The Diagnosis and Treatment of Infections. By D. Geraint James, M.A., M.D. 224 pages, 24 tables, I figure. Charles C Thomas, PubIisher. Springfield, III., 1957. Price $6.00.
This book is written in three parts with an attempt to outIine very briefIy nearly a11 infections, giving the diagnosis and antibiotic treatment. The first section gives the initia1 isoIation antimicrobia1 range, indications for use, forms and dosage of various antibiotics. The Iast chapter of this section giving the compIications of these drugs is somewhat incompIete but the remainder of this section is very good. Section II Iists, in an orderIy manner, organisms, the diagnosis of the disease process each causes, prevention and treatment. Treatment in severa instances is far from complete, even in outIine form, and in a few instances differs somewhat from accepted therapy in the United States. AIthough there may be sporadic disagreements with antibiotic dosage as given by the author, these differences wiI1 generaIIy be of IittIe significance. Section 111 presents infections invoIving various organ systems. The tabIes, twenty-four in number, as we11 as the orderIy arrangement of materia1, make this a fairIy good quick reference book. On the other hand, the incompIete coverage of treatment in many instances, combined with an aImost compIete absence of reference material, serves to detract from its use by those having a clinica problem at hand and desiring a solution. ROGER D. WILLIAMS, M.D.
An Introduction to Chest Surgery. By G. FlaveIl, (Eng.), Press. New York,
(Lond.) Oxford 1957. Price $7.50.
Journal of Surgery,
Volume 96, Seplember, rg58
The Pharmacologic Principles of Medical Practice. Bv John C. Krantz. Jr. and C. JeIIeff Carr. Fourth e&tion. The WiIIiams and WiIkins Company. Baltimore, 1958. Price $14.00.
This is the fourth edition of a we11 received standard textbook of medica pharmacoIogy. It is we11 written and physioIogicaIIy oriented. The text is primariIy aimed at the medica student, generaIist and internist. It is of onIy incidenta interest to the surgeon as a reference work. The reviewer, a surgeon, is not qualified to undertake any more critica appraisa1 of a text fundamentaIIy directed at a different target. However, a perusa1 of certain of the chapters, e.g., those on antimicrobia1 agents, autonomic nervous system, steroid hormones, etc., wouId be of vaIue to any physician or surgeon. ROBERT N. WATMAN,M.D. Management of Complications in Eye Surgery. By R. M. FasaneIIa, M.D., Editor. W. B. Saunders Company. PhiIadeIphia, 1957. Price $16.00.
In the preface the author states that his main purpose was to write a book which wouId be readily understood by students. In this American
goa the author has admirabIy succeeded. His sections on the Iungs, pleura, mediastinum and esophagus are excellent. He describes the basic physioIogy, basic pathology and the surgica1 principIes invoIved. His methods of treatment are we11 tested. The section on congenita1 heart Iesions is somewhat behind current concepts, particuIarIy insofar as open heart surgery goes, but this background materia1 wil1 stiI1 be of value to the student. This is an exceIIent book which shouId be acquired by a11students, interns and beginning residents to aid them during their exposure to cIinica1 problems in thoracic surgery. HOWARDD. SIRAK, M.D.
As editor, Dr. FasaneIIa has assembIed exceIIent chapters by recognized authorities deaIing with topics in which each is speciaIIy 474