127 by
which the
general practitioner
could be saved from ruin.
He spoke amid loud cries of " hear" and indignation from all parts of the meeting, of the insults and degradation which had been heaped upon members of the college by the irresponsible council, and declared emphatically that no concession from that council could give them, as general practitioners, adequate protection. (Loud cries of hear, hear.) The experience of the last
gladly avails itself of the liberality
proof of this ; and it’ anything more of the Editor of THE LANCET, to publish the following matter:was wanting, let them look at the stealthy manner in which the THE ASSOCIATION OF GENERAL PRACTITIONERS IN MEDIlate charter, which deprived members of their just rights, had been obtained. (Loud .cries of hear, hear.) CINE, SURGERY, AND MIDWIFERY, was instituted at a public Mr. PORTER seconded the resolution, and spoke of the neces- meeting held at the Hanover-square Rooms, 4, Hanover-square, sity of acting through the influence of individual members of on Saturday, the 7th day of December, 1844, on the requisition
was a
Parliament. The sixth resolution was proposed by Mr. BLENKARNE, and seconded by Mr. WEAVERThat a petition, in conformity with the above resolutions, be presented to the legislature, and that the members for the City of London be requested to support the same." The seventh resolution was proposed by Mr. WILLIAM SMITH, and seconded by Mr. REYNOLDSThat the cordial thanks of this meeting are, in an especial manner, due to the editor of The Tinies for the ability displayed in advocating the just cause of the general practitioners, and for the influence exerted in impressing upon the community at large a correct understanding of the proposed Bill," And" That the best thanks of this meeting be presented to Thos. Wakley, Esq. M.P., editor of THE LANCET, and to the medical press generally, for the zealous and efficient manner in which they have exposed the objectionable clauses of the proposed Bill, and for their consistent support of the privileges of the general
practitioner." Thanks
afterwards voted to the chairman and to the
honorary secretary, Mr. W. SMITH, and carried by acclamation. Those gentlemen severally returned thanks. A deputation was appointed, consisting of the president, the honorary secretary, Mr. Roberts, and Mr. M. Beale, to wait on the members of Parliament for the City of London, to request their support in strenuously opposing Sir James Graham’s Bill. A liberal subscription was entered into to defray the and nearly all the gentlemen immeexpense of the room, &c., diately enrolled their names as members of the National Association.
consisted of almost every conducted in the best spirit. The resolutions were carried without a dissentient voice, and the hearty cheers which followed every exhortation to union and to opposition to the odious Bill, shewed how deeply the cause was felt by every individual present. The conduct of the council of the College of Surgeons was treated by almost every speaker in
general practitioner
meeting, which in the city, was
severe terms.
It was announced by a member of the National Association that the next LANCET would contain some important matter re-
specting incorporation. MEETING AT PORTSMOUTH AND PORTSEA.
AT a numerous meeting of General Practitioners, resident in Portsmouth, Portsea, and Landport and neighbourhood, held at Portsea, on the 27th Jan., it was resolved, nem. con.That the medical practitioners of these towns and neighbour"
of sixty-two gentlemen practising in the the borough of Marylebone.
of Westminster and
PENNINGTON, Esq. chair, the following resolutions
R. R.
called to the
nent. con. :-
adopted .
" I. That this meeting is decidedly of opinion, that prior to the Bill for the regulation of the practice of medicine and surgery, it is of the utmost importance to the interests of the public that the general practitioners of medicine, surgery, and midwifery, should be legally recognised, and placed in an independent position ; and that the executive Government be respectfully and earnestly requested to suspend the further consideration of the Bill laid before Parliament at the close of the last session, until this object has been attained. " II. That, in furtherance of the object of the former resolution, it is the opinion of this meeting that an association should be immediately formed, under the title ofTHE ASSOCIATION QF GENERAL PRACTITIONERS IN MEDICINE, SURGERY AND MIDWIFERY.’ " III. That this Association use its best efforts to obtain a complete organization of the general practitioners, for the purpose of petitioning for a charter of incorporation, to be sanctioned by Act of parliament, and for taking such other steps as circumstances may, from time to time, render necessary for the protection of their interests. " IV. That the Society of Apothecaries be solicited to cooperate with this Association in furtherance of the objects of the former resolutions. " V. That a provisional committee of thirty-one members, with power to add to its numbers, and of which not less than seven shall form a quorum, be elected by this meeting, to carry the objects of the Association into effect; also to frame laws for its constitution and government, to be submitted to a general meeting for its approval. " VI. That the provisional committee be empowered to form an union with this Association of the different societies of general practitioners in town and country, instituted for similar objects; " VII. That, upon its formation, one of the first duties of this Association shall be to petition the legislature against the reintroduction of Sir James Graham’s Bill, and to use every legal means to prevent its passing through parliament."
passing of any
In compliance with the third of the above resolutions, and to effect the organization as rapidly and as completely as possible, at a meeting of the provisional committee, held on Tuesday, the 24th of December, it was unanimously resolved" I. That honorary local secretaries be appointed for every county, and every parliamentary division of a county. The local secretaries to be resident general practitioners in the county town, or in the principal town in each parliamentary division of
hood do form themselves into an Association, with the view of a county. " II. That the local secretaries be empowered to appoint assisting the efforts of the National Association of General Practitioners, in obtaining the incorporation of all the present legally- honorary local sub-secretaries in large towns and populous districts of their respective counties, or divisions of counties. qualified general practitioners into a distinct college." " III. That honorary local secretaries be also appointed in Dr. JOHN PORTER (the senior resident general practitioner) cities and boroughs which are not county towns, or the principal was unanimously elected President, and Mr. W. H. GARRINGTON, towns of divisions of counties, wherein the general practitioners Secretary. The following resolutions were then proposed, seconded, and desire to organize themselves independently of the county organization." carried unanimously :The immediate object of these appointments is organization, lst. " That this meeting consider the Bill of Sir James Graham and a ready means of communication between the provisional its as to the medical calculated be so to (in present form) injurious committee in London and the country general practitioners profession, that it should be opposed in toto." the kingdom. The general practitioners of every throughout 2nd. " That each member of the Association make a donation town, and of every principal town of the parliamentary county of lOs. towards the expenses." divisions of counties, are urged to confer together forthwith, and 3rd. " That the warmest thanks of the Association are due to to nominate one of their own body, whom they can recommend to the editors of The Times and THE LANCET, for their strenuous the provisional committee, as honorary local secretary for the and unwearied exertions on behalf of the profession." particular county, or parliamentary division of a county, autho-
Morley, Henry, Esq. Medhurst, Sussex. Morrah, J. Esq. 62, Sloane-street. Moore, E. D. Esq. 10, Arlington-street, Piccadilly. .Norton, R. Esq. 21, Dorset-street, Portman-square. Nussey, J. Esq. 4, Cleveland-row. O’Connor, W. Esq. 69, George-.street, Portman-square. Pennington, R. R. Esq. 15, Portman-square. Peregrine, J. P. Esq. 3, Half Moon-street, Piccadilly. Perry, J. Esq. 4, Eaton-square. Propert, J. Esq. 6, New Cavendish-street. Randall, A. M. Esq. Finsbury-square. Richards, Henry, Esq. Old Brentford. Robinson, R. R. Esq. Peckham. Smith, Charles, Esq. 17, Nottingham-street. Squibb, G. J. Esq. 6, Orchard-street, Portman-square. Stocker, R. Esq. 44, Baker-street, Portman-square. Tanner, R. Esq. Manchester-street, Manchester-square.
their names for enrolment to the office of the Association in London. Any individual general practitioner, in each of the county towns and principal towns of parliamentary divisions of counties, will most efficiently further the objects of the Association by taking upon himself, without delay, to call together a sufficient number of his brother generr.l practitioners for the above special purpose. General practitioners in cities and boroughs, not being county towns, or the principal towns of the divisions of counties, desiring to organize themselves independently of the county organization, are requested to advise the committee in London to that effect, to recommend local secretaries, and to forward their names as soon as possible for enrolment. The names of the local secretaries for the different counties, parliamentary divisions of counties, cities, and boroughs, will be advertised, and printed instructions will be forwarded to them as
rizing him to forward
Tegart, E. Esq. 39, Pall-Mall. Toulmin, Joseph, Esq. Hackney. Vickers, W. R. Esq. 32, Baker-street, Portman-square. Wakefield, H. Esq. Lansdowne-place. Ward, N. B. Esq. Wellclose-square. Webster, George, Esq. Connaught-terrace. Wheeler, Thomas, Esq. Gracechurch-street. York, James, Esq. Aberdeen-place, Maida-hill.
speedily as practicable. .
lprobisional (Doramitter. JOHN NUSSEY, Esq. Chairman.
Ancell, Henry, Esq. 3, Norfolk-crescent, Hyde-park. Ansell, Thomas, Esq. Bow. Baker, E. Esq. 13, Bulstrode-street, Manchester-square. Bird, James, Esq. 16, Orchard-street, Portman-square. Blatch, Henry, Esq. River-terrace, Middleton-square. Brodribb, W. P. Esq. Bloomsbury-square. Brown, J. B. Esq. 39, Connaught-terrace. Bryant, W. Esq. 50, Edgeware-road. Chisholme, A. B. Esq. 32, Devonshire-street, Portland-place. Chilvers, T. F. Esq. Burlington-street. Clayton, J. Esq. 3, Percy-street, Bedford-square. Clifton, Nathaniel, Esq. Cross-street, Islington. Combe, H. Esq. Caroline-street, Bedford-square. Cooke, William, Esq. Trinity-square. Craddock, C. Esq. 6, Chapel-place, Cavendish-square. Dale, G. ommerCla -roa . Dale, G. C. Esq. Dickenson, William, Esq. Sloane-street. Dodd, John, Esq. 12, Portman-street, Portman-square. Drew, W. Esq. 79, Gower-street, Bedford-square. Freeman, John, Esq. 21, Spring-gardens. Fuller, H. P. Esq. 112, Piccadilly. Fincham, G. Esq. 5, Spring-gardens. Grant, N. Esq. 21, Thayer-street, Manchester-square. Hardwick, A. Esq. Kensington. Hammerton, T. Esq. Ill, Piccadilly. Headland, Edward, Esq. 32, Guildford-street, Russell-square. Hunter, John, Esq. Tower-street. Julius, F. G. Esq. Richmond. James, H. Esq. 4, City-road, Finsbury-square. Lucas, W. 0. Esq. 6, Taunton-place, Regent’s-park. Maclure, William, Esq. Harley-street.
Esq. SCommercial-road.
John Dodd, Esq. 12, Portman-street, Edward Tegart, Esq. 39, Pall-Mall.
Bird, Esq.; Henry Ancell, Esq. SOLICITORS.
Messrs. Fuller and
Saltwell, Carlton-chambers, Regent-street.
T. Herbert Barker, Esq., Bedford.... Albert Napper, Esq. Guildford John Colthurst, Esq. Bristol........ Henry Morley, Esq. Chichester...... Thomas Warner, Esq. Cirencester
Bedfordshire. Western division of Surrey. City of Bristol. Western division of Sussex. Borough of Cirencester.
Samuel Cr?mpton, Esq.} Manchester James Whitehead, Esq.
Wooldtidge, Joseph Bullar,EsEsq.sq Southampton Emson, Esq. H.
of Manchester.
Southern division of Hampshire.
Dorchester...... Dorsetshire. Henry Terry, Esq. jun. Northampton Southern divn. of Northamptonshire. William Sedgwick, Esq. Maidstone Western division of Kent. H. B. Pickess, Esq. Aylesbury...... County of Bucks. H. Graves Bull, Esq. Hereford ...... Herefordshire. T. F. Brownbill, Esq. Salford........ Borough of Salford. F. A. B. Bonney, Esq. Brentford.... Western division of Middlesex. Walford, Esq. Reading Borough of Reading. F. M. Russell, Esq. Cardiff.......... County of Glamorgan. J. Winsar, Esq. Salisbury Southern Division of Wiltshire. ..
&bgr;f(tmbW5. go Space will not allow of the publication of the entire enrolment, but
we take an equal proportion under each letter, continue the list at some future opportunity. Ashley, W. H. I, Grove Villas, Loughboro’-road, Bushell, F. 117, Crawford-street Brixton Brandon, H. 44, George-street, Portman-square
and hope
Anderson, James, 74, Church. street, Leicester J.rden, H. A., Dorchester, Oxon Appleton, J. M. 45, Curzon--treet Anderson, R. R. Houghton-le-Spring, Durham Anderson, William A. 18, Brompton-row Archer, William, 1, Montagu-st. Portman-sq.
