The low fat, low cholesterol diet

The low fat, low cholesterol diet

Book HEART: A PHYSI~LOCIC Luisada, M.D. ANU Baltimore, CLINICAL Reviews STUDY 1948, The Williams OF CARDIOVASCULAR and Wilkins DISEASE. ...

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Reviews STUDY

1948, The Williams



and Wilkins






In this monograph, the author has presented with clarity and brevity a broad review of cardiology. The work is well organized and illustrated. Emphasis is placed on physiology of the cardiovascular system and upon the pathologic physiology of cardiovascular diseases. Much of the material presented is derived from the author’s own experimental and clinical experience. Implications and conclusions from this source are at times emphasized at some variance with classical concepts. The author’s interest in phonocardiography and mechanism recording of cardiovascular phenomena is evidenced by the unusuai amount of space devoted to these subjects. The summary of electrocardiography presents a review of basic principles and standard techniques, but it does not include unipolar methods. R. P. THE

Low FAT, Low and C. Young.





N. Y.,

By E. V. Dobbin, 1951, Doubleday

H. F. Gofman, H. C. Jones, & Co., Inc., 371 pages.

L. Lyon,

To prescribe a special diet is relatively simple. To ensure that the patient can obtain and eat that diet is more difficult. This book provides the information needed to ensure that patients can obtain and eat a low fat, low cholesterol diet. It is not primarily concerned with possible indications for the prescription of that diet. The text is based on experiences with the low fat, low cholesterol diet at the University of California; its authors comprise two dietitians, a home economist, a housewife, and a physician. Matrerial presented includes selection and methods of preparation of foods, recipes, menus, and sources from which less familiar foods can be purchased. Details, such as choosing lunch in restaurants, box lunches, sandwiches, appetizers, and snacks, are not overlooked. The nutritional basis of the advice offered is explained in appropriate places throughout the text. The appendix contains an additional discussion of nutritional aspects and relevant tables of food values. General and recipe indexes are provided. If the low fat, low cholesterol diet comes into common use, the authors will have rendered a notable service by setting forth so clearly and in such useful detail the results of their experience. Dietitians will find the book invaluable, and it will be helpful to physicians who prescribe this diet. Many have not the interest, intelligence, mental discipline, Wide use by patients seems unlikely. or educational background required to study and learn from a book. For those who can use it with profit, the book will supplement, but cannot replace, individual instruction, preferably by a dietitian. B. CLINICAL







By Samuel Company.

A. Levine, M.D., Fourth edition,

F.A.C.P. illustrated,

Philadelphia 556 pages.

and London, Price $7.75.

Dr. Levine has charmed a whole generation of physicians and students with his book of The preface to the first edition indicates that the book is “tireside chats” on bedside cardiology. The present edition seems to be designed for physicians designed for general practitioners. especially interested in internal medicine who have or will have some postgraduate education in electrocardiography. The first 300 pages consist of a series of informal lectures which combine Perhaps precious space is saved and distraction is factual information and clinical wisdom. avoided by omitting references to the names of some men who have contributed signiticant items of knowledge. Yet this anonymity of the older and the newer great developments makes them seem less real, less subject to further change than if they had some tangibly human indentification. 640