Invoiwm~ of Cyfochromn P-450 ad P.mxldaS~~ In Memboilam of Aromatic Molecufm Swzo[clflwrerm
1178 (1995~ J-88
Ths Efkts of CoMnaptlwe Pregsrctlon on M~rpholqfiul m!d Hlrtonuymrtlc StrtmIum oftho Uvm and Kldnoy In Refa G. Nowacq&Dura. P Czekaj. V Cathowe. DspaftmentotHisOlogy and Embwoloslr S~lesianMedical Awdam)! Mtowice-tigora, Poland
Melrbolism of benzo[clfluorenesanracted our attention as this etrucwre is the basis of pmrpectw canceros~at~cs. Expenmentswith hep atocyter and liver rmcro~omssfrom rats Inducedby phenobarbital.0. naphtoflavoneand ethanol have shown sigml[cantincrease of P45Q dependent metabohtes.The contributional speclic P-450 isoenymea will be discussed. To model an inwlwment of peroxidases(as e.g. proataglandin H syntheseor myeloperoxidaselin the metabolism.the horsedish peroxidaseA-202 swxn has been used. The results con. firm the role of oxidativebiotransformational benr~c~luorene derivatives es formation of Ndemethylated comparnd is observed.The results document the fact that atvariow sites in the organism. diiwrent enzymesare involvedin the metabolismprodwng d6Rrent spectrum of metaboUes as the P45O enzymesare typical for the liver.whereas peronidasesare mostly located inthegaslroinrestinaland urinarytract.
Tlisiston is a law dose lhreephase estrcgenlpmgeaogen composi. tton. 16 oills-O.05 ma of IevonoraestrelILEl and 0.03 mo of sthmvfo&t&diol (EE): 6 p&-O.75 mgiE and 0.64 mg EE: g &-O I& mg LE and 0.03 mg EEI. Theexperimentwasparformedon 150sevual~mmurswhitetemale rats of Wwar strain The animals were divided into three Trisistontreatedand WO cor”rol gm”ps. LE and EE were given separatab, dissolvedin 0.4% water solution of csrboxvmelhd cellulose. Camrol groupswere given 0.4% water solution of &rb&melhvl cellulose or onlqsaline. Animalsweretreatedlor m &ddavcyclesflour-day treatmentwhh one-daybreaks).Theanimals were sacrified24 haurs af. terthe last administrationof Ihe oreoaraionorvehiculum. Specimens
P.450, paroxidases:benzo[c]lluorenes
oral contraceplion:trisiston; liver: kidney;rats
Esffmaflon d 8#ldd
for Hemy
In this work an attempt has been made to determine a qualily 01 the atmosDhericairandsoilwlluted bvdilferentsmissionsources(I.e. rnb
~.._...__._ ~~~ _ ~~~~ lated with thrombin indicate that lhese CA’0 act by aitering membrane phosphdipid breakdown A direct effect on membranephospholipase A, is suggestedthe most wnportantstep inthe inhibitionof araehidonic acid pathway of BAB treated platelets.
Experlmenfal Syltrm Sullclble for the Moniladng of the Genaodo and DNA-PRW~~W Eff.13 of Drugs
of he& matal5 in the hair. teeth and n&Id of the heabhy inhabitants of Beskid Slgski were examined. Simultaneouslyto the environmental qualm, irwstig~tions were performed.Be&id SIpski are siwated in southernPolandwhen are many mountaintowns without induslrialda velopment.We determined the levelsof metals in Ihe soil. dust road, sir (suspended due:). dq and we1 deposition and m watttr frrrer.tap. wall:. The coccontreiions of hew :netals: Pb. Cd. Cr.Cu. Ln. Mn. Co. Ni ware dalenmad by AAS method. The concentrationCa. K. and Na in the biologicalsampleswere analyzedby flame photometer. Theessential correlationsamono heaw metatsin the bioloaiCalsun-
C. Novamn& i? Rauka.A Vach&av&. Cancer ResearchInstituteof rhe Weak Academy OfSciences Bratisiavs. Slovak Republti Biologicallyand slruoturaliy defined moleculesof pBA322 DNA were veated in Ihe reaction 9olutron of 4 mH N&l IpH 7 41 bv any fated compound durmg 1 hour al 37 ‘C. Changes caused in (he pBR322 DNAweredetectedas edexesse oflheDNAlransforming aclitilyand by the electrophoretic analysesof changed topology of the originally supercoiledplasmid DNA molecules. DNA~pmtectiwe effect 01 tested compollndswasdsmondrated bvchedecreaseof the DNAdamaging effect of some standard agent (i.e. F&04). The obtained results prowde an infcrmatlon regarrhng of a direct DNAeompound interaction under chemically exactly defined condi. tlons When there is a discrepamy between resulls obtained by Ibis method fin vi!roJ and bv methods based on the use of cellular and animal models. it may be sxpialned by the blotransformallonof the chemical agent in cells or by its low transpon to the cellularDNA
Releese a1 Pfogaatwons from D,L.lmktlWEaprolactu~ Copolynm
M. Nowak El.Sumner.J. Gorski. J. Gbgowsk+Szela~. 0. Kajdaniuk. -. L. Sieminska.M. Bero. / Depaflrnenf of FbAoph~iology. S,lesian Univers,?ySchodOI M&i&a. Zabne. Poland Study on the release ot progesteroneIrom D.L.lactidelE-caprolaetone cqokfmers was performed.The m&men wre used in the form of films fin dtro) and mocrosvheresfm wol. The content of D.L-laetide was varied from 50 to 9448 in the studied copobmers. it was found the practicalv constant rate of progesterone release for about 120