Messrs. W. Hill and Sons have recently established a hygienic ’bakery, which, on the occasion of its inauguration on Saturday, the lst inst., was open to the inspection of press representatives and others interested in sanitary progress. Each stage in the bread-making process of this new bakery is : accomplished by means of machinery, and loaves absolutely ’untouched by hand are delivered into the wholesale department on the ground floor ready for delivery into the vans for distribution. The top floor is used as a storehouse for the nour, which is automatically measured and dropped into a mixer on the next floor. Here it finds its way into an’ingeniously constructed mechanical kneader. The kneading process does ,not occupy long, so perfect is the mixing arrangement. The -dough is then allowed to ferment, the process being started by first mixing the yeast that is employed with potato flour gelatinised by means of steam. On the same floor are the ovens, which are all of modern type. The rooms and bakeries are well lighted and ventilated throughout, whilst satisfactory provision is made for the personal cleanliness of the operatives. Thus in the basement of the building are to be found ’
classes ; and (10) books, atlases, photographs and such-like recently published and having reference to the medical,
biological and hygienic sciences. In addition to these there will be a special class devoted to hydrology and balneotherapeutics, as also a special class for the Italian Red Cross Society with a view to the competition for the ’King Humbert and Queen Margaret Prize’ instituted in 1892. Diplomas and medals will be bestowed on the best exhibitors by the Minister of the Interior and theComitato dell’ Esposizione’ (exhibition committee). As to the International Congress itself, I have just received notice that the President (Dr. Guido Baccelli) has reinforced the organising and executive committee by the addition of the Commendatore Costantino Verde,’Ispettore Medico’ of the Italian navy, who (as already mentioned) will, as special delegate, represent that service at the Congress. This appointment will give general satisfaction, as it will have the desired effect of facilitating for the representatives of the navies of other Powers the fullest participation in all the advantages to be derived from the special discussions in the various sections well-appointed sanitary arrangements, including baths, bearing on sanitary interests afloat." washing-basins, closets and urinals. We welcome the imA CASE OF NARCOLEPSY. ’.provements that are manifestly taking place in an industry ’which was formerly a reproach to our metropolis, and the IN the Boston Medical and S’trgical Jo2trnal Dr. Ewen, of efforts of the pioneers of such a desirable movement as has the United States Army, relates the case of a soldier who was just been indicated will be warmly commended by those who charged with being asleep at his post whilst in charge of have any concern for the sanitary well-being of the comprisoners. Inquiry elicited the fact that his sleepiness was - munity. notorious and that it had on several occasions brought punishment upon him. He was well nourished and all his THE INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL CONGRESS. organs were apparently healthy. Mentally he did not seem to be OUR own correspondent, dating from Rome on the lst inst., lacking, although "not very bright " best described his condition. There was no suggestion of any predisposition to ’says :—"For the moment the International Congress gives nervous in his family history and he had never disease of to of in the Medicine interest, Exposition point place, .and Hygiene that will be held here at the same time. The been told that he was unusually sleepy before joinlatter, indeed, is the complement of the former, and by a ing the army and serving in Arizona in 1888. He wise provision future congresses of the kind will not be frequently fell asleep at meals, on one occasion with regarded as complete without a concurrently organised a spoon in his mouth. He had also been asleep on horseexhibition of the mccteriel of the healing art. It will be back whilst drilling, and at times it was so difficult to -
remembered that, for the convenience of those who cannot wake him that his comrades had to cuff him and roll him be expected to do justice to the various sections of the on the floor. There seemed to be no doubt that the condition Congress and to the Exposition within the same week, the: was a genuine one. The treatment adopted was to give him ; latter will open seven days earlier and close a fortnight regular out-door work of a light and easy character. Later ’later than the Congress-that is to say, its exhibits will be: he was placed on duty in the kitchen, where he had only two on view from Sept. 15th till Oct. 15th. For intending. relapses into his old condition, and on these occasions he fell exhibitors there is still time to forward the articles or objects; asleep and let the fire out and so delayed the meal. At his rin which they wish to be represented, the last day onl own earnest request he was soon allowed to return to his which such can be received having been postponed froml company and so far he has done fairly well ; but he sleeps .June 30th to July 31st. Requests for programmes of theB every afternoon, although he is able to wake himself. We à propos, as well as; have sometimes wondered whether Dickens had any knowand for all information - Exposition . announcements of participation in the Exposition itself, ledge of this as a distinct pathological condition when he must be addressed immediately, "Al Presidente del Comitato,described his immortal fat boy in "Pickwick." .al Palazzo dell’ Esposizione di Belle Arti, Roma." The -committee’s offices, I may add, will, until Sept. 15th, be open SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS OF CEREBRAL SURGERY. every day in the above-mentioned Palazzo from 1 P.M. to ,4 P. 1.1. The following classes will, in their ensemble, make DR. KIRCHHOFF has contributed to the Tlw’1’apeutische up the Exposition : (1) Apparatus, matériel and plans Monatshefte an article on this subject, a summary of which of buildings for scientific and technical investigation appears in a recent number of the Revue lledicale. He ’in therapeutics, biology and hygiene; (2) apparatus, in- enumerates the varied conditions for which operations on the struments and matériel thérapellíÏqlle in the various depart- head have been or carried out and indicates the proposed ,ments of medicine ; (3) articles and appurtenances requisite reasons for and against operation in each one. Intra-cranial in salvage service and in assiatccnoa pilbliqite; (4) plans, abscess, for example, is a condition in which the advisability of .models and matériel bearing on school management and operative interference is not to be disputed, whether the abscess sanitary civic organisation (riordirraxceuto it7beno)(5) plans, be due to traumatism or result from ear disease, and operation .apparatus and furniture for the purposes of the divisional should be carried out as soon as the diagnosis is made. With surgeon in cities ; (6) plans, models and 11latériel for regard to intra-cranial growths it is never easy to foretell hygienic constructions ; (7) apparatus and furniture for whether a tumour producing certain symptoms is removable or hygienic uses in the interior of common dwelling-houses and not. Superficial encapsuled growths are naturally those offerpublic offices on every scale ; (8) mattJriel, appliances and ing the best opportunities, whilst deeper and more extensive - accommodation for thepractice of personal hygiene; (9) plans, ones do not present the same chance of recovery afterwards, .models and appliances for the hygiene of the working and on account of the destruction of tissue and the risks .