J. H. SOARES, JR. AND R. R. KIFER Smith, P., Jr., M. E. Ambrose and G. M. Knob], Jr., 1965, Possible interference of fats, carbohydrates, and salts in amino acid determinations in fish meals, fish protein concentrates, and mixed animal feeds. J. Agric. Food Chem. 13(3): 266-268. Smith, R. E., and H. M. Scott, 1965. Use of free amino acid concentrations in blood plasma in evaluating the amino acid patterns of blood plasma of chicks fed unheated and heated fish meal proteins. J. Nutrition, 86: 37-44.
The Influence of Dietary and Environmental Factors upon Feed Consumption and Production Responses in Laying Chickens1 EARL W. GLEAVES AND SATYAVAN DEWAN Department of Poultry Science, University of Nebraska, Lincoln 68503 (Received for publication Tune 20, 1970) INTRODUCTION
IETARY protein, energy, weight and volume all have been found to exert a significant linear effect upon feed consumption of laying chickens (Gleaves et al, 1968). However, the existence of several significant interaction effects demonstrated that the dietary factors were not independent of one another. The purpose of the experiments reported herein was three-fold. The first was to reexamine the effects of dietary protein, energy, weight and volume upon feed consumption and production characteristics of laying hens, under different environmental conditions and with a less complex factorial arrangement of treatments. The large factorial (34) used by Gleaves et al. (1968) was broken into small factorials (32) to permit a closer examination of the main effects of the four dietary factors without the interference of so many interactions. 1 Published with the approval of the Director as Paper No. 2915, Journal Series, Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station.
Even though the interactions might be present, they should not confound the main effects as much in smaller factorials because fewer factors would be examined at one time. The effects of dietary energy level upon feed intake have been well documented (Scott et al., 1947; Hill et al., 1956; Berg and Bearse, 1956; Bolton, 1958; Peterson et al, 1960; Thayer et al, 1965; Caligado and Quisenberry, 1967; Gleaves et al, 1968; and others). However, little attention has been given to factors that might override the influence of a narrow range of energy levels. Therefore, the second purpose was to determine whether or not such factors as dietary weight and volume, and environmental temperatures could be arranged to exert a greater influence upon feed consumption than small ranges in dietary energy. To accomplish the purpose, the range or increment of dietary energy was reduced from 80 (Gleaves et al, 1968) to 50 kcal. M. E. in this experiment. For the same reason, ranges in dietary weight were in-
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Ousterhout, L. E., C. R. Grau and B. D. Lundholm, 19S9. Biological availability of amino acids in fish meals and other protein sources. J. Nutrition, 69: 6S-73. Payne, W. L., G. F. Combs and R. R. Kifer, 1968. Investigation of protein quality-ileal recovery of amino acids. Fed. Proc. 27: 1199-1203. Payne, W. L., 1968. An investigation of intestinal amino acids as a method to determine protein quality. Ph.D. thesis, University of Maryland, pp. 54-70.
creased from 20 (Gleaves et al., 1968) to 30 grams. The third purpose was to determine whether or not environmental temperature would confound the effects of the four dietary variables.
