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IMPERIAL SOCIAL HYGIENE CONGRESS. which was organised by the British


is an aural illusion, depending on the accentuation of the first heart sound. As many previous workers have pointed out, when the heart-rate is slow the obstructive murmur in fibrillation terminates before the end of diastole, and is then diminuendo in character. When, however, two heart cycles follow one another in rapid succession, the murmur fills the whole of diastole, and is continuous with the first heart sound. It is only under these circumstances that it appears to have a crescendo character.

Congress, Hygiene Council, was formally opened on Monday in the Livingstone Hall, under the presidency of the Marquess of Linlithgow. The problem of venereal disease being international as well as national, it was fitting that such bodies as the League of Red Cross Societies, the League of Nations, and the International Labour Office should be represented, and the presence of representatives of the Dominions DENTAL SURGEON’S LIABILITY FOR and Colonies testified to the importance attached by them to the campaign against venereal disease. It WATER-SUPPLY. became evident early in the Congress that the British IT seems a little ridiculous that a dental surgeon Social Hygiene Council has established an extra- should be liable to a special charge for water-supply ordinarily close liaison with even the most remote in respect of the water used at the chair in his corners of the Empire, and the large number of The Manchester Corporation has, consulting-room. delegates from India was plain evidence of the interest recently succeeded in a claim of this kind. taken in venereal disease in that country. Inter- however, The legal position varies in different districts since national and Imperial congresses are usually rather is mostly governed by a special Act impersonal affairs ; they suffer from an atmosphere water-supply of local application. The undertakers are usually of austerity which the efforts of the most human of to supply houses with domestic water required chairmen seldom succeed in mitigating. On this at a charge depending on the rateable value of the occasion, however, the meeting seemed more like a premises, are usually allowed to supply water gathering of a clan, whose members were already for trade and and non-domestic purposes on such terms well known to each other, than a formal congress, and conditions as they think fit-normally by meter and the discussions which followed the papers revealed at rates. In 1863 the Waterworks Clauses Act special tone might almost say betrayed-a frankness to be up in one convenient code a set of model found more often in the bosom of a family than in the gathered clauses which are often incorporated in local legislation precincts of a public building. The chairman’s request about water-supply. Section 12 of the 1863 Act to the press towards the end of the first meeting that that " domestic purposes " do not include it should withdraw in order to encourage freedom of explains for cattle or horses or water-supply carriages speech did not, when the Congress was left to itself, or horses where the carriages or washing horses are kept yield a crop of candid and lurid speeches. Not a bit of for sale or hire, or supply for any trade, manufacture, it. Evidently the time has passed when the men and or business, or for watering gardens or for fountains women engaged in the campaign against venereal or any ornamental purpose. But, as already stated, disease feel that they must maintain a genteel silence, the law in a town depends upon the local particular yea even from good words," and some of the ques- Acts which operate in that area, and, even when the tions put to those who had read papers were as fearless Acts are studied, the principles are not too easy as they were searching. Perhaps the most interesting to apply. If the courts are asked to distinguish of these questions was raised by a woman who asked : between water-supply for domestic purposes and waterWhat, in your opinion, is the effect of preventive supply for a trade, business or profession, what test outfits on the morals of the young men on whom they are to apply ? Even if a trade or business is they are bestowed ? " It was not a question easy to carried on in a house, the persons in the house must answer offhand, and the person to whom it was be entitled to water for domestic purposes. It is not addressed evidently thought that discretion was the said Lord Dunedin in Metropolitan Water better part of valour. But later in the same meeting enough, Board v. Avery, to argue that a trade is carried on the chairman, Mr. E. B. Turner, when summing up in the premises or that the people who use water the main features of the discussion, took up the on the premises only go there because a trade is challenge of this question, answering it in unequi- carried on. The test is the purpose for which the vocal terms. To give point to his opinion he told the water is used, not the character of the premises. Congress of a young officer who had contracted Lord Dunedin the alternative test, which syphilis and who believed the preventive outfit, giving would suggest rejected that every use of water, however him the thought that he was safe, had induced him domestic in its nature, which appears as a step to let himself go. At the meeting on Tuesday in a trade operation, must (however insignificant) morning the discussion largely resolved itself into an be use of water for a trade and therefore not for advocacy, by speakers north of the Tweed, of com- domestic purposes. In Avery’s case the Metropolitan measures in connexion with treatment. Some Water pulsory Board admitted that they did not charge account of the proceedings will be given in a later public-houses at more than the domestic rate, though Social




the nature of the business must involve constant washing of mugs and glasses. It would be absurd, THE CRESCENDO MURMUR OF MITRAL said Lord Dunedin, if a shopkeeper could not even wet a sponge to clean dusty goods without being STENOSIS liable for water at a trade rate. The true test, therefore, THE hypothesis that the crescendo murmur in is not whether water is used in the course of the mitral stenosis is attributable to auricular systole has but whether the use is in its nature domestic trade, been generally accepted since Mackenzie drew atten- or not. tion to the characteristic alteration which takes place In the recent Manchester case, the plaintiff in the physical signs when auricular fibrillation contended that the dental surgeon, corporation even in the supervenes. Occasionally, however, the in the course of his practice, was water using presence of fibrillation, the obstructive murmur on a trade or business within the meaning carrying a have crescendo character. to definitely appears Mackenzie himself referred to such cases, and put of the local Acts applicable, alternatively that the forward a tentative suggestion that in them the water used at the dentist’s chair was used for other than domestic purposes. Mr. Justice Eve ruled murmur was produced in a different way-namely, corporation on the second of these by slight regurgitation at the mitral orifice. This against the but decided in favour of the corporation explanation is unsatisfactory, and on reconsidering alternatives, the whole question Eggleston comes to the conclusion upon the construction of the language of the special that the apparent crescendo character of the murmur Manchester Corporation Waterworks Acts because one of those Acts provided that the corporation need not supply any dwelling-house with water 1 Eggleston, Cary : Amer. Jour. Med. Sci., 1929, clxxvii., 153. ____