278 hospital in the town, every other hospital would have its a consideration of the facts disclosed in the evidence at a placed before them for equa...

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hospital in the town, every other hospital would have its a consideration of the facts disclosed in the evidence at a placed before them for equal treatment. An amend- coroner’s inquest at West Bromwich in the case of the suicide ment, referring the matter back to the Council in committee, of a schoolboy, consequent on the pressure to which he was was ultimately adopted. subjected in order to force him through the examinations of the code, he is still of opinion that the code requires no THE NATIONAL ORTHOPÆDIC CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL, one




A Novel Punishment.

satisfactory to learn that this valuable institution is Dr. Cameron gave notice that on Tuesday he will put a now out of debt, a circumstance which is largely due to the to the Vice-President of the Council as to the question receipts of the bazaar held in November last having alleged practice at Locbgoilhead Public School of administo the sum of amounted £170. Last year the number of castor oil to children as a punishment. extern patients was 1513, and of intern 44 ; and the committee tering in their annual report refer to the great improvement in the New Bills. working of the hospital, in the nursing, and in the result of The following were amongst the new Bills brought in and the surgical operations. read a first time :-Bill to restrict the Sale of Patent Medi. cines (Mr. Warton and Dr. Farquharson); Bill to provide "THOUGHTS ON EDUCATION." It is

The above was the title of the inaugural address given by Mr. Edward Hamilton, President of the Dublin Branch of the British Medical Association, at its annual meeting on the 31st ult. He said that memory, the mere faculty of retaining communicated knowledge, was the rope of sand on which modern education hung; it was the fetish which their teachers worshipped ; the philosopher’s stone which could turn everything to gold. Education comprised two essential elements, teaching and training. Deficiency in either of these would render it weak, illusory, and valueless. The vital error of the existing system was the desire to cram the head with detached fragments of learning, without the least effort to train the intellect. He thought that the entire system of lectures demanded sweeping and thorough reform. It was simply impossible that students could derive benefit from the enormous amount of attendance on lectures exacted from them, to the exclusion of practical work.

for the Regulation of Cremation and other Modes of Dis. posal of the Dead (Dr. Cameron, Sir Lyon Play fair, and Dr. Farquharson); Bill to repeal the Compulsory Clauses of the Vaccination Acts (Mr. P. A. Taylor, Mr. Blennerhassett, Mr. Burt, Mr. Hopwood, and Sir Wilfrid Lawson); Bill to amend the Law relating to the Care of Lunatics in Ireland (Sir Thomas M’Clure, Lord Arthur Hill, Mr, Thomas Lea, Mr. Greer, Mr. Findlater, and Dr. Lyons); Bill for the Sanitary Inspection of Dwelling-houses (Mr. Monckton, Marquis of Stafford, Mr. H. T. Davenport, and Mr. Henry H. Fowler) ; Bill for Preventing the Erection of Buildings on Disused Burial Grounds (Mr, Hollond, Mr. Bryce, and Mr. Pelt) ; Bill to alter and amend the Law relating to Private Lunatic Asylums in Ireland, and to make other and more suitable provision for Paying Patients (Mr. William Corbet, Mr. Blake, Mr, Dillwyn, Mr. Dawson, and Mr. Richard Power).

Contagious Diseases. On Thursday, Captain Price asked the Secretary of State for War if he would lay upon the table of the House the last THE HIND FUND. annual report of the visiting surgeon for Plymouth and Devonport.-Mr. Campbell Bannerman: The only report are on WE requested to state that this fund will be closed received is that of the visiting surgeon, which is entirely March 6th until which date next, subscriptions confidential, and not such a document as can be published.Thursday, will be thankfully received by Dr. Richardson, F.R.S., Sir H. Wolff asked the Secretary of State for War if he (chairman), 25, Manchester-square; John Tweedy, Esq., could state whether any, and if so what, increase had taken F.R.C.S., 24, Harley-street, Hon. Treasurer; A. J. Pepper, place in the percentage of contagious diseases in the army since the suspension of the operation of the CotiEsq., F.R.C.S., 122, Gower-street; and Thomas Wakley, and navyDiseases Act, and whether he would lay upon the tagious jun., Esq., L.R.C.P., 96, Redcliffe-gardens, Hon. Secretaries; table returns on the subject.-Lord Hartington replied that or by Messrs. Coutts and Co., Strand. The following he had had full returns on the subject prepared, already additional contributions have been received and paid to the and they would be presented to the House immediately. account of the " Hind Fund" at Messrs. Coutts’ Bank :-Sir Henry Wolff asked the Under Secretary for; the Admiralty whether there was any truth in the statement that, in the case of a large number of seamen suffering from those disorders, orders had been issued by the Admiralty that sailors not yet cured should be sent from the hospital on board seagoing ships.-Mr. CampbellBannerman asked for notice of the question. Death from using Patent Medicine. Mr. Warton asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether his attention had been called to the case of William Henry John Heath Sheahan, aged seven MEDICAL NOTES IN PARLIAMENT. months, on whose body an inquest was held on Dec. 31st, 1883, by Dr. Danford Thomas, and whose death the jury found was caused by the antimony contained in a patent Dwellings of the Poor. IN the House of Commons, on Tuesday, the opening day medicine called " Holt’s Specific for Whooping-cough."of the session, Mr. Arthur Balfour gave notice that on Mr. Mundella replied that the attention of the Privy Council March 4th he will call attention to the condition of inhabited had been drawn to the matter, and a Bill was now under consideration which would be introduced very shortly in the dwellings in crowded districts of large towns, and will move House of Lords. Mr. Cohen gave notice that he will bring in a resolution. a Bill to secure compensation in certain cases to the occupiers of tenements which are taken or demolished under statutory I, THE LONDON HOSPITAL.-A suggestion made some powers. Sir James Lawrence will call attention to the time ago by the medical council of this hospital, to the effect the of the of Common provisions Lodging- that it was desirable that greater facilities necessity extending than had hitherto houses Acts to houses occupied by several families of the existed in the institution should be afforded, in order to, classes. labouring enable the staff more effectually to deal with cases of poisonSir Joseph Pease renewed his usual notice of a resolution ing brought there, having met with the approval of the hoase against cumulative penalties for non-vaccination. committee, a case designed and manufactured by Messrs. On Wednesday, a London petition was presented for Richardson and Co. of Leicester, containing antidotes and appliances useful in cases of poisoning, has been placed in alteration of the Lunacy Laws. the waiting-room of the hospital. By this means cases of Educational Pressure. poisoning may be treated without delay-a desirable thing Mr. Stanley Leighton gave notice that on Monday he in these days of free trade in soothing syrups, vermin will ask the Vice. President of the Council whether, after killers, &c.