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and 250 ml.; protein, 13, 16, and 19 gm.; energy, 250, 275 and 300 kcal. M. E. Only two factors were varied in a given experiment, while the remaining factors were held constant. The constants used for those factors that were not variables were: protein, 16 gm.; energy, 275 kcal. M. E.; volume, METHODS 150 ml. and weight, 112 gm. Weight and Three experiments were conducted over volume of the basal were adjusted by the a period of three years and in two different addition or removal of silica sand and seasons of the year. The first experiment, solka-floc. The composition of the protein with pullets that were 26 weeks of age, ran basal is presented in Table 1. Compositions through the warm summer months from of the final rations are shown in Tables 2 April 6, 196S to February 8, 1966. The and 3. mean temperature during this time was Ten pullets were randomly assigned to 13.33°C. (56°F.). The second experiment each treatment of the nine treatment factowith pullets that were 21 weeks of age and rials, for a total of 90 birds in each factothe third experiment with 22 week old rial. Eggs were collected twice each day birds ran through the cold winter months and a daily record of mortality and egg from September 20, 1966 to May 30, 1967 production was maintained. At the end of and from September 25, 1967 to June 30, each experiment, mortality data were con1968, respectively. Mean temperatures verted to average livability for more accuduring these periods were 5.55°C. (42°F.) rate statistical analyses. Feed weights were and 7.22°C. (4S°F.), respectively. In all taken at 4 week intervals and body weights experiments, Hy-Line 934 F pullets were were taken at 12 week intervals. At the end housed in a windowless, waterpit house in of the first experiment three hens from each individual 20.32 X 40.64 X 45.72 cm. (8 treatment were randomly selected and sacX 16 X 18 inch) wire cages. The cages rificed. The gizzard, large intestine and were equipped with individual feeders, feed small intestine were removed and weighed. storage containers, and dew drop waterers. Analyses of variance for livability (numA basal ration was formulated according ber of hens that lived), gizzard weight, to the procedure reported by Gleaves et al. large intestine weight, small intestine (1968) to supply all the daily require- weight and combined feed intake weights ments, except for the variables, in each 112 with no missing data were done by the progm. of feed. A completely randomized ex- cedure described by Snedecor (1956, p. perimental design with a 3 2 factorial arrangement of treatments was used in all exTABLE 1.—Composition of protein basal periments. Ingredients Percentage Experiment one was composed of three factorials, weight X protein, weight X vol- Ground yellow corn 39.4 3.9 ume and weight X energy. The second ex- Alfalfa meal (17% protein) Soybean meal (50% protein) 15.8 periment had two factorials, protein X en- Fish meal (60% protein) 13.1 6.6 ergy and protein X volume. The third ex- Meat and bone meal (50% protein) Blood meal (80% protein) 10.5 periment was volume X energy. Experi- Corn fermentation solubles 5.3 5.3 mental levels of the variables were: weight, Dried whey DL-methionine 0.1 112, 127 and 142 gm.; volume, 150, 200
E. W. GLEAVES AND S. DEWAN TABLE 2.—Composition of the rations used in the weightyvolume, •weighty, protein and weighty, energy factorials for experiment 1 Ingredients Ration
Animal fat
WeightX volume 112-150 112-200 112-250 127-150 127-200 127-250 142-150 142-200 142-250
42.23 42.23 42.23 37.15 37.15 37.15 33.30 33.30 33.30
14.18 14.18 14.18 12.54 12.54 12.54 11.18 11.18 11.18
30.73 19.23 7.72 40.85 30.74 20.60 48.81 39.76 30.68
WeightX protein 112-13 112-16 112-19 127-13 127-16 127-19 142-13 142-16 142-19
34.22 42.23 49.88 30.42 37.24 44.35 26.99 33.30 39.65
16.78 14.18 11.46 14.91 12.50 10.21 13.23 11.18 9.12
WeightX energy 112-250 112-275 112-300 127-250 127-275 127-300 142-250 142-275 142-300
42.23 42.23 42.23 37.15 37.15 37.15 33.30 33.30 33.30
11.61 14.18 16.74 10.22 12.53 14.78 9.15 11.17 13.19
Dical. phos.
Vit. cone.1
Percentage 5.06 2.35 16.56 2.35 28.07 2.35 2.60 2.08 12.71 2.08 22.85 2.08 0.56 1.86 9.61 1.86 18.69 1.86
4.10 4.10 4.10 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.23 3.23 3.23
0.45 0.45 0.45 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.35 0.35 0.35
0.90 0.90 0.90 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.71 0.71 0.71
22.65 19.23 VS.'ti 33.05 30.71 27.65 42.61 39.75 37.05
18.27 16.56 14.59 14.45 12.68 11.19 11.00 9.63 8.28
2.32 2.38 2.06 2.08 2.11 1.83 1.86 1.89
4.41 4.10 3.71 3.92 3.60 3.30 3.28 3.22 2.95
0.45 0.45 0.45 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.35 0.35 0.35
0.90 0.90 0.90 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.71 0.71 0.71
21.48 19.23 16.99 32.86 30.54 38.80 41.52 39.75 37.98
16.88 16.56 16.24 12.91 12.92 12.41 9.88 9.63 9.38
2.35 2.35 2.35 2.08 2.08 2.08 1.86 1.86 1.86
4.10 4.10 4.10 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.23 3.23 3.23
0.45 0.45 0.45 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.35 0.35 0.35
0.90 0.90 0.90 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.71 0.71 0.71
Ca. carb.