Buller, James, Seethinz-lane Bloxam, William, 2B, Duke.street Burman, William, 12, Jewry-street, Aldgate Bennett, John M. 46, Upper Baker-street Covent Garden 32, Boulger, Edward, Bletchingley King-st. Beaman, George, Bruce, Samuel B. Ripon, Yorkshire Bryant, John, Colebrook Villa, Finchley Blewett, W. L. St. Mary’s, Scilly Isles Armstrong, J. Gravesend Bullar, William, Southampton Anderson, James, North Shields Barrow, John, 48, Davies-street, Berkeley-square Best, Henry W.,Thetford, Norfolk Notts Bullin. Francis, 26, Farringdon- street Bainbridge, William, Upper Tooting, Surrey Allen, Wright, Arnold, Brown, George, Kensall Green Bramwell, William, North Shields Allen, Richard, Manchester Buller, Henry, Jewry-street Ayres, James, Ramsgate Bates, Robert, Bitley, Hants Barnes, A. King’s-road Beale, Lionel, Long-acre Ayres, Alfred, Ramsgate Brendin, Peter, Highgate Appleton, Henry, Hackney Bowling, Thomas, Hammersmith Burnett, C. M. Westbrook House, Alton, Hants Batt, F. C. Abergavenny Andrews, Edward, Windsor Gloucester Fareham Boulton, Thomas, Northleach, Beale, M. 41, Bishopsgate-street within Ainge,J. Adams, N. Lyminston Bower, Mark N. 95, Hatton-garden Bladland, W. Camberwell Burnett, C. M., Alton, Hants Appleton, J. G. Hitchen Bryant, James, 174, Kingsland road Andrews, Edward. Titchfield Bellin, John B., Malpas, near Chester Bligh, Richard, Woodbridge, Suffolk Barnes, Alfred B. King’s-road, Chelsea Bennett, F. D. 3, Commercial-pl., Old Kent-road Allen, Thomas, Bristol East Retford Essex .Allison, William, Bidwell, W;lliam, Dedham, Barnes, R. K. St. Alban’s Bidwell, H. H., Dedham, Essex Burridge, James E. near Tooting. Surrey Archibald, Robert, Hereford Atkinson. J. C. 16, Romney-terrace, Westminster Bidwell, John R., Northleach, Gloucestershire Bland, James, Esq. Park-green, Macclesfield Bidwell, John A., Cirencester Bond, John, Nuneatf’n Anders, J., Newark-upon-Trent York Bateson, Henry, 2, Haddon.place, Waterloo-road Bryant, Samuel, 32, Old Market-street, Bristol Anderson, William C., P. Hants Forstone Bolton, George Blundell, John, St. Heten’s, Lancashire Ayton, Robinson, Porchester, Bushell, Thomas, 11;, Crawford-street Bristowe, J. S. North Addington-st. CamberWell Austin, M. F., 13, Red Lion-street Bishop, W. E. C., Houghton.le-Spring, Durham Austin, Thomas, 36, Rosamon-street Buckell, Leonard, North Pallant, Chichester Bates, Charles P., Rumsey, Huntingdon Allan, John. Milner-square Bell, John, Houghton-le-Spring, Durham Alleston. Thomas, 47, liigh-street, Hoxton Ballard, Thomas, 81, Connaught-terrace Bryan, John M. Northampton Windsor G. J. New Amsden, North-road Brown, Henry, Bendall, S. P. Wootton-under-Edge 1, Critchell-place, Budd, Robert, Tawley Annington, J. 152, Whitechapel -road Byam, William J. 34, Welbeck-street Allender, George, 16, Mansell-street Burke, P. 13, Upper Montague-st. Montague sq. Brickwell, James, Tottenham, Middlesex
129 Clarke, James, 3, York-place, Kingsland-road Curme, George, Dorchester, Bateman, Henry, Islington-green I Carter, S. Tabernacle-square Cornwall, Charles, Fairfield, Gloucestershire Blatherwick, J. Fareham Coward, T. C. 5, High-street, Stepney Cornwall, Charles, jun. ditto Burrows, J. C., Old Steyne, Brighton Clayton, Oscar M. 3, Percy-street, Bedford-sq. Clarke, James F. 23, Gerrard-street Beale, John E., Plaistow, Essex Cooke, W. H. 88, York-road, Lambeth Bradshaw, Henry, 3, Brownlow-street, Liverpool Coleman, Matthew T. Hampton Wick Du Pasquier, Chas. F. Cleveland-row John Dorset J., Sturminster-Newton, Clapcott, Burrough, R. F., Dartmouth, Devon Poole Davies, Thomas, 60, Cambridge-street, Hyde Park Chris. H. Bellevue Crabb, Alfred, House, Notting-hill Barnes, Duscautroy, Henry, Southampton Cory, Samuel S. Bridport Bailey, W. Bedford Dayman, Henry, Millbrook, Hants Cane, William H. Uxbridge Baker, W. A., Liscard, Cheshire Druitt, R. 2g a, Curzon-street Croudar, G. Houghton-le-Spring, Durham Bruce, Alex. 26. Montagu-st. Portman-square Davis, Thomas, Hampstead Curtis, George, Dorking Blatherwick, Thomas. Titchfield Drake, Francis W., East Bergholt, Suffolk Chaldecott, William, ditto Browse, Henry J., Paignton, Devon Ditvis, Alfred, Cerne Abbas Barsham, Thomas, Norton, near Ixworth, Suffolk Clough, Charles, Southport, near Ormskirk Druitt, William, Wimborn, Dorset Brunton, John, Turvey, Bedford Cooper, -, 47, Camden-street, Camden-town Daniels, Henry, go, Jermyn-street ; Cheyne, R. R. 43, Bemer’s-street Beck, Francis D. Sawbridgeworth Devonald, E. L. Great Titchfield-street Birtwhistle, William, Skipton, York Cooke, Arthur, Howland-street J. S. Blandford Daniel, Robert G. to the Colthurst, John, Clifton, Bristol, surgeon Broxholm, Sunbury Dansey, John, ditto Bowman, Jonathan, Workington Dispensary Davis, Thomas B., Cerne Abbas, Dorset Blick, Robert, Sutton Coldfield, Warwick Codrington, G. F. Lyme Regis, Dorset Duffin, Edward W. 14, Langham-place Blackmore, J. T. 24, Old-street-road, Shoreditch Cope, J. T., Wareham, Dorset Duncan, William, North Shields Butler, W. H. Guildford Cottle, T. J. Cheltenham R. Bristol Daniel, James S. Ramsgate Balchin, Godalming Cross, William, Clifton, Doyle, M. G. ditto Brady, John, Bristol Coward, Henry, North Shields Davey, Richard, Walmer Burroughs, J. B. Bristol Curling, Henry, Ramsgate Dixon, Henry, Deal Barrow, J. South Shields Coventry, A. ditto Dorrington, Thomas, Manchester, surgeon to the Britton, W. S. 29, Henry-street, Portland Town Crompton, Samuel, Manchester, surgeon to Winchester and Salford Lying-in Hospital Ilenshaw’s Blind Asylum Brown, Thomas, 2, St. Mary Axe Edward D. Charles Dixon, George, Cheyne Walk Bennion, Clark, Oswestry Dyer, John C. W. Islington Barnard, Henry C. Hereford Cremer, R Chelmsford Davis, W. G., Warminster, Wilts Burston, Thomas, Leominster Copeland, Oswald, ditto Chandler, Bentham, 40, Weymouth-street, Port- Davies, E. R. Christchurch Burgess, T. Bishop’s Waltham Dixon, James L. W. 15, London-road, Brighton Brown, James D. Haverfordwest land-place William M. Kensington Day, Horatio G. Isleworth Bush, Campbell, T. T. 15, Burton-crescent Denham, W.H. Cannon Pyon Cockle, John, 107, Guildford-street, Russell-sq. Brown, Robert, Brixton-hill Cooke, R. H. Church street, Stoke Newington Day, F. N., Chudleigh, Devon Baker, Bow, Middlesex Dixon, T. G., Knotty Ash, near Liverpool Borthwick, W. T., Orsett, Essex Chavasse, C. A Lichfield Davis, R. S. 12, Meeklenburgh-square Churchill, A. H. Garth View, Banker Bell, Thomas, Felstead, Essex Doubleday, A. 249, Great Surrey-street Browne, Richard, Croydon, Surrey Casey, J. St. Helen’s, Lancashire Brown, W. B. Sunning-hill Ceely, Robert, Buckingham, surgeon to the In- Dunsford, W. J. Bristol Dell, Edward, High-street, Highgate Beddome, J. R. Romsey firmary, Aylesbury Buckell, F. Romsey Ceely, James Henry. Aylesbury, surgeon to the Denton, J. B., Hornsea, Yorkshire Beccles Infirmary Davey, Henry W. R., Beccles, Suffolk Bingman, A. Penzance Dobbs, Wm., Newark, Notts Cowley, George, Winslow Berryman, T. Penzance Dommett, Emanuel, Islington-green Bright, J. R. D. P. 12, Cambridge-sq. Hyde-park Champneys, Henry M. Slough R. Stafford Robert F. Bristol Dewry, Edward, 8, Park-terrace, Islington S., Bilston, Cooper, Bartley, Hawley, Dawson, Wm. 51, Lamb’s Condllit-street Churchill, J. T. Colchester Burford, H. B. St. John’s Wood W. A. Teignmouth, Devon Dicken, H., Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leicestershire Bowes, John, Richmond, Yorkshire Cartwright, Dyer, Thomas, Ringwood, Hants Benjamin, Guernsey Bowes, Christopher, Richmond, Yorkshire Collenette, Daniell, Edward, Newport Pagnell, Bucks Clowes, Frederick, Bowness, Westmoreland Bowes, Richard, Richmond, Yorkshire Hereford Drake, Thomas, 8, Nassau-place Cooke, Charles, Ledbury, Bowe, John, Richmond, Yorkshire Bedford Duchesne, Clarke, 22,White Lion-street, Spital-sq. Atidlem Couchman, Robert, Barker, Edward, Somersetshire Dukes, E. 5, Acton-place, Kingsland-road Clark, Sutton, Willington, Surrey Jones, Wells, Bernard, Henry Defriez, H. 20, Belgrave-terrace, Haggerstone Cartwright, A. 25, Steelhouse lane, Birmingham Batten, Thomas, Coleford, Gloucestershire Davis, Robert, I, Worship-square Cattell, Thomas, Braunston, near Daventry Beardsley, Amos, Lidgate, Suffolk Davis, S. 3, High-street, Stepney Cornish, F. S. Kingsbridge Bellingham, James, Bourne, Lincolnshire Drummond, G. 24, Regency-square, Brighton Cooke, Michael, Barnstaple Beardshaw, R. P., Leeds Dolman, J. T., Micklegate, York Cartwright, John T. Wolverhampton Bradley, Christopher, Owington, Lancashire Edwards, D. 32, King-street, Covent Garden Collyer, G. C. 24, Old-street-road, Shoreditch Buller, Robert, Bampton, Oxon Eyles, J. B. St. Andrew’s-court, Holborn Chandler, A. T. Godalming Buck, John, Burnham, Norfolk Eyles, R. S. ditto Cole, James, Chertsey Bull, Edward, Bath J. M. Bristol Edwards, John, Dorchester, Oxon Chandler, Boura, H. G., Charterhouse-square Else, John 0. Albany-p!ace, Camberwell Buchannan, G. N., Middleton-st., Clerkenwell Crowdy, C. W. Brixton-hill Elliot, H. Houghton-Ie-Spring, Durham Coombe, R. G., Wimborn, Dorset Borrows, William, 1, Park-street, Islington Edgar, R. P. d:tto Cammack, Robert, Spalding, Lincoln Barnard, J. Wyatt, 69, Lisson Grove North Eyre, Thos.D.S. 3, Fitzroy-street, Fitzroy-square Clarke, John, Lynton, Devon Bruorton, William, Wincanton 0. Cheyne Walk, Chelsea Edwards, Carr, David N. Morpeth Brown, -, Chester-street W. Bath A. Engledue, J. Portsmouth Cox, Brydges, Ben. K. 28, Coppice-row, Spa Fields Geo. Kent G. Devon F. J. Hammersmith Wingham, Elgar, Cory, Henry Holsworthy, Burge, Evans, Charles, Margate Clarke, James, Huddersfield Bowden, William J., Ware, Hertfordshire Elgie, R. Bournemouth Clark, C. C. Twickenham Bowen, James, Naberth, Pembrokeshire Ebsworth, Alfred, Bulwell, near Nottingham Chalmers, William, Croydon Brown, S. C., Shillingford, near Exeter, Devon t Eton, E. W. Windsor Royal Dispensary Cary, William Henry, Wandsford, Essex Broughton, Robert, Ruyton, near Shrewsbury near Lucas Exeter Lincolnshire Eager, Richard, Guildford Bennett, Crosse, Thomas, Thorverton, M., Winterton, Evans, E. Leeds