Felix Mitelman, Department of C!inical Genetics, University of Lund, Lund, Sweden The Human Cancer Chromosome Re~istx'y.(1) is continuously updated. By December 1"988tiae Registry contained infor.mation on clonal . chromdsomal abnormalities identified by banding techniques in 10 705 neoplasms. The great maionty of the material has been collected from oublished cases reported in 2 607 references; about 5 % of the neoplashas are unp.ublished cases of particular cytogenetic or clinical interest. Solid tumors comprise 18% of the total data base; the distribution according to histopathology is presented below. Tumor type Benign epithelial neoplasms Malignant epithelial neoplasms Germ cell neoplasms Benign mesenchymalneoplasms Malignant mesenchymal neoplasms Benign neurogenic neoplasms Malignant neurogenie neoplasms Melanocyticneoplasms
No. of
cases 132 838 48 106 242 137 321 69
(1) Mitelman, F.: Catalog of Chromosome Aberrations in Cancer, 3rd Ed., Alan R. Liss, New;York, 1988
* 3 ANALYSIS OF DIFFERENTIAL EXPRESSION OF FUNCTION OF MYC-FAMILY AND RELATED GENES IN NORMAL AND TRANSFORMED CELLS. Frederick Alt, Renate Dildrop) Robert Collum, Tarik Moroy, Kathryn Zimmerman, Averil Ma, Jean Charron, Steven Golf, and Ron DePinho. Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Departments of Biochemistry and Microbiology, College of Physician and Surgeons of Columbia Unlversity, New York, N.Y. 10032. Expression of the N-, L-, and c-mvc genes is differentially regulated during normal murine development. For example, both N- and c-mvc are expressed in precursor B and T lymphocytes but only c-myc is expressed after the cells differentiate into mature lymphocytes. To study the differential control and functions of m_.y_q-family genes, we have generated a variety of transgenie mouse lines that contain introduced N= or L-myc genes expressed under the influence of their own regulatory elements or specifically-targeted and deregulated within the lymphoid lineage. In addition, we have disrupted one copy of the endogenous N-mye gene in embryonic stem cells by homologous recombination; these cells have been used for blastocyst injections and resulting chimeric mice are being analyzed for germline transmission. We will discuss results of these studies in the context of differential m_y_q-gene regulation and activities in normal and transformed cells. We will also describe a novel human gene that, in preliminary analyses, has m_y_q-like activity in the rat embryo fibroblast co-transformation assay and has a highly restricted deveilopmental- and tumor-specific expression pattern.