1 Vitamin concentrate provides the following levels of micronutrients per kilogram of diet: Vitamin A, 5,550 U.S.P. units; Vitamin D s , 1,800 I.C. units; Vitamin E, 11 I.U.; Riboflavin, 4.41 mg.; Vitamin B i 2 , 8.8 meg.; Pantothenic acid, 8.6 mg. and Choline Chloride, 500 mg.
333-343). The combined or composite feed consumption analyses were run after three factorials for each effect were completed. The first experiment provided three measurements of the effect of weight with single estimates of volume, protein and energy. At the end of this experiment a composite analysis of the effect of weight was run. The second experiment provided two additional estimates of the effects of protein and single estimates of energy and volume. This provided the data for the composite analysis of protein. The third experiment provided the third single estimates of volume and energy and consequently the
data for composite analysis of volume and energy. Because of relatively high mortality among the hens within individual factorials, it was considered necessary to adjust for missing data (Snedecor, 1956, p. 388391) for feed intake, egg production and body weight change. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Feed Consumption Measurements. Three measurements (factorials) of the effect of dietary weight upon feed consumption of laying hens from the first experiment are presented in Table 4. Dietary levels of the
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Protein basal
FEED CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION RESPONSES TABLE 3.—Composition of the rations used in the proteinX.energy and proteinXvolume factorials for experiment 2 and the energy~Xvolume factorial for experiment 3 Ingredients Ration
Animal fat
ProteinX energy 13-250 13-275 13-300 16-250 16-275 16-300 19-250 19-275 19-300
34.33 34.33 34.33 42.20 42.20 42.20 50.07 50.07 50.07
14.28 16.74 19.31 11.60 14.16 16.74 9.01 11.57 14.00
34.52 32.33 28.62 32.86 30.47 26.75 27.75 25.48 23.33
ProteinX volume 13-150 ' 13-200 13-250 16-150 16-200 16-250 19-150 19-200 19-250
34.33 34.33 34.33 42.20 42.20 42.20 50.07 50.07 50.07
16.74 16.74 16.74 14.16 14.16 14.16 11.57 11.57 11.57
32.33 20.88 9.47 30.47 19.10 7.72 25.50 14.18 2.72
7.44 18.89 30.30 5.58 16.95 28.33 3.84 15.16 26.62
Energy X volume 250-150 250-200 250-250 275-150 275-200 275-250 300-150 300-200 300-250
42.12 42.12 42.12 42.12 42.12 42.12 42.12 42.12 42.12
11.58 11.58 11.58 14.14 14.14 14.14 16.70 16.70 16.70
32.76 21.55 9.87 30.41 19.30 7.83 26.71 17.07 5.41
5.75 16.96 26.64 5.54 16.65 28.12 6.68 16.32 27.98
Ca. carb.
Dical. phos.