Collins, R. Chew Magna Barker, Walter G., Augmering, Sussex Ellam, John, Saudiacre, Derbyshire Clowes, W., Stalkham, Norfolk Beane, J. M. Shard’s-terrace, Peckham, Surrey Edwards, Vertue, Tower Hamlets Dispensary Cocks, W. L. 89, Mount Pleasant, Liverpool Bailey, Thomas, Limehouse Evans, Edward, Cardiff, Glamorgan Barnett, T. W. Vittoria-place, Limehouse Chapman, Walter, Norwood-green, Middlesex Cross New Evans, T. A. Burwash Colliason, Alfred, Bloomfield, Fowles, 3, David-place, Poplar W. T. Limehouse Eddowes, Wm. Pontesbury, Salop 2, Vittoria-place, Blanchard, R., 21, High-street, Poplar Cumming, Elkington, Francis, surgeon to the Lying-in Couch, R. Q. Penzance Buchanan, A. Ratcliffe-cross Hospital, Birmingham Crozier, B. A. ditto Bennett, Edwin, King’s-place, Commercial-road Eagle, Francis, 28, Archer-street, Bethnal-green Bain, W. P. 2, Vittona-place, Limehouse Congdon, W. G. ditto Essex Cocks, T., Hatfield, Broad Oak, Fowler, Robert S. Southampton Burchell, P. C. ], Kingsland-road Fookes, Robt., Stalbridge, Dorset Byles, Samuel, 3, Prospect-place, Mile-end-road I, Cocks, -, ditto Fox, John, Weymouth Burton, Richard F. 12, Wade’s-pl. Hackney-road Cooke, T. C. W. 17, Lower Brook-street Cleaver, Henry, Croydon, Surrey Fulk, Thos., Sturminster-Newton, Dorset Brealey, Richard, 141, Kingsland-road Croft, C. P. Newark, Notts Fox, Luther 0., Broughton, Hants Baker, F. M. 11, North-place Cass, William Eden, Goole, Yorkshire Fitzpatrick. F. Lisson-street, Lisson Grove Bower, A. 102, Curtain-road Mendlesham Flower, Fred., Wareham, Dorset Baker, James, 1, Dorchester-pl. New North-road Cuthbert, William, Courtenay, John, 5, Finsbury-terrace Fussell, Ernest, Sherborne, ditto Bossey, F. W. East-road House, City-road Complin, E. T. 24, Charterhouse. square Fegan, J. F, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham Beverley, C. J. Grove Honse, Hackney Complin, John M1, Finsbury-square Fowke, Fred. 6, Berkeley-square Bland, C. 5, Mount Etna, Mile-end-road Clifton, N. H. 39, Cross-street, Islington French, John G. 41, Marlborough.street Bean, R. L. 7, Union-terrace, Camden-town W. A. French, William J., Milton, Wilts Cattlin, Brown, J. Esq. Oak House, Hammersmith Dispensary House, Holloway Feuwick, Samuel, North Shields Baillie, G. 78, HIgh-street, Poplar Cocke, Archibald, 7, Ulster-place, Regent’s-park Foth, Alfred, Kew Green Clifton, A. C. Welwyn, Herts Brett, William, Warwick-street, Golden-square Franklin, Jas. A. Manchester Bryant, E. 29, Wellington-road, St. John’s Wood Crofts, W., Highworth, Wilts Bruson, George, 111, High-street, Wapping Fluder, Chas. Lymington Cantrell, T. Ashby-de-la-Zonch, Leicestershire Leeds Bucks Foaker, Leonaid, Great Baddow B,earpark, G. E. Collison, R., Newport Pagnell, Clarke, 0. E. 10, Lower Grosvenor-place Farrar, Edward, 48, Guildford-street Clarke, B. jun. Mare-street, Hackney Chowne, Charles E. 48, Hertford-street Corey, E. A. 7, Clarke’s-terrace, Cannon-st.-road Fitzgerald, Chas. P. 4, London-street, Marlboro’, Wilts Cathrow, Wm. 42, Weymouth-street Cumming, W. S. 2, Vittoria-place, Limehouse Crooks, H. George-street, Portman-square Foster, Oswald, Hitchin Cleland, Allan, Ratcliffe Geo. B. Corfe, 7, Hanover-buildings French, Wm. jun. Stowmarket, Bedford Chippindale, 43, Burr-street, Aldgate Clarke, H. Southampton Chittenden, S. F. 71, High-street, Whitechapel Fisher, Wm., Oxton, Birkenhead, Cheshire Cowell, T. W. St. George’s Hospital Fuge, John, Bristol Coward,W. 11, De Beauvoir-square, Kingsland Carter, Charles H., Pewsey, Wilts Flockton, George, Connaught Terrace Collier, G. 24. Old-street-road Coward, S. W. H. 6, St. John’s-place, Hoxton Crickniay, Edward, Norwich Fry, Fred. Maidstoue, Kent I
130 Faircloth, Richard,
Footitt, William F., Newark, Notts Fullerton, John C. Lower-street, Islington Flight, W. H. Upper Mitcham, Surrey Fletcher, W., Uttoxeter, Staffordshire Forder, James, Winchester Foster, J. Mount-place, Whitechapel-road Fonwood, F. 5, Grosvenor-pl. Commercial-road Falconer, G. A. 5, Arbour-terrace, ditto Fairbank, -, Leman-street Gilley, Charles 0. Sutton-upon-Trent
Kell, Lionel. Bridge-street, Westminster
Hunter, George J. Margate Hoffman, George, jun. ditto Hickler, William, Deal
Ker, H. W ., Manche ster, medical officer of
Huntley, G. H. North Shields Howey, E. W. Bromyard Hunt, R. T. Manchester, surgeon to the Mancliester Lying-in and Eye Hospitals Haywald, H., Aylesbury, surgeon to the Bucks
Infirmary Howell, Thomas, Princes Risboro’ Hargreaves, J. Tunbridge Wells Harris, W. Worthing Garlish, Wm. 42, Theobald’s-road Hancox, W. Mott. Bilston, Stafford Grove, John, BB andsworth Gilder, W. T. 14, Queen Ann-street Heale, Alfred, Luton, Bedford W. F. 13, Bentinck-street Hogg, Charles, 14, Finsbury-place South Goodger, Hands, Benjamin, Hornaey Guiseppi, Mathew, 103, Milton-street, Dorset-sq. Robert Gardmer, Lincoln Goodfellow, Stephen J. Fever Hospital , Hill, I Hastings, C H. East Dereham, Norfolk George, G. F. Southampton Howard, J W., Leeds, Yorkshire Gay, John, Swindon i Garthon, Jas. S. Norwich Heeli, R. 79, Three Colt-street, Limehouse I Hooper, E. V. 82, Brunswick-st. Hackney-road Sturminster-Newton, Dorset Goodridge, John, I Hall, John, 23, Paul-street, Finsbury Goodridge, J. 0. ditto Hockley, W. 7, Winckworth-place, City-road Good, John, ditto Hesselwood, R. I, Jubilee-st. Mile End-road Gilbert, Joachim, Beaminster, Dorset Henry, J. G. 14, Sydney-place, Commercial-road Gray, J. J. Houghton-le-Spring, Durham Hawkins, J. 36, Colet-place Greenwood, Darnton, Clapham Common Hislop, Thomas, High-street, Stepney Gray, John, 7, Upper George-street s. Durham J. Hancom, J. R. 34, High-street, Shoreditch Green, Houghton-Ie-Spring, J. G. Crawford-street Hall, Wm. Tottenham, Middlesex , Hedley, G. D. Bedford Girdwood, G. F. 177, Maida Hill Hutchins, H. 19, Trinity-square Green, Hemy T. 2, Ebury-street, Pimlico Howard, R. 6, Upper Gloucester-st. Dorset-sq. Guy, Henry, 21, Dorset-place. Dorset-square Hodge, B. T. Sidmouth Gunn, T. M. Bridport, Dorset J. P. North Brixton Hemming, John, Kimbolton, Hunts Godfrey, Fir-grove-place, Haines, Robert, Godalming, Surrey Godwm, R. Midhurst Holman, Henry, Reigate, ditto Girdlestone, Chas., Thetford, Norfolk Holman, Henry M., Hurstpierpoint, ditto Graham, William, Lincoln Harcourt, George, Chertsey Graves, W. H. 40, Trinity-square Harcourt, R. Weybridge Gavin, Hector, 5, Thurlow-place, Hackney-road Hore, H. A. Bristol, apothecary to the Bristol Glisson, James, 3, Leonard-square Infirmary Garman, H. V. I, Coborn-terrace, Bow-road Hogett, Charles, Clifton Griffiths, B. H. 287, Bethnal-green-road Goodwin, C. 10, Queen’s-row, Cambridge-road Hawkins, Thomas, ditto Hill. Hilary, Worcester Giles, T. H Hackney Hanninson, -, Reading Guest, Edmund, 30, College-street, Chelsea Robert D. Harston, A. D. 22, Trinidad-place, Islington Goodwin, Ashbourn, Derby5lnre Graves, Henry, ditto Houghton, Edward, Ormskirk Hills, Edward H. Richmond Gardner, G. Cheyne Walk Hillier, H. B. 35, Gower-street Gilson, J. T. Chelmsford Garman, C. E. I, University-street, Gower-street Hunter, James, 1, Compton-terrace, Islington Highett, James, 14, City-road Gray, T. N. Amersham Harding, J. F. 13, Spencer-st. Northampton-sq. Gale, Fred. South Petherton Hunter, James, jun. 10, Milner-square Goddard, J. B. Christchurch Hunter, John, 4, Church-row, Islington Grahamsley, John, Felton, Northumberland Harris, W. E. 1, Windsor-place, City-road George, Edward, Sandgate, Kent Gaskell, Thomas, St. Helens, Lancashire Hodgkinson, Frederick, Newark, Notts Wm. ditto Hay, J. ditto Genton, Dorset M., Ince, John, 3, Lower Grosvenor-place Bridport. Gunn, Theop. Ingram, Charles, Corfe Castle, Dorset Gregory, Jos., Riseley, Bedford Grief, Charles, Bristol, house-surgeon to the In- Ingram, William, Midhurst Ingram, Thomas, North Shields firmary Gatehouse, Chas. Clifton, medical officer to theInman, Thomas, 16, Rodney-street, Liverpool Union Ingoldsby, F. 5, King Edward-terrace, Islington Johnson, Wm. Eagles, Dudley, Worcester Grant, Andrew, Bristol Jeaffreson, J. F. 11, Canonbury- square Girdlestone, Henry, Southampton Jeffs, Robert, 1, Finsbury-square Gore, Fred. Rd. l, Kent-place, Old Kent-road Jones, Henry D. 23, Soho-square Gay, R. E. George-street, Portman-square Jervis, Thomas, 23, Edward-street Gillott, E. D. L. Sheffield B. Jackson, Paul, 18, Thayer-street Giles, Pet.. By ford Johnston, F. G. 21, Savile-row George, John, Pembridge Jay, Edw. 51, Park-street Glover, Jos. York Jackson, Edw., Chadderley Corbett, near KidderGreenwood, Henry, Horselydown-lane minster Hodding, Wm. H. 67, Gloucester-place Jeston, A. F., Malmsbury, Wilts Hood, Peter, 15, Lower Seymour-street J. V. Jonce, Thos. ditto 63, George-street, Portman-sq. Hawkins, Jones, Herbert F. ditto Hobson, N. G. 5, Great Marylebone-street Jukes, Thos., Tetbury, Wilts Humby, Edwin, 9, Warwick Villas Hutehinson, J. 15, Milton-street, Dorset-square Jorden, Wm. P. 9, Lower Belgrave-street Jones, Chas., Ross, Hereford Haviland, E. S. 177, Maida-hill Joseph, E. 15, Great Marylebone-street Hornley, Thomas, Tuxford, Notts James, Jas. H., Manningtree, Essex Humpage, Joseph, 1, Bryanston.street Hunt, J. T., Chadderley Corbett, near Kidder- James, H. 4, City-road, Finsbury-square -
Hooper, Richard, Wootten Basset Hooper, George, ditto Harris, Michael, Paradise-place, Hackney Hodges, Thomas, 104, Guildford-street Harding, William, 4, Percy-street Harper, Robert, 1, Conduit-street, Hyde-park Horne, James H. Princes-street Hart, William, Dorking Hurst, Isaac, Bedford Henningway, H. J. Dewsbury, York Houlton, Joseph, 87, Lisson Grove North Henderson, F. A.]3, Portman-place, Maida-hill Howlett, H. 18, Cambridge-terrace Humphreys, W. E. 2Upper Southwick-street Harris, Charles, 74, Guildford-street Hill, John, John-street, America-square Humphreys, Thomas B. Great Tower-street Holman, Andrew, John-street, America-square Hampton, George, Reigate Hurd, James, Shaftesbury, Dorset Houiisell, John, Bridport, ditto Hodson, R. H., 15, Bradley-terrace, Blandfbrd-sq. Hicks, Joseph, Midhurst Hurst, Joseph, ditto Hart. William, North Shields .
