The filling of Lake Kariba. Rock mechanics implications. Congress. Discussion

The filling of Lake Kariba. Rock mechanics implications. Congress. Discussion

105A including deformation and seismic effects of reservoir loading; Congress; General review; 51R. PROCEED.2 CONGRESS, INTERNAT.SOC.ROCK MECH.BELGRA...

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including deformation and seismic effects of reservoir loading; Congress; General review; 51R. PROCEED.2 CONGRESS, INTERNAT.SOC.ROCK MECH.BELGRAD, 1970,V4,1974, P576-619. The author presents a review of both past literature and the 27 papers which were presented in the section of this congress concerning rock masses as structural foundations; He considers in particular: Determination of stresses and defarmation in rock foundatior~ Studies of stability of foundations amd rupture studies on models; Observation of rock masses; Seisms induced by reservoir loading and vibrations of foundations due to earthquakes; Percolation of water in Jointed rock masses; anl Tunnel lining and mine subsidence problems related to foundations.

9~ LONDE, P ROck mechanics anl dam foundation design; A s t a t e of-the-art report; 25F,~6R. INTERNAT.COMM.ON LARGE DAMS,1973,1C4P. This is a comprehensive review of dam foumdation rock problems, foumdation investigation methods, foundation design methods and foumdation treatment methods; Some of the new factors introduced by rock mechanics in terms of their validity, limitations, arzl the further advances that would be desirable are discussed on a practical level, with t h e aim that the designer should consider the major p~oblems connected with foundations arzl so build safer dsms;

E m b a n k m e n t s and e m b a n k m e n t dams 999 RADENKOVIC, D Stability of rock embankments; Congress; Discussion. In French. The writer employs an elasto-plastlc analysis; 2F, 3R. PROCEED. 2 CONGRESS, INTERNAT. SOC .ROCK MECH.BELGRAD, 1970,V4,1974.

Dams other than e m b a n k m e n t dams See also abstracts: 934,956,1076. i000 LANE, KS Reservoir load effects; Congress. Discussion; 5F,BR. PROCEED. 2 CONGRESS, INTERNAT. SOC. ROCK MECH. BELGRAD,

z970,v4,1974, P63~642. The author presents examples from his experience of the effects of reservoir loading. There have been two effects, regional subsidence and earthquake triggering; The example of subsidence is taken from Garrison Dam in North Dakota; The example of earthquake triggering is taken from the Rocky Mountain Arsenal waste disposal well at Denver, Colorado; i001 LANE, RG The f i l l i ~ of Lake Kariba; Rock mechanics implications. Cor~ress; Discussion; PROCEED. 2 CONGRESS, INTERNAT. SOC .ROCK MECH.BELGRAD,

1970,v4,1974, P642. 1002 ENDERSBEE, L HYDRO-ET ECT. COMM. HOBAET, AUS Seismicity and reservoir filling. Cor~ress. Discussion. 4F. PROCEED. 2 CONGRESS, INTERNAT. SOC.ROCK MECH.BELGRAD,

10o3 ROKSANDIC, M Seismic activity induced by reservoir loading. Congress, Discussion. 3F. PROCEED. 2 CONGRESS, IH2ERNAT. SOC .ROCK MECH.BELGRAD, 1970, V4,1974, P646-647. 1004 SMITH, ES INTERNAT. ENGNG. CO. SAN FRANCISCO,USA Tailing disposal; Failures and lessons. 8F, IOR. WORLD MINING, V26, NIO, 1973, P56-60. The author advises that all available Information on material properties be studied and all applicable design methods be applied to determine the trial dyke section or disposal layout. He considers that the observational approach is effective in modifying the design of a tailing deposit because retaining dykes can normally be raised very slowly. A well-planned monitoring system aids the achievement of the best results; The best-planned tailing deposit can experience various difficulties when the specified disposal methods are modified for economic reasons without a thc~ough reassessment of the technical consequences.

Foundations See also abstract: 1085. 1005 KENNEDY, BA ANACONDA CO.SALT LANE CITY, USA The problem of excavated slopes in open-pit mines; Congress. Discussion; IIF. PROCEED.2 CONGRESS, INTERNAT.SOC.ROCK MECH.BELGRAD, 19VO,V4,1974, P551-554. A series of photographs are presented which sho~ a failure of approximately 6 million tons which occurred in an excavated rock slope in an open pit. The hazards and economic losses involved in such a failure are discussed and the results of a monitoring study a r e presented; 1006 JAEGER, C A tentative explanation of the great Va~ont rock slide; Congress. Discussion. 3F. PROCEED. 2 CONGRESS, INTERNAT. SOC.ROCK MECH.BELGRAD, 1970,V4,1974, P558-559. There is convergent proof that the assumption of a two phase discontinuous slide is correct. The VaJont slide reveals the unsuspected complexity of some slides. Surface measurements may not give precise warning about possible dangers of rupture, as dangerous changes may occur deep inside the rock mass; Measurements at greater depth may be necessary in some cases; 1007 T U COV I C , I

Discussion about structural analysis of rock foundation as discontlnuum. Congress. Discussion. PROCCED. 2 CONGRESS, IHE~NAT. SOC. ROCK MECH. BELGRAD, 1970,V4,1974, P627-628. 1008 BOIKO, NV KORKIN, AG FILATOV, AV Performance of piles in water-saturated clayey ground. In Russian. 5R. IZVEST. VYSSH. UCHEBNYKH ZAVEDENII. STROITEL. I .ARKHIT. NT, 1973.

1970,v4,1974, P642-644. A possible mechanism, in terms of global tectonics, which may explain the effects of reservoir filling, is presented.

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1009 WOODWARD, JH RUST ENGNG. CO. BIRMINGHAM, ALA. USA MCDONALD, CK UNIV. ALABAMA, BIRMINGHAM, USA Vibration of heavy industrial slabs. Technical note. 4 F, 6R.