Sb interface studied by Raman scattering

Sb interface studied by Raman scattering

A144 Surface Science 168 (1986) 810-815 North-Holhmd. Amsterdam SCANNING AUGER MICROSCOPY FOR THE C H A R A C T E R I Z A T I O N OF V E R Y T H I N ...

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A144 Surface Science 168 (1986) 810-815 North-Holhmd. Amsterdam

SCANNING AUGER MICROSCOPY FOR THE C H A R A C T E R I Z A T I O N OF V E R Y T H I N E P I T A X I A L L A Y E R S IN III-V C O M P O U N D S J.F. B R E S S E l,ahoratoire de Bagm'ux. ('. N. 1:. T.. l~C~rm' de l'arA, (~2220 Ba~m',.~, frame Received 1(I Junc 1985: acccptcd lor publication 3.1ul\ 1985

A novel method to characterize 111 V compound layers is presentcd. A chemical bowl angle technique is used in order to visualize thc layers and to measure Auger line profiles allowing a high depth resolution. A curve-fitting technique is developed in order to obtain thc h~llowmg parameters: layer thickness, interface widths, conccntration in the ]avcls. l_avcl thicknesses as low as 5 nm and interface widths less than 2 nm can bc measured bv this tcchniquc.

Surface Science 168 (1986) 81C~-822 North-Holland. Amsterdam

R A Y L E I G H S C A T T E R I N G F R O M SINGLE-SITE P O L Y S Y L A N E A D S O R B E D O N SILICON: T H E O R Y C.M.J. WIJERS Department of Applied Physics, ]we;m, University of l'ectmoloKv. f'.0. Boa 217, 7500 A E t'2nschede, l'he Netherhmd,~ Received 10 June 1985: accepted for publication 19 July 1985

An ordered set of dipoles with mutual interaction in the close vicinity of a dielectric surface is studied. The solution of that particular theoretical problem is given rigorously both for the static and dynamic case. It can serve as a description of thc potysyhmc molecules formed at the surface of silicon by means of H O M O C V D or sputtering in a hydrogen atmosphcrc. Thc thcorx can be used to describe the optical behaviour of those molecules, like first the Rayleigh scattering and next also the photoluminescence of those molecules.

Surface Science 168 (1986) 823-829 North-Holland, Amsterdam

T H E lnP/Sb I N T E R F A C E S T U D I E D BY R A M A N S C A T T E R I N G D. Z A H N , N. ESSER, W. P L E T S C H E N , J. G E U R T S and W. R I C H T E R I. Physikalisches lnstitut der RWTH Aachen, Sommerfi'ldstrasse 28, 1)-5100 Aachen. k~'d. Rep. o! Germany Received I0 ,lune 1985: accepted for publication I7 June 19~5

The electric field at the lnP(llIt)/Sb interfacc is investigated by field-induced forbidden Raman scattering from the lnP LO phonon. Sb deposition tit 80 K causes a strong decrease ol the field, leading to a wmishing LO scattering intensity tit coverages around I monolayer. For

A145 larger coverages (above 3 monolayers) also Sb is observed by Raman scattering. The shape of the Sb Raman spectrum shows that the deposited Sb layers are amorphous. Heating to room temperature yields crystallinity for layer thicknesses beyond 7 monolayers. The crystallization temperature decreases with increasing layer thickness.

Surface Science 168 (1986) 830-837 North-Holland, Amsterdam

INVESTIGATION OF M E T A L - S E M I C O N D U C T O R INTERFACE STATES BY C O N S T A N T EMISSION R A T E A N D C O N S T A N T C A P T U R E R A T E C A P A C I T A N C E SPECTROSCOPIES P. M U R E T and A. D E N E U V I L L E Laboratoire d'Etudes des PropriOtds Electroniques des Solides, C.N.R.S., B.P. 166, 38042 Grenoble Cedex, France Received 10 June 1985; accepted for publication 10 July 1985 Based on capacitance measurements, the procedure to derive the energy distributions, capture cross sections and nature of interface states of metal/Si Schottky diodes is described. Examples are given for Au, Ag, Ni on n or p cleaved Si. Occurrence and origin of negative differential capacitance are discussed. Finally, the interface state characteristics obtained are compared with the physicochemical nature of the interface.

Surface Science 168 (1986) 838-845 North-Holland, Amsterdam

E X P E R I M E N T A L E V I D E N C E OF G A P STATES IN METAL--GaAs INTERFACES F. C H E K I R and C. B A R R E T lnstitut d'Electronique Fondamentale, Unit~ associ~e CNRS 22, B&irnent 220, Universit~ Paris Sud, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France Reccived l(J June 1985; accepted for publication 17 July 1985 Schottky capacitance spectroscopy is applied to interfaces between U H V cleaved gallium arsenide (110) surfaces and various metals (Au, Ag, AI). The study is done simultaneously on n-type and p-type semiconductor. Various interface states located in the band gap are evidenced. The type of the metal influences only their density but does not modify their energy position. Among detected states, two of them are located at energies around Ec - 0.7 eV and Ev + 0.5 eV. These positions seem to be in agreement with those of the defect states responsible, according to Spicer et al., for the Fermi-level pinning during the first stage of metal atom disposition.