The Effect of Cystine on Human Milk Production

The Effect of Cystine on Human Milk Production

THE EFFECT OF CYSTINE ON HUMAN :lMILK PRODUCTION R. G. DAGGS, PH.D., BURLINGTON, VT. (From the Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, Univer...

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(From the Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, University of Ver,mont) ~E

T mterest to many mvest1gators.

effect of diet. upon. milk production has constituted a matter of

Ssubotin,l in 1886, working with dogs found that the diet had an important effect upon the composition of the milk. Voit,2 in 1869, showed that a high protein diet was particularly effective in stimulating milk production. Hooblera studied the effect of various forms and quantities of protein upon human milk production. His work brought out the importance of a diet relatively high in good quality animal protein. The findings of Adair,4 using a large series of human subjects, further emphasized the advisability of a high protein diet. Hitchcock5 has shown that rats raised larger and healthier litters when they were fed meat in addition to an adequate balanced diet. Daggs,s working with dogs, showed liver to be the best source of protein of those tried.

The conclusions were borne out not only by the quantity of milk produced but by the quality as welL The nitrogen retention in the mother was better and the growth of the pups superior for those animals receiving the liver diet. The next step was to find what factor in the liver was acting as the lactagogue. Wilkinson and Nelson7 claimed fresh liver contained a lactation-promoting substance that was destroyed at 120° C. and was not soluble in ether. Smith and Seegerss found an alcohol and water soluble, ether insoluble substance in liver capable of stimulating lactation in rats. Mapson9 demonstrated the presence of a lactagogue which he called '' physin'' in a water extract of autolyzed liver. Nakahara and his associates,1o in a series of papers, show evidence for the existence of a lactation vitamin (L,) that may be obtained from beef liver. Daggs and Tomboulianll demonstrated that protein degradation products, extracts and amino acids that contained the lactation principle all had a relatively high sulphur eontent. Daggs and Lidfeldti2 showed that cystine, cysteine, and methionine acted as lactagogues. Wright and Haagla presented evidence that the lactationpromoting properties of rations containing alfalfa proteins were markedly enhanced by the addition of cystine. In another paper,H they postulated the belief that cystine and methionine serve to make sulphur-deficient protein nutritionally complete rather than to act as lactation stimulants per se. It is our belief that the S-H-containing amino acids do more than this. Daggs and Tombouliann pointed out that, ''It is definitely known that casein is relatively low in cystine and it may be surmised that the added cystine is merely making a more complete protein of casein. But liver and egg are both considered sources of good complete proteins, and even when fed at practically two times the level they did not give as good results as the casein plus cystine diet." The S-H compounds evidently are utilized in the secretion of milk as Harding and Caryl5 suggested. Whether they act directly upon the mammary gland cells or through the pituitary we cannot say as yet. Recent work concerning the action of glutathione on cellular proliferation would tend to support the former view. The fact that prolactin contains sulphur (White and othersl6) may suggest the idea that cystine is needed by the pituitary to produce prolactin. However, the hormone prolactin does not have the same marked effect upon human beings that it does on pigeons. Rossu has shown that it takes very large doses of prolactin to increase milk production even to a slight extent in human beings.





