The frame around your professional picture
Is EVERY convention of this kind one finds two common denominators. Those in attendance are all interested...
Is EVERY convention of this kind one finds two common denominators. Those in attendance are all interested in the same profession, business, or avocation. That constitut,es one cornrnon denominator. The second one is found in the fact that we are all citixens. \Ve call this second denominator the frame around the picture, and if the frame disintegrat,cs your picture isn’t going to be very pretty any more. I am well aware that we have dclegatcs here from outside the United States, but what I say of our situation can bc easily adapted to theirs. The frame around your professional picture is the American economic and political system. That is the framework within which you opcratc. I told a. national insurance convention in Washington recently that the best insurance salesman in the world couldn’t sell insurance if his government is giving it away. This had nothing to do with socialized medicine. The point is that if America goes socialistic-if wc develop a system whereby there is no longer any prcrnium upon the individual citizen being responsible for his own welfare and his own future-then the frame is broken up and a lot of business and professional pictures are destroyed with it. Thus, in a. rnecting of this kind it is imperative that we devote at least one session to thinking about how WC preserve our American heritage. The time is at hand when eveiT American must sell the systtm as well as her own product or service. We must quit assuming that Americans automatically understand America because we are born here. We professional people know that when a person is born he doesn’t understand anything at all. IIe is not even preconditioned to learn one kind of philosophy any more readily t,han another. A child born in Mobile or Minneapolis will make as good a communist
The frame wound
Dr. Kenneth and wiws.
your professiond
A. A.
as one born in Moscow. It depends entirely upon what he learns. And we are leaving entirely too many of the learning activities to the leftists. Fe do not need to make a cast for America, but we must ,T*ececLZ the cast that exists. The truth does not, “will out” unassisted. It is too often stifled by the foes of freedom. The magnificent story of freedom must be constantly told and eternally sold. V%cn we compare the facts of American freedom with anything offered by any rival system, there is simply nothing to argue. Half of all the people in the world are going to bed hungry tonight. Ever since Adam got kickrd out of the Garden of Eden, man’s first problem has been “110~ do I eat’?” Not a single communist country has ever solved this first problem for its own people. Yet the communists and socialists have sold untold millions on the idea that they can have the best answers to alZ of mankind’s problems. Those engaged in the healing arts arc especially prone to become so engrossed in the picture that they neglect the frame. The greatest Healer the world ever knew was put to death by the very pcoplc Ilc sought to serve because they misunderstood IIis mot,ives and misinterpreted their own “rights.” The time has come for all professional people to become champions of the American system. Devot,c a fair share of your time to preserving, in good working order, the basic institutions of freedom. Don’t wait until your house is on fire and then try to take out insnrancc. You have enormous contacts. Your aura of influence is much greater t,han you could ever imagine. A profession’s greatest men are the ones who conform to its highest stan-
dards today and do t.heir share to ensure that it has an even greater tomorrow. This means an increasing emphasis upon c*it,izcnship responsibilities. The da? is at hand when it is fatal to separak the picture from the frame-thcly ilrt’ all one and the same. 3127 Huntoon