UTILIZATION OF ENERGY O'Neil, J. P. B., J. Biely, G. C. Hodgson, J. R. Aitken and A. R. Robblee, 1962. Protein energy relationships in the diet of the chick. Poultry Sci. 4 1 : 739-745. Shellenberger, T. E., D. B. Parrish and P. E. Sanford, 1960. Effect of vitamin A level of diet on feed conversion and utilization of energy by growing chickens. Poultry Sci. 39: 14131417. Sibbald, I. R., and S. J. Slinger, 1963a. A biological assay for metabolizable energy in poultry feed ingredients together with findings which demonstrate some of the problems asso-
dated with the evaluation of fats. Poultry Sci. 42: 313-325. Sibbald, I. R., and S. J. Slinger, 1963b. The effect of breed, sex, and arsenical and nutrient density on the utilization of dietary energy. Poultry Sci. 42 :1325-1332. Slinger, S. J., I. R. Sibbald and W. F. Pepper, 1964. The relative abilities of two breeds of chickens and two varieties of turkeys to metabolize dietary energy and dietary nitrogen. Poultry Sci. 4 3 : 329-333. Snedecor, G. W., 1956. Statistical Methods, 5th Ed. The Iowa State College Press, Ames, Iowa.
The Effects of Mating Ratio and Age on Fertility and Hatchability in Japanese Quail A. E . WOODARD AND H . ABPLANALP Department of Poultry Husbandry, University of California, Davis, California 95616 (Received for publication July 18, 1966)
HE Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix Japonica) has been described by Padgett and Ivey (1959) and Wilson et al. (1961) as a suitable pilot animal in avian research. It is presently used in many phases of research at experimental stations throughout the United States. One of the main problems has been to establish and maintain satisfactory reproduction of stock. The purposes of this study were to determine (1) the optimum mating ratio of male to female coturnix maintained in massmated groups, (2) the time of onset and the duration of fertility, and (3) the effect of age on fertility and hatchability. In addition, some general observations were made on mating behavior, with special reference to mating frequency (emphasis on aggressiveness) and preferential mating in mass-mated populations. METHODS
All chicks used were from a randomly se-
lected control population held at U. C. Davis (line 908). Chicks were brooded in a modified 5-deck chick starter battery. They were separated on the basis of sex at 3 weeks of age. At 6 weeks they were moved into wire floor colony pens, 2' wide X V deep and V high. A modified turkey starter crumble ration (30% protein) was fed throughout. The chicks were given 24 hours light daily until 6 weeks of age. Thereafter, they received 14 hours of light per day. In two replicate trials, 12-week old females and 10-week old males were mated at six different ratios, as indicated below: _ . , , Number of birds per pen Ratio of males to females Males Females
p 1 2 3 4 5 6
1:1 1:2 1:3 1:4 1:5 1:6
11 7 5 4 4 3
11 14 15 16 20 18
Eggs were gathered daily and stored at 15.5°C. (60°F.) until incubated biweek-
ly. At the end of a 6-week production period, all original males were replaced with different previously unmated males. The new mating groups were allowed 1 week to adjust socially before the start of the second 6-week test period. When mortality occurred, the mating ratio was maintained by replacement or removal of birds. In test 2, 12-week old females were put into two colony pens. Five males were placed in each pen with IS previously unmated females for periods of time ranging from 1 to 5 days. Eggs were gathered daily and stored until incubated. Eggs were tested for fertility over a 17-day period following the last day of mating to insure that a terminal period of infertility was attained. In test 3, different age groups of males and females were used to determine the effect of age on fertility and hatchability. In trial 1, males and females 9, 43, and 70 weeks of age, respectively, were mated for a 10-week period of production in all possible age-combinations. The males then were removed and the females left unmated for 2 weeks. Previously unmated males comparable to the first ones were then placed with the females at the start of a second 10-week test period. In trial 2, birds 10 and 25 weeks of age, respectively, were mated for an 8-week production period. A new shift of males were put into the pens for TABLE 1.-—Fertility
the start of a second 8-week period following a two-week lapse in mating. In test 4, two pens, each containing 2 young females (21 weeks) and 2 old females (61 weeks of age), were set up. Colored leg bands were placed on the females for rapid identification. Four males, 2 each from the same age groups, were introduced individually into one pen of females for a 15-minute period in the morning, and into the 2nd pen of females for a like period in the afternoon. The number of attempted and completed copulations were recorded for each male. Additional recordings were made on the mating behavior of both sexes. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Test 1: Ratio of Males to Females in mass-matings. Percent fertility and percent hatchability of eggs from females mated to different numbers of males, respectively, are given in Table L A 1:1 and 1:2 mating ratio of males to females resulted in consistently high fertility in both trials. There appears to be no definite linear relationship between fertility and numbers of females mated per male. Mating ratios of 1 male to 4, S, or 6 females resulted in consistently lower fertility than did ratios of 1 male to 3 or fewer females. The mating ratio had no effect on subsequent hatchability of fertile eggs. In this study, optimum mating ratio of