Vit. cone.1
Min. prem. 2
4.43 4.43 4.43 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.72 3.72 3.72
0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40
0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86
0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04
3.43 3.43 3.43 2.29 2.29 2.29 4.00 4.00 4.00
4.43 4.43 4.43 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.72 3.72 3.72
0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40
0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86
0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04
2.33 2.33 2.33 2.33 2.33 2.33 2.33 2.33 2.33
4.07 4.07 4.07 4.07 4.07 4.07 4.07 4.07 4.07
0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45
0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90
0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04
Percentage 7.71 3.43 7.44 3.43 8.58 3.43 5.73 2.29 5.58 2.29 6.72 2.29 4.15 4.00 3.86 4.00 3.58 4.00
1 Vitamin concentrate provides the following levels of micronutrients per kilogram of diet: Vitamin A, 5,550 U.S.P. units; Vitamin D 3 , 1,800 I.C. units; Vitamin E, 11 I.U.; Riboflavin, 4.41 mg.; Vitamin B, 2 , 8.8 meg.; Pantothenic acid, 8.6 mg. and Choline Chloride, 500 mg. 2 Mineral premix provides the following levels of micronutrients in p.p.m.: Manganese, 50.0; Iron, 50.0; Copper, 5.0; Cobalt, 0.5; Iodine, 1.5; Zinc, 50.0 and Calcium, 45.5.
variables plus the consumption levels that were actually observed are presented. Actual consumption was close to calculated consumption (dietary levels) in these factorials. In each instance, dietary weight exerted a highly significant influence upon feed consumption. As dietary weight was increased there was a subsequent increase in feed intake. As was expected, since all three factorials were run at the same time under the same environmental conditions, all three measurements yielded similar data. There were no significant interaction effects
of dietary weight with volume, protein or energy in this experiment. However, the effects of weight X volume and weight X energy did approach significance at the 5 % level of probability. A composite analysis of the weight means (Table 5) also showed the effect of weight to be highly significant. The effect of an increase of one gram in dietary weight resulted in an increase of 0.7 gram of feed intake. This estimate is in fairly close agreement with an estimate of 0.804 gram reported by Gleaves et al. (1968). A single estimate of the effects of dietary
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Protein basal
TABLE 4.—Average daily feed consumption observed through the weightXvolume, weighty.protein and weightXenergy factorials in
Dietary level Volume (ml.) 150 200 250
Dietary wt. level (gm.) Average intake 142 112 127 gm./hen/day
Average intake
TABLE 5.—Composite means from experiment 1 for the effect of dietary weight upon feed consumption Dietary weight level (gm.) Factorial 112
140 122 112
135 143 124
134 129 111
159 204 218
Av. weight effect**
13 16 19
114 112 123
111 124 120
132 149 135
TABLE 6.—Average daily feed consumption observed through the proteinXeneryg and proteinXvolume factorials in experiment 2
Dietary level
Av. wt. I n t a k e
Average Average intake intake
gm./hen/day 140 140 134
147 142 134
149 139 129
155 118 110
138 129 120
145 130 113
Av. prot. I n t a k e (gm.)
Weight** Energy 145 140 132
323 344 354
Weight** Volume
Volume (ml.) Weight*
Energy (kcal. M.E.
Av. wt. Intake**
12 16 19
Dietary prot. level (gm.)
Av. wt. Intake**
250 275 300
119 128 126
duction (Table 12) in these factorials as in earlier experiments. The hens were able to consume enough feed, even at the low (13 gm.) dietary protein level, to overcome low levels of protein in the diet. The protein X energy interaction was not even significant. However, the protein X volume interaction effect was significant at the 5% level of probability. This interaction was very difficult to interpret. The effects of protein upon feed intake were completely different at each level of volume. There was no consistent pattern. The composite means of all three estimates of the effects of protein are presented in Table 7. The effect of dietary protein
250 275 300
Protein (gm.)
** Significant at the 1% level of probability.
Energy (kcal. M.E.) Av. wt. Intake**
WeightX volume WeightXprotein WeightXenergy
Weight** Volume
126 122 97
gm,, feed intake 115 125 134 116 118 139 118 128 138
122 116 117
135 129 121
140 141 134
132 129 124
Energy 263 315 370
150 200 250 Av. wt. I n t a k e
* Significant at the 5 % level of probability. ** Significant at the 1% level of probability.
146 126 115
Av. prot. I n t a k e (gm.) ** Significant at the 1% level of probability.
