chemical Ph_ysics91 (1984) 183-199 Worth-Holland_ Amswrdam
Rcceiwd Z Nowmbcr
I9S3. in tinsi form 11 July 1984
The dynamics of ctusrer formation in imperfecfl) stvcrured materials is dkusxd in Iof their cwlution from a prepared state fluctuation. It is shoan thar this is accompanied by the generation of group oscdlations of dqlaaxxnu in the ccntres/axes of motion of Lheduster componenk A fracticxk index defimin~ the pazzitioningof the viirational,/2ibrational cnbctuxax SIX group &lIation+ and the 0mu-c of motim vibrxtiou is shoum to be rckxcd co the swrural rqqkri+- of the duster-_The gcncn lion of &roup ~lhtions hy also beal &led x0 she ctunge in ConiiguRlio~ CSropy a1tcndantupon the irreversible formation of imperfectly structured dusters. expressed as rhc same fraction of the change arising from compke dissociation of Lhc ideal site
L Introduction
A general description of the atomic or molecular dynamics of materials in a condensed state presents a major theoretical problem because of the large number of degrees of freedom Possessed by a many-body system. Exact solutions to the problem can only be obtained in the case of an ideal crystal for which translational symmetry assembles the degrees of freedom into a smaller number of bands, with each member of a band being an irreducible representation of the translational symmetry group and each band an irreducible representation of the unit cell symmetry group [1.2]_ In the case of an ideal liquid a steady state distribution of particle velocities exists and the problem can again be reduced to that of a small number of ma croscopic modes [3j_ When atoms are tightly bound forming molecules the same ideal states can be defined, with a subset of atomic degrees of freedom abstracted as intra-mokcular vibrations_ Real crystals, however. contain lattice imperfections [4] and reaI liquids possess a local structure [5] so that such ideal states define unrealisable extremes_ In general a wide range of intermediate material morphologies may exist inbetween these extremes which are generally described
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by a prominent physical feature or mechanical property_ As a result such macroscopic terms as paracrystalline, amorphous [6], glassy [7], plastic. rubbery [S], etc. have come into currency without any precise microscopic defiition. Some general features of non-ideal morphologies may be elucidated. Firstly, the loss of translational >m.metty means that the local structure will cease to exist over a ftite distance_ Secondly, unless the material is a super-lattice, the array formed by translation of the local region as an entity, does not itself possess translational symmetry. In this way very complex morphologies can be constructed with each imperfectly structured group on one level of organisation forming an element in the structure of the succeeding, grosser. array. Such a situation occurs for semi-crystalline [S] polymers where polymer side-group structure influences inter-segmental otggsation, whose array forms crystalline lamella which themselves may be organised into spherulites to complete the macroscopic picture_ The spatial extent of each element of structural orggtion is often used to describe the system through an exponentially decaying spatial correlation function [lo]_ This approach, however. treats the system as a continuum and therefore omits the local structure and its effect upon the dynamics of
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the system_ IF. honever_ some means of defining and determining the regularity of the local structure could be established then a complete morphological description could be made_ It is the intention here to outline a may of achieving this aim whilst retaining both dynamic and thermodynamic validity_ As a starting point it is proposed that the thermal equilibrium state of imperfectly structured materials can be described in tetms of clusters within which localised modes of vibration can be established Ill]_ Such a concept has been suggested by molecular d_vnamics simulations of both liquids [12] and ferroelectrics [13]_ and some properties have been considered theor&cally [11.14]_ The structure of this imperfect state will be defined with respect to the ideal state from which it can be considered as originating. For example through distortion-forming stresses in solids or aggregating forces in liquids. Although the material itself need not have been made in such a manner. this construction has the advantage of relating the imperfect state to an ideal state whose properties are at least formally understood_ Nor is this a purely formal construct since structural fluctuations of the imperfect state will exist which possess locally the structure of the ideal state. Such fluctuations describe non-cquilibrium stattz of the imperfect material since local stress is generated by their formation leading to an increase in local stored energy H hich must be supplied by the heat bath. They are thus thermally generated material fluctuations_ In the following secticns the r+gression of the ideal state fluctuations to the equilibrium imperfect state is described in terms of the evolution of cluster-iocalisecl motions. A microscopic approach is adopted. in vvhich the stress present in the non-equihbrium local structure modifies the ideal state lattice or molecular motions into cluster group vibrations_ An index is defined which is a measure of the correlation of the group motions within the average cluster and therefore describes its degree of structural ordering It is shown that the microscopic description of the time evolution can be recast into a form appropriate to the thermodynamics of the formation/dissociation of an imperfectly structured cluster or aggnzgate. Furthermore the dynamically defined correlation index is shown
to be related to the configurational entropy change on cluster formation and the cluster binding energy expressed as fractions of these properties for the ideal system. Since material fluctuations of the kind described will couple to a spatially uniform conjugate field [15]. the observed response [16]. will be governed by their regression to the cluster structure of the imperfect state [li]. Therefore analysis of the temporal or frequency dependence of the response observed in such common techniques as acoustic. mechanical or dielectric relaxation provides the experimental verification [18] of the time evoluticn derived here and the means of determining the value of the correlation index_ The relnxation function derived here can also be expected to apply to the time dependence of lattice distortion. u hen introduced into a perfect crystal by an external influence such as photoexcitation 1191. and u hich plays au important role in the production of excimtrs [2@] and aitematix-e photochemistq.