Jones, E. Y. Gravesend Jesse, John, Manchester
Jay, W. Sloane-street Jenkms, J. Gosport Jenkins, C. Bristol James, PhIlip, Hereford
Jenkins, H. J. Madley James, John, ditto Jones, Ellis, Ishngton, Liverpool James, Robert, Grampound Jackson, George, 30, Church-street, Spitalfields Jackson, John, ditto Jacomb, Thomas, Cheltenham Jones, John, Buccleugh-terrace, Upper Clapton Jones, R. W. Beaumaris, Anglesea Jones, Arthur O’Brien, Epsom Kendall, T.M., Stanford-le- Hope, Romford, Essex Kay, John, Keal, J. 6, Upper Woburn-place Keele, J. R. Southampton Keele, C. P. 6, Portland-street Keats, H. M. Sloane-square King, George, Bath King, H. F. Blandlord Knaggs, J. 1, Mornington-crescent Keen, Thos. 15, Manor-place, Chelsea
Manchester Union Kilvert, J. 12, Darlington-street, Bath Knight, Thomas, Bnll, Bucks Knowles, E. J. Farnham King, 0. 37, Bernard-street, Russell-square King, Jonas, Tunbridge Wells King, W. G. Hackney-road Kinneir, J. Dorset-crescent, City-road King, Wm. 4, Albion-terrace, Stepney Kisch, J. 2, Circus-ptace, Finsbury Lambert, J. W. 57, Berners -street Lavies, John, 34, George.street, Westminster Love, John, 12, Lower Brook-street List, G. B. 9, Portland-street Lodge, T. E. Ashton-street, Liverpool Lord, C. F. G. Hampstead Leonard, G. Dursley Ley, William, Hanwcll Lewis, T. C. ]00, Blackfiiars-road
Lithgow, James, Weymuuth Lithgow, Andrew, Weyn’outh Leggett, Alfred, 70, Ebury-street Linton Charles, Oundle, Northampton Loughton, James, Southport, near Ormskirk Leese, G. M. 16, Baker-street Lattey, A. H. H. 41, Baker-street Lattey, P. 2g, Harley-street Langmore, J. C. 15, Upper George-st. Fortman-Sg. Lambert, G. H. 105, Albany-street, Regent’s-pak Lander, W. P. Sloane-street Lewis, F. Ig0, Ditto Lerew, W. K. North-street, Ma",da-hia Leggat, R. S. Eastry Leggatt, R. S. jun. ditto Lovell, Francis, Chelmsford Lord, W. F. Exmouth Leonard, Thomas, 14, Aske-terrace, Hoxton Lancaster, Joseph, Clifton Lansdown, J. G., ditto, surgeon to the General Hospital Lee, R. Thame, Oxon Liddon, J. St. Thomas, near Exeter Lanchester, T. W., Yoxford, Suffolk Leake, Jonas, Hereford Lomax, Charles, Weobly Lane, James, Grosmont Lyde, J. W. P. Hay Luce, J. J. Kingston-on-Thames Lindo, L. Bishopsgate-street Leak, E. Penzaiice Lascelle, William Henry, Bristol Leslie, Thomas C. 4, Peuton-st. Pentonville Leigh, J. Lanfabon, Glamorgan Laurence, Arthur, Clifton Lyddon, T. S. Birkenhead Leake, Benjamin, Bampton, Oxon Lees, Thomas, Manchester Loney, William, Youl::reave, Derbyshire Lostwithiel Langon Law, Charles, 3, Artillery-place Lambert, Henry, St. Luke’s Hospital Lambert, John, 69, Lisson Grove North Lyndall, John, 12, King-street, New North-road Lomax, John William, Lincoln Llewellyn, T. 9, Mount-place, Whitechapel-roaS Lewis, T. 2, Robert’s-place, Commercial-road Lewis, W. J. 7, Spital-square Lammimam, R. W. Ratcliffe Liddle, John, 88, Leman-street Lewis, John, 4, Haydon-square Lewis, D. T. 182, Brick-lane, Spitalfields Macdonald, William, 23, Princes-st, Cavendish-sq Michell, John G. 31, Charlotte-street, Fitzroy-sq Marson, W. g6, Devonshire-street Marley, Miles, 60, Cambridge-street, Hyde-park. Maxfield, Archibald, Southampton Morgan, John, 22, Chapel-street Mernman, John, Kensington Merriman, Nathaniel James, ditto M’Millan, John, Acourt, Yorkshire Mackenzie, B. J. Cuch, near Alfreton,Derbyshire Moore, E. 43, Bethnal-green road -.
Macnamara, D.
Moss, Edwin, 71, Wimpole-street Mackenzie, R. H. 68, Mortimer-street Mann, C. W. 20, Blandford-street Martin, Thomas, Reigate Martin, Peter, ditto Martm, Peter J. Pulborough Macann, A. 22, King-st. Portman-square Miles, H. Gillingham Miles, J. J. Halstock Mortimer, Wihiam, Clifton, Bristol Moffatt, William, North Shields Mason, George, Deal Mullar, F. S. 46, Hans-place Mendola, E. 6, Great Alie-st. Goodman’s-fields Meredith, Edw. T. 15, Charles-st. Westbourne-ter. Merry, Robert, Hemel Hempstead Millard. Samuel, Whitechurch Asylum, Ross, Hereford
Merriman, C. A. Epping Mercer, Thomas, St. Helen’s, Lancashire Major, E. S., Clifton, surgeon to the House bf Correction
Macdonald, George, Bristol
131 Mee, BBiH4am,
Morris, John, Hereford Marshall, G. H. Kingston M’Donald, J, P. Bristol Maul, Harman, Southampton Marshall, Samuel. East Retford Muriel, William, Wickham Market, Suffolk Mayle, Richard, Penzance Millet, J. T. ditto Miller, Charles, ditto Moyle, J. G. ditto Miles, J. 17, Charterhouse-square Mills, W: Partridge, Ipswich, Suffolk Martin, John, Highworth, Wilts Macbryde James, West Bromwich, Staffordshire Mosgrove, T. J. Newmarket Mosgrove, J. 23, Finsbury-place North Miles, John, Charterhouse-square Matthews, John, ditto Middleton, Alfred, 22, Finsbury-place Mann, T. White, 5, Belgrave-ter. Holloway McDonough, John, Clapham Masefield, William, Stone, Staffo r d Mitchell, Thomas, Bedford, Beds Major, William, 12, Mount-pl. Whitechapel-road Meeres, Thomas, 52, Brick-lane Miller, Joshua, 4, Collet-place, Commercial-road Mackmerkan, John, London Hospital
Morgan, W. P. 48, Old-street-road Miller, John, Bethnal-green Nicolson, Thomas, 48, Davies-street Norton, John H. Shirley, near Southampton Neiott, George E. 110, Great Suffolk-st. Bow Nicholson, John, Dronfield, Derbyshire Nathan, Henry, Woodbridge Napper, Thomas, Dorking Newton, Edward, 26, Howland-st. Fitzroy-square Norton, Edward, 29, Upper Baker-street Norton, Mathew, ditto Noverre, Arthur, Stanmore, Middlesex Nicholson, John, Ashbourn, Derbyshire Noble, Daniel, Manchester, medical officer to the Manchester Union
Neame, James, Margate Neale, Joseph C. 188, Whitechapel-road Nicholson, John, Stilton
Nuneham, Arthur, Norton, Robert, Bristol Neild, John Cash, ditto Neville, W. H., Esher, Surrey Neville, H., Esher, Suney Nicol, John, Queen’s-road, Dalston Obre, Henry, 31, Grove-place, Lisson-grove Odling, F. 26, Oxford-street Ottley, Drury, 5, Bedford-place, Russell-square Owen, John R. North Shields
Scard, H. Kew Stedman, J. B. Lynn Shim, W. Ampthill Smith, James H. Manningtree, Essex Snowden, G. Ramsgate Snape, Richard North, Stowmarket, suffolk Sylvester, George, Trowbridge, Wilts Sylvester, George M., Trowbridge, Wilts Stedman, James, Guildford Stedman, J. R. Guildford Sells, T. J. Guildford Smart, T. T. Bristol, medical officer
Smith, W. Clifton Smith, Alfred, Clifton Stack, Robert, Gateshead, West Bolden Steele, J., Reigate, Surrey Sproston, John G. Birmingham Smethurst, Thomas, 18, Mornington-pl. stead-road
F. Westmeon
Sturton, W. 19, Nelson-square, Greenwich Turner, J. W. 7, Bath-place, Kensingtcn Tothill, E. D. 8, Charles-street, St. Pancr&8 Thorn, Richard L. 31, Upper Belgrave-place Tegart, Edward, jun. Bryanstone-street
Tracy, G. M. 8, Acacia-rd. St. John’s Wood-rd. Travis, W. H. East Bergholt, Suffolk Turner, C. W. Minchii Hampton, Gloucestersh. Treacy, William M. 13, Hill-st., Berkeley-square Tracy, J. W. 54, New Church- st., Lisson-grove Tippitts, Richard, Dartford, Kent Trew, R. N. Steyning Tucker, John, Lyme Regiss Tweddell, G. Houghton-le-Spring, Durham Turner, Henry, 10, Bedford-place, RusseU-sqmaK Thurnall, William, Bedford Turmar, Tucker, John H. 38, Berners-street Tutin, Septimus. Ripon Yorkshire Toogood, William, Ashbourn, Derbyshire Taylor, Walter, North Shields Thomson, John B. Ramgate Taylor, Francis, Romsey
Tomkin, T. Witham, Essex Tomkin, G. M., Coggeshall, Essex Townley, James, Kennington Tod, William, Hampstead-road Taylor, Thomas, Kidderminster Tomkin, W. B. Witham Thomson, Charles E., Ross, Herefordshire Taylor, W. G. Enfield Taylor, H. S. Guildford Taylor, J. H. ditto Terry, George R. Hereford Thomson, C. E. Ross Tanner, John, Ledbury Thompson, William, Kingston Taylor, F. Romsey Taylor, A. Kingsclere, Hants Taylor, James, Bristol Tipps, Frederic, Liverpool Tuckett, W. F. 11, Orford-place, Chelsea Taylor, George, Wardwick, Derby Trenery, G. W., Penryn, Cornwall
Taylor, W.