and hatchability of eggs from cotumix females mated to males at 6 different ratios
Mating ratio & to 9 1:1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6
Total eggs set 554 842 927 997 1,289 1,124
Combined data trials land 2
Trial 2
Trial 1 Fertility
Hatchability %
81.7 82.4 62.5 48.1 65.9 42.1
84.1 87.4 83.6 81.4 82.7 82.2
Total eggs set
425 792 728 662 827 865
81.1 80.8 74.7 50.9 57.6 65.2
% 81.9 75.4 78.6 72.8 79.4 75.7
% 81.4a 81.4a 68.6a 49.6b 61.6b 53.7b
Fertility values in column 3 having different subscripts are significantly different (P < 0 5 ;
% 83.0 81.4 81.1 77.4 81.1 79.0
TABLE 2,—Onset and duration of fertility of eggs from coturnix mated for different periods of time, as measured by percent fertility of eggs (Males were removed on day 0) Length of Mating Period (days) 1 2 3 4 5
Duration of Mating 1 2
(days) 3
Day - of removal4 0 0.0
0.0 0.0 38.1 13.0 52.1
33.3 50.0 58.6
44.0 57.1 65.4 79.1
Days following removal of male
47.8 68.2 57.1 48.4 54.1
59.3 53.8 63.6 60.0 60.0 66.7 65.7 57.1 72.4 56.2
38.5 46.4 65.0 36.8 45.1
22.2 55.6 45.0 32.5 42.3
33.3 29.3 33.3 37.1 44.0
16.0 30.4 25.0 22.9 11.1
15.4 5.9 0.0 0 12.5 12.0 8.0 0 25.0 0.0 4.5 0 10.0 3.2 0.0 0 10.3 7.3 0.0 0
351 346 369 453 435
males to females for Japanese quail was con- duction, according to Wilson et al. (1961). siderably lower than optimum ratios re- The presence of eggs in the shell gland of ported for other species of poultry. Byerly hens at time of mating may thus have inand Godfrey (1937) and Hays and San- terfered with fertilization of the succeeding born (1939) reported optimum fertility in eggs and thus increased the average delay chickens was attained from matings involv- of fertility. In all groups fertility of eggs ing 1 male to IS females. Parker and Ber- began to drop sharply after 3 or 4 days nier (19S0) found that consistently high following removal of males. For practical fertility was maintained when 6 to 7 males purposes, it would thus seem necessary to were mated to 100 hens. These latter au- have males in cages without long interrupthors reported that maximum fertility was tion if high fertility were to be maintained. attained in 9 days after introducing the Test 3: Effect of Age on Fertility and males in a mating ratio of 9 males to 100 Hatchability. Results of two test periods females. Marsden and Martin (1946) re- for each of the trials were combined, (Taported that a ratio of 1 torn to 10 female bles 3a and 3b), since their means were not turkeys was sufficient to maintain high fer- significantly different. In both trials, fertility. tility and hatchability were lowest with the Test 2: Duration of Fertility. Fertility oldest groups of females, the difference belasted at the most 9 to 10 days after the ing highly significant (P < .01). Both the males were removed from pens. (Table 2). females and males contributed to the reducSimilar results were reported by Sittman tion in fertility. The reduction in hatchabiland Abplanalp (1964) for individually ity was due to the female only. A downward mated quail. With one exception, maximum trend of hatchability associated with age of fertility for females mated 1 to 4 days oc- the hen has been demonstrated in the curred from 1 to 3 days following removal chicken by Axellson (1932) and by Hays of the males. Females mated for S days and Sanborn (1924). These authors reported reached peak fertility on the day the males that hatchability of eggs had dropped apwere removed. In all mating groups the proximately 8% by the end of the second first fertile egg was not laid until the sec- laying year. A similar trend was observed by ond day after introduction of the males. Warren (1934), Funk (1934), and Insko The delay of approximately 48 hours in etal. (1951). fertility of the first egg is in agreement Test 4: Sexual Activity and Mating Frewith findings by Taji and Ikeda (1956). In quency. During the course of our observaour study males were placed with females tions, single quail males introduced to pens at 1300 hours, or approximately 3 hours of 4 females did not display any of the prior to maximum daily peak of egg pro- courting behavior described by Guhl
A . E . WOODARD AND H . ABPLANALP TABLE 3a.—Fertility and hatchability of eggs from eotumix of different age groups mated to males of different age groups Fertility (%) Males (age in wk.)
