17 mentioned. The truth is, that Dr. Johnson that he might derive benefi t, or at least comsometimes employed himself in forming fort, from keeping t...

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mentioned. The truth is, that Dr. Johnson that he might derive benefi t, or at least comsometimes employed himself in forming fort, from keeping the scrotum suspended. conjectures upon matters connected with This object I had the satisfaction to accom-

in which he displayed no know- plish, and I continued to attend Dr. Johnson of that subject; he was always much from the very beginning of his illness until terrified at the thought of death, and when his death. It was this circumstance that his final exit was fast approaching, the prin- led me to know more of Dr. Johuson’s situcipal cause of which was said to be dropsy, ation than I should otherwise have done. and when his lower extremities were very ! As your reporter said, that James Wilson’s much swelled, he fancied that if they were paper was one of extraordinary interest, it punctured, water would be evacuated, and is proper that the real facts should be he should be greatly relieved, and, perhaps, known. I am, Sir, Your most obedient servant, quite cured. Cruikshank thought otherT. SHELDEAKE. SHELDRAKE. wise ; he believed that the fatal termination of the case was rapidly approaching, and, 7, Devonshire.street, Portland-place, March 28th. therefore, that such puncturation would be useless, if not injurious; and having formed this opinion, he evaded all the LONDON AND SOUTHWARK MIDWIFERY INSTITUTION. Doctor’s requests to perform that operation, THE second anniversary dinner of this without assigning his reasons. The Doctor, under the influence of his own opinion, and was held at The Crown and Anchor irritated by these repeated refusals to com- Tavern, on Thursday ; the Sheriff of London ply with his request, did by some means in the chair. Nearly one hundred gentleprocure a lancet, and in a paroxysm of men on this occasion sat down to dinner. In anger, declared that he would puncture his the course of the evening many excellent legs himself. Two persons were present, speeches were made, from which, and the from one of whom I received this informa- relation of cases, the usefulness of the Instition. This gentleman, being more alarmed tution was abundantly elucidated. One than his companion, propagated a report grand point insisted on was the propriety that Dr. Johnson was seized with a fit of and necessity of endeavouring to obtain for insanity, and had attempted to destroy him. it a more extensive degree of female patronself with a lancet. Some modification age, the humane objects of the Charity of this report might have come to the being confined solely to that sex. With this ears of young Wilson while he was in the view it was suggested, that ladies be invited house, and thus have passed into your to grace the next anniversary dinner with Journal, under the grave assertion, that their presence. The health of the surgeons Dr. Johnson shortened his own life, by sca- to the Institution, Messrs. Waller and rifying his legs, because he was disappointed Doubleday, was greeted with loud applause; in not seeing his medical adviser so soon as and these gentlemen having briefly returned he expected. In truth, he did not die until thanks, the convivialities of the meeting several days after he had punctured his were maintained to a late hour. legs in the manner that I have related. LONDON GENERAL INSTITUTION, I had mv information from Mauritius Luwe, an unfortunate gentleman and artist, who for the Gratuitous Cure of Malignant was so much connected with Dr. Johnson, s. 1J.iseaseç. that he never passed a day, when the Doctor THE first anniversary dinner of this Instisome part of tution was could be seen, without held at the London Coffee it at his house. This unfortunate man, and House, on Thursday, sennight. The Lord A very large and ressome of his children, had suffered most se- Mayor presided. verely from scrofulous diseases, and had company attended, and a consireceived important professional services from derable number of subscribers was added Cruikshank, who introduced him to Dr. to the funds. The Secretary, amongstother Johnson. statements, announced that the Charity had The Doctor, for many months before, and received the sanction and patronage of his at the time of his death, had a very great Majesty, after its object and merits had enlargement of the scrotum, from accumu- undergone a careful and satisfactory investilation of water in that part, as well as in gation by Mr. Peel. The health of the surthe abdomen and in the extremities. This is geon to the Institution, William Marsden, another proof, that the post-mortem exami- Esq., was proposed in a neat encomiastic nation was not conducted with very great speech by the Lord Mayor, and was dunk attention. with the enthusiastic of the comLowe had suffered most severely from Mr. inlarsden returned thanks in an scrofula in the testes; upon this subject 1 appropriate speech, and described at consihad rt-ndcred him essential service, and in derable length the nature of the Institution, consequence, he suggested to Dr. Johnson and the benefit it is likely to effect.







