the use of set computations using subpavings has, in general, a high complexity (Jaulin et al., 2001). A relaxation is done approximating the variable domains by means of intervals and finding the solution through solving an Interval Constraints Satisfaction Problem. The ICSP is solved using a tool based on interval constraint propagation, known as Interval Peeler (Baguenard, 2005). The goal of this software is to determine the solution of ICSP in case that the domains are represented by closed real intervals. The solution provides refined interval domains consistent with the set of ICSP constraints. Ocampo et. al (2006) has proposed ICSP as means in the context of passive robust fault detection using interval models. Polytopes and zonotopes. Alternatively to the use of subpavings other more simple and less computational demanding shapes can be used to evaluate the consistency of an interval model and the measurements. In particular, Planchon and Lunze (2006) and Adrot and Flaus (2008) have proposed the use of polytopes for fault detection using interval models. On the other hand, Ingimundarson et al (2008) and Guerra et all (2008) have proposed the use of zonotopes. 4.2 Interval fault isolation tools The consistency checking (5) has been bridged with AI approaches to build the diagnosis tool CA~EN. CA~EN (like Causal Engine) is a tool rooted in the Qualitative Reasoning (QR) and Model based Diagnosis (MBD) communities (Travé-Massuyès and Milne, 1996; Travé-Massuyès et al., 2001; Travé-Massuyès et al., 2003). The first version, CA~EN 1.0, was built following pure qualitative lines: the value set of the physical quantities are

discretized into a discrete quality space, and the reasoning makes use of the fact that a quantity can only have predefined qualitative values. These are useful to achieve predictive and explanatory tasks from an incomplete and imprecise representation of the domain in terms of approximate relations. When considering to build a model-based diagnosis system based on the CA~EN modeling formalism for the gasturbine domain in the framework of the TIGER project, it was concluded that pure qualitative models would not be sufficient for fault detection (Travé-Massuyès and Milne, 1997). The CA~EN formalism was hence extended to cope with more numeric features and revised prediction algorithms achieved the completeness property required for diagnosis applications (Travé-Massuyès et al., 2001). CA~EN is a causal and constraint-based reasoning system whose representation formalism includes: - A causal model in the form of an influence graph in which the links represent influences between pairs of variables, referred as the local level, - A constraint level which allows one to represent non linearities, referred as the global level. Both levels can manage imprecise knowledge. A CA~EN program represents a formal model of the physical system built from knowledge about the physics underlying the behaviour of the system. Causal influences allow one to represent causal dependency type knowledge. Influences are labelled by the underlying component(s). The internal structure of CA~EN includes two processing modules corresponding to the main tasks to be performed in fault diagnosis: - A fault detection module based on a causal interval prediction mechanism. - A fault isolation module based on an abstraction of the models in terms of timed causal models. The CA~EN fault detection strategy is a mixed strategy which combines an interval MA parity equations (closed-loop mode) with an interval ARMA parity equations (open-loop mode). This strategy is called a Semi-Closed Loop(SCL) strategy (Escobet et al. (2001)). This software computes 1st and 2nd order models and all influence parameters but the delays can be given as an interval value when known with imprecision or a real value otherwise. The intuition behind the SCL strategy is related to two issues: - The closed-loop mode performs successive one step ahead predictions, obtaining this way tighter interval estimates Armengol et al. (2000). - As soon as the variable becomes alarming, running on a closed-loop mode would drive the prediction to “follow the fault”, turning the fault detection procedure insensitive to the fault (see Table 1). The SCL strategy has been compared to pure open-loop and closed-loop strategies in the case of abrupt and drift faults and happens to be a valuable trade-off, in particular SCL results in lower detection times (Tornil et al., 2003; Travé-Massuyès et al., 2001). The diagnosis process is initiated as soon as a variable is reported as misbehaving and the causal graph is used to detect the conflict set (or components set which one could