196 225 255
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volume, protein and energy also are presented in Table 4. As dietary volume was increased there was a highly significant decrease in feed intake by weight. As dietary protein was increased there was a significant increase in feed intake by weight. As dietary energy was increased there was a significant decrease in feed intake by weight. Feed intake data from experiment 2 are presented in Table 6. These data provide two additional estimates of the effects of dietary protein and one additional estimate each for volume and energy. These factorials were conducted during cold weather and show a higher feed intake and consequently higher than calculated variable intake than the same estimates from experiment 1 which was conducted during warm weather. In contrast to experiment 1 and the earlier report by Gleaves et al. (1968), there was no significant effect of dietary protein upon feed consumption. This may be explained by the fact that dietary protein did not exert as strong an effect upon egg pro-
FEED CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION RESPONSES TABLE 7.—Composite means from experiments 1 and 2 for the effect of dietary protein upon feed consumption Dietary protein level (gm.) Factorial** 13 119 138 128
Av. protein effect
gm. feed intake 128 126 141 139 130 129 133
** Significant at the 1% level of probability.
upon feed intake was not significant. However, replication or factorial differences were significant at the 1% level of probability. Many variables between experiments might have been responsible for these differences, but the most obvious reason was season of the year and the differences in environmental temperature. Feed consumption was highest in the last two factorials, which were conducted during the winter months. The single estimates from experiment 2 of the effects of dietary energy and volume (Table 6) show essentially the same effects as those found from experiment 1. As dietary energy and volume were increased there was a concurrent significant decrease in feed intake by weight. Feed intake data from experiment 3 (Table 8) provide the third estimate for each of the effects of dietary energy and volume upon feed consumption. Again the TABLE 8.—A verage daily feed consumption observed through the volume'Xenergy factorial in experiment 3 Dietary energy level
(kcal. M.E.) 250 275 300
Dietary vol. level (ml.) . Average f energy intake* lntaKe 150 200 250 intake gm./hen/day kcal. M . E . 180 135 113 142 317 163 130 110 133 327 141 139 115 131 351
Av. wt. i n t a k e "
Av. vol. intake (ml.)
* Significant at the 5 % level of probability. ** Significant at the 1% level of probability.
TABLE 9.—Composite means from experiments 1, 2, and 3 for the effect of dietary volume upon feed consumption Dietary volume level (ml.) Factorial* 150
VolumeXweight VolumeXprotein VolumeX energy
gm. feed intake 134 129 111 146 126 115 161 134 112
Av. volume effect**
* Significant at the 5% level of probability. ** Significant at the 1% level of probability.
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Protein X weight ProteinX energy ProteinXvolume
main effects of both were the same found from experiments 1 and 2. The volume X energy interaction effect was significant. At the highest dietary level of volume, energy did not exert as great an influence upon feed consumption as at lower levels of volume. Composite means from all three experiments for the effect of dietary volume upon feed intake are presented in Table 9. The overall effect of dietary volume was highly significant and the trends were identical in all three experiments. For each increase of one ml. in dietary volume, there was a decrease in feed intake of 0.34 gm. This estimate was much larger than the estimate of 0.05 gm. reported by Gleaves et al. (1968). In view of the relatively small numerical values involved in these estimates, the significant interaction effects which show the effects of volume are not totally independent, the lower energy levels, and the significant effect of factorial (replicate) in the composite analysis, it was not unexpected that the two estimates were quite different. Feed consumption was generally higher in the two experiments that were conducted during the winter months. This could account for the significant factorial effect. The overall data for the effect of dietary energy upon feed consumption are presented in Table 10. Trends were identical
