668 Reviews and abstracts
process is a time intensive and expensive endeavor for many residents; and (10) Most residents are accepted in their undergraduate dental school's postgraduate orthodontic program. The effects of aging on the craniofacial complex: Cephalometric changes and their relationship to late lower incisor crowding. Kristine Spring West. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 1995
Since the introduction of cephalometric radiology in 1931, the lateral cephalogram has been an essential tool in the analysis of craniofacial changes resulting from the application of orthodontic or orthopedic forces or resulting from normal craniofacial growth. There has been only a limited amount of past research that has analyzed adult craniofacial changes past the late second or early third decades of life. The present study recalled individuals from The University of Michigan Elementary and Secondary School Growth Study for an additional set of ortho d o n t i c r e c o r d s that were used to e v a l u a t e cephalometrically the craniofacial changes during adulthood. Some of the cephalometric measures were analyzed as to their value in predicting late lower incisor crowding in the adult. A sample of 82 individuals was chosen from the targeted data set of 128 subjects in the University of Michigan Elementary and Secondary School Growth Study to recall for orthodontic records. The target group was selected on the basis of the last available lateral cephalogram or set of dental models taken in the teenage years. The average age of the last cephalogram taken on female subjects is 17 years, 2 months (range, 15-0 to 18-20 and the average age of the last cephalogram taken on male subjects is 17 years, 6 months (range, 16-0 to 18-0). A total of 56 individuals were located who had cephalometric radiographs taken for the recall study. The average age of this later adulthood sample is 47-10. A subset of this group (N = 15) had an additional set of orthodontic records taken in 1981 (average age = 31-3) as a part of a separate study. Growth changes were therefore examined between late adolescence and adulthood as well as between early and later adulthood. The lateral cephalograms were traced by hand, checked for landmark location, and digitized with the use of a computer program. A series of cephalometric measures were taken and analyzed for significant changes. Significant growth changes were found in several of the variables between late adolescence and adulthood and also between early adulthood and later adulthood. Specifically, mandibular and midfacial lengths, condylion
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedic June 1997
to ANS, gonion to pogonion, articulare to gnathion, posterior and anterior facial heights all showed significant growth during both time intervals
A longitudinal study of soft tissue changes in subjects during and after orthodontic treatment. D. Mentz, P. E. Rossouw, D. G. Woodside, G. Altuna, and J. Mayhall. Toronto: University of Toronto, 1996
Little attention has been given to the soft tissue profile in the literature compared to the hard tissues. Many orthodontists assumed that optimal facial esthetics would follow ideal tooth alignment. Unfortunately, the pleasing soft tissue characteristics were not always associated with well-aligned teeth. In addition, there is still disagreement regarding the amount of soft tissue changes that take place with maxillary incisor movement. The purpose of this investigation was to quantify soft tissue changes which had taken place longitudinally during and after orthodontic treatment and evaluate the correlations between changes in the soft tissues with changes in the hard tissues. All subjects in this study (N = 83) were out of retention a mean of 11.58 years and were treated by one clinician who used a consistent diagnostic and treatment protocol. The entire sample was broken down into individual subgroups based on gender, Angle classification, face height ratios, and Harvold unit lengths for comparison. Each subject was compared to a control sample of untreated subjects from the Burlington Growth Center'based on gender, age, Angle classification, face height ratios, and Harvold unit lengths. Cephalometric measurements and serial superimpositions were evaluated. Means and standard deviations were calculated for each variable at each time period (T1, T2, and T3) as well astongitudinally (T1-T2, T2T3, and T1-T3). Independent and pairwise comparisons were performed in order to detect any statistically significant (p < 0.01) differences within each subgroup. Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficients were calculated in an attempt to identify any clinically and statistically significant (r > 0.7, p < 0.01) associations between variables. Multiple regression analysis was performed in an attempt to identify any clinically useful predictors in the nasolabial angle. Lip prominence was significantly reduced (p < 0.01) during orthodontic treatment and continued to a lesser degree after treatment. The nasolabial angle had a tendency to be more obtuse in the treated subgroups compared to the controls. Total facial convexity, including the nose, showed minimal change during and after treatment. Facial convexity, excluding the nose, gen-