The effect of DNA repair inhibitors on the frequency of DNA breaks
The aim of study was tn investdate relationsbetwenn childran’scog nitivnIunctions and behaviorin eonnt~tin wi*l detected blood had Iewl. WesekctedJlch...
The aim of study was tn investdate relationsbetwenn childran’scog nitivnIunctions and behaviorin eonnt~tin wi*l detected blood had Iewl. WesekctedJlchiklmn. aged Q-loysarsfrom Eratislava.tiich is indu?rtrial city with heary traffic. Blood lead (PbB) kwsl wa dstwtcd by AAS method. Children w&s inwst@stad by nsumbehaviorrl tests battery(psychcmotqr,attention. short tarm msmoryrnd intellect abif. itiesb Individual health and social history of children was oriented on prenatal and wstwtald~lopment. on behaviorand anqualityol Iwn
ad&n&red one &ery 48 h. This tesultad in progressiveincr0a.w in spoManeoub SWD activity in sucwrsiw pwtinieetion petids. while tho convulsive.Pc-inducedactivity.decreased.The obs& changes suppest the developmentof tolerance to the convulsiveelfects of PC and kindling or releasing SW0 from inhibitow effects nf convulsiw activfr/ To check the validrw of that assumption Exrwimem II ~89 performed. PC a doses ot inducing canvutSiveactitiV. #.a 75D.oW; 5caow and 25o.wa IUlkg was appw to 5BparateIlrows of rats ten times every 24 h. For b&r eval&3n of ehangas in the central “era
crsasbd by Friendvirus[I .I]. ToxoplasmaGondii 131or Lagicnel&apneumophila infection14).A quest& arose tx+WIor these findings can be generalizedto Gthar drugs during infeciions related & AIOS. Themfore. kgihphtyof some other drug5 durinQ Frmndvrms or Toxoplasma Gondii infection was inwetigatsd. Pentazoeine end pethldine &fhality incontra~t,tIomorphin~wemnQchan~eddutinQFiiendvirYs infection vnDBA-2 mice. On the c&r hand, an acetychatin dstemse mhtitor nsostiQminwas significant3 more toxic in DE.42 mice infected with Friendvirusaa wstler inthefirst tilial generalionof BALSleBIOAmice infected with 8 non lethal dose of ToxoplasmsGondii. Thesr ~b?iuHs suggest that Friendvirus or ToxoplasmaGandii inkctions Irelating to AIDS] may influenw toxicitqof maw lbul notalll druQ3.
be confirmedforintravenousrppliiatbn of o!i~o&r brnakdawn pmdtlcts. but nor ‘or pectin 111.Tile experilnsnt pressntod ham WY* performed to clear tlta effect of orally adminialeted pectin an the incorporation and elimination of lead. #dterMsnd Mefkcds: Young male AVNflpcV WistsrlAchbtitcke tats rsec&d a pectin rich dist and bw dazes of terd (2tXJ#g PMnL drlnkinfwaterl in a SW& ewmimant.
tion Pwbds was oberwd. In all rats. aft= (he series of PC injectbns. the respmzo to PTZ (increasein SWD aclivity)was mduced. ?hus. the results of the ExrrerimemII suatxestM) tiwmenl of the lolerancd to PC. The obtained data fromboth experime& show that repeated PC inieclions influence the cwwulsiv? and nonconv&ive advifies in oo&d was. There still mmaim a auestion if them is anv connff tion between the decline in reaction to PTZ. which suggest~achangs in CNS sxcitabilii. and the increase in SWD acQd!y Kwnxds:
penicillin: neurotoxicity;seizures
LsUmlky of Morphh, Psntuocins, Pothfdlna qd C4ocatlpmin In hffcs Infutod wkh Fdsnd Virus ov Toxoplastns GmKlll
It hbs bean shown lhat lethality of morphine and THC has besn irv
LBborato,yof UeveEop.Toaicalogy~ hstdute d En/x Medicine Aead SCLCR. Olslrice v Odick@h ho&h. Czech Rwubk Adducts indueeclin tha ONA by chemical mutagens may be alkaliI. ~bile. or may ba mmartsd to DNA bmakp bq the actnonof DNA re pairen~s(sndllnucleases). Whentbe repairof DNA breaks is inhib ited in its polymerirstbn step bv t-~-0_aratinafcranosylCyrosi~~~r~Cl and hydraxywaa (HUi. the accumulation of DNA is obsetved in cells treated with mutagens. ii :!e step pacadmg the incision by the ew cbnuclease is inhibited by novobiocin. the dmcant of DNA breaks is