E. W. GLEAVES AND S. DEWAN TABLE 10.—Composite means from experiments 1, 2 and 3 for the effect of dietary energy upon feed consumption Dietary energy level (kcal. M. E.) Factorial 250 EnergyXweight EnergyXprotein EnergyXvolume
132 145 142
Av. energy effect
gm. feed intake 129 124 140 132 133 131 134
exist from the volume X weight or energy X weight factorials and the composite effect was nonsignificant. There was no significant effect of dietary protein, volume or energy upon gizzard weight. There was no significant effect of dietary weight, protein or energy upon small intestine weight. The effect of volume was highly significant, but again difficult to interpret because small intestine weight was higher on the intermediate dietary volume level than on the high and low levels. The average small intestine weights for the 150, 200 and 250 ml. diets were 27.7, 36.2 and 28.9 gm., respectively. The results of the large intestine measurements were just as negative as the gizzard and small intestine measurements. The effect of dietary weight upon large intestine weight was significant in only the weight X volume factorial. The average large intestine weights were 1.3, 1.8 and 1.5 gm. for the hens fed the 112, 127 and 142 gm. diets, respectively. Large intestine weight was highest on the intermediate level of dietary weight, but the composite effect of dietary weight was nonsignificant. Production Responses. Dietary protein and energy were the only two factors that exerted any significant influence upon l i a bility. Perfect livability was 3080 hen days in the first three factorials, 2520 days in the next two and 2770 in the last one. The effect of protein upon livability in
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in all three factorials. An increase of one kcal. M. E. resulted in an insignificant decrease of 0.22 gm. in feed consumption. This was only about one half as large as the earlier estimate by Gleaves et al. (1968). Dietary energy levels were low enough that feed intake was not seriously affected. Even those hens receiving the highest experimental energy level were able to consume all the feed and consequently nutrients they needed. The original objective to slow down or reduce the effect of energy in this series of experiments was achieved. The effects of energy were reduced enough that even the expected protein X energy interaction was not significant. As in the other factorials, feed consumption was greater in those experiments conducted during winter months. However, the factorial effect was not significant in the composite energy analysis. Intestinal Measurements. By the end of the first experiment, it was obvious that dietary weight was influencing feed consumption. With the idea that distention of the digestive tract (Janowitz and Grossman, 1949) was the functional physiological mechanism in this effect, weight measurements of the gizzard, small intestine and large intestine were taken. The idea was to determine whether or not there was any permanent change in the digestive tract as a result of feeding the relatively high dietary weights used in this experiment. The effect of dietary weight upon gizzard weight was significant in only one of the three factorials. In the protein X weight factorial, average gizzard weights were 21.9 and 23.8 gm. among hens fed the low and high dietary weights, respectively. While those fed the intermediate weight diets had average gizzard weights of 20.5 gm. which was significantly less than the other two weights. This could have been due to chance, because the same pattern did not
FEED CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION TABLE 11.—Livability of hens fed rations in the weighty.protein, weightXvolume, weightXenergy, proteinXenergy, proteinXvolume and wlumeXenergy factorials Dietary wt. level (gm.) Dietary level 112 Protein (gm.)
Overall wt. effect
hen days alive 2640 3080 2440
2100 2920 2780
2860 3000 2910
Volume (ml.) 150 200 250 Overall wt. effect
Overall wt. effect
Protein* 2530 3000 2710 2750 Volume
2860 2470 2720
3080 2770 2770
2880 2860 2580
2940 2700 2690
2970 3000 2440
3000 3080 2910
3080 2860 2910
3020 2980 2750
Energy (kcal. M.E.) 250 275 300
Overall effects
Dietary prot. level (gm.) 13
2430 2320 2210
2300 2520 2520
2520 2520 2190
2130 1960 1950
2490 2340 2080
2340 2510 2520
Energy (kcal. M.E.) 250 275 300 Overall prot. effect
Overall prot. effect*
2420 2450 2310 2390 Volume
Volume (ml.) 150 200 250
Overall effects
2320 2270 2190
Dietary vol. level (ml.)
