1307 to add that I have employed an almost several instances and fully endorse its to certain cases. The only way in which mv
you will allow
,exactly similar plan in
applicability .operation differed from his was that I have usually out the speculum instead of sucking it dry. I am,
Harley-street, W.,
Sirs, yours obediently,
On the 8th a Verdi Theatre. the students attending the academic and other educational institutions of the city, and of the civic authorities and the other guilds and corporations, will patrol the city, to lay crowns on the monument After this a of Galileo in the Piazza Vittorio Emanuele. grand fencing tournament will be held by the students, to be followed by a reception given by the Town Council of Padua. The day and the proceedings as a whole will be concluded by a great festival of the students in the Sala della Ragione. The arrangements, already in progress for some weeks, promise a most successful celebration, of which my next letter will give an extended report. Padua, Nov. 28th, 1892. in the
evening at the cortège consisting of all
NOMINALLY to commemorate the tercentenary of Galileo’s lectures in this august seat of learning, but BIRMINGHAM. really to embody the gratitude of modern science for one of (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.) ’the most eventful occasions in its history, the feste, which .begin on Dec. 6th and conclude on the 8th, have already The Jaffray Hospital. attracted the interest and in several cases even the actual THE 28th of November was the seventh anniversary of the presence of the votaries of inductive research all the world opening of this hospital by the Prince of Wales. A concert Medicine in particular will be honourably as well as and fireworks testified to the event, after which cheers were over. numerously represented at the celebration. She has not given for the founder, who was unavoidably absent. A Temporary Terror. forgotten the place that Padua holds in her annals. There it Some of the officials of the General Hospital were lately was, to go no farther back, that Fabrizio Acquependente made the discovery embodied in his treatise, ’’ De Ostiolis thrown into a state of alarm by the escape of a small patient Venarum," a discovery which had the’ most signal effect aged eleven. This precocious boy, who was under massage in enabling his four years’ pupil, Harvey, to put his treatment for an injured arm, was heard to object strongly to mighty inductions on the irrefragable ground of de- the process, and to declare that he would drown himself. ,monstrated fact and to silence the censorious detrac- One night, during the brief absence of the nurse on duty, tion of would-be vindicators of less worthy claimants. A he disappeared. The canal was dragged, the telephone set to itist, indeed, of the British graduates who left the halls of work, and for some hours no tidings of the fugitive could .Padua, to diffuse its teaching and its practice throughout be ascertained. Meantime he had run nearly three miles in ’Christendom would fill a portly volume, and if that list his nightshirt and slippers to the house of a relative. The dwindle down to inanition by the middle of last century it question of responsibility was thus considerably lessened, was for the reason that the pupils began to excel the mistress, and the institution resumed its ordinary routine. or at least to transfer her doctrines and methods to other I)eat7i fro7ra Football. ’centres of education, scientific and professional. Not that A fatal accident from the effects of a kick during a football .she had ceased to vindicate even then and long afterwards the proud position she had held before and after the match on Nov. 27th was the cause of an inquest at WorThe Rev. G. H. Knight, one of the assistant Renaissance. With pathologists like Morgagni, and with at Bromsgrove College, during the game was anatomists like Scarpa, she shed a light on medical kicked by an opponent. He subsequently comteaching and practice whose lustre is hardly dimmed accidentally ;at this day, and if in the struggle for disenthral- plained of his head ; a doctor was called in, who thought dom from a foreign yoke she had to slacken her zeal that he would be better after a night’s rest. On the followThe necropsy ti’or pure science and professional training, she is, now that ing morning he was found dead in bed. showed a large clot of blood from a ruptured vessel upon the goal of a united Italy is attained, making up for the ime she sacrificed and the opportunities she had to ignore, the brain. Unfortunately these accidents are not infrequent, and will ere long assume her traditional r6le of leader among and the manner in which the game is often played gives for injury which may lead to disastrous results ; the Lombardo-Venetian, and honourable competitor among opportunities seem only to stimulate the players and to but the risks the Italian universities. of onlookers. the interest Preparatory to the detailed account of the proceedings, heighten Nov. 30th. I can will send next the which I week, now, through ’courtesy of the organising committee, present an outline of their tenour. The Minister of Public Instruction will repreNORTHERN COUNTIES NOTES. sent the Government at the celebration-Signor Ferdinando a on the of the there will be On 5th Martini. (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.) reception, part the Paduan students, of the students of other universities, and of those of the other institutions for the higher proNatural History Society of Nencastle. fessional instruction throughout the peninsula. Delegates A LEGACY of ;t2000 has been received by the hon. treasurer from British and other seats of learning or medical schools of the Natural History Society from the executors of the late will also be warmly welcomed and hospitably entertained. Mr. John Coppin of Bingfield, Northumberland, who had On the evening of that day a grand choral festival will in- bequeathed this sum towards the maintenance of an efficient augurate the reception in the Sala della Ragione. On the curator for the museum of the Society. 6th the Senatus Academicus and subordinate staff will A -zVe7v Scientific Society. receive the delegates of other institutes and cities, who will A new scientific society has been formed in Newcastle, thereafter be presented to the civic authorities of Padua. ’This will be followed by a visit to the various monuments and having for its object the pursuit of certain branches of micropoints of historic or academic interest within the walls and scopical research, some of which have been comparatively neighbourhood. The University Rifle Brigade will hold a com- neglected. By the regulations every member is expected to petitive trial of skill by shooting at the target, and the day devote himself to a particular line of investigation and to will close with a grand festival, in which the students will mount as many slides illustrative of his work as will enable act as hosts, in the Sala della Ragione. The 7th will be him to give one to each of his colleagues on the occasion of memorable for the commemoration of Galileo in the academic the monthly meeting. It has been a common complaint at Aula Magna, on which occasion will be presented the gon- our microscopical meetings that the members do so little lalone (standard) wrought by the ladies of Padua for the microscopical work. Gateshead. University. This will be followed by the speeches of the day, delivered by the Rector, Professor Ferrari, and by the The medical staff of the Gateshead Children’s Hospital Commendatore, Professor A. Favaro, after which will have presented a report to the committee on the overcrowded be unveiled the commemorative tablet, duly inscribed for state of the wards. The hospital was commenced on a very the occasion. A " Spettacolo di gala" will be given modest scale, but such is its utility that it was very soon