302 tumour. On the opposite side no corresponding sound could be detected. The lungs were healthy; there waa an anaemic cardiac murmur; the urine cont...

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302 tumour. On the opposite side no corresponding sound could be detected. The lungs were healthy; there waa an anaemic cardiac murmur; the urine contained some albumen, but no casts ; the temperature was normal, and the pulse from 80 to 90. The next day there was some hæmorrhage, and on the 15th a recurrence of pain. On April 19th the abdomen was opened under antiseptic precautions. In the peritoneal cavity a quantity of bloody serum and some firm clots were found; the cavity was carefully sponged out, The viscera and serous membrane appeared much injected, The right ovary and Fallopian tube were healthy; the uterus enlarged and soft. To the left lay a tumour the size of a goose’s egg, in appearance very like an incarcerated hernia; immediately below, and to the outer side, lay the left ovary. The tumour was soft and very elastic ; there were adhesions externally. When pricked with a needle some bloody serum exuded. It was then ligatured and removed, THE GERMAN ASSOCIATION OF NATURALISTS and the abdomen sponged out with boracic solution and AND PHYSICIANS. closed with deep and superficial sutures, the wound being THE fifty-eighth meeting of this Association, which last dressed with corrosive sublimate gauze. The patient did year met at Magdeburg, will this year meet at Strasburg. well. The tumour was egg-shaped, having at one end the All inquiries in respect to lodgings may be made to Herrn cut Fallopian tube, and at the other the fimbriated extremity, Quästor Schmidt, Universitats gebande. Notices of com- No trace of umbilical cord or embryo was discovered in the munications and abstracts of papers should be sent to Herrn cavity of the tumour or in that of the abdomen, but traces J. Stilling. The meeting will commence on Thursday, of chorion and placental tissue were found in the tumour, Sept. 17th, and terminate with excursions on Sept. 23rd. The sections are: (1) Mathematics and Astronomy; (2) Physics; UNCHASTITY AMONG SCHOOLBOYS. (3) Chemistry; (4) Pharmaceutics ; (5) Mineralogy and GeoTHE Archbishops of Canterbury and York have spoken logy ; (6) Geography; (7) Botany; (8) Zoology; (9) Anatomy and Anthropology; (10) Physiology; (11) Pathological through the Church on the gross immoralities of the day. Anatomy and General Pathology; (12) Pharmacology; The former " lays especial emphasis on the necessity for (13) Medicine; (14) Surgery; (15) Gynaecology; (16) Pædia- young men to keep themselves pure in feeling and lantrics: (17) Ophthalmology; (18) Psychology and Neurology; guage as well as in act." Such a remark should have (19) Otology; (20) Laryngology; (21) Hygiene; (22) Military weight coming from one now at the head of the Church, whose past life and best energies have been given to the Surgery; (23) Veterinary Medicine; (24) Farm Economy. intellectual and moral development of the sons of the upper. middle and upper classes of this country, first as tutorin SUCCESSFUL OPERATION IN TUBAL PREGNANCY. the head master’s house at Rugby, and subsequently for Drt. F. WESTEBMARE describes in a Swedish medical fifteen years as head master of Wellington College. This journal a case of tubal pregnancy upon which he operated justifies his speaking from a long and exceptional experience successfully. The age of the patient was twenty-three. She of theimmoral disposition which springs from impurityof began to menstruate at twelve, and always suffered a good feeling and language in youth, leading insensibly, but cer. deal at the periods. Sometimes she ceased for several tainly, to immorality in act. A " conspiracy of silence" months at a time, and for this amenorrhcea she attended the has fallen upon us, says the Archbishop of York, and Serafimerlasarettets Polyclinic in 1882. A cure was effected it is against this conspiracy of silence and secrecy in and she became quite regular. In September, 1883, she was all matters that should be public among those who have married; she menstruated regularly till December, 1884, the charge and training of the boys at our public schools when she ceased. In February, 1885, the breasts began to that we have more than once remonstrated. Root out swell and she believed herself to be pregnant. On the llth an evil from the educated classes, and the example will of March there was slight haemorrhage, which recurred three diffuse itself through all grades of society. to the lowest times in a week. On the 19th she had some pain and stratum. In the lower spheres impurity is forced upon the haemorrhage ; thinking she was about to abort, she sent for people by the conditions of their existence; but among the a midwife. On the 25th Dr. Westermark saw her and found upper classes it is sought, and follows the economic rulesof the cervix closed, the uterus enlarged and retroverted; to demand and supply. Strike at the demand and the supply the left was an elastic tumour about the size of a small fist. will cease. It is quite true, as the Archbishop says, that The patient being unable to micturate, a catheter was passed immorality is not confined to one class, but it is neverthdes and the uterus replaced. She continued in a satisfactory equally true that it prevails most in the extremes of society, condition for three days, when she was seized with diarrhoea, the highest and the lowest. In its most voluptuous and vomiting and pain. The next day she was nearly collapsed; revolting form, it implies the possession of wealth to comshe was again catheterised and the uterus replaced. Shortly mand it. The offspring of the wealthier classes often afterwards a complete cast of the uterus came away. Her inherit a disposition to unchastity; hence the greater need condition appearing serious, and being in poor circumstances, of safeguards to their boys at our great public schools, N she was admitted into the Maria Hospital on April 8th. It was the acquired disposition may become a fixed part of their noticed that there was no tenderness on palpation. Above nature. Often when a school is at its highest repute Poupart’s ligament a tumour about three or four centimetres a lessened vigilance permits a lewdness of languageto in diameter was felt. The uterus was enlarged, movable, creep in, which leads to licentiousness of feeling and anteflexed, and displaced to the right, the os being closed. unchastity in act. It is to the purity of youth that the The tumour could be felt to be distinct from the uterus, and Archbishop looks for morality in manhood. "Just as the was about the size of a goose’s egg; it was soft, elastic, smooth, twig is bent the tree’s inclined." The public schoolstot-’ and did not fluctuate. A placental souffle was heard over the which we might refer are probably as well known

at a depot established for the pur8543 were vaccinated and 3124 revaccinated. pose ; persons The health officer states that "vaccination was the only measure of any value that could be taken to arrest the progress of the scourge; isolation of one-twentieth of the cases was among natives impossible." The health officer, Dr. no have to pains to promote the Pedley, appears spared condition of the municipality, of the improvement sanitary and to his exertions undoubtedly is due much of the progress which has been made in that respect. We would suggest that in future reports more information should be given as to the amount of population in the town and the whole station respectively, as it is manifest that some error has crept into the table at the top of page 24, and no means are afforded of correcting it.

obtained, from the calf,