2_ Theory of cluster oscillations Z_I. The srrucrw-ai nmure of chsren Cluster structures can be produced in a variety of ways. For example an ideal lattice may be distorted by the prcsene of interstitials [21] or substitutional impurities, or solute molecules may form salvation compiexes with a solvent [22]. Alternatively topographical imperfections [4] can arise as a result of steric. kinetic [7] and mechanical restraints [S] of formation_ All such structures are charactez-ised by a spatial con-elation function 1% hich is non-monotonic over short ranges j23.241. reflecting the inter-element spacing. before falling off exponentially at distances of the order of the correlation length 5,. The physical picture of a cluster is therefore that of a group of discretely spaced structural elements. with the element at any site being reproduced from a chosen origin element only by site-dependent displacement and/or rotation in addition to an integral number of unit translations_ Because of the loss of translational symmetry there will be a number of equivalent constructions with the same local internal
energy and thus the position and orientation of a site eltment with respect to the origin must be described through a site probability density consequently reducing the probability of finding the origin elements position specifications at the site to below unity. as described in the spatial correlation function. A cluster array can be constructed in like manner through the translations of the cluster itself as a single entity. an imperfect structural organisation resulting when cluster modilications in size. density. orientation. etc.. are combined with the translations_ Dynamically such a cluster is characterised by its internal vibrations. which are localised modes with Iocalisation length .$< &_ These cluster cigenfrequencies will be intermediate between those appropriate to the structural extremes of a cluster. namely the ideal originating lattice and the dissociated cluster. In this hypothetical latter state the cluster elements are unbound from one another along the coordinates of structural imperfection. which will only be isotropic in liquids. A definition of the equilibrium state in which absolute values of local frequency are eliminated can be obtained by taking the relativmefrequency change \\ith respect to one of the ideal structural extrema [Xl_ In solids it is convenient to choose the ideal lattice for this purpose_ This state can be thought of as being generated by applying a constant stress to the equilibrium cluster in such a way as to remove the local lattice distortion (strain). with the magnitude and form of the stress required being characteristic of the type of cluster. In this way a centre is created whose struc:ure and lattice frequencies can be defined. but uhich on removal of the applied constraint will distort (strain) under the action of the local conjugate stress. The result of this cluster forming stress can be illustrated with respect to the simple example of fig_ 1_ Here an interstitial ion in the ideal lattice. fig. la, causes neighbouring ions to be displaced from their ideal lattice sites producing a reggon of focal distortion. fig_ 1b. In so doing the vibration frequencies of the affected ions about their displaced sites will be altered from those of the ideal lattice. because the local potential will be changed as a result of the lattice distortion. The particular local distortion shown in fig. lb is not however
1. Diim tic repr-ntion of 3 dipoiar impunr) cakium fhonde cr\s~~I contaming tn~aknt impurn> Er”. and charge compensating F-. (a) Diibctment actors of ideal h~ticc ~wu~t~re due to the ccntre mdtcated b> the -o-s (b) A r~~plal diston~on of this cltsra fonmng an:rc Fig_
unique. but one of a continuous range. with each possible strained configuration resulting from the sanze magnitude of local stress and therefore being equally probable. The observed distortion must therefore be regarded as an average of all these possibilities, each of which will contribute to its formation from the ideal state_ As a result the displacement of a representative ion (site structural clement) during thr formation of the average cluster can he organised into a hierarchy of contributions in each of which it joins uith a differenr number of elements in displacing and/or rotating as a stngle body_ For example the local stress can be used to cau_sc the chosen site to displace independently of the other sites ‘;+hich act as a fixed background. The minimum number of elements involved in a group displacement notion is thus unity. and :he motion of the element is by definition free or unbounded from its environment. Similarl_v, groups of more than one element can be formed in which the elements move so as to disiplace the centr-um or rotate the axes of the group #while retaining their relative internal configuration_ The maximum number of elements that can take part in such a group oscilr’arion will be fixed by the correlation length J, and although it may be
possible to generate group oscillations with larger numbers these will be unstable and become overdamped because of the ioss of correlation of their elements. During the formation of the equilibrium cluster structure from the ideal state fluctuation each representative site wi;illtake part in the same combination of ail possible group oscillations and as a result it will describe a complicated tmjec:ory which at no point repeats itself_ At the same time the centre as a whoIe will progressively distort passing through a series of instantaneous distortions. of which that of fig_ lb is one. such that it can only be described by an avarge distortion with a lower local density than the ideal state. In the general case the coordinates in v.hich the group oscillations take place wil! be constructed from a subset only of the tota! degrees of freedom of the individual elements_ The particular subset involved u-ill depend upon the type of cluster considered and a wide range may be expected. for example. ion clusters in the channels of Hollandites will be confined to displace.ments along a single translational coordinate only. u htreas vve may expect liquid complexes to displace in all coordinates2-2 The Jtamdtonian for chster-locolised