S. Leeds
Thompson, W., Manningtree, Essex Tatham, Christopher, Poplar Towne, Alexander, 29, Kingsland-crescent
Taylor, Thomas, 289, Betllnal-green-road Taylor, W. 88, Church-street, ditto Todd, John W. 6, Devonshire-terrace, Thomas, G. 4, Claremont square
Sax, William, Ormskirk Sergeant, J. Penzance Stephens, H. 0. Bristol Sleeman, P. R. Bristol Sheppard, William Yeoman, Bristol Swayne, Joseph Griffiths, Bristol Swayne, Samuel Henry, Bristol Surrage, Thomas Lydden, Bristol Shorland, Henry, Bristol Shelton, John Brown, Bromyard, Hereford Smith, H. R., Newark, Notts Suffolk, John, Newark, Notts Steadman, Silas, 60, Guildford-street Semple, Robert H. 3, San’s.buildings Smith, William, 28, Artillery-place, West. Semple, Robert, 2, Rufford’s-row, Islington Smart, J. g, Newmarket-ter. Cambridge-heath Snow, W. E , 26, Tredegar-square Saaar, Thomas F. Leeds Self, W. 8, Lucas-place, Commercial-road Simpson, Charles, Stamford, Lincolnshire Skegg, Robert, 2, St. Martin’s Place, Trafalgar’
Rouse, F. Penzance Rayner, T. J., Birstal, near Leeds Rendall, R. Marsh, Maiden Newton Robinson, F. J., Bodmin, Cornwall Russell, J. Goulden-terrace, Islington
C. ditto
Royal Infirmary
Spittigue, J. Exmouth Savory, Joseph T. Wendover Spencer, C. Whitechurch Shawe, Harman, Southampton
Read, C. G. Wickham-market, Suffolk
Owen, R. P. Aylesbury Oates, J. B. Sutton Coldfield, Warwick Ormerod, W. Clifton Ridley, C. Bedford-street Richards, Samuel, 39, Bedford-square Oliver, William Henry, Stilton O’Shea, M. R. Bridge-road, Lambeth Robarts, H. P. Coram-street Oliver, George, Newton-on-Trent Ree, H. Pawle, City-road Ramsbotham, S. M. 15, Amwell-street, ClarePeregrine, Thomas, 17, Mount-street T. G. 44, Phillips, Albion-street, Hyde-park mont-square Powell, R. H. Tunbridge Wells Robinson, Charles, Bedford, Beds Parratt, James, 18, Mount-street Rodgers, G. Osborne, Newport Pagnell, Bucks Pollock, Robert J Kensington Rayner, J. 1, Claremont-pl. Queen’s-road, Dalston Perry, Richard R. Hampstead Savage, Henry, 34, Dorset-place A. J. Colchester Partridge, jun. Stace, Joseph, Southampton Panton, George, Dorchester, Oxon Sampson, J. K. Southampton Powell, Lichdale, Gloucestershire Stace, J. A. Southampton Parkinson, C. B. Wimborne Spooner, Edward 0. Blandford, Dorset Pink, Henry, Blackdown, Dorset Smith, J. J. 17, Trinity-square H. S. Charminster Price, Stocker, James, Guy’s Hospital Pilgrim, E. W. Portland-place, New Kent-read Spurgin, Charles S., Stratfoid, Suffolk Pollard, E W. I, Brompton-square Spencer, Thomas S., Gorleston, Suffolk Pollard, Charles F. 26, Brompton-crescent Smith, John, Cirencester Porter, Thomas, 32, Enston-square Smith, Edward, Dursley Phillott, Arthur, 4, Wimpole-street Spooner, E. 0., Blandford, Dorset Perrin, John W. 35, Arthur-street, New-road Sweeting, William, Abbotsbury, Dorset Partridge, S. F. 2, York-place, Baker-street Smith, Edwin, Cirencester Puckell, Adam S. Weymouth Slater, George, Lichdale, Gloucestershire Pyle, Thomas H. North Shields I Sawyer, J. J. 101, Park-street Price, David, Margate Stokes, Thomas, Nailsworth, Gloucestershire Potter, Samuel, Broadstairs Sampson, Alexander S. Weymouth Pursey, W. King’s-road Smart, T. W. W. Cranboume Phene, Henry, Ryde, Isle of Wight Squires, William, Cranboume Parsons, Joseph, Beckington, Somerset Smart, James, 43, Bethnal-green-road J. W. North Wales Pring, Bangor, Sankey, F. H., Wingham, Kent Pattison, J. E. t, Maismore-place, near Peckham Smith, Ebenezer, Billiter-square Pope, Edward, Tring, Herts Steele, John, Reigate Pick, R. J. Newmarket, Suffolk Sisson, Andrew. Reigate Pearce, W. Wall, Measham, near Atherstone Sargant, Joseph, Reigate Thomas Sangant, William, Bletchingley Pope, J. G. Brixton North Phipps, 3, Firgrove-place, Smith, Thomas, Crawley Pittman, H Sandwich Salter, Thomas, Poole, Dorset Parsons, Charles A. Gcdalming Sutherland, A., Corfe Castle, Dorset Plager, William, Bristol, surgeon to Coleton’s Somerset, Henry W., Milton, Wilts School Hospital Sanders, W. Gravesend Prowse, James, Bristol Smerdon, Charles W., Clifton, Bristol PrQwse, J. B. Bristol Stanton, John, Clifton, Bristol Powell, James, Bristol Swayne, J. C., Clifton. Bristol Pollard, Tempest, Beamham, near Tadcaster Skerrington, John, Ashbourn, Derbyshire Devon Pearce, Thomas, Holsworthy, Stephens, Thomas, North Shields Price, James, Hereford Stockwell, Thomas, Bath Pritchard, Thomas, Hereford Snowden, George S. Ramsgate Price, T. Tucker, Hereford Sladden, James, Deal
Steele, William, Abergavenny Steele, E., Yelverton, Abergavenny Smith, Thomas H., St. Mary Cray, Kent Southam, Thomas, Precincts, Peterborough’ Smith, William, Upper Berkeley-street, Clifton
Ruddock, R. B. Clifton Rudge, Henry, Leominster Roots, G. Ross
Spencer, John, Manchester Seaton, W. Sloare-street
Robinson, D. R. St. Austell Robinson, F. J. St. Austell Rowland, William, Wrexham Rose, W. jun. Wycombe Ray, John, Bramley
Sontham, George, Manchester,
Palmer, J. S. Weobly Purcell, John, Winchester Pidwell, T., jun. Penzance Parsons, James St. John G., Bristol, surgeon to the Dorcas Society Postgate, J., Helmsley, Yorkshire Poole, J. E., Bridgewater, Somerset Powell, James Chase, 47, Chiswell-street Phillips, Richard, Angel-place Powell, Henry, 36, Finsbury-square Parker, W. Esq. 5, Parker’s-row, Bermondsey Parkeison, Buirell, East Dereham, Norfolk Parkinson, Charles B., Wimborn, Dorset Pearce, F., St. Austell, Cornwall Pearce, John T., St. Austell, Cornwall Parry, Evan, Cwmdu, Crickhowell, Brecon Pater, W. G. I, Marine-place, Commercial-road Porter, Thomas, 148, Bishopsgate-street Pecker, Charles, 12, Pick field-street Pearce, S. 135, Bethnal-green-road Perkins, T. H. 2, Bethnal-green Phillips, James, Bethnal-green Pritchett, Charles, Limehouse Redford, George, 32, Golden-square Robertson, R. H. 36, Albemarle-street Radford, T. 10, Howley-villas, Harrow-road Robinson, Sidney R. Tetbury Ray, Charles, 82, Gracechurch-street Reeks, Robert, Piddletown, Dorset Rayner, William, Uxbridge Rawbone, George, Manor-place, Chelsea Reynett, J. H. Dorking Richardson, W. 19, Oxford-terrace Reece, G. 36, Sussex-gardens Rumsey, J. C. Beaconsfield Russell, George J. Gravesend Rogers, G. Bristol Radford, Thomas, Manchester Rose, C. 10, Barnes-place, Mile-end-road Rawbone, W. King’s-road Ridsdale, George, 1, Gower-place, Euston-square Ransom, Robert, Jesus-lane, Cambridge Ross, W. M. Botley Royston, John, Riptry, Derby
East Retford
Uthwatt, E. A., Stroud, Gloucestershire
132 Upton, M., Ashley, Market Drayton, Salop Unwin, J. R. Alfred-place, Brixton-road Vaile, W. P. Southampton Vale, Benj. 43, Bethnal-green-road
Wells, H. 31, London-street, Fitzroy-square Wyatt, James, 1, Park-place, Cheltenham Wheeler, Daniel, Duke-street, Chelmsford, Essex Woolley, G. 8, Brompton-row Woolley, Geo. N. ditto Wycherly, G. J. 50, Edgware-road Westcott, Peter, Oundle, Northamptonshire
Vincent, G. 109, Sloane-street Vores, Wm., Aylesbury, house-surgeon to the
Bucks Infirmary Veasey, H. Woburn, Bedford Van Oven, Barnard, Gower-street Vanderburg 1, A. S. 39, Bethnal-green-road Witt, Chas. 30, Spring Gardens Ware, J R. 34, Bernard-street, Southampton Warwick, R., Redbridge, Hants Whittington, Peter, Tuxford, Notts Williams, J. B. Tetbury
Webster, Ed. ditto Wllson, J. Broughton,
near Stockbridge, Hants Westlike, Thos. C.,Andover, Hants Weatherhead, Thos. 13, Upper Baker-street Wallace, R. 9, John’s Terrace, Hackney-road
Webster. Geo. Dulwich Ward, H. B. 7, Wellc1ose-square
Williams, Wm., Wareham, Dorset Willcox, Chas., Swanage, ditto Wilson, Jonathan, Lancaster West, R. N., Hogsthorpe, Alford, Hants
Williams, Wm. ditto Wickham, J. C. Didmarton Williams, John, Dursley, Gloucestershire Watson, H. 4, Half-moon-street Wallis, John, Dorchester, Oxon Webb, Rob. T. 18, Wyndham-street, Marylebone
Chas. St. John’s-wood
Warren, Henry, Gravesend Whitcomb, Philip, ditto Ward, Gilbert, North Shields Way, Wm. 3, Russell-place, Russell-square Walton, 0. C. Broadstairs Wall, J. P. 6, Mount-street H. W. Sherborne Williams, Whiteley, Geo. F. Ramsgate Wiblin, John, Southampton I, Webster, James, ditto Windsor, John, Manchester, senior surgeon to Watson, Thomas, Holbeach ! the Eye Hospital Wheeler, W. Low, Northfieet, Kent ’ Willan, T. 38, Albany-street, Regent’s-park Whitehead, James, ditto, surgeon to the Lying-in F. Wells, R. 1, Steward-street, Bishopsgate Hospital Wickham, Edgar, East-road, City-road Walker, J. Manchester, surgeon to the Eye Hosp. Wollf, A. 225, Shoreditch Willisford, F. W. 76, Cadogan-place Warner, J. 1, Park-place, De Beauvoir-square Wilkins, W. Sloane-street Welsh, J. A. 1, Dalston-terrace Ward, Martindale, Chelsea Dispensary Williams, James, 11, Dalston-terrace Warder, Alfred, Fulham-road West, George, 2, Hackney-road-crescent Wansborough, T. W., King’s-road F. Gloucester-ter. G. Commercial-rd. 45, White, Welch, J. R. Christchurch Webb, Robert, 266, High-street, Poplar Wells, J. R., Milsworth, Gloucestershire Weeks, W. H. Sandwich Wigginton, Panks J., Bingham, Notts Wooldridge, Thomas, Bedford, Beds Watt, W. Deal ’
Warry, E. T., Lyndhurst, Hants White, E. 73, Lamb’s-conduit-street Warren, T. A., Princes Risborough Willington, Clark, Sutton Ward, Joseph, Epsom Waterworth, H., Newport, Isle of Wight Wotton, H. R. 32, Fitzroy-square Williams, W., Mold, Flintshire Ward, J. 76, Bath-street, Birmingham Woakes, E., Luton, Bedfordshire White, G. 50, Edgware-road Ward, Stephen H., 7, Wellclose-square Willis, R., Horrabridge, Devon Williams, James, Brecon, S.W. Williamson, John, Sharnbrook, Bedfordshire Walcot, R. B. Kidderminster Watts, R. Clifton Williams, F. Bristol, house-surgeon to the Bristol General Hospital S. Hereford Ross T. F. Leominster Watling, M. A. Wood, Ledbury Walker, E. Kingston Woodcock, G. Eardisley
Willmott, A. T.
Watson, John, Dulwich West, J. H., Pool, Dorset Westall, Edward, Croydon, Surrey Wheeler, T. R. 61, Gracechurch-street Wheeler, Walter D. Bristol Wall, A. B. Bayswater Walker, W. G., Newick, Sussex Walker, W. N. 4, Great Percy-street, PentonvilleWhite, Stephen, J, Lamb’s Conduit-street Wood, Frederick, 25, Bedford-row World, Robt. R. City-terrace, City-road Yonge, Walter, St. Ives, Cornwall Young, Thomas, 209, Piccadilly Yates, F. Godalming, Surrey
6,;Albion-place, King’s-cross
the profession generally, under E. S. Haviland, Esq....... diploma licence, who were engaged in practice prior to the J. Macmillan, Esq... French, Esq. year 1815, can enrol themselves members of this Association, John George William Best, Esq. which is intended to consist of GENERAL PRACTITIONEBS IN Henry Chowne, Esq........... Thomas Keen, Esq....... MEDICINE, SURGERY, and MIDWIFERY only. or
legally practising or
In furtherance of the objects of the Association, lists for donations have been opened by the joint Treasurers to the Association, EDWARD TEGART, Esq., Pall Mall, and JOHN DODD, Esq., Portman-street, Portman-square, to whom, or to either of the Honorary Secretaries, or to any member of the Provisional Committee, donations are requested to be sent.
