INSTITUTE OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE IN ST. PETERSBURG. 1319 on Influenza in Childhood, by Dr. Baginsky, and one on its occurrence in Prisons, by Dr. ...

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on Influenza in Childhood, by Dr. Baginsky, and one on its occurrence in Prisons, by Dr. Baer. THE SO-CALLED VENEREAL DISEASES IN It is noteworthy that on an analysis of four prisons, having ANIMALS. an average daily number of inmates equal to 1486, only 168, or 11’29 per cent., were attacked during the epidemic. MUCH interest, from a comparative pathologist’s point of

special articles-one


view, attaches to these diseases of the domesticated especially to a syphiloid disorder affecting horses, which

and THE

has for a considerable number of years attracted much attention and received a good deal of investigation. A non-specific gonorrhoea is not unfrequently observed in the dog, in which there may be balanitis and posthitis, as THIS institute owes its origin to the circumstance that an well as urethritis, and which is sometimes troublesome to officer of the Imperial Guard was bitten by a rabid dog cure ; but there is no evidence that it is communicable or productive of anything more than local lesions, though during the latter part of the year 1885; and also to the interest these are often very distressing to the animal. This contaken in the case by the commandant of the corps, Prince dition is generally seen in pet dogs, though out-of-door Alexander Petrovich of Oldenburg, who sent the officer to animals-such as watch-dogs-are not exempt. It someM. Pasteur in Paris, in order that he might undergo the times accompanies scabies, but is chiefly due to uncleanlitreatment by inoculation, which was then just beginning to and such-like causes. Urethritis is not become known. The Prince also sent Dr. Kruglevski, with ness, over-feeding, uncommon in old rams, and is supposed to arise from overinstructions to make himself familiar with the preventive copulation ; it is at times so severe and persistent as to lead treatment of rabies as practised by Pasteur; and he after- to stricture, but it does not seem to be very communicable wards established at his own expense a laboratory in the to ewes. A similar disorder affects the bovine species, veterinary infirmary ef the Horse Guards. Daring the chiefly the male, and is known to those who have to deal succeeding summer arrangements for the treatment were with cattle as "bull-burnt.’’ Its contagiousness has been in full force. later the Prince obtained denied by some authorities, though they admit that the from the Emperor authority to establish an Institute of acridity of the discharges will excite inflammation in Experimental Medicine, which should combine the functions mucous membranes with which they come in conof Pasteur’s Institute in Paris with those of the Hygienic tact. But the majority of observers concur in the Institute of Berlin. It is not a mere collection of labora- opinion that it is contagious, the contagium being subtle. All the cows in a village may be contamitories, but an organised series of departments, each of course in charge of an eminent professor, and the whole nated by a diseased bull, and intermediate communication under a director who is responsible to the Prince himself, has been recorded, cows being infected by sponges that had who is "curator." The grounds occupy 37,464 square been used to dress the affected bulls. In one instance a metres, and are situated in the Aptekarski Island, a suburb cow was the means of conveying the malady to nine others of St. Petersburg. The principal building comprises without the intervention of a diseased bull, contamination sections for the anti-rabic treatment, for epizootology, taking place by the affected animal rubbing against the for physiology, for chemistry, for general microbiology, healthy, and the continual whisking of the tail owing to the for pathological anatomy, and for pathogenic micro- irritation in the vagina and urinary passages. The diaease biology, together with a lecture theatre, a library, and may attack the same animals several times ; bulls have been rooms for mechanical work and for small animals; known to receive the contagium from cows three times at another building is temporarily devoted to the chief of the short intervals. The symptoms in the cow are those of section of syphilidology ; a third building is occupied by more or less acute vaginitis, with small vesicles or yellowish animals of various kinds; a fourth is a kennel wish thirty- translucid pustules, the size of a grain of millet, studding two cages, four of which are intended for dogs suspected of the surface of the mucous membrane ; this eruption is having rabies ; a fifth building is occupied by monkeys ; a rapidly transformed into ulcers, when the exudate becomes


Two years


sixth is set apart for experiments on highly contagious purulent, the discharge being often rather copious. The diseases, such as glanders (this building consists of three ulcerations are frequently accompanied by local induration, isolated compartments, each having a special entrance); a their borders being irregular and thickened and their centre seventh is intended for a human patient and his attendant, unhealthy looking. When they heal the cicatrices are as it may sometimes be necessary to study the course of a whitish, smooth, and regular or stellate in shape. If there disease in the human subject; an eighth building con- happens to be a sore in the vagina when infection occurs, tains the hydraulic, electric, and other machinery. The then the CMe is more serious, as it may lead to sloughing of illumination of the whole institute is carried out by gangrenous patches In rare cases the inflammation extends means of 600 incandescent lamps, which are worked by two to the uterus and Fallopian tubes, and even beyond these. horizontal steam engines and two dynamos. There is, Slight fever is present in the majority of cases, and the besides, an accumulator with a charge of 360 ampere- appetite, rumination, and lacteal secretion are diminished. hours. The greatest care has been taken to prevent any In exceptional instances pregnant cows abort, and frequently contagion spreading outside, all solid matter, such as thethere remains a persistent vaginal catarrh. In the bull dung and the litter of the animals, being burnt, and all thesimilar symptoms are noted; the urethritis causes frequent liquid sewage sterilised at 140’C., by means of an ingeniouss micturition, preceded and accompanied by violent expulsive apparatus devised by Mr. Hanneken, the engineer, whichL efforts ; phimosis is common ; erection of the penisof ten causes is capable of ateriluing fifty cubic metres in the twenty.four’ the ulcers on it to bleed, and in exceptional cases ganhours. The sewage from all sources is collected in a largegrene occurs over a large surface. The animals become iron reservoir, where the solid matter is separated by’ debilitated, while the appetite is diminished and rumiliaa special filter and afterwards burnt, the filtrate being; tion suspended. The disease runs its course in from eight passed through the sterilising apparatus before beingto fifteen days, though it may occupy three or four allowed to flow into the town sewers. In addition to theIn France it is known as the "eruption du coÏt"and buildings already mentioned, there are several others con- " maladie aphtheuse des organes genitaux." and in Germany taining the apartments for the staff, also a chemical labora- as "Aphtheraussehlag" and "gutartige Bescbäfkrankheit," tory. A complete account of the institute and a plan con- to distinguish it from another venereal disorder to be noticed stitute the first volume of the Archives de Sciences Biolo- presently. It may continue for some months in the same cowshed. giques, which hasjustappeared. A similar infectious exanthematous disease of the genital organs is observed in the equine species, and the symptoms DOUBTFUL ECONOMY. - It is stated that the3 do not differ much from those noticed in cattle ; while it is Devizes Urban Sanitary Authority has decided to abandonntpread in the same manner, though it is not so common. for the present an extension of the fever hospital, for whichi For instance, in Prussia, in 1884-85, it was reported as the Local Government Board had sanctioned an outlay oif affecting 784 cattle, but only 75 horses; in the various about ;E1200. The reason assigned for this decision is th(e provinces of Germany, in 1886, it attacked 3944 cattle and 248 horses ; in Bavaria, in 1885, there were 455 of the former heaviness of the present rates. ,