Age of Females (wk.)
86.8 (1487) 50.6 (476) 47.0 (434)
43 70
Group Mean
56.4 (1546) 35.7 (759) 60.0 (410)
51.4 (1159) 29.9 (478) 25.4 (552)
53.9 b
41.9 c
Group Mean 72.4 mean a
Hatchability (%) Males (age in wk.)
Group Mean
74.0 a
72.0 a
72.4 a
Values in any column having different subscripts are significantly different (P<.01)
(1961) for the male chicken. A receptive female would run toward the male and sit close by. Occasionally a receptive female would gently peck at the male to attract attention. Successful cloacal contacts between male and female were easily distinguishable from unsuccessful mating attempts on the basis of terminal positioning and body movement of the male. Attempts by the male to mate were encouraged by the squatting of the female or discouraged by her vicious pecking or running from the male. A mating scheme similar to that described by Siegel and Siegel (1964) for observing mating frequency in the chicken
was used in this test. Mating pens V X V X 1' in size were used. A total of ten 15-minute observations, over a 5-day period, were made of single males placed in a pen, each containing females of two age groups. As mentioned earlier, each male was placed with one group of 4 females in the afternoon. The numbers of completed and incompleted matings were recorded (Table 4). The younger males (21 weeks of age) were twice as successful as the 61-week old birds in total completed cloacal contacts. Also, younger males were more active and aggressive sexually than were the older males, based on total incompleted matings recorded. The younger fe-
TABLE 3b.—Fertility and hatchability of eggs from eotumix of different ages mated to males of different ages
Age of Female (wk.)
Fertility (%) Males (age in wk.)
Hatchability (%) Males (age in wk.) 10
79.3 (758)
77.4 (1,277)
68.4 (967)
59.9 (718)
73.8 a
68.7 b
82.2 a
80.5 a
Values in any column having different subscripts are significantly different (P<.01). ( ) Numbers in parentheses indicate total eggs set.
TABLE 4.—Incompleted and completed matings between coturnix of different age groups. Y-series refer to 21-week old birds and O-series to 61-week old birds . ^
Total Cloacal Contacts
Group 1 females
Groups 2 females Totals
Y2 0 1 02
Totals Y3 Y4 0 3 0 4
Av. no. of completed ^ peral;,r p e r ! o 7 p t r male
Completed Incompleted
7 0
1 5
5 5
0 4
13 14
1 4
0 0
6 4
0 0
7 8
Completed Incompleted
11 28
2 12
3 2
2 16
18 58
8 17
2 13
3 3
0 15
13 48
Completed Incompleted
5 0
2 2
2 2
1 0
10 4
1 3
1 0
2 2
0 0
4 5
Completed Incompleted
0 1
5 3
2 0
0 1
7 5
0 3
1 1
1 3
0 9
2 16
23 10 29 22
12 9
3 21
48 81
10 27
4 14
12 0 12 24
26 77
Completed Totals Incompleted
males were more receptive to both age ences among males to the exclusion of cergroups of males; they participated in 47 tain females from sufficiently frequent matobserved copulations, as compared to 27 ing. Also competition among males or fefor the older females. Older males mate males may be involved. Both of these facmore frequently with young females, than tors, however, would effect low fertility with females of their own age. through insufficiently frequent matings. The average number of cloacal contacts SUMMARY per 15-minute observation period per male ranged from 0.5 for the oldest to 1.5 for the Experiments were conducted with Japayoungest group as summarized in Table 4. nese quail in order to determine optimum The combined results of this study are mating ratio, time of onset and duration of consistent with the hypothesis that age of fertility, effect of age on fertility, and males and females in conjunction with a hatchability and general mating behavior short storage life of sperm in the oviduct in groups of mass-mated birds. are the main factors responsible for low Highest fertility was obtained with a fertility in the Japanese quail. Although no ratio of 1 male mated to 2 females or direct evidence on mating frequency of fewer. males housed continuously with females Duration of fertility following