1087 sabcortical white matter and basal ganglia ; microscopically, degeneration of the cells of the cortex, with interstitial inflammation and vascula...

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1087 sabcortical white matter and basal ganglia ; microscopically, degeneration of the cells of the cortex, with interstitial inflammation and vascular sclerosis, is found. In the interpretation of these lesions there is much difference of opinion. Some consider the disease a circumscribed encephalitis, others a chronic diffuse interstitial encephalitis, others a neuroglial, and others still a vascular sclerosis : with one and all the clinical picture is identical. The pathogeny of chronic chorea is still vexed, and Dr. Sainton contented himself with the statement that the lesion of the nervous centres is one which is capable of emancipating the automatic motor centres. As for the familial element in the disease, it would appear to consist in a premature senescence of the cortical cell ; perhaps this constitutes a loc?tq minoris resistentiae for an inflammatory or degenerative process. Chronic chorea must take its place in the category of diseases characterised by the combination of mental and motor symptoms, a combination which implies a physiologicopathological modification of the cerebral cortex. Thus it comes in line with the tics, with epilepsy and athetosis.



IN accordance with proposals made by the Departmental Committee on the West African Medical Staff, changes in the organisation of the staff are in contemplation which will have the effect of increasing the remuneration of medical officers and their prospects of promotion. In particular, it has been decided that medical officers who have served for five years and are recommended for a

higher rate of salary shall, after passing satisfactorily through a special course of study, be placed on the scale of salary rising by annual increments of f:25 to
at Chicester

the the

will, if he is well advised, avoid Penzance, and

guardians of that town may be recommended to study Report of the Poor-law Commission. THE LONDON


THE lines on which the London Medical Exhibition, now annually held in the Royal Horticultural Hall in Vincentsquare, Westminster, is organised are evidently appreciated by the medical profession, for each year there is an increasing attendance of our colleagues, not only from the metropolis but from the country also. The exhibitor, of course, regards the occasion chiefly from a business point of view, but if he does not succeed in gaining a result of practical benefit to himself he is, at all events, instrumental in bringing fresh advances in pharmacology, surgical and hygienic appliances, special foods and beverages to the notice of the visitor. One of the principal endeavours of the promoters of the scheme (that is, to make the exhibition of a purely professional character) has, it is stated, met with the most encouraging results. As far as possible the layman is excluded, and so no appeal is made to him in the shape of side attractions. In short, the exhibition is intended exclusively for the medical profession and this intention has been very generally appreciated. The proceedings this year have been marked by a standard still higher than previous years in regard to the character ,of the, exhibits in general. Amongst the exhibitors were firms enjoying a leading reputation for the success with which they represent the great advances made in the preparation of fine pharmacological products, in the design of surgical and hygienic appliances, and in the manufacture of special was animated by foods and beverages. At times the the various discussions going on between the medical practitioner and the man ready to supply him with the latest development. Last year the exhibition was attended by over 3000 London practitioners, besides a good number from the provinces, and the attendance this week promises to exceed that record. There seems, therefore, to be little doubt that medical men are glad of this opportunity to make themselves acquainted with the actual shape which the latest suggestions take, and which are likely to be useful to them in practice. The exhibition opened on Monday last and closed to-day (Friday).





THE ASYLUMS OF THE BOMBAY IN THE LANCET of Sept. 25th (p. 973) we commented PRESIDENCY. upon the permission given by the guardians of Chichester THE official reports of. the public medical services in Union to a tramp who desired to retain his tooth-brush and various parts of the British dominions are not all possessed tooth-powder. We are inclined to wonder what would be of equal merit as contributions to, medical knowledge. Somethe action of the guardians at Penzance in a similar case, times they evoke hostile criticism in the local press, and a for we read in the Daily Tele9rah of Sept. 30th that at a recent example. of this kind is the triennial report meeting of the board of guardians (at Penzance) a doctor on the lunatic asylums of, the Bombay presidency. recommended that tooth-brushes should be provided for We have not seen the report in question, but it appears workhouse children, but by a majority of five the board that a writer in the mail edition of the Tivaes of decided not to accede to the request." These enlightened India of August 14th complains that its pages are gentlemen did not, perhaps, pause to consider that the filled with almost endless tables of attenuated physical health of the children placed by the law under unduly statistics and a considerable amount of other matter dealing their care is to be promoted and maintained by helping them with a corresponding with routine to keep their teeth clean and sound, no less than by enabling comment on the details of the of such them to wash their faces and hands. We pay the Penzance deficiency a kind of as drapery or covering for might supply guardians the compliment of believing that they not only subject the statistical skeleton. For instance, the report states that allow but compel pauper children to wash not merely their the total population of the asylums in 1908 was 1326 for the faces and hands but their bodies, and that they believe such This strikes the critic as a very small entire presidency. ablutions to be useful in maintaining health and in preventnumber proportionally, and he complains that there is nothing ing future expenditure by guardians upon the care of the in the report to show whether this figure represents anysick. The evil effects arising from neglected teeth are, we the whole of the existing insapity in Bombay. In like thing should have thought, even more obvious than the results of his opinion a good deal more of the disease prevails, but constantly neglected baths. However, the tramp entertained the them at home. Since relatives of the sufferers 1 Cd. the preceding triennial report, was the lunatic 4720, price 2 1/2d., through any bookseller.

details,"together descriptive