It is equally possible to regard a cluster as an arbitrarily strained rcggon of idcal lattice or part& bound region of ideal liquid, with the choice of viewpomt being largely determined by the material state. The former viewpoint u-ii1 be adopted here for convenience and any pertinent differences with the latter wil! be pointed out The natural starting point for a theoretical formulation of the problem is to consider all the cluster elements as vibrating about the ideal lattice positions appropriate to the local structure. and to introduce the cluster forming stress as a perturbation_ In this state the centres of motion and axes of rotation of the elements together with their vibration/libration frequencies can be formally speckfied. it should however be noted that this state can be generated from the equilibrium cluster structure by means of an applied local stress which cancds the cluster forming stress. The ideal state in imper-
fect structured materials requires work for its formation and is thus a local thermal fluctuation, in which energy is stored in a local structural change. The cluster forming stress which generates site displacements of centres/axes of motion together with a concomitant change in vibration frequency as it converts the ideal state to the equilibrium cluster state, requires the use of creation. a,+(l). a/‘(l), and annihilation. o,(l), a,(l) operators for its description in second quant&ation form. Here the subscripts refer to the ideal state fluctuation_ f_ and a specified cluster eigenstate. c. and the operators act on a state vector so that for example a,( I) annihilates the element I at its chuster centre of motion together with its simultaneously defined vibrations about that centre for the eigenstate c. whereas a/+(l) creates the same element in its ideal crystal position with ideal vibrations_ The ideal state. which is an excitation of the cluster eigenstates can be described by operators AZ(f), A,(I), anaicgous to those of electronic excitation [25] in the sate representation. with A;(I)=n;(I)n,(l). 4(i)
= of(Oa,(O-
Although identical excitations may be generated for each element, the displacement of the centre of motion makes it impossible for more than one excitation of a given type to exist at a particular site. The excitations are therefore similar to site excitons [25] and the operators obey the commutation relationship [/ff(l).A,.(I’)J
In this formalism the harmonic limit can be recovered by eliminating centre of motion displacements and the stress giving rise to it. The eigenstates f and c now become successive members of the Iocal vibration stack and the excitation operators as defined in (la) arc now site phonon operators_ The site vibrations about the cluster centres of motion are desctiw by the hamiltonian, HO, with a system of units adopted in which ii is taken to be unity_
Here the site index I ranges over all elements that are potentially able to take part in a given cluster. and E,(f) is a selected cluster eigenmode with index c_ The value of E,(I) will lie between the site vibration frequency of the ideal lattice, 3, and zero, according to the number of cluster elements taking part in the eigenmode c. Since a continuum of possible eigenmodes exists each of which may be realised either simultaneously in spatially separated clusters of the array, or consecutively in the same cluster, the ideal lattice fluctuation must be referred to the average cluster frequency_ (EC)_ as ground state_ The total hamiltonian of the system must also allow for local excitations to the ideal state structure which is created from the average cluster by the operators A ‘(I). with an excitation energy ,i? per site I. and is given by
the ideal state fluctuation exists_ Although different Iypes of cluster forming centres may exist in the same material such as different interstitials or aggregates in solids or solutes in liquids, each centre of the same type will generate the same stress in the same ideal lattice- i\s a result the total perturbation available to produce any particular cluster eigenmode c at a given cenue will be a constant typical of the type of eentre_ It is useful to express this in the form ~~‘K,*12=
where I and I’ run over allthe sites involved in any particular distortion of a given type of centre and U is an intra-cluster intensive property. The form of H’ can be expressed more compactly by defining operators B,'(! ) and B,(I)given
by I A’(I)
B,'(I)=A,(I)=afjl)a,(Z). =
with z = tr - )-
The perturbation H’ originates nith the structural stress that causes the ideal state fluctuation to form clus:ers. It therefore acts so as to annihilate elements in their ideal state and create them with displaced eentres of motion and shifted eigenfrequencies. Each possible distortion will involve a specified set of elements, I’, in a particular cluster eigenmode c_ Since the stress that causes each element to displace is provided by the u hole set of elements involved in a particular distortion, the perturbation N’ must be written in terms of a double sum over a two-site operator V,,.. Hence H’=CCCV,,*A’(I)A(f) c I I’ x Ia:(r~)n,(r~)~a,(r~)n~(r~)]_
which generate the specific cluster eigenmode t from the ideal state at site I and vice versa_ The significance of these operators ear-rbest be appreciated by referring to the example shown in fig. I, in which an impurity-interstitial pair induces site displacements in the ideal lattice 1171.In this case the operators i?:(l) create the distorted local structure illustrated in fig lb, whereas A,( I) annihilate the displacements shown by arrows in fig_ la to convert this particular distortion (c) to the ideal lattice. The operators A,(I) therefore create a structural displacement in the equilibrium cluster structure. c. Retaining the notation A-(1)/A(I) only for the creation/annihilation of the ideal state from the average cluster eigenstate. the total hamiltonian takes the general form H=~ti’(I)A(l)th‘,
where the sul~ls over I and I’ run over all the sites involved in the distortion that produces the particular cluster eigenmode c_ The excitation number operator A '(I)A(I) appears as a factor because the cluster forming stress is only non-zero when
c 1 r (8) which represents a system of excitations caused by centre-of-motion displacements from the equi-
librium cluster ground state whose hamiltonian is The furrn of the potential in which these excitations take place can be determined by defining a genera&xl coordinate, R,(I), for the centre of motion displacement that transfers element I in cluster eigenstate c into the ideal state. R,(f) is given by HO.
