Proceedings of a !VIeeting of the Society held on Friday, IV[arch 15th, 1913, at 5.30 p.m., at 11, Chandos Street, Cavendish Square,W.1, SurgeonGeneral Sir DAVID B~Jc]~, K.C.B., F.I~.S. (Preside~t), in the Chair.
T H E D E A T H OF DR. F. M. S A N D W I T H . The P!aI~SlDENT : I very much regret to announce that Colonel F. ~ . SANDWITH, our late President, died at Bournemouth a few days ago, after his return from Egypt. As you are aware, Colonel SANDWITH,at the beginning of the war, took a great deal of interest in the Red Cross Organisation. In December, 1915, he was engaged as Physician to the King George Hospital, and in the same year he went out to Egypt as Colonel in the Army Medical Service. Colonel Sa~DWIT~ was one of the original members of this Society. He took part in the founding of it in 1907, and in that year became one of the first Joint Secretaries. Afterwards he was a Vice-President, and finally, 1915-17, he was our President. Owing to the war and to his having to go to Egypt, he was unable to take the chair except on one or two occasions. As you all knew Dr. SANI)WI~H, it is unnecessary for me to enter more fully into the subject of his life-work at present, especially as a notice will appear in the TRANSACTIONS setting forth the main facts. I move the following resolution : - " The Fellows of the Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, at their Meeting to-day, have heard with great regret of the death of their colleague and past President, Colonel SAN])WIWH, and desire to convey to his widow and other members of his family an expression of their sincere sympathy." Sir RONALI) ROSS: I, as a past President, would like to second that, sir. The resolution was agreed to in silence.