2520 2520 2520
2520 2520 2520
Energy (kcal. M.E.) 250 275 300 Overall vol. effect
Overall effect
as in the other two factorials. Livability was generally better among hens fed the two higher levels of dietary protein. The effect of dietary energy upon livability was significant only in the energy X weight factorial. Livability decreased as dietary energy was increased. This trend was present in the protein X energy and volume X energy factorials but not at a significant level. The difference in feed intake TABLE 12.—Egg production of hens fed rations in the weighty.protein, weightyvolume, weightXenergy, proteinXenergy, proteinXvolume and volumeX energy factorials Dietary wt. level (gm.) Dietary level 112 Protein (gm.) 13 16 19 Overall wt. effect
* Significant a t the 5 % level of probability.
150 200 250 Overall wt. effect
109 163 163
111 191 163
Overall wt. effect
184 203 115
171 166 148
156 190 145
171 186 136 164 Energy
192 177 174
175 181 170
163 195 183
176 184 176
Dietary prot. level (gm.) 13
149 155 159
172 170 159
143 155 148
Energy (kcal. M.E.) 250 275 300 Overall prot. effect
150 200 250 Overall prot. effect*
Overall effects Energy
153 160 156 156 Volume**
Volume (ml.)
the protein X weight factorial (Table 11) and the protein X volume factorial was significant. In the first case, livability was best at the intermediate dietary protein level and poorest at the lowest dietary level. In the protein X volume factorial, livability improved with each increase in dietary protein. The effect of protein was not significant in the protein X energy factorial, but the trend was generally the same
123 176 171
Energy (kcal. M.E.) 250 275 300
Overall effects
total eggs per hen 150 175 186
Volume (ml.)
Energy 2430 2510 2480
180 121 80
156 133 130
173 155 135
169 136 115
Dietary vol. level (ml.) 150
162 175 156
163 131 146
123 122 147
Energy (kcal. M.E.) 250 275 300
Overall effect Energy
Overall vol. effect** * Significant at the 5 % level of probability. ** Significant at the 1% level of probability.
148 142 149
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13 16 19
TABLE 13.—Body weight loss or gain of hens fed rations in the weightXprotein, weightXvolume, weighty.energy, proteinXenergy, proteinXvolume, and volumeXenergy factorials Dietary wt. level (gm.)
Overall effects
Dietary level 112
Overall wt. effect
gm. per hen
Protein (gm.) 13 16 19
446 227 553
-34 528 292
312 146 408
241 300 418 320 Volume**
Volume (ml.) 150 200 250 Overall wt. effect
443 416 117
622 175 159
408 408 188
491 333 155 327
Energy (kcal. M . E . ) 250 275 300 Overall wt. effect
Energy 352 247 399
368 191 277
158 123 425
292 187 367
Dietary prot. level (gm.) 13
67 182 -65
304 246 237
220 261 186
Energy (kcal. M.E.) 250 275 300 Overall prot. effect**
197 230 119 182 Volume**
Volume (ml.) 150 200 250 Overall prot. effect*
Overall effects
256 87 -188
235 155 6
349 109 77
280 117 -35
Dietary vol. level (ml.) • 150
280 411 290
164 65 338
-28 72 102
139 183 243
Energy (kcal. M.E.) 250 275 300 Overall vol. effect**
Overall effect
' Significant at the 5% level of probability. '* Significant at the 1% level of probability.
Egg production data for all three experiments are presented in Table 12. Neither dietary energy nor weight exerted any significant influence upon egg production. The effect of protein upon egg production was significant in the protein X weight and protein X volume factorials. In both instances, egg production was increased as dietary protein was increased. This same trend was present in the protein X energy factorial but the effect was not significant. The effect of dietary volume upon egg production was highly significant in all three experiments. As dietary volume was increased there was a concurrent reduction in egg production. Body weight loss or gain data are presented in Table 13. Dietary weight did not influence body weight change. Dietary protein significantly influenced body weight change in all three factorials where it was studied. As dietary protein was increased there was an increase in body weight gain. Body weight gain was significantly (0.01%) affected in all three experiments by dietary volume. As dietary volume was increased, body weight gain decreased. The effect of dietary energy upon body weight change was significant only in the energy X volume factorial. Body weight gain increased as dietary energy was increased. This general trend was evident in the energy X weight factorial but in the protein X energy factorial the heaviest body weight occurred at the intermediate energy level. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
Three experiments were designed to examine the effects of dietary protein, energy, volume, weight and environmental temperature upon feed consumption and certain production characteristics with small factorials repeated three times over a three year period. Dietary weight and volume did exert a significant influence upon feed
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between winter and summer conditions could account for the effect not being significant in the last two experiments. Feed intake was higher in these experiments and the restriction in nutrient intake at the high energy levels was not great enough to cause harm to the hens as it did during the first experiment which was conducted during the summer months.