removal were obtained, it seems plausible that old of the males ranged from 9 to 10 days. The males and females mate too infrequently to first fertile egg was laid on the second day insure good fertility of eggs. Similarly, it is after introduction of males into pens. likely that single males mated to more than Fertility of eggs was reduced in both 3 females are unable to mate often enough males and females which were 6 months of with all of them. age or older. A reduction of hatchability of Other factors governing the mating fre- fertile eggs was observed for old females, quency in mass-matings of coturnix un- while aging of males had no effect. doubtedly enter the picture of optimum Young females mate more frequently mating ratios. One of them may be prefer- than old ones regardless of the age of males
involved. Young males completed twice as many successful matings as old males. REFERENCES Axelsson, J., 1932. Variation and heredity of some characters in White Leghorns, Rhode Island Reds and Barnevelders. Part 1. Lunds University Arsskrift N.F., Avd. 2, 28, no. 4 : pp. 1196. Byerly, T. C , and A. B. Godfrey, 1937. Fertilizing capacity of male chickens in natural matings. Natl. Poultry Improvement Plan Conf. Rept. 57. Funk, E. M., 1934. Factors influencing hatchability in the domestic fowl. Missouri Agr. Expt. Sta. Bull. 341. Guhl, A. M., 1961. The effects of acquaintance between the sexes on sexual behavior in White Leghorns. Poultry Sci. 3 5 : 10-21. Hays, F. A., and R. Sanborn, 1924. The inheritance of fertility and hatchability in poultry. Massachusetts Agr. Expt. Sta. Techn. Bull. 6: 145-147. Hays, F. A., and R. Sanborn, 1939. Factors affecting fertility in Rhode Island Reds. Massachusetts Agr, Expt. Sta. Bull. 359. Insko, W. M., Jr., S. J. Lowry and L. M. Caldwell, 1951. The all-pullet flock vs. the hen
flock. Kentucky Agr. Expt. Sta. Bull. 560: 95. Marsden, S. J., and J. H. Martin, 1946. Turkey Management, 4th Ed., Interstate, Danville, 111. Padgett, C. A., and W. Ivey, 1959. Coturnix quail as a laboratory research animal. Science, 129 (3344): 267-268. Parker, J. E., and P. E. Bernier, 1950. Relation of male to female ratio in New Hampshire breeder flocks to fertility of eggs. Poultry Sci. 29: 377-390. Siegel, P. B., and H. S. Siegel, 1964. Rearing methods and subsequent sexual behavior of male chickens. Animal Behavior, 12, 2 - 3 : 270-271. Sittmann, K., and H. Abplanalp, 1965. Duration and recovery of fertility in Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Brit. Poul. Sci. 6: 245-250. Taji, K., and K. Ikeda, 1956. Studies on the artificial insemination of Japanese quail, Coturnix coturnix japonica. T. et S Memoirs Ehime Univ., Section VI, 1: 1-5. Warren, D. C , 1934. The influence of some factors on the hatchability of the hen's egg. Kansas Agr. Expt. Sta. Bull. 37. Wilson, W. O., U. K. Abbott and H. Abplanalp, 1961. Evaluation of Coturnix (Japanese quail) as pilot animal for poultry. Poultry Sci. 4 0 : 651-657.
Relative Deposition of the Anthelmintic Tetramisole t in Eggs and Poultry Tissues F . A L L E W I J N AND R. MARSBOOM
Janssen Pharmaceutica, Research Laboratoria, Beerse, Belgium (Received for publication July 18, 1966)
NTEREST in the biological significance tic effect against adult and immature Asof tetramisole in poultry was stimulated caridia (intestinal roundworm), Heterakis when this product at 40 mg./kg. body (cecal roundworm) and Capillaria (Thienweight in a single oral administration pont et al., 1966). In a previous paper was found to have a 96-100% anthelmin- (Marsboom and Thienpont, 1966) it was stated that a single or repeated administraf Generic name, original synthesis of Janssen tion of tetramisole to chicks had no effect Pharmaceutica. Beerse, Belgium, hydrochloride of on mortality, growth rate and feed efficien2, 3, 5, 6-tetrahydro-6-phenyl-imidazo [2, 1-b] thiazole cy. This report is concerned with analysis / \ for tetramisole in organs, tissues and eggs HC1 of treated chicks.