374 THE MEDICAL, CLERICAL, GENERAL LIFE AND ASSURANCE SOCIETY. meeting of the proprietors of this society, took place yesterday Freemasons’ Quee...

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meeting of the proprietors of this society, took place yesterday Freemasons’

Queen Street. tlemen


upon the accumulated The most


peculiar feature,


that the lives of persons afflicted with" gout, asthma, fits, rupture,

Tavern, Great hernorrhage,complaintsof theliver,





blood, vertigo,



present, and Dr. other disease," may he assured in

Pinckard in the chair. The chair..

dilated upon the anticipated advantages which the medical and clerical professions would receive from this Life Assurance Company in preference to any other ; and read some parliamentary reports with a view to prove that the present company does not require a charter for the purpose of rendering it a permanent legal establishment. After the worthy chairman had concluded his address a variety of resolutions were proposed and seconded by seme of the gentlemen present, and all adopted man

Every thing went on very pleasantly, and the " flatterwas assiduously aping unction" to the end of the chapter. plied The peculiar featutes which distinguish this society are stated in nem. con.


temporary loans, either upon the policy or



sured, whenever circumstances may chance to require it, and advancing


to be

1. A diminished rate of assurance, especially on the younger lives ; calculated upon the improved state of public

health, and the increased duration of human life. 2. Eight of the Board of Directors being members of the medical profession. 3. Extending the benefit of life assurance to all classes of persons ; calculating the premium in a just ratio with the amount of hazard, instead of excluding those afflicted with " gout, asthma," and the other diseases usually specifled. 4. Giving the option to the person assured to share the profits, either by adding them to the policy for the benefit of his survivors at his decease, or to take them in reduction of the annual

premium, forhis own benefit during life. 5. Purchasing the interest of the as-

this company. Dr. Bree moved this resolution, and during his remarks, observed that the above com. plaints could not he considered in any other light than effects; very true Dr. BREE, and that you are yourself the effect of a very ineffectual cause towards producing an intelligent medical prae. titioner is but to clearly exhibited in your absurd work on Asthma. Strictly speaking is there any disease, Dr. BREE, which is not an ef. fect? Why then do you folishlystate that " gout’’ can hardly be called a disease, because it is the result of intemperance." Is gout, we would ask, less a disease in the intemperate than in the frugal man ? Certainly not, to assert the contrary is truly rediculous ; and equally so, the declaration that , gout is the result of intemperance." Dr. BREE, we suspect, is one of the "rump," he evidently is not in favour at Court, and this probably was the oblique thrust of a rejected aspirant for kingly honours.

The directors of this Assurance are eighteen in number, three of whom aretobe Dignitaries of the Church, eight members of the medical profession, the remainder to be chosen from the proprietors in general ; the three dignitaries are to he direcNo Director tors ex officio ! can have a vote unless he have


375 five shares.


proprietary fund


society, the

union will

is to be constituted, (the Chairman neither prove satisfactory, did not say when) amounting to nor lasting. The clergy are The profits too anxious for power, too one million sterling. of the Proprietors are to be in- mindful of worldly affairs, and vestigated at the end of every this institution if it exist for any five orseven years. length of time, will-be entirely. We feel satisfied tha.t the Medi- under the-i nfluence of the dignical, and Clerical Assurance Com- taries and other members of the pany, is not established upon a church. solid basis, and are convinced that it will prove an ephemeral institution. It is perfectly uncalled for, excepting as far as the diseased CHEMISTRY. portion of the public is interested, and if the insurers are to consist of such only as are afflicted, with We stated in our last journal, gout, asthma. hemorrhage." &c. &c., notwithstanding Dr. Bree’s that oxygen, chlorine, iodine, and specious logic, the proprietors we fluorine, were alone supporters of, apprehend will have no necessity combustion, while all other subto give themselves much uneasistances in nature, except nitroness respecting the profits, and once in fifty years, will be quite gen, were capable of burning when’ often enough for their distribution. in contact with one or other of The title of this society will these supporters under favourable prove an insuperable obstacle to its success with the public; medi- circumstances, and were therefore cal and clerical ; is it to be combustible bodies. In our exsupposed that the public will periments to prove that no subexpect to derive any advantages from such a combination; we stance in nature will burn unless fear not; people in general one or other of the above suphave not sufficient confidence be present, we shall select in the integrity of either pro- porters fession, neither doctor nor par- those substances which are geneson is ever applied to except rally known to be the most inas a dernier resort, it therefore flammable, and submit them to the cannot be supposed that persons will voluntarily deposit their most probable way for inflaming property in the possession off them, when absent from the Impmen in whom they have no re- porter. liance, while there are assuPhosphorus, perhaps, is as inrance companies open to them of long standing, known respec- -flammable a substance as we are tability, and immense capital. acquainted with, by " inflammaUpon the whole then we strongwe mean that it is capable of ly advise the members of the medical profession not to join this taking fire at a very low tempera’

