objects of the association are in no degree mittee was anticipated by Mr. Crosse, who, connected with a private end, and therefore in 1835, took the business out of their hands its members feel assured that it will secure the into his own. How far this was courteous towards the Ipswich committee and their encouragement of all governors or visitors of chairman I shall not to pretend
determine ;;
for the insane. The honorary se- but unless some one be aware of a prior is cretary Dr. SAMUEL HITCH, of Gloucester, claim, and I am inaccurate in the statement to whom communications on the subject of facts and dates, I think I shall be warranted in drawing the conclusion that the should be addressed. honour of being the founders of the Eastern Provincial Association belongs to Dr. THE EASTERN PROVINCIAL Bedingfield and the Ipswich committee, a ASSOCIATION. circumstance which has never hitherto been acknowledged. I am far from wishing to To the Editor of THE LANCET. detract from the real merits of Mr. Crosse, SIR,—Can any of your readers inform me who has proved himself to be an active and who was the originator or founder of the efficient secretary to the association, and it Eastern Medical Provincial Association; is but justice to admit that he, in conjuncfor, unless I have been misinformed, and tion with other gentlemen, was instrumental dates and memory fail me, the gentle- in effecting a junction of the Eastern with man who has been toasted and lauded the Western Association, that is to say, of and lauded and toasted, until he has been converting a trunk into a branch, an inde,’done quite brown," has but small preten- pendent into a dependent association. This, sions to that distinction. To the best of my perhaps, will be regarded, by some, as a recollection the first time I ever heard of negative kind of honour, of which not many Medical Provincial Associations was in a will be covetous, and it certainly does proposal for establishing one in the county sound strangely to hear a man designated of Suffolk, in 1827, by Mr. Bedingfield, of the founder of an association which he only Stowmarket, which he again brought for- helped to metamorphose into a branch. Such ward at the first Costello meeting, in 1833 ; afoundation was probably first laid in the and, although Mr. Bedingfield was in both sister kingdom. instances strongly opposed by the late Mr. Once upon a time, as the story goes, a King, of Saxmundham, a committee was certain divine clapped a sort of extinguisher appointed to carry it into effect. Thefollow. upon the top of a fine gothic steeple, which ing is a copy of the minutes of the proceed- little toad’s-cup excrescence the modest man and some of his admiring parishioners ings of that committee :"Monday, Dec. 9, 1833.-A meeting of designated a spire;but others, in their zeal the committee appointed by a numerous to do honour to the splendid architectural assemblage of medical practitioners residing device of their worthy rector, declared that in the counties of Suffolk and Essex, on the he was the founder of the steeple. Mr. lOth of Oct. 1833, was this day held at the Crosse helped to clap a sort of extinguisher Literary Institution, Ipswich. Present,- upon the Eastern Provincial Association, Mr. Bedingfield, of Stowmarket, in the and he is now most sensibly eulogised by ehair; Dr. Baird; Mr. H. Bartlett; Mr. his admirers as the founder of a branch f I Bullen; Mr. Francis.-Resolved, lst. That have the honour to remain, Sir, very respectit appears to this committee desirable that fully your’s, A MEM. OF THE E. P. ASSOCIATION. an association of medical practitioners, Ipswich, Aug. 22, 1843. residing in this and the adjoining counties, should be formed, and designated the Eastern Provincial Medical and Surgical CASE RELATED BY MR. SAMPSON. Association.-Resolved, 2nd. That in order To the Editor of THE LANCET. to effect this object letters should be addressed to the practitioners of Cambridge, SIR,—In your report of the meeting of the Norwich, Yarmouth, Bury, and Colchester, Provincial Association at Stowmarket,I and the intervening places, requesting them observe that you have marked with a note the word insecto co-operate in its views and plans, and to of admiration enrol themselves members thereof. (Signed) tii7ora, as applied to Mr. Sampson’s case. J. 0. FRANCIS, Secretary." As that part of the report was drawn up by Mr. Crosse, of Norwich, was I will briefly state why I designated myself amongst tho;e who were solicited to assist in carrying the case as I did. The case, as related by out the second resolution. Mr. Sampson, appeared to the medical men In 1834 the necessity of carrying these present to be one of ingenious but gross deresolutions into active operation was again ception on the part of the patient. He stated urged by Mr. Bedingfield, and so effectively that the patient was reported by her that only a favourable opportunity was friends, who were very respectable, to have awaited for calling the profession together. repeatedly passed per anum numerous speciIn this intention, however, the Ipswich comof cockroaches, beetles, swifts, locusts