these experiments, but it was obvious that feed consumption was higher during the winter months. There is little doubt that consistent estimates of the effects of these and other factors that influence feed consumption can come only when temperature is controlled within rather close limits. REFERENCES Berg, L. R., and G. E. Bearse, 1956. The effect of water-soluble vitamins and energy level of the diet on the performance of laying pullets. Poultry Sci. 35: 945-951. Bolton, W., 1958. The efficiency of food utilization for egg production by pullets. J. Agric. Sci. 50: 97-101. Caligado, E. C , and J. H. Quisenberry, 1967. The effect of energy phase feeding, cage size and bird density on performance of commercial layers. Poultry Sci. 46: 1246. Gleaves, E. W., L. V. Tonkinson, J. D. Wolf, C. K. Harmon, R. H. Thayer and R. D. Morrison, 1968. The action and interaction of physiological food intake regulators in the laying hen. 1. Effects of dietary factors upon feed consumption and production responses. Poultry Sci. 47: 38-67. Hill, R. W., D. M. Anderson and L. M. Dansky, 1956. Studies of the energy requirements of chickens. 3. The effect of dietary energy level on the rate and gross efficiency of egg production. Poultry Sci. 35: 54-59. Janowitz, H. D., and M. I. Grossman, 1949. Some factors affecting the food intake of normal dogs and dogs with esophagastomy and gastric fistula. Am. J. Physiol. 159: 143-148. Peterson, C. F., E. A. Sauter, D. H. Conrad and C. E. Lampman, 1960. Effect of energy level and laying house temperature on the performance of White Leghorn pullets. Poultry Sci. 39: 10101018. Scott, H. M., L. D. Matterson and E. P. Singsen, 1947. Nutritional factors influencing growth and efficiency of utilization. 1. The effect of the source of carbohydrate. Poultry Sci. 26: 554. Snedecor, G. W., 1956. Statistical Methods, Sth edition. The Iowa State College Press, Ames, Iowa. Thayer, R. H., L. V. Tonkinson, E. W. Gleaves and M. H. Henley, 1965. Relationship of nutritional density to nutrient intake in growing turkeys. Poultry Sci. 44: 689-697.
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consumption of laying hens. Dietary protein and energy did not exert a significant influence but the effects of energy were obvious and typical. As dietary energy was increased, feed intake decreased. The effect was not significant because of the small range of levels used. There was no consistent effect of dietary weight, volume, energy or protein upon the weight of gizzards, small intestines or large intestines. However, these factors were measured only in the first experiment. Dietary protein and energy significantly influenced livability. Livability was generally best among hens that were fed the two higher levels of dietary protein (16 and 19 gm.). Livability was significantly influenced by dietary energy only in the summer experiment, as dietary energy was increased, livability decreased. Protein and volume significantly affected egg production. As dietary protein was increased, egg production increased and as dietary volume was increased egg production decreased. Body weight loss or gain was significantly affected by dietary protein, energy and volume. As dietary protein was increased there was an increase in body weight gain. As dietary volume was increased, body weight gain decreased. The effect of energy was significant only in the energy X volume factorial. In this case body weight gain increased as dietary energy was increased. The overall effects of dietary energy were reduced in these experiments by working with a smaller range of dietary energy levels. Under these conditions, the effects of both dietary weight and volume were more obvious. They can be manipulated to mask the effects of energy. There was no way to validly check the significance of temperature effects upon