11 0 20 o 110 1 00 11 0 0 10 6
£ s. d. James Parratt, Esq....... 11 Smith. Esq ...... Thos. H. Messrs. Pollock &
0 0
Turner, Kensington............ 5 50 Charles Craddock, Esq..... 5 6 ? 0, Robert Norton, Esq....... 2 2 P Edmund Guest, Esq....... 010 6 John Perry, Esq........... 5 50 John C. W. Dyer, Esq... 0 10 0 Wm. Dickenson, Esq..... 5 5 0 Edward B. Clayton, Esq... 5 50 M.Harris,Esq........... 1 1 0. P James Clayton, Esq....... 5 5 0 T. Peregrine, Esq......... 1 1 a Messrs. R. and J. Eyles 5 5 0 J. S. Goodfellow, Esq.....1 1 1 0 Joseph Humpage, Esq..... 220 C. F. Du Pasquier, Esq... 1 Robert Druitt, Esq....... 1 10 George Beaman, Esq..... 1 1 0. Thomas Ansell, Esq....... 22 2 0 E. Tegart, Esq.......... 2 2 0 A. M. Randall, Esq....... 55 0 T. F. Chilvers, Esq .......5 5 5 . 0 William Kerby Lerew, Esq. 1 0 0 John Nussey, Esq......... 1 0 P. Hood, Esq............. 5 5 0 Wm. Bloxam, Esq....... 1 10 0 1 N. Grant, Esq ........... 1 1 1 0 Miles Marley, Esq......... J. Grahamsley, Esq. Felton 010 0 H. D. Jones, Esq......... 1 10 Samuel Millard, Esq... 1 1 0 E. D. Tothill, Esq......... 1 0 0 J. R. Keele, Esq., SouthR. L. Thorn, Eq......... 1 1 0 1 0 0 John Morgan, Esq.. 1 1 ampton C. P. Keele, Esq., SouthJoseph Bullur, Esq., South0 0 1 1 0 0 ampton J. Engledue, Esq., SouthJohn Ince, Esq...... 1 1 0 1 0 o A. Hardwick, Esq., Kenampton 0 H. Dayman, Esq., South1 1 sington 0 1 0 0 John Barrow, Esq......... 1 0 ampton R. Bates, Esq., SouthRobertson ,Esq....110 0 0 G. Browne, Esq., Kensal 0 Green.................. 1 1 H.Woodridge, Esq., South0 1 0 0 Thomas Cowell, Esq..... 1 1 ampton W. Bullur, Esq, SouthThos. Nicolson, Esq..... 1 10 0 L. Beale, Esq.......... 2 2 0 10 ampton J. Hargrave, Esq., TonJ. P. Peregrine, Esq....... I 1 0 Wells........... 5 0 0 T. Davis, Esq., Hampstead 1 10 bridge a Henry R.Wotton.Esq...t0 100 G. M. Tracy, Esq...11 James Townley, Esq..... 2 2 0 C. B. Corfe, Esq., SouthJames Brickwell, Esq. Tot1 0 0 ampton 2 0 0 J. R. Sampson, Esq. South0 0 P. 1 C. Fitzgerald, Esq. Sidampton mouth................ I1 1 0 Baker, Esq. SMrley .... 1 0 0 0 W. S. Britton, Esq....... 0 5 0 W. H. Cook, Esq......... 1 1 Chandler Bentham, Esq... 0 10 0 J. Kisch, Esq............. 0 10 6 1 1 0 G. Flocton, Esq ......... 0 10 6 C. Rose, Esq........ J. R D. P. Bright, Esq..... 2 2 0 H. B. Burford, Esq....... 0 10 6 Edward Doubleday, Esq... 22 0 W. Brett, Esq.......... 1 1 0 1 0 0 John K. Unwin, Esq..... 1 1 0 W. Case, Esq. ditto 1 0 0 John Grove, Esq......... 1 10 J. A. Ricketts, Esq Lichf. ti W. Mee, Esq............. 1 0 0 James Forbes Young, Esq. 5 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 Henry Edwards, Esq. W. Allison, Esq ........... 0 Edward H. Hill, Esq..... 1 1 0 Charles Gaselee, Esq..... 1 1 W. Brown, Esq. ChesterThomas Nurslaw, Esq., -
It is not at present intended that any subscription should be taken for enrolment, or any annual subscription adopted, until the CHARTER OF INCORPORATION be obtained.
ampton ................
From the Association of
C. Ray, Esq........ J. M. Appleton, Esq... Richard Tippets, Esq., Dartford....................
General Practitioners of
1812,Threeper cent. Red. about.................. 490 R. R. Pennington, Esq... 100
0 0
d. 0 10 6 0 10 6
0 0
E. W. Pollard, Esq ....... 010 0 From the Tower Hamlets Charles Jones, E-5q ....... 1 1 0 as of Association, part Henry Turner, Esq.. 1 1 0 donations received by the Chas. Clough, Esq., Southtreasurer, E. Dale, Esq. 105 0 0 port.................... 1 10 John Nussey, Esq......... 10 10 0 James Loughton, Esq..... 1 1 0 Edward Moore, Esq....... 5 5 0 M. N. Bower, Esq......... 1 1 0 Edward Tegart, Esq....... 5 5 0 Richard Wallace, Esq..... 1 1 0 James York, Eq......... 5 5 0 J. H. Tucker, Esq ......... 1 1 0 George Webster, Esq..... 5 50 J. B. Obie, Esq........, , , 1 10 John Dodd, Esq ...........5 50 Henry Guy, Esq... , . , , , . , , 0 10 6 W. R. Vickers, Esq....... 5 5 0 A. Macann, Esq....... , . , , 0 10 0 H. P. Fuller, Esq..... 5 5 0 Drewry Ottley, Esq....... 1 1 0 Thomas Hammerton, Esq. 5 5 James Morrah, Esq....... 5 5 0 W. 0. Lucas, Esq......... 5 5 0 E. Headland, Esq...... , .. 5 5 0 W. J. Bryant, Esq....... 5 5 0 Henry Blatch, Esq......, 1 1 0 E. Baker, Esq........... 5 5 0 N. Clifton, Esq ........... 5 5 0 I. B. Brown, Esq......... 5 5 0 H. C. Clapham, Esq..,., 1 1 0 T. Jervis, Esq............. 5 5 0 R. Tanner, Esq......... , . 1 1 0 G. J. Squibb, Esq......... 5 5 0 H. Combe, Esq ........... 1 1 0 J. Freeman, Esq......... 5 5 0 Walter Yonge, Esq. St. Ives 1 00 J. S. Daniel, Esq., RamsC. Smith, Esq............, 1 1 0 gate.................... 5 5 0 W. Cane, Esq............. 1 1 0 T. Ballard, Esq ........... 0 10 6 Messrs.Merriman,Kensington 5 5 0 S. Ward, Esq............. 1 0 0 G. Fincham, Esq......... 5 5 0 N. B. Ward, Esq. sen..... 1 0 0 J. Propert, Esq........... 5 50 David Dickman. Esq..... 1 1 0 R. Stocker, Esq ...........5 5 0 Thos. Wetherhead. Esq... 1 1 0 J. Bowling, Esq., HammerFrederick Fowke, Esq..... 1 0 0 smith.................. 5 5 0 Charles Henry Carter, Esq. J. P. Peregrine, Esq....... 5 5 0 1 1 0 Dowlais John J. Smith, Esq....... 5 6 0 Edward Wilson Duffin, Esq. 1 1 0 0 R. R, Robinson, Esey .... , 2 0 AleB. B. Chisholm, Esq... ....................
ampton ................ ................
tenham ................
street.................. Archibald Cocke, Esq..... H. Richards, Esq. Brent-
Manchester............ 1 Thomas Lees, Esq., Manchester................ 1 James Gates, Esq......... 1 10 0 0 Charles Lewis Vidall, Esq., 5 11 Chelmsford 0 11 0 Smaller sums from Man11 o chester................ 2
550 110
ford.................... 550
E. Parry, Esq. Crickhowel J. Forder, Esq. Winchester W. Hooke, Esq........... T. Willan, Esq....... J. Ainge, Esq_ Fareham W. Barnard, Esq. ditto.... ..
20 0 o 10 0
G. 1. S.Camden Esq., Hounslow................... -
Coadman, mersmith
Esq., Ham-
0 0 00 00 0
56 10
133 For the purpose of obtaining a complete organization of the in England and Wales, communications have been opened with them, through the medium of local secretaries in the various parliamentary districts of the country. " It is ll( at present intended that any subscription should be taken for enrolment, or any annual subscription adopted, until the charter of incorporation be obtained ; but for the furtherance of the objects above stated, lists for donations have been opened by11the treasurers of the Association. Gentlemen legally practising the profession generally, under diploma or licence, or who were engaged in practice prior to the year 1815, can enrol themselves members of this Association, which is intended to consist of general practitioners in medicine, surgery, and midwifery only. " The Association has already been making rapid progress under the auspices of general practitioners of the highest respectability and standing; and, should you be willing to join it, I shall be obliged by your taking an early opportunity of communicating with me, in order that your name may be forwarded to the provisional committee in London. "I have the honour to be, Sir, your obedient servant, "
On the appointment of each LOCAL SECRETARY, the following instructions are forwarded from the office in Hanover-square :-
general practitioners
London.......... 184 Office, No. 4, Hanover-square. SIR,—We beg to acquaint you that in accordance with the ^recommendation of ................
,and other General Practitioners of........... the Provisional Committee of " The Association of General Practitioners," has appointed you their Honorary Local Secre-
aary for ................. We are requested to forward you the following instructions:
of this appointment is to obtain a complete the General Practitioners in Medicine, Surgery, of England and Wales, as quickly as possible, and to facilitate communications between the Provisional Committee in London and practitioners over the whole country. 2. That from time to time, and with no more delay than neces-sary, accurate lists of the names and addresses of the General :Practitioners of your........... who are willing to join this Association, for the purpose of obtaining a CHARTER OF INCORPORATION to be sanctioned by ACT OF PARLIAMENT, and for taking such other steps as circumstances may Tender necessary for the protection of the interests of the GENERAL PRACTITIONERS, be forwarded to the Provisional Committee in London. 3. That in populous towns and districts of your ..... where you deem it expedient, an Honorary Local Sub-Secretary ’be appointed to carry out the process of enrolment, according to the plan adopted by the association. That the names and addresses of the local sub-secretaries be transmitted to the provisional committee, and that they be instructed to send their lists of members and reports in to you, as the local secretary of their ........... to be forwarded by you to 1. That the
organization of and Midwifery,
London. 4. That
no fee be demanded for enrolment, nor any annual subscriptions entered iato, but that DONATIONS to the fund for carrying out the objects of the Association be received by you.
