honorary Lieutenant-Colonel and Captain Hine to honorary Major. In elucidating the various scientific problems associated with cerebro-spinal fever the Medical Research Committee had the cooperation,
Annotatiions. "
Ne quid nimis."
also, of several expert bacterioThe parts of Great Britain.
in various
IN the recently published fasciculus of the Times details of the bacteriological operations of the central are described correctly in the History of the War,’ among other subjects dealt with excellentlaboratory narrative given in the Times History of is the epidemic of cerebro-spinal fever which early the War. in 1915 gravely threatened the troops in training throughout the British Isles. The latest account THE DIET OF THE BRAIN-WORKER. states that in January, 1915, the Director-General THE amount of fuel required in the economy of of the Army Medical Services invited the Medical Research Committee to come to his assistance, and the man whose employment entails bodily exercise that immediately after this a plan of campaign was in greater or less degree has been fully discussed drawn up. This account is not quite accurate, during the last few months, but the brain-worker it ignores the valuable work that was done by Colonel still remains in doubt as to the minimum intake of W. H. Horrocks, C.B., A.M.S., Adviser on Sanitation food which he requires. The text-books have so far contented themselves with pointing out that to the Army Council, and by R. J. Reece, H.A.C., assistant medical officer to thei brain-work, of whatever grade of intensity, is Local Government Board, who from the time that associated with a scarcely measurable increase in cerebro.spinal fever was made compulsorily notifiable metabolism. Professor W. M. Bayliss, in a course in September, 1912, had been watching the behaviour of lectures delivered last autumn at University of the disease among the civil population. College, London, and now forming the basis of a two experts were asked by the Director-General to useful little manual,1 comes to the rescue of the brain-worker and suggests that there is another prepare a scheme for administering measures the prevention and control of cerebro- spinal fever consideration besides the actual quantity of energy For this purpose Surgeon- developed by mental activity which should be among the troops. Colonel Reece was seconded by Sir Alfred Keogh taken into account. The oxygen consumed by any from his regiment to devote his whole time to organ is an index of the food required by that supervise the arrangements. A full account of organ. Experimental results prove that, although this pioneer work was published in the Journal of the actual consumption of oxygen in the nerve the Royal Army Medical Corps in June, 1915. The centres is not great, it has to be supplied at a high I scheme, which is still in operation, has proved very pressure. This is shown by the fact that even successful. The various Army Commands in Eng- momentary stoppage of the food-supply causes immediate unconsciousness, although the oxygen land, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland were in each of which a into suitable areas, laboratory of the blood still remaining in the brain cannot under a skilled bacteriologist was established, and, have been exhausted. Professor Bayliss suggests in addition, a special record-keeper was appointed the analogy of an electro-magnet wound with thin wire which does not need much current to actuate in each area to make out lists of persons and to obtain accurate information as to the it, but which, owing to the high resistance of the in every case as wire, requires a high voltage to drive the current sanitary environment, &c., it occurred. Both the district bacteriologists through. It is, at any rate, possible that efficient and the record-keepers made periodical reports mental work may require food to be presented at to the War Office. At an early stage the newly high pressure, and that a brain-worker should take a established laboratories in England and Wales diet of energy value equivalent to that of moderate The question deserves further were inspected by Surgeon-Colonel Reece, who also muscular work. same the district in at the time instructed officers their duties in connexion with cerebro-spinal fever. TWO SIGNS OF THYROID ABSCESS. A part of the original scheme was the appointment of a skilled bacteriologist whose services would THYROID abscess is usually considered a very rare be available as a consultant, and to undertake condition. However, in the Boston Medical and research work, as the characters of the disease Surgical Journal of Jan. 18th Dr. F. H. Lahey has The carrying out reported three cases which he has seen within were not yet thoroughly known. of this portion of the scheme was made possible a few months among a large number of thyroid by the Medical Research Committee agreeing to cases coming under his observation. He has also defray the cost of the consultant, who should give pointed out two signs which do not appear to have his whole time to the work. Dr. Mervyn Gordon, previously received attention-viz., limitation of assistant pathologist to St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, chin elevation and depression of the cbin on the who had previously done admirable work in con- sternum when swallowing. In two of the cases nexion with the bacteriology of cerebro-spinal there was a history of tonsillitis and in the other fever for the Local Government Board, was ap- the abscess appeared during recovery from bronchopointed to the post, receiving the honorary rank pneumonia. One case was sent to the hospital asa of Major in the Royal Army Medical Corps. A cyst of the thyroid, and had practically every appearcentral laboratory was established at the Royal ance of that condition, as well as the two signs Army Medical College, Mil)bank, and later, mentioned. In all the cases there was a tender swellwhen the work had greatly increased, Dr. T. G. M. ing across the neck and corresponding, for the most Hine was appointed assistant bacteriologist, with part, to the outline of the thyroid gland. In one the honorary rank of Captain. The value of thecase there was some redness of the skin over services of these two expert bacteriologists swelling. In the other two the skin was already been recognised by the Army Council, and normal. There was fluctuation in all the cases, Major Mervyn Gordon has been promoted to The Physiology of Food and Economy in Diet. London : Longmans, 1 --
for !
132, vol. xi.,
27th, 1917.
and Co.
Price 2s. net.