Journal of Sound and
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR THE LO THEORY FOR SHELLS H. HASSIS Ecole Nationale d1ingeH nieurs de ¹unis-¸aboratoire ModeH lisation et Calcul de Structures, B.P. 37 ¸e BelveH de` re 1002 ¹unis, ¹unisia (Received 2 June 1999)
Lo et al. [1] presented a high order theory for plates. It is appropriated to the following displacement forms: ; (x, x, x)"u (x, x)#xb (x, x)#(x) f (x, x)#(x) (x, x), ; (x, x, x)"u (x, x)#xb (x, x)#(x) f (x, x)#(x) (x, x), ; (x, x, x)"u (x, x)#xb (x, x)#(x) f (x, x),
where (x, x) are the surface co-ordinates and x is the normal co-ordinate to the surface. The Lo theory, proposed for plates, is here extended to shell structures.
Using the development presented in reference [2], and for small displacement, the deformation tensor associated with equation (1) is written as e "c (u )#xc (b)!xo (u )#(x) c (f)#(x) c ( ), ?@ ?@ S ?@ ?@ S ?@ ?@ 2e "(b #u CH#u )#(x b #(x) f ) ? ? H ? ? ? ? #(2x f #3(x) #(x) f CH#(x) CH), ? ? H ? H ? e "b #2x f ,