That the
and addresses of the donors be transmitted weekly to the provisional committee, that they may be advertised. That a weekly statement of the necessary expenses incurred be also furnished, and that the balance, after deducting the expenses, be sent to the joint treasurers of the association, EDWARD TEGART, Esq., 39, Pall Mall, and JOHN DODD, Esq., Portman-street, Portman-square, as often as the committee shall direct. 5. On receiving donations sufficient to defray the expense, you are requested to forward printed circulars to the General Pracnames
" Hon. «
" To ,»
As a further evidence of the almost unanimous concurrence of the General Practitioners in town and country, in favour of the views advocated by this Association-namely, the incorporation of the General Practitioners in medicine, surgery, and midwifery, into an independent college-the following extracts from the published opinions of several most important Societies must be taken as conclusive :THE SOCIETY OF APOTHECARIES, in a letter to the Secretaries of the Manchester Medical and Surgical Association, state, " That the Society had no personal, corporate, or local interests to advocate," and that " the very existence of an independent college of
general practitioners implied a resignation, on the part of the Society, of all further interference with the education or control over the affairs of the General Practitioners, the Society having only one aim and object left to them-namely, to see the General Practitioners in the full enjoyment of an independent organization, and to lend their zealous help to promote the success of that
of 1812, held at the Crown and Anchor Tavern, on ............... explaining the 27th of December, 1844, JAMES MORRAH, Esq. President, the object of the association, as set forth in its advertisement, and it was resolved and carried unanimously-,, That it is absoto take such other steps as you may deem necessary, to obtain lutely necessary that the Association, consistently with its own their full
titioners of
N.B. It is calculated that very little expense will attend this preliminary step, which will consist chiefly of the printing of circulars, postages, writing materials, and a few advertisements. On the other hand, it is earnestly hoped that a very large sum will be collected for the purposes of the association. We have the honour to be, sir, your obedient Servants, JAMES BIRD, } Hon. Secs Hon. secs. Secs. Hon. HENRY
The following letter was drawn up by T. Herbert Barker, Esq., honorary local secretary for Bedfordshire, and circulated throughout that county. The provisional committee has adopted
it as a recommendation to other local secretaries, and forwarded to each on his appointment:"
copy is
a public meeting of general practitioners, held in the 7th ult.,-R. R. Pennington, Esq. in the chair; it was resolved, that an Association should be immediately formed, under the title ofThe Association of General Practitioners in Medicine, Surgery, and Midwifery; and considering that, prior ’to the passing of any Bill for the regulation of the practice of medicine and surgery, it is of the utmost importance to the interests of the public, that the general practitioners should be legally recognised, and placed in an independent position; it was also resolved,That this Association use its best efforts to obtain a complete organization of the general practitioners, for the purpose of petitioning for a Charter of Incorporation, to be sanctioned by Act of Parliament, and for taking such other steps as circumstances may, from time to time, render necessary for the protection of their interests.’ " The Society of Apothecaries have been solicited to cooperate with this Association ; and to shew their decided approval of the steps which have been taken, the whole of the examiners
have enrolled themselves
should co-operate with the profession to obtain an and it readily concurs with the views advocated by the Associated General Practitioners in Medicine, Surgery, and Midwifery, to secure, by their united efforts, a Col. lege of Incorporation of General Practitioners."
independent position,
THE BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, ata meeting held at Exeter Hall, Nov. 26th,’1844, (Dr. WEBSTER, President, in the chair,) resolved-" That the time has arrived when it has become imperatively necessary to adopt all legitimate means for the legal union of the General Practitioners of this kingdom into a distinct corporation." THE MARYLEBONE MEDICAL AND SURGICAL ASSOCIATION, at a special meeting held at the Literary and Scientific Institution, 7, Edward-street, Portman-square, on Monday, the 30th of December, 1844, (J. PROPERT, Esq., in the chair,) resolved, nem. con.-" That this Association do merge into the National Association of General Practitioners in Medicine, Surgery, and Midwifery, instituted at a public meeting, held at the Hanover-square Rooms, December 7th, 1844, under the presidency of R. R. PENNINGTON, Esq." Whilst the FiNSBURY, TOWER HAMLETS, KENSINGTON, PIMLICO, and other district METROPOLITAN ASSOCIATIONS, have, either by conference or otherwise, declared their entire concurrence in the propriety and necessity of incorporating the general practitioners into an independent college. In the Provinces, also, the feeling appears to be almost universal in favour of a Charter of Incorporation. At a meeting of the members of the MEDICAL PROFESSION resident in the county of DORSET, held at the committee-room of the Dorset County Hospital, on Friday, Nov. 29, 1844, It was proposed by Mr. SrooNER, of Blandford, and seconded by Mr. CURlIIE, of Dorchester-" That in the absence of any provi-
sion in the
(which is much regretted) for
the admission
134 of general practitioners, on terms honourable to your body, into the corporate privileges of either of the colleges of physicians and surgeons, it would greatly tend to the welfare, respectability, and usefulness of the profession, to unite the general practitioners into a separate college or body corporate, with power to manage their own affairs upon the representative principle." At a special general meeting of the members of THE TAUNTON AND SOMERSET BRANCH OF THE PROVINCIAL MEDICAL AND SURGICAL ASSOCIATION, held at Pallison’s Hotel, Taunton, on Wednesday, 4th Dec. 1844. It was moved by Mr. STODDART, of Comeytrowe, near Taunton, seconded by Mr. HIGGINS, of Taunton, and carried unanimously-° That inasmuch as there appears to be no prospect at the present time of the legislature consenting to the union of the whole profession into one body or faculty of medicine, and in the absence of any provision for the admission of the general practitioners into a participation, on terms equal and honourable to that body, in the corporate privileges of either of the colleges of physicians and surgeons, it is absolutely essential to the wellbeing of this the most numerous and influential body of the profession, that it should be united into a separate college, or body corporate, (under some such name as ’The College of Medicine and Surgery,’) with power to manage its own affairs independently, upon the representative system, and that the interests of such corporation should be fully and equally represented in the Council of Health and Education." At a meeting of the GENERAL PRACTITIONERS OF AYLESBURY, and its vicinity, held at the Buckinghamshire Infirmary,
Wednesday, January 8th, 1845,-ROBERT CEELY, Esq. of Aylesbury, in the chair, *
Mr. E. POPE, of
Tring, and Mr. E. HowELL, of Princes Resmoved and seconded the following resolution, which was carried nem. con.-" That this meeting, earnestly deprecating the re-introduction into parliament of the Medical Bill of Sir J. Graham, and being convinced of the necessity of obtaining a charter for the incorporation of the general practitioners, desires to co-operate with the National Medical Association in London, and therefore resolves to form a society, calledThe Bucks Medical Association,’ for that purpose, as well as for adopting such other measures as may perfect the interests, and augment the usefulness and respectability, of the general practitioner." The GENERAL PRACTITIONERS OF WHITEHAVEN, at a meeting held in the Infirmary, on the 13th of January, 1845,-Mr.. MITCHELL, the senior practitioner in the chair, Resolved unanimously-’, That the meeting being fully convinced of the inadequacy of the Bill, both educational and practical, views with satisfaction the efforts now being made by the general practitioners throughout the kingdom for a charter of incorporation," &c. A meeting at ULYERSTONE, held on Wednesday, the 15th inst, and most numerously attended, Resolved unanimously-,, To co-operate in the endeavour now making to procure a charter of incorporation for the establishment of a royal college of general practitioners in medicine, surgery, and midwifery." At a numerous and highly respectable meeting of the profession at SUNDERLAND, held December 11, 1844, the following
carrying out of the third resolution agreed to at the public meet. ing, on the 7th of Dec. last-viz., to effect a complete organization of the General Practitioners. The means of attaining this desirable, this paramount object, are now so simple, that it rests with every individual practitioner in the kingdom to strengthen the body collective by furnishing his name, and by affording his active co-operation and assistance. The rapidity with
which the Association has reached its present numerical strength and degree of importance, leaves no room to doubt, that a very short period will suffice to enable it to assume for itself the name and character of 11 THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF GENERAL PRACTITIONERS IN MEDICINE, SURGERY, AND MIDWIFERY," and to give it all the political weight that a large majority of the legally qualified practitioners of medicine and surgery in this country ought to possess. The further proceedings of the provisional committee and of the Association must, in some measure, depend upon the steps taken by the Home Secretary respecting the Bill now before the public, and upon the measures of the executive government relating to the medical profession, and also upon the proceedings of the medical corporations ; but, under any circumstances, they are determined to spare no pains, and to lose no time, in taking the necessary steps to secure the speedy and certain success of the general practitioners in the attainment of their great object-A CHARTER OF INCORPORATION, sanctioned by an ACT OF PARLIA31ENT; and to render that Charter independent of the existing corporations, and as beneficial as possible to the public and to the profession. In accordance with such determination, they have forwarded a Memorial, accompanied with a letter addressed to the Right Hon. Sir James Graham, and are considering the heads of a Charter, which will be submitted to the Association at an early period. The letters of a great many correspondents, both in London and the country, contain inquiries as to the amount of subscriptions required. It will be seen that all DONATIONS are VOLUNTARY, and a post-office order, made payable to the Treasurers at the post-office in Piccadilly, is the best mode of transmitting donations from a distance. A considerable fund will be necessary to enable the general practitioners to ensure success, and it i& confidently hoped that the plan of voluntary donations will not disappoint the expectations of the committee. The honorary secretaries receive letters amounting to eighty and more daily, many of them very lengthy; it is therefore trusted, should omissions occur in replying to questions contained in this bulky correspondence, that they will be excused. It has been the endeavour of the provisional committee, in their advertisements, to furnish satisfactory replies, as far as practicable, to many of the questions that have reached them. AT the Meeting of the Provisional Committee, on Tuesday, Jan. 28th, it was resolved, that the following documents be published :To the Right Hon. Sir JAMES GRAHAM, Bart., her Majesty’s principal Secretary of State for the Home Department, &c. &c. &c. The Memorial of the President, and other Members of the ASSOCIATION of GENERAL PRACTITIONERS in MEDICINE, SURGERY, and MIDWIFERY,
out of every hundred practitioners of medicine in this than ninety are general practitioners, (as contrameeting views with great satisfaction the plan country, more from distinguished physicians and surgeons,) individuals who of the colinto a suggested, incorporating general practitioners have been educated in conformity with the existing laws in the &c. lege by royal charter," principles both of medicine and surgery, who actually practise At a numerous meeting of the general practitioners resident in the in all its branches, and who profess to be prepared, and the BRENTFORD neighbouring towns in MIDDLESEX and and profession to act as medical attendants in all emergencies. competent SURREY, held at the Royal Hotel, in Old Brentford, Jan. 21st, 1845, That this numerous and important division of the medical proIt was unanimously resolved-" That the interests and effi- fession have hitherto, for the most part, received their medical ciency of the general practitioners would be best promoted by education according to the rules of the Apothecaries’ Society, and their incorporation as an independent college." have been licensed to practise by that body after due examination And the MEDICAL AND SURGICAL ASSOCIATIONS OF GLASGOW, in medicine ; and also, after another examination by the Royal MANCHESTER, BEDFORD, SURREY, CIRENCESTER, HEREFORD, College of Surgeons, they have been constituted members of that and numerous others, have recorded their sentiments as highly college, and sanctioned by its diploma to practise surgery-this favourable to the proposed incorporation of the general practi- twofold test of knowledge indicating the legally-qualified general tioners into a collegiate body. Since, for the most part, the names pracritioner. That for the convenience of the public, the medical profession have not at present been returned to the office by the secretaries of these associations, many of whom are actively engaged in ob- have arranged themselves into three classes of practitionerstaining signatures, the General Association may now be taken as namely, physicians, surgeons, and general practitioners, and that numbering several thousands. It is also confidently expected, at the present time this tripartite division of medical practice that many of the parliamentary districts are forming branch exists, and must continue to exist. That the physician practising medicine only, or the surgeon associations, although they have not, at present, returned their local secretaries. professing to practise surgery exclusively, although each most
resolution "
passed :-
That this
The proceedings of the PROVISIONAL COMMITTEE, as detailed in the foregoing pages, have hitherto been chiefly continued to the
beneficial in their separate departments, can never supersede the necessity to the public of the well-informed and carefully-educated
