1234 reaction. Gastric crisis might be confounded with a certain form of vomition described by the late Professor Leyden and termed periodical vomition."" Dr. FtRSTENBERG (Berlin) spoke on the Progress of Radium Therapy, especially its influence on gout, rheumatism, and sleeplessness. Dr. KEMEN (Kreuznach) discussed the different methods of the administration of radium. According to him the drinking of radium water was preferable to the inhalation of radium emanation. Professor STICKER (Berlin) reported the results obtained THE GERMAN BALNEOLOGICAL by radium in the therapy of malignant growth. Cancroids of the skin might be totally cured by radium. CONGRESS. Professor LAZARUS (Berlin) spoke on radium emanation (FROM OUR BERLIN CORRESPONDENT.) as the alleged curative agent of natural springs. He drew attention to the fact that the springs contained so small a THE German Balneological Society held its annual meeting quantity of radium that any effect was very unlikely. The in Berlin during March, Professor BRIEGER being in the curative effect of springs was not in proportion to their content of radium. chair. Other papers read before the Congress concerned seaTherapy of Diseases of the Heart and Blood-vessels. sickness, enlargement of the prostate, hysteria, diabetes, and Professor BRIEGER explained the different hydriatic procedures, laying stress especially on an accurate examina- other subjects. tion of the strength of the heart, upon which the mode and intensity of the procedure must depend. Professor STRAUSS (Berlin) spoke on diet in these diseases. CHOLERA AND PLAGUE IN THE NEAR The preservation of the strength of the heart must be the EAST. first principle : over-feeding must be done away. The Karell THE BRITISH DELEGATE TO THE CONSTANTINOPLE cure might be useful, but for a very short time only ; coffee, (FROM BOARD OF HEALTH.) tea, spirits, and bouillon must be avoided. Concerning the quantity of fluid allowed, he said that Oertel’s views were somewhat exaggerated, but that the quantity of water must Cholera in the Tierkish Empire. be reduced except in affections of the kidneys. THE season is rapidly approaching when the annual Professor GOLDSCHEIDER spoke on syphilis of the aorta, which was, according to him, very frequent and happened reappearance of cholera in this country may with only too He said that arterio- great certainty be expected to occur. Revival would perhaps more often in men than in women. sclerosis was often caused by syphilis, but that a differential have been a more appropriate word than reappearance, since diagnosis between a syphilitic aneurysm and an aneurysm there is reason to believe that the disease has not been caused by arterio-sclerosis without syphilis was sometimes entirely absent from some parts of the country through the whole winter. Regular bulletins have ceased to be published impossible. Dr. GRODEL (Nauheim) discussed the balneotherapy of for some time, but information has been received at irregular chronic diseases of the heart, saying that warm brine baths intervals from certain parts of Albania, Syria, Asia Minor, and the Yemen, and it appears that in some of these provinces, were the most effective remedy in these diseases provided that they were administered in a reasonable way. The as also in Constantinople itself, the cholera infection has curative action depended on the thermic irritant. The carbonic never completely died out. In Constantinople 2 cases of the disease were seen on acid produced a feeling of warmth, so that these baths were better endured than ordinary ones. The bath also produced Feb. 2nd and 3rd, one occurring in the 1st Battalion of Tirailleurs stationed at the Yildiz barracks and the other in an increased tonus of the vessels and more powerful action of the heart. Warm brine baths were indicated in diseases of the Taxim barracks. On the 24th and 25th of the same month the heart and the vessels where the circulation must be two other suspected cases in the troops of the capital were stimulated. In cases without a reserve strength of the heart reported. Finally, on the 9th inst. a suspected case occurred with an enormous blood pressure the warm brine baths are on board a coal-lighter which had come from Guemlek, on contra-indicated; the same was the case in Bright’s disease the Marmara, and was anchored off Arnaoutkeui on the and apoplexy. Bosphorus. The boat with all on board was sent to the Professor BICKEL (Berlin) reported physiological researches lazaret of Kavak, at the north end of the Bosphorus, where a In cardiac bacteriological examination of the patient’s dejecta was on the action of baths on the circulation. diseases with an increased blood pressure oxygen baths made. The result is still uncertain at the moment of writing. In Albania cholera has been present in sporadic form were indicated, whilst carbonic-acid baths might be prescribed where the cardiac strength was diminished but a among troops and in the inhabitants of certain farms, reserve power still existed. Generally the oxygen bath was situated in the neighbourhood of Loros. Between Jan. 24th and March 9th cases continued to occur at intervals, and at milder than the carbonic-acid bath. Dr. BRUNS (Marburg) spoke on the treatment of circu- least 29 cases with 6 deaths have been officially reported. Cholera has also been present in recent weeks at Adana, latory troubles by respiration in rarefied air. This method was indicated in eases of cardiac insufficiency with emphysema Tarsus, and in the neighbourhood, near the south coast of and chronic bronchitis, in asthma, and in arterio-sclerotic Asia Minor. At Adana, which was free from the disease at the beginning of the year, the disease reappeared on conditions of the heart. Jan. 18th; from then to the 21st 15 cases with 6 deaths Various Papers.-Radium Therapy. were recorded, followed by 10 cases and 9 deaths between Dr. PFEIFFER (Wiesbaden) reported that in diabetes the Jan. 21st and 28th. Sixteen days ensued without a case; sugar had disappeared under the influence of thermal baths then between Feb. 13th and 20th there were 2 cases with without any antidiabetic diet. 1 death ; on March 4th another case was seen, and the later Professor GRUBE (Neuenahr) discussed the Etiology and records are as follows :Pathology of Cholelithiasis. By recent researches it appeared March 12th to 21st 5 cases, 2 deaths. very likely that a congestion of the bile was the principal 20th to 25th ......9 2 " " (sic) This happened especially in pregcause of cholelithiasis. 25th to April 1sot...... 7" 4 " " was four so disease times that the more in frequent nancy, " April lst to " 8th ......9 " 3 Of 613 women suffering from cholewomen than in men. At Tarsus cholera reappeared towards the end of January ; lithiasis only 44 had been childless. Professor KÚTTNER (Berlin) read a paper on Nervous between Jan. 21st and 28th 3 cases with 3 deaths occurred; Vomiting. It might have its origin, he said, either in the in the eight days ending Feb. 5th there were 6 cases with gastro-intestinal canal or in the central nervous system. The 5 deaths, and in the eight days ending Feb. 13th 3 cases differential diagnosis between nervous vomiting and gastric with 3 deaths. Since the last-named date Tarsus appears to crises in tabes had become more easy by Wassermann’s have been free from the disease. But more recently cholera
and comfort or theatre performances be heard by telephone. On Tuesday, the 16th, we met again at the offices of Zl PoZwlinioo, and finally drank to each other and to the journals we represented. Altogether, whatever criticisms may be made of the Congress, the press has been admirably received. From the very first we have felt we were among colleagues who understood our difficulties and responsibilities and were determined to help us in every way.