The Health of the School Wild:
By Gertrude E. Cromwell, R.N., M.S., Supervisor, Bureau of Health Education and School Nursing, Des Moines Public Schools. 256 pages with 46 illustrations. Price $2.50. Philadelphia and London, W. B. Saunders Company, 1946.
Child growt.h and development in relation to physical fitness are discussed. With regard to the dentition, we find that t,he teeth are looked upon as an important factor in nutrition, especially as it concerns the prenatal stage. Public health nurses are advised to watch t,he dental literature concerning dent.al caries problems,. since this subject “is alive and growing. ” It is to be hoped that future edlt,lons of this book will include more mataerial on the teeth that will be helpful to health education teachers. When we consider that dental defects outnumber all others, we expect books on healt,h education to give them equal prominence with sight and hearing conservation.
The National Formulary : Prepared
by the Committee on National Formulary under the Supervision of the Council by Authority of the American Pharmaceutical Association. Eighth edition. National Formulary VIII. Washington 7, D. C., American Pharmaceutical Association, 1946.
The National Fol~~~ukc~y, first published in 1888, is now in its eighth edition. It is a product of the American Pharmaceutical Association. The Formulary has set itself the task of standardizing formulas for unofficial preparations with the view of reducing the multiplicity of preparations which differ in nonessential proportions of constituents in colors or in flavors. In the present edition, the primary title of each drug monograph is in English, while botanical and zoological names conform to the rules of “The International Botanical Congress and the International Zoological Congress. ” Standards of identity, strength, and purity are included. Among the new additions to t,he eighth edition of The National Pormdary are articles on chalk powder compounds, eucaine hydrochloride, and many other preparations of interest to dentists. In addition to monographs on drugs, chemicals, and preparations, a section is presented on reagents and preparations for use in the clinical laboratory. This includes directions for the microscopic examination of saliva and sputum, as well as directions for culture reading and staining techniques. In the chapter entitled “General Tests, Processes and Apparatus,” procedures are presented for alcohol determinat,ions and many others. The Formulary contains many tables, charts, grafts, and an excellent index.