Hor/7rop.~ ~,,t,nor!l,foic/~,,s venom exhibircd strong proteolytic and phospholipase A2 iictivlties. Sodium dodecyl sulfate~polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of this venom showed strongly stained hand5 at mol. wta 14.700, 23.000 15,000, 45,000. 54.1)00 and 63.000, and weakly stained handy at mol. wis 17,000. 30.000. 40.000 and 8.5.000. lmmunohlotting showed that most of the B o,i?nroc!~,toirk,.s venom components cross-react with immune strum against B. al!~rncrf~r.\ venom This agrtie\ with the lhct that I .O ml of bivalent antihothropic (R. r//r~rr~tuc rind B. ~~o~V~,dii) sel-um (from Institute hacional de Mlcrobiologia ‘Dr Carlos G. Malbrlin’. Hucnos Aires, Argentina) neutr-alited I.2 mg of N. cnl,/,lot/~.ir~ir/~,\ venom (i.e. I76 I.W I.v.. mice).