7th IFAC SAFEPROCESS (SAFEPROCESS’09) Barcelona, Spain, June 30 - July 3, 2009

produce the detected inconsistency). As new symptoms for a given fault may appear across time, it is important for the diagnosis procedure to be incremental. In CA~EN, we use a timed extension of an incremental revised version of Reiter’s algorithm Reiter (1987). Diagnoses are given as sets of faulty components labeled by their corresponding time of failure Travé-Massuyès and Calderon (2007). 5. REAL APPLICATIONS The interval methods and tools described in this paper have been used in some real applications. This section describes two of them.5.1 TIGER-SHEBA The TIGER and TIGER SHEBA European Projects were both leaded by Intelligent Applications Ltd and managed by Rob Milne2. The consortium included end users3 and a research team composed of LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse (France) and SAC-UPC (Spain). TIGER, full name “Real-Time Assessement of Dynamic, Hard to Measure Systems”, ran within the European ESPRIT program from 1992 to 1995. This project sets the basis of the TIGERTM tool, commercialized by IA Ltd. TIGER-SHEBA, full name “TIGER with Model Based Diagnosis”, succeeded to TIGER in the ESPRIT TRIAL Applications European program starting in 1998 and ending in 2000 (Project n°27548). TIGER SHEBA enhanced TIGERTM by integrating the model-based diagnosis system CA~EN. The design of TIGERTM, the CA~EN software and its integration in TIGER-SHEBA have led to an innovative product for gas turbine monitoring and diagnosis that has been commercialized all over the world, and to the dissemination of scientific ideas in recognized scientific journals and conferences, with a Best Application Paper Award in the Expert Systems Conference ES’95, Cambridge, UK in 1995 Milne et al. (1995). TIGER-SHEBA was recognized in 2001 with an award from the European Commission among the 25 best European ESPRIT projects and received the Research & Technology Duran Farell Award from UPC sponsored by the Gas Natural Corporation in 2002 (Quevedo et al. (2002)). The focus of the development performed within TIGER SHEBA was to use the CA~EN software. The CA~EN system was used on critical sub-systems of several gas turbines such as the gas and liquid fuel systems. Extensive testing of the TIGER /CA~EN system was carried out. Numerous test runs were conducted varying from 2 weeks to 2 months at a time covering key periods of operation for the considered gas turbines. In addition, the combined system runs continuously on-line on the Frame 6 gas turbine of the National Power’s cogeneration plant at Aylesford (UK).

5.2 DAMADICS DAMADICS was a Research Trained Network funded by the European Commission under Framework V. It started in 2

Rob Milne died in June 5, 2005 during the ascent of Everest. The paper Travé-Massuyès (2006) reports about CaEN within the TIGER and TIGER SHEBA projects in his memory. 3 Exxon Chemical (UK), John Brown Engineering (UK) and Dassault Aviation (France) in TIGER, and Kvaerner Energy Ltd (UK) and National Power Cogen (UK) in TIGER SHEBA.

2000 and ends in 2003. The institutions involved in this Network were the University of Hull (co-ordinator), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, the Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg, Università Degli Studi di Genova, Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, Instituto Superior Técnico de Lisboa, Warsaw University of Technology and the Technical University of Zielona-Gora. The objectives were providing training and mobility in the synthesis and development of methods and on-line diagnostic tools for applications in power, food processing and chemical industries. During this Network, a diagnosis benchmark case study based on an industrial smart actuator used in the evaporation station of a sugar factory in Poland, was developed (Bartys and de las Heras, 2003). The smart actuator consists of a control valve, a pneumatic servomotor and a smart positioner. It allowed testing and comparing the methods presented in Section 3. The obtained results are published in (Puig et al. 2006) and (Puig, et al. 2008), among others. The main conclusions of this comparative study were that simulation/observation approach gives a very timeconsuming due to the complexity of optimization problems that must be solved, however , it provides a persistent fault indication when a fault appears in the control valve. This has lead to the research of new methods not based on optimization that try to alleviate such computational complexity (see Section 5.1) 6. CONCLUSIONS This paper shows an overview of interval models to represent complex systems and how these models can be used for fault detection. Three basic modes (interval simulation, interval prediction and interval observation) have been briefly presented and compared. Also, available tools for implementing fault detection using intervals, as the well known fault diagnosis tool based on interval models named CAEN, has been presented in this paper. Finally two FDI applications based on interval models for gas turbines and servo-actuators have been briefly described and referenced in this paper. REFERENCES Adrot, J. and J. M. Flaus (2008). “Fault detection based on uncertain models with bounded parameters and bounded parameter variations”. Proceedings of the 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, Korea, July 6-11. Armengol, J., L. Travé-Massuyès, J. Vehi and J. Ll. de la Rosa (2000). “Survey on interval model simulators and their properties related to fault detection”. Annual Reviews in Control, vol. 24, No. 1., pp. 31-39. Armengol, J., J Vehí, M..A. Sainz and P, Herrero (2004). “Industrial application of a fault detection tool based on interval models”. International Conference on Integrated Modeling and Analysis in applied Control and Automation, 2004. Bartyś, M. and S. de las Heras (2003). “Actuator simulation of the DAMADICS benchmark actuator system”. In Proceedings of IFAC SafeProcess, pp 963-968, Washington DC. USA.


7th IFAC SAFEPROCESS (SAFEPROCESS’09) Barcelona, Spain, June 30 - July 3, 2009

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