The Metropolitan Branch

The Metropolitan Branch

1.~al. PUBLIC HEALTH. a89 T h e Society. Reports, Proceedings NOTiC:E. THE NJ~ECH PRIZF.. The Neech P.rize of the Society . of Medical Officers of ...

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T h e Society. Reports, Proceedings NOTiC:E. THE NJ~ECH PRIZF.. The Neech P.rize of the Society . of Medical Officers of Health for the best paper read at a meeting of the Society during the session 1929-30, has been awarded to Dr. G. C . M . M'Gonigle of Stockton-on-Tees,. for his address on " The Biological Concept of Preventive Medicine," delivered before the Northern Branch and published in PUBLIC I~EALTH, May, 1930. The Prize, founded in 1%°1 by Dr. James T h o m a s Neech, sometime Medical Officer of Health for the County Borough of Halifax, is open to the members of the Society of Medical Officers .of Health. The prize is awarded annually for the best paper read before a Branch or Group of the Society. No such paper shall be eligible for award unless two typewritten copies are formally sent to the Executive Secretary of the Society, except that in the case of papers published in PUBT.IC HEALTH it is only necessary to notify the date of publication, The paper must have reference to public health subjects, and originality and research will be taken into consideration. No consideration of seniority o.f membership, o.r professional standing shall influence the award of the prize, which shall be open to all members of the Society. Entries for the session ending September ~{0th, 1931, should be submitted on or before November 1st next. . . . . . . THE METROPOLITAN


President: Dr. John MacmilIan, D.s.o., inc., ~.o.m, Woolwich. Hon. Secretary : Dr. James Fenton, .u.o.m, Ken-

sington, The annual meeting of the Council of this Branch was held at the house of the Society on June 26th, 1931, the President occupying the chair. Sixteen other members of the Branch Council were present, The Branch Council made the fo,llowing nominations in respect of the under-mentioned offices in the Branch ::-Presiden.t.--Dr. G. Clark Trotter.

and Announcements. Vice-Presidents.--Dr. J. Macmillan,

Dr. J. B. Howell. Ho~orary Treax~rer.--Dr. F. L. Keith. Honorary Secretary.--tDr. James Fenton. Honorary Auditors.--Dr. :E. G. Annis, Dr. A . M . Hewat.

Representatives of/.he Branct~ o~, tl~e Counoil of the Society.---Dr. James Fenton, Dr. J . B . Howell. It was decided to recommend that the Council of the Branch should consist of the officers of the Branch, all metropolitan medical officers of healtl'i who are members of the Society, one representative of each Group of the Society, the NIedical Officer of Health of the London Cotmty Council and one of his medical officers, and two assistant medical officers of health, namely, Dr. Buhnan of St. Marylebone and Dr. Thomson of -~Vestminster. The Branch Council extended a cordial welcome to Dr. Lennane on his return after illr/ess. It was agreed to recommend the re-appointmerit of the Emergency Executive Committee as follows : - - T h e officers of the Branch, including the Hon. Auditors, and Drs. A . G . G . Thompson and ~V. A. Y o u n g . Tlie Branch Council had before them a memorandum on the staffing and administration of maternity and child welfare centres, which had been prepared b y a special subcommittee of the Maternity and Child Welfare Group, submitted to the Council of the Society and referred by them to the various Branches with a request for their observations thereon. T h e Branch Council .decided that the memorandum should be considered by the sub-committee appointed on February 27th, 1931, to deal with the question of convalescent treatment of babies and children, and that Dr. Calver, the representative of the Maternity and Child Welfare Group on the Branch Council, should be asked to serve thereon. The Hon. Secretary read a letter from the Executive Secretary of the Society, giving particulars of a proposal to. attach to the London School of H y g i e n e and Tropical Medicine a Research Fellow with the object of assisting" field research work in connection with public health departments. T h e Branch



Council directed the Hon. Secretary to. inform the Executive Secretary that they welcome the suggestion put forward and would be happy to help in securing success. The Branch Council had before them memorandum 1 6 3 / M . C . W . in regard to birth control, issued by the Ministry of Health in March, 1931, and it was agreed that, before any recommendation could be made, the Hon. Secretary should send a questionnaire to all metropolitan boroughs to ascertain what action is being taken. Consideration was given to a letter from the Metropolitan Boroughs' Standing Joint Committee asking for the Branch Council's views on a suggestion b y the Bethnal Green Borough Council that a second R a t W e e k earlier in the year, in the breeding season, should be held in London. The Branch Council considered that a duplication of the present Rat W e e k held in November would tend to diminish its effectiveness, and the Hon. Secretary was directed to inform the Metropolitan Boroughs' Standing Joint Committee that the Branch Council were not in favour of the suggestion. The Hon. Secretary reported that he had received, in his capacity of Medical Officer of Health, an application from a general stores to sell milk in sealed bottles. It was decided to recommend that such applicants should be registered as purveyors of milk, but that the premises concerned should not be registered as dairies, and the Hon. Secretary was directed to communicate this decision to all metropolitan medical officers of health. Dr. Hewat drew attention to the unsatisfactory results of chemical and bacteriological examination of samples of milk taken on delivery at various London County Council general hospitals, and requested that metropolitan medical officers of health should take samples of such milk on delivery, communicate the results of examination to the London County Council, and institute proceedings in appropriate cases. The annual meeting of the Branch followed the Branch Council meeting, the President occupying the chair. The Branch adopted the nominations made by the Council in respect of the various Officers as set out above. On his election, Dr. Clark Trotter was installed by Dr. Macmillan, the retiring President. Dr. Trotter then moved a vote of thanks, Which was carried unanimously, to


Dr. Macmillan for his valuable and ~ntiring service during his year of office, to which the retiring President replied. The Branch adopted the recommendation of the Council in regard to the constitution of the Branch Council, and it was also agreed to invite Sir ~Vitliam Smith to serve thereon. It was decided to adopt the recommendation of the Council respecting" t h e re-appointment of the Emergency Executive Committee. The report of the Iton. Auditors and the statement of accounts were a p p r o v e d . The Hon. SeCretary reported that Dr. Harley \Villiams, Medical Commissioner of the National Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis, had offered to read a paper to the Branch on " Itealth P r o p a g a n d a , " and the Branch directed the tton. Secretary to accept this offer and to make arrangements accordingly. The H o n . Secretary read an extract from a letter from the Associated Portable Sound :Equipments, Ltd., giving particulars of their apparatus and offering to give a demonstration to the Branch. The President and Hon. Secretary were requested to arrange for a demonstration if they considered it desirable. The Branch considered a letter from the Executive Secretary of the Society asking for their observations on the memorandum of agreement in regard to the salaries of wholetime public health medical officers, and it was decided to inform the Society that they accept the memorandum as satisfactory in all respects. a~



President: Dr. C. Killick Millard, M.O.H., Leicester. Hon. Secretary: Dr. J. A. Stirling, M.o.~4,, Chesterfield.

The annual meeting of this Branch was held at Bulwell Hall Sanatorium, Nottingham, on July 23rd, 1931, Dr. Cyril Banks occupying the chair. Eighteen members were present, and one mem6er sent an apology for absence. The annual report of the H o n . Secretary and Treasurer was read and adopted, and the [/on. Secretary was thanked for his services during the session. The following office bearers were elected for the session 1931-32 : - Pfesident.--Dr. B. C. Stevens, Medical Officer of Health, Grimsby. Vice-Pfesidents.--Dr. C. Kitlick Millard, Medical Officer of Health, Leicester; Dr. C. Banks, Medical Officer of ttealth, Nottingham.