Physica 114A (1982) 143-145 North-Holland Publishing Co.
Kishore B. MARATHE Department of Mathematics, Brooklyn College, Bedford Avenue and Aoenue H, Brooklyn, NY 11210, USA The mean curvature of a gravitational field is defined as a generalization of the average curvature in a given direction by using the gravitational sectional curvature function on nondegenerate tangent 2-planes to the space-time manifold. We find that the mean curvature of a gravitational field is independent of direction as determined by a unit vector. The converse of this result provides a new characterization of spaces admitting gravitational fields. We also define the average curvature (or bending) of a non-degenerate k-plane in a gravitational field and show that it is independent of the choice of non-degenerate k-plane.
We define a gravitational field F as a triple (M, g, T) which satisfies the following conditions: (1) M is a Qdimensional manifold with symmetric, fundamental tensor g of type (2,0) and signature (-, -,-, +) and with the unique torsion-free LeviCivita connection r. (2) T is a symmetric divergence-free tensor of type (2,O) on M. (3) g satisfies Einstein’s field equations with source T. Using a local coordinate chart and the induced basis of the tensor algebra of M, we can write conditions 2 and 3 in the familiar form Tii = Tji,
ViTij = 0;
and R 0 _ ;Rg ii = _ T ii,
where Vi is the covariant derivative along a/ax’ and the units are chosen so that the coefficient of T” in eq. (2) is - 1. When all the above conditions are satisfied we say that M is the carrier of the gravitational field F, or that the space M admits the gravitational field F. In what follows we assume that the triple (M, g, T) satisfies conditions 1 and 2 of the above definition unless otherwise stated. We say that a tensor S of the type (4,0) is a tensor of curvature type if it satisfies (point-wise) the algebraic properties of a Riemann curvature tensor. It is well known that if S is of curvature type then S,, (x E M), can be regarded as a symmetric, linear transformation of the space of second-order differential forms AgM). Now for each x E A4 we can regard g, and TX as endomorphisms of A;(M), the space of first-order differential forms. Their exterior product gJT, is then a symmetric linear transformation of AZ(M). The corresponding tensor of curvature type is denoted by gAT. 0378-4371/82/ooo(Mooo
BO2.75 @ 1982 North-Holland
We can now associate defined by
with triple (M, g, T) a tensor
W of curvature
where R is the Riemann curvature tensor on M. The tensor W has been used by the author’.*) to obtain various characterizations of gravitational field equations. The algebraic and differential properties of W have been studied by ,Modugno3) which lead in particular, to new proofs of some classical results of Lichnerowicz. The gravitational sectional curvature function is defined on the space of non-degenerate cotangent 2-planes to the space-time manifold M and is denoted by f. If P is a non-degenerate 2-plane with orthonormal basis (U, V) then f is defined by f(P) = f(U, V) = s(U)s(V)G(W(U, where s(U) induced by orthonormal The mean
V), U, VI,
= g( U, U) is the sign of U and G is the inner product on AgM) g. It can be shown that f does not depend on the choice of basis of the plane P. curvature m(U) along a unit covector (l-form) is defined by 1
m(U) = j F, fW’, Vi), where U = U’, U*, U3, U4 is an orthonormal basis of A:(M). The average curvature or bending m(K) of a non-degenerate k-plane (k 5 2) is defined by 1-9 i f(U’, Vi), m(K) = k(4- k) i=l j=k+r
where the first k covectors form an orthonormal basis for K. This definition is a generalization of the definition of mean curvature given by Tachibana4) for the case of Riemannian manifolds. The calculation of m(K) is simplified by the observation that the plane K is completely determined by a unit decomposable k-form U’ A.. . A Uk. Now if (M, g, T) is a gravitational field, the field equations can be expressed by the vanishing of the trace-free part of Ric (W), the Ricci tensor of W. Using this result in (5) and (6) we get: Theorem 1. Let U be a unit covector and K the 3-plane which is the orthogonal complement of U. Then m(U) = m(K) = -Tr(Ric( W))/12, where Tr denotes the trace operator.
The converse of this theorem is also true and provides a new characterization of spaces admitting gravitational fields. We state it as Theorem 2. If eq. (7) holds for any unit covector or non-degenerate triple (M, g, T) defines a gravitational field. For 2-planes the sectional curvature function characterization of gravitational fields.
3-plane, the
itself provides the following
Theorem 3. (M, g, T) defines a gravitational field if and only if f(P) = f(P’) holds for all non-degenerate 2-planes P and their orthogonal complements P’.