In the normal gland the Hodian’s staining revealed a rich supply of nerves around the al.itrl and in t,he connective tissue septa. Fluorescent fibres were seen around blood vessels and in th<. ronnectire tissue sept,a as well. AChE-positive nerves ran in the conn&ive tissue srpt,a awl each acinus was surrounded by them. There wax a dense network of AChE-posit& nerves aro~~ntl blood vessels. With the elect’ron microscope the nerves revealed an Al’hE reaction and Ore>were in close contact with the glandular cells and blood vessels. (‘ervical sympathectomy a,nd the ophthalmic neurotomy destroyed all I hc fl~~ore~cc~~t n,~vcbL]t cawed no changes in the AChE-containing nerves. (‘iliary ganglionwtom>did not affect t II~, fluorescent nerves. -411 ,-\(‘hE-containing fibres disappeared after zygomatic Iwurotom~-. Seithc,r cervical sympathectom~ nor ophthalmic neon-otomy affel%etl the .4(‘hE-positive nerw pies II; ;Irolmrl the hlootl w~srls.
Quantitative Studies on the Experimental Hamster
of the Conjunctiva
in Syrian Golden
.\ 1 I!,, solution of tlirlietll~lbenzanthr,~c,cnc (DMBAI in Iitl~~itl p:uxffirl uas dropput tl;lily #111<) the conjunctival sac’ of syrian golden hamsters for fi\ t’ nwn ths. (‘olljrlnc.tiva1 s(wpings IVVI’<’ prepared weekly and stained wit,h the Fculgen technique for nuclear D.K.1. The ccllrdar alterations of the desyuamated cells in the course of carcinogenesis induced b,v DJII3;\ \V(W studied I)\. means of cytophotometric measurements of the nuclear size and Feulgen-- US.1 cuntent. In the controls predominantly degenerating epithelial cells 4.211 pvcnotic nuclei anti I).\.‘\ valnes below the diploid DNA content were exfoliated. The al,plic;at’ion of I~Mf3.Z c~~r~setl :I t first a reactive inflammation. reaching a maximum on the elcrenth day and char:t~~trri~ctl I)? nlnmst two-fold enlargement of t,he epithelial nu~lci with dispersed ~~hromatin strllctrlre. \\‘itll remission of the inflammation the size of the cpithelial nllc:lei decreased alter on,’ Inol\th. I)III.III~ the progress of carcinogenesis. however, their size increased again. The average chromatin densit > changed in inverse proportion to the enlargement, of the ~~~l(.lear volumes. corwornitant Ivith t ht, . development of mflammation, and remained almost con&ant in further curcirmgmvsi>. in t tw course of’ which an increasing number of c~,lls with DSA \-alues c~sweding tlw diploiti :mcl PLY.II tetraploid USA content appeared in the smears. Scvertheless. carcinomas or wr~~inom~~ -ill-
Morphological, Histochemical Alkali Burns
and Metabolic
Contribution of the Equidensity Circulation
in the Conjunctiva
to the Angiographic
of Rabbits after
Study of Chorio-retinal
Fluorescence angiography cnablcs us to study the choroid and t lw (,horiocapillaris irl a t;*u privileged cases. Taking mto account the fact that at one given time of the angiopraphy ;rurl at one given point’ of the picture. the pigmsnt,ary filling is proportional to the c,irculatorp irttcnsitj, of the choriocapillary situated immediatelybe&d it. \\e have tried to study this filliqc on wrl\ angiograms of normal fundi by t,hc “~yuidensit,ies”. The study of the circulatory delays by this technique enables IIS I o wntirn1 the alltonoluolt> character of each rhoriocapillary t,erritory. The network fringes sit,uated arowxl rach territor! appear to be pictures of a venular anastomotic system, sllrroundin g each choriompillary id;~nrl.
The Distribution S.
The distribution has been studied
of Mucopolysaccharides AKU
in Normal and Detached Retinas
of mucopolysaccharides by light and electron
in normal microscopy.
and erperimentally The significance
detached rabbit of rnrlcop(~l.vsarcharitles
relation to the maintenance of retinal apposition to the pigment epithelium is considered. The findings are discussed in relation to t,he distribution of mucopolysaccharides in the normal human retina and in spontaneous exudative detachment of thr retina in an eye enucleat,ed for malignant, melanoma.
Experimental Autoimmune Study (exhibit)
and Scanning
Lightand electron-microscopic study of the chorio-retinal lesions induced in guinea pigs II> syst,emic immunization with bovine (rod outer segments or extract) or guinea pigs (homologous or aut,ologous) retinas, Choroidal inflammatory infiltrate and degenerative rhanges in the external layers of the retina are studied during the evolution of the disease f’rom six days to six months. Chorio-retinal lymphoid follicles and evidence for the participation of a humoral-mediat,etl mechanism are presented. Scanning electron microsrope examination of bot’h epithelial and photorrwptor surfaces allows an original visualizxt,ion of the lesions.
Light- and Electron-microscopic Retina (exhibit)
Study of a Paving Stone Degeneration
of a Peripheral
Slacroscopical aspect of t,he lesion. General vie\\- of the retina1 atrophy. Difference between t.hc aspect of the c>dpes and the centre. and problem of the solidity of this lesion. Relations wit,h the adjacent choroidal vascular abnormalities. Changes of the Bruch membrane and pseudo-elastic, changes of the collagen tissue. Relations with the microcystic degeneration of the retina. Xspw~t of thr ritreorrtinal junction in front of the lesion.
The Freeze-etching Jt. HIRWII.
(;. Rmartn,
for the Study of the Cornea1 Ultrastructure
J. P. P.k[-RE
P. P.~YIM~Y,
The frerze-etching technique allows the observation with the transmission of replicas of freeze-fwtured, fixed or non-fixed tissues, previously cooled This method is used for the study of the cornea1 ultrastructure. (I) (General tibrillar tester ultrastruc~turr nlrmlwi,;l,~.
characteristics of the stroma. and a puzzle-like
(2) Ohwrration plant twquent.ly techniyuc, gives
of the epithelial, stromal and endothelial layers, especially the and, for the endothelium. the spiral surface of cells. their internal meshwork of the basal cell membrane in contact with Deswmrt’s
in Fluorescence WEICELIN
Angiography U. METZLEB.
(exhibit) Bonn.
As with angiography of the cerebral vesseIs, the phot,ographir to fluorescwwe angiography of t,he eye. Technical details exhibit.
High Speed Cineangiography I). \Y. HILL
electron microscope at, low temperature.
of intercellular membranes and junctions in the endothelium: the cleamw runs through the lipid bilayer of the plasma membrane of cells; thus. the a good picture of A and B faces of the membrane. and its junct,ional complexes.
subtraction and examples
method are
can be applied presented in the
(exhibit) Londan
This exhibit demonstrates by photographs and text the apparatus assembled for cineangiographp in the experimental animal at speeds up to 141 pictures per second. A Zeiss fundus camera with improved light transmission (manufacturer’s modificabion) images the retina through an auxiliar? lens on the film plane of a Photosonics 16 I.P. camera. Stroboscopic illumination is provided b> an Illumination Industries X80 high pressure xenon arc discharging a nominal 0.7 J/flash provided bj- a power pack built to the specification of the Central Unit for Scientific Photography. Royal Aircraft Establishment. Triggering is controlled by a correlation pulse from the camera shutter. The rompact light source is converted to an annular image by insertion of an axicon. ‘l’h~~ angiopraphic sequence is controlled by a laboratory built unit which provides a ?-set