Vol. 9, No. 6
CALL FOR PAPERS 3rd International Congress on POLYMERSIN CONCRETEwill be held in Koriyama, Japan, May 13-15, 1981. Papers related to polymers in concrete will be accepted for oral presentation. In addition, other papers will be considered for publication in the proceedings. Potential authors should submit an abstract (in English) of about 300 words by July l , 1980. Subjects include process technology, properties, and existing and potential applications of polymer-modified concrete, resin concrete (or polymer concrete), polymer-impregnated concrete, gypsumpolymer composite, concrete-sulfur composite, polymeric admixture for concrete, and adhesives and coating used in concrete work. Additional information may be obtained from Polymer Concrete Congress 1981 Secretariat, c/o Dr. Yoshihiko Ohama, Dept. of Architecture, College of Engineering, Nihon University, Koriyama, Fukushima-ken 963, Japan. 2nd International Conference on SUPERPLASTICIZERS IN CONCRETEwill be held at the Chateau Laurier Hotel, Ottawa, Canada, June lO-12, 1981. The main purpose of the conference is the transfer of technology in the fast moving area of superplasticizers. Original papers on the following topics are invited for presentation in the proceedings to be published by ACI. l) Role of superplasticizers in resource and energy conservation; 2) New developments in superplasticizers; 3) Physical/chemical interactions between cements and superplasticizers; 4) Compatibility between superplasticizers and air-entraining agents; 5) Air void system of superplasticized concretes; 6) Control of rapid slump loss in superplasticized concrete; 7) Performance of superplasticizers in concrete made with cements other than normal portland; 8) Superplasticizers as water-reducers; 9) Superplasticizers and the rheology of concrete- test methods and research; lO) Case histories and other related topics. Authors may submit a 200-word abstract by May 15, 1980 and a draft manuscript for ACI review by Sept. 15, 1980. Send 4 copies of abstract to Mohan Malhotra, CANMET, 405 Rochester St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada KIA OGl. ERRATA "The Effect of Pozzolanas on the Tricalcium Hydration" by M. Collepardi, G. Baldini, M. Pauri and M. Corradi, Vol. 8, pp. 741-752, 1978. In Figs, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Se and Sa should be interchanged. "Stabilization of Silicate Structures by Carbonation" by R.L. Berger, Vol. 9, pp. 649-651, 1979. On page 650, (b) and (f) of Fig. l should be interchanged. "The Role of Sulphates in Cement Clinkering Reactions: Phase Formation in the System CaO-AI203-Fe203-SiO2-CaSO4-K2S04" by Y.B. Pliego-Cuervo and F.P Glasser, Vol. 9, pp. 573-581, 1979. Page 575, beginning at the end of the f i r s t sentence immediately following Fig. l , the section should read: Firstly, CaO, C3A and C12A~ coexist with K2SO,,CaL or CwA3S in the absence of Si02. K2SO, and CaSO, do not coexist, as sulphate is preferentially combined as CaL. Secondly, CaSO, is not compatible with any aluminate phases except C,A3S : anhydrite does not coexist stably with C3A, CI:A~ or CA. Page 577, line 4 from the bottom of the page: B ~ ~'C2S should read: ÷ ~ C2S inversion . . . . . Page 578: line 28 from the top of the page: the word 'unmistable" should be unmistakable.