which in the harmonic case reduces to the phonon displacement operator_ With the use of expressions (9) and (7) the first term of the hamiltonian of expression (8) is found to be the cluster average harmonic contribution to motion in the coordinate R,(I). whereas the third term originates in an anharmonic portion of the potential_ Denoting the potential for the element I as V( R(f)) its form is found to be V(R(I))=g:R’(l)i-CCh,.R’(I)R,(I’), I’ =
in which K(I) is averaged over all cluster eigenstates_ Here V( R(I)) has a minimum at the equilibrium cluster site for which R(I) is zero, and in
the absence of the displacement of other elements maximum occurs at a negative value of R(I). Hence the element can be dissociated from the cluster if suitably activated. Non-zero displacements of other elements shift the maximum and may either reduce or increase its magnitude. but do not affect the position of the minimum The motion of any single element in this potential is therefore influenced by the displacement motions of all other elements and their coupling will lead to the formation of the chrster group oscillations. The form of V(R(I)) also allows for cooperative effects in the facilitation of dissociation of an element from the cluster through the reduction or even elimination of the potential barrier_ Such processes lead to cluster fragmentation and coalescence through transfer of an eiement or displacement between clusters and may also contribute to transport properties_ This possibility will be excluded here both in the subsequent development and by the omission of the hermitean conjugate of the third term in the harniltonian. expression (S). with attention being confined soiely to the formation of group oscillations. 2
23. The ecolurion of rhe ideal stare rnro a ciuver The perturbation H’ in eq_ (5) causes the ideal state fluctaation of a particular cluster ccntre to decay temporahy through the generation of lattice distorting site displacements. described by the operators B,‘(f). The time development of the ideal state can be dete_brined from that of the fluctuation operators A *(i). A(I) given in the interaction representation by [X] id/dr(oP)=[oP,(~-~O)].
as A-(f)=i~~-(I)-_TA*(f)+CCiV;,.[B,’(I’)+B,(I’)]A’(i), c I’
(122) (I2b)
Here a phenomenoIogical damping constant r has been introduced since the ideal state is a fluctuation with an energy E per site in excess of the true ground state to which it must therefore relax by returning eneqq to the heat bath through random processes_ The magnitude of r wilI be dependent upon the detail of any specific centre [27] among which will be the maximum number of elements involved in the cluster group motions. For the example of fig 1 ionic rearrangements within the cluster will facilitate activated transfer of the interstitial between alternative sites. In general no restriction to single-phonon processes can be made and a number of alternative relaxation routes [27l will be available Consequently T may range from = 1 to many orders of magnitude smaller than 5, -&is latter being particularly the case when the
average cluster contains a large number of elements, all of which must be involved in thermal pm. In the interaction representation the time dependence of an operator is given by exp(iHerjO,
- 03)
which leads directly to the unperturbed time-dependent perturbation becomes X,(r)
= exp(iH,I)(
time development of A ‘(I)
C C I$*[ &?(I’) c I’
+ B,(f’j])
and A(l)
in eqs. (12.a) and (12b)_ The
exp( --i&r).
and the perturbed solutions to eqs. (12a) and (12b) take the Form A’(f.r)=exp[(iE-_)r]
which approach the exact (Heisenberg) behaviour when the cluster eigenstates in f& are the selfconsistent solutions for the strained state_ The evolution of an ideal state fluctuation at a given centre into a cluster can be described by determining the two-time correlation function