135 in whom the office of physician and surgeon To the Right Hon. Sir JAMES GRAHAM, Bart., her Majesty’s intimately blended, and that recovery from many forms of principal Secretary of State for the Home Department, disease might frequently be prevented were the knowledge of the &c. &c. &c. individual practitioner confined to the mere range of either branch are directed by the Association of General Pracof the profession. Sir,-We That at the present time the general practitioner is the ordinary titioners in Medicine, Surgery, and Midwifery, instituted at a medical attendant of many members of the aristocracy, of the Public Meeting, held at the Hanover-square Rooms, on December greater portion of the middle classes, and he may be considered the 7th, 1844, under the. presidency of R. R. PENNINGTON, Esq., as exclusively the medical adviser of the labouring population of to forward you the accompanying memorial. this country, the assistance of the physician and surgeon being We are further directed to entreat most respectfully your usually called in only in cases of great emergency or difficulty earnest attention to the following objections which this Associaarising in their respective departments; hence the necessity of tion entertains to the " Bill for the better regulation of the practhe general practitioner being educated to the present high tice of medicine," lately introduced into Parliament. standard of professional knowledge, and hence (working upon The Association regards the provisions by which the control of that standard, and notwithstanding their disadvantages under the the future general practitioners in medicine, surgery, and midexisting laws) the experience and high degree of skill in the wifery, is taken out of the hands of their own class, and virtually treatment of diseases which many have attained, and the well- given to the colleges of physicians and surgeons, or to the reprefounded confidence of the public resulting therefrom. sentatives of the consulting practitioners in medicine and surgery, That your memorialists look upon this subdivision of labour as as most objectionable. Members of the College of Physicians, or members of the College of Surgeons individually, how eminent an arrangement chiefly adapted to extensive and wealthy communities, and firmly express it as their opinion that medicine soever, or a mixed board, composed chiefly of physicians and and surgery, in a scientific and educational point of view, being surgeons, are not likely to be competent judges of the proper fundamentally the same, the individuals who practise generally must course of medical education for the general practitioner, as these always constitute a large majority of the profession, while in country are two distinct bodies, having different views, and neither of districts they will form almost the only source of medical relief. them, as a matter of course, conversant with the details of general That notwithstanding the great and advancing efforts of the practice and its consequent requisites; the result of a board so congeneral practitioners to meet the increasing wants and require- stituted would be-as respects the plan and scope of a course of ments of the vast community committed to their charge, their pre- medical education, and the tests of qualification to practise sent position is most anomalous. They are acknowledged as practi- medicine, surgery, and midwifery-that the general practitioners of medicine alone under the Apothecaries’ Act, and they have tioners would not reach the point of practical efficiency which hitherto been recognised as practitioners of surgery alone by the has been shewn to be attainable. The Association further objects, that the proposed Bill offers College of Surgeons; neither the Apothecaries’ Society nor the no efficient legal impediment to the practice of physic, surgery, of them as general practitioners in recognising Surgeons College medicine, surgery, and midwifery, which latter important branch and midwifery, by uneducated and unqualified individuals, and has not hitherto been sufficiently provided for, so that though that, accordingly, its direct and immediate tendency is to throw they constitute an indispensable professional body, numbering a very large proportion of the practice into the hands of a class perhaps fifteen or eighteen thousand, and possessed of great indi- of tradesmen, (the chemists and druggists,) who, notwithstanding vidual influence, they are unknown in a collective capacity; and their general respectability, are totally unacquainted with the in the Bill brought into the House of Commons last session, by constitution of the animal economy, the nature of diseases, and Sir James Graham and Mr. Manners Sutton, their existence is the power and influence of remedial agents; and again, as not even alluded to. containing no penal clause, that the Bill tends to promote and That under these circumstances the general practitioners have encourage quackery of every species, by the ignorant and unnot the means of prescribing such a course of study to those principled charlatan. The Association most respectfully urges its thorough convicdesiring to become members of their branch of the profession, as, in the opinion of your memorialists, would be desirable, in tion, that in this manner the tendency of the Bill is to degrade order to raise their whole body to the standard of character and the general practitioners as a class. The Association further objects that a power is proposed to be reputation enjoyed at present by a large portion thereof. That your memorialists beg to express it as their firm and vested in a Board of Health, (in which, as general practitioners, and deliberate opinion, that it would prove to the best interests they have no adequate representation,) in the first place to define of the public generally, and most conducive to the advancement what are to be regarded as public institutions, and in the second of medical science, and be also a measure most serviceable to the place, to decide what class or grade of medical practitioners profession, if the general practitioners were incorporated by under the Bill, is to be eligible to fill the medical and surgical charter into an independent college, with a governing council, appointments in such institution-a power which, if exercised at power to frame by-laws, and provide for the future education of all, can only be exercised against the general practitioner, and the general practitioner, and placed, as respects the management the introduction of which into the Bill implies an intention to of their own affairs, in every respect on a footing of equality prevent the general practitioners holding such appointments. with the existing colleges of physicians and surgeons. In this respect, the Association, representing the great body of That all legislation for the medical profession as a whole, so practitioners in this country, regards the Bill as subversive of long as the anomaly of a tripartite subdivision of its members, those motives of honourable ambition which ought to actuate with only two ostensible heads, exists, must end in disappoint- every individual in the practice of a liberal profession. The Association desires us most respectfully to remind you, ment, and the benevolent intentions of the Government be from this cause alone most materially frustrated. that the very numerous and respectable class of general practiYour memorialists, in conclusion, have only to draw the tioners in medicine, surgery, and midwifery, has been created by serious attention of the right hon. the secretary of state, the customs and necessities of the community, and that the legito this their earnest memorial, in the full confidence that timate practice of physic and surgery, depending as a science due consideration will be given to a matter of such high upon the same principles-those customs have a rational foundaimportance to the interests of the profession and the tion. That in the various respects herein cited, and in its public, and respectfully to request that an opportunity general scope and tendency, the Bill thus tends to degrade the most may be afforded of giving, as they are prepared to give, numerous and most useful class of medical men. That if it be the fullest explanation that can be required by a deputa- admitted that an improvement may take place under its operation of their body, or otherwise, as may be most con- tion in the status of the physician and pure surgeon, and that it venient. may promote the interests of the consulting practitioners, the R. R PENNINGTON, PRESIDENT; degradation of the larger class of general practitioners, and its (Signed) near assimilation with the chemists and druggists, and other unJOHN NUSSEY, Chairman of the Provisional Committee; educated pretenders to the healing art, must be diametrically Henry P. Fuller; John Propert; N. Clifton, President opposed to the public interests, and must have a direct tendency of the Finsbury Association; Edward Duke Moore; to aggravate disease, and to increase the sum of mortality throughGeorge James Squibb; Edward Tegart; A. M. Ran- out the kingdom. We are finally desired to state, that for these and other dall; G. Fincham; T. F. Chilver; Thomas Hammerton ; Joseph Freeman; James Bird; Henry reasons, some of the more cogent of which are set forth in the Ancell; Henry Blatch; John Dodd; R. Norton; accompanying memorial, the Association of General Practitioners J. P. Peregrine; W. R. Vickers; J. B. Brown; C. in Medicine, Surgery, and Midwifery, most respectfully and most Craddock; Thomas Wheeler; W. Dickinson; W. J. earnestly entreat, and venture to express a hope, that, on mature Bryant. consideration, you will regard it as a matter of the utmost im-
practitioner, general are
136 porttmce
to the
public interests,
that the
general practitioners
would be legally recdgnised, and placed in an independent poition, prior to the passing of any Bill through Parliament for the regulation of medical practice in this country. We have the lionour to be, Sir, most respectfully, your very obedient humble servants, JAMES BIRD, Hon. Sees. HENRY ANCLL,
FOTAssiuM.ňBy Tnos. TATUM, Esq. Surgeon Hospital, and Lecturer on’Anatomy.
St. George’s
THE author relates three cases of tumours in the substance of to be the effects of chronic inflammation, and deposition of coagulable lymph between the fibres. In each of the patients the swellings were situated in the sterno-cleidoTO m R, PTtN3NGTON, ESQ. niastoideus muscle; and in one, a similar tumour afterwards formed in the clavicular portion of the pectoralis major muscle, Whitehall, Jan. 27th, 1845. but which was distinguished by being a bony hardness, and the Memorial of the have under consideration had SiR,—I President and other Members of the Association of General apparently connected with the periosteum of the clavicle. The Practitioners in Medicine, Surgery, and Midwifery, instituted at author is of opinion, that had the progress of the disease not been interrupted early, ossific deposit would probably have taken place a public meeting held at the Hanover-square Rooms, on Dec. 7th, in the tumours, and the muscular structure would have been con1844, addressed to me, and signed by yourself as President, and several other gentlemen as members of the Provisional Committee verted into bony tissue. He draws particular attention to- the of the Association. The aim of the memorial is to induce me to decided influence which the iodide of potassium had in removing advise her Majesty to incorporate the general practitioners by the tumours, and the inefficiency of various other remedies which "charter into an independent college, with a governing council had been previously tried. Mr. CaeSAR HAWKINS remarked, that in these cases the inand power to frame by-laws, and provide for the future education flammation was not always confined to the muscles, but some. of the general practitioners, and to place them, as respects the times implicated the cellular tissue. In other cases, the muscles of their in of own on a affairs, every respect footing management were affected. equality with the existing Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons." only Sir G. LEFEVRE, in reference to the use of iodine in these This subject was recently brought to my notice by a letter related an instance in which it was alleged, although there signed by the Master of the Society of Apothecaries of the City of cases, was no absorption of the testicles, that there was complete loss of London, expressing the opinion of the Society that " the desire for virile power, as the result of taking iodine for four or five an independent organization of the general practitioners by an for secondary syphilis, in the form of iodide of potassium, months, of has of so a been late incorporation collegiate character, ten grains three times a-day. He had heard of cases of absorption generally and unequivocally expressed at public meetings of these of the mamma from the use of iodine, but never of the testicles. practitioners, and through other public channels, that the Society Mr. C. HAWKiNS had never met with, or heard of, a case think themselves warranted in believing that a very large proporsimilar to the one related by the last speaker. tion of the general practitioners of this country have declared their Mr. CURLING had never seen tumours like those described by wishes in favour of such an incorporation.’’ in In answer to this letter, I directed the Master of the Society to Mr. Tatum the sterno-cleido-mastoid muscle. He had, however, seen induration resembling cartilage in the same muscle, about be informed that I was ready to receive any matured plan for two months after birth, by which the head was completely fixed. incorporating a new body of general practitioners, but that before The induration had been removed, at the end of a few weeks, by I could form an opinion, or even consider a project, all the details of the scheme must be laid before me, and the names of the lead- the simple use of mild liniments. Mr. AcTON had seen iodine extensively used by M. Ricord, ing persons who promote it, and who are parties to the proposed and had himself employed this medicine to some extent, but in no organization, must be declared. Your memorial does not sufficiently comply with either of these case did he recollect any such effect as that alluded to by Sir G. Lefevre. Iodide of potassium was occasionally productive of requisite conditions. in the stomach, soon after it was taken; but this dependedThe names appended to it, although of great respectability, and pain on the administration of the dose in a small quantity of water. of to metroconsideration, deserving high belong exclusively He (Mr. Acton) always gave it largely diluted. The other ill politan practitioners, and the subscribers do not profess to have effect of this medicine was occasionally the production of a any authority to represent the wishes of their provincial brethren. metallic taste in the mouth, and a spongy state of the gums, in The memorial neither explains the proposed organization of the were easily induced to bleed. which they intended corporation, nor furnishes the names of those to whom Mr. SNOw related a case of an infant a week old, in which a the charter is to be granted, who, as is usual in such cases, would tumour, with tenderness, arose in the course of the stemobe named as the first office-bearers in the corporation. mastoid muscle, as the result of pushing the face on one side As soon as you can supply these deficiencies, and satisfy me The swelling remained a week or two, but subsided that the expressed wish of your Association is felt also by a large violently. the use of mild lotions and liniments. number of country practitioners, I shall examine the draft of your under proposed charter with every disposition to promote the usefulness and respectability of the important branch of the profession to MEDICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. which you belong. Monday, December 23, 1844. I have the honour to be, Sir, your obedient servant, DR. THEOPHILUS THOMPSON, PRESIDENT. JAMES GRAHAM. (Signed) Office, 4, Hanover-square, Jan. 14,1845.
muscle, supposed
read from Mr. W. J.
Nothing has been omitted by THE PROVISIONAL COMMITTEE having reference to a late discussion by to place itself in a position to comply with the Home Secretary’s Society, respecting the influence of milk as
WARD, of Brighton,
the fellows of the article of diet, a
wishes, but the attention of the general practitioners in the coun- report of which he had seen in THE LANCET. Three cases were try is most particularly directed to that part of the letter of Sir detailed, in which the writer was of opinion that the use of milk JAMES GRAHAM which states that " the names of the leading diet had been of the most essential service. In the first case, the persons who promote it-(the application for a charter)-and patient, a female, was’ suffering from a sloughing bubo of the who are parties to the proposed organization, must be declared." groin, of a frightful character. Porter, wine, bark, and opium, A note to the Honorary Secretaries, Hanover-square, London, containing the
full, of individuals, is sufficient
at the
and all the local remedies usually resorted to in these tried without effect; the’patient was rapidly sinking, but under the use of milk diet, and the application of a stale, beer-grounds poultice to the affected part, she rapidly recovered. In the second case, that also of a female, all the symptoms of phthisis pulmonalis were materially mitigated by the use of milk diet, and sanguine hopes were even entertained of a recovery, when the patient fell a victim to having indulged immoderately in the eating of " pumpkin pie." The third case was that of a young lady, aged seventeen. She stated, that during the last fifteen months she had not retained any food on her stomach for There was very more than three or four hours consecutively.
Office, No. 4, internally,
address, in the enrolment ; butname
LOCAL SECRETARIES should be immediately nominated for all the COUNTY TowNs, CITIES, and BOROUGHS, where such a functionary is not already appointed. By order of the Provisional Committee, JAMES BIRDI Hon. Sees. HENRY ANCELL,S No, 4, Hanover square, London, 0&ce, 30th January, 1845.