The IMF and stabilization: Developing country experiences
Recent Books Growth Theory and Strategy: New Direction: A Unified Systems Approach to Regional and National Growth. L.C. Gupta. New York: Oxford Unive...
Recent Books Growth Theory and Strategy: New Direction: A Unified Systems Approach to Regional and National Growth. L.C. Gupta. New York: Oxford University Press, 1983. 162 pp. $13.95 ISBN 19561633-2. The author of this book uses the steel and engineering complex of Jamshedpur in his analysis of the process of economic growth. The study cuts across several social science disciplines.
The IMF and Stabilization:
Killick, ed. New York: St. Martin’s ISBN o-312-40229-5.
The Quest for Economic Stabilization:
Country Experiences. Tony Press, 1984. 216 pp. $27.50 The IMF and the Third World.
Tony Killick, ed. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1984. 340 pp. $30.00 ISBN o-312-66027-8. These are companion volumes dealing with the IMF and economic stability in developing countries; each begins with a summary of the other. The ZMF and Stabilization presents the results of three individual country case studies dealing with economic management and the role of the IMF in Indonesia (1966-70), Jamaica (1972-80), and Kenya (1973-81). These are preceded by an introduction and a chapter dealing with Latin American experiences and the structuralist school’s approach to short-run economic management. The Quest for Economic Stabilization deals with the subject in a more aggregative and general manner, discussing the extent causes and consequences of disequilibrium; the potential use of domestic stabilization measures; balance of payments policy; relationships, resource uses, and the conditionality debate; IMF stabilization programs; the import of Fund programs; and a real economy approach.
Inequalising Trade? A Study of Traditional North/South Specialization in the Context of Terms of Trade Concepts. John Spraos. New York: Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, in cooperation with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, 1983. 169 pp. $32.50 ISBN O-19-828458-6. Developing countries have long been concerned with the structure of world trade on specialization. This book is sympathetic to their concerns. It provides a theoretical and empirical analysis of the North/South problem and concludes with a controversial chapter on policy implications. 115