Four cases are presented, one of which was studied for ovee three months. All patients were multiparas having a history of either failing or no milk supply with previous babies. In the first three eases tbf' patients were allowed the regular hospital ration. Iu addition 1 Gm. each of cystine, glycine and glutamic acid was given with breakfast, 2 Gm. of each of the amino acids with dinner, and 2 Gm. with supper, making a total of 5 Gm. each per day. This combination of amino acids was used in order to allow the body material to manufacture glutathione. The suggestion came from the work of Daggs and 'l'omboulian. 11 It is not advisable to give too large a dose of cystine for fear of damaging the kidney (Curtis and others18 ). A diet high in the B vitamins, however, protects against this damage to a great extent (HartwelP 9 ). None of these cases showed any sign of kidney disturbance even though one of the subjects had a moderate albuminuria before delivery. The amino acids were either sprinkled on the food or given in lemonade. All patients wE're eooperative and in favor of the experiment. The milk production was obtained by weighing the baby before and after nursing. Nursing was followed by pumping the breasts in the third case. Observations were made until the time of leaving the hospitaL No means were available in these three cases for collecting data after that time. The results of the first three cases are shown in Fig. 1. The patient in Case 1 showed no signs of milk seeretion until the eleventh day. Just before leaving the hospital an additional 28 Grn. were obtained by breast pump (shown by the shaded area in tl1e chart). The patient in Case 2 was seen on the evening of the sixth day post partum, having shown no milk secretion. The amino acid feeding was started at breakfast the next morning. At 2 o'clock that afternoon 50 Gm. of milk were obtained by the infant from the breast. The following day the patient complained of engorged breasts. It might be argued that the milk was slow in starting to be secreted and would have started on the seventh day regardless of the feeding regime. This seems improbable since milk secretion generally begins before this time and the patient had a history of a lack of milk secretion with the previous baby. Case 3 is particularly interesting since it was obtained sooner, second day post partum. The history revealed the following: Baby born three years before. Put to breast continuously for three months without obtaining any milk. Baby had to be given full formula from the third day on.... In this instance both the am:ount obtained by the baby and that by pump are reeorded. It might be said that the application of the breast pump had a great deal to do with the milk flow, but. a strong healthy baby was unable to obtain any milk during the previous confinement. Because of the many factors that may have influenced the results of the first three cases and because of the short perio



on to the eightieth day when the milk was taken for analysis, the infant received sufficient milk from the breasts to maintain a normal growth rate. On the twelfth day, two days after leaving the hospital, the patient developed a tetany and engorged breasts which were relieved by using the breast pump. The tetany probably was caused by the sudden shift of calcium from the body tissues to the milk. The milk production continued normal without cystine feeding until the thirty-eighth day when the baby appeared hungry and its weight curve began to flatten. On the thirty-ninth day, cystine again was given as shown on the chart. The patient learned to adjust the cystine dose so as to maintain normally filled CASE3




400 CASE 2

360 320



240 200 160



eo 40 0







Fig, 1. J11A8Y

















.. 2 z







II I I 791113f38

eoo 400







r.IILK 900

I48 I··:!0



&4 ll8 • DAY$ POSTPAATU!ol


200 100 0



Fig. 2.

breasts. From the sixty-third to the seventieth day, the breasts were pumped, the milk measured, and then given to the baby by bottle. This procedure provided quantitative milk production data as shown in Fig. 2. The infant began taking cereal on the sixty-third day. The baby was put back to the breast from the seventy· first day to the eightieth day when the milk again was obtained by pump and analyzed for fat, carbohydrate, and protein. The results are shown in Table I. Note the increase in fat following the cystine feeding. Perlman, Stillman and Chaikoft'2o have recently shown that methionine, cystine, and cysteine accelerate the phospholipid turnover in the liver. This may be an explanation for the high fat content of the milk when cystine is fed. According to Ross117 this change in composition of the milk does not occur with prolactin administration to human beings. Prolactin



had no effect on tlw fat, protein, or ash euntent of the milk. Un th<> the eystine fed. The condition again was relieved I:Jy using the breast pump. administration was then stopped and the breasts ·were pnwtically dry two weeks

82 83 84 85 86 87 88

S9 !18


2 :l l


l ]

505 465 525 490 250



0 0


All patients showed a response to cystine feeding. Pet;haps a much greater response could have been obtained with a combination of endocrine and dietary therapy. However, it is significant to note that whatever the endocrine set-up might have been, the diet therapy had some effect. It is undoubtedly true that the flow of. milk is controlled to a great extent by heredity, a sort of individual hormonal pattern relationship. Conditions may be such that the mammary glands do not secrete the maximum amount which is fairly definitely set by heredity. It is this relatively large group of cases that we believe can be helped by dietary therapy. Diet plays a very important role in stimulating the gland to its maximum function. The sulphydryl containing amino acids are the particular dietary elements responsible for this stimulation. SU.M.MARY

Multiparas having a history of lack of mammary function were given cystine by mouth. Milk secretion was stimulated in aU cases. The analysis of the milk in one case showed an increased. fat cont~nt following cystine feeding. REFERENCES

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