1397 Appointments. THE NATIONAL INSURANCE BILL. Successjul applicants for Vacancies, Secretaries of Public Institutions, and others possessing info...

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Successjul applicants for Vacancies, Secretaries of Public Institutions, and others possessing information suitable for this column, are i,n.-vited to forward to THE LANCET Office, directed to the SubEditor, not later than 9 o’clock on the Thursday morning of each week, such information for gratuitous publication.

MR. LLOYD GEORGE’S INTENTIONS. As we are going to press we have received personal assurances from the Chancellor of the Exchequer as to his intention with regard to the capitation payment to Mr. Lloyd medical men under the insurance scheme. sum for has a of the £4,200,000 George provided provision of medical attendance including drugs, dressings, and appliances used in domiciliary treatment. The calculation is that this will permit the average payment of 6s. per head for each a capitation fee estimated at person insured for medical attendance and the drugs, dressings, and appliances used in domiciliary treatment. The amount will be increased on the advice of the Central Insurance Office in districts where the Insurance Commissioners are advised that sickness is excessive. In addition he has made arrangements to provide a sum of f.l,OOO,OpO annually for the maintenance of sanatoriums, and in that way removes from the scope of domiciliary treatment a considerable proportion of phthisical patients who would otherwise make serious calls upon the sum available for domiciliary medical attendance and provision of drugs. He has also provided an annual sum of £1,500,000 for maternity benefit, and out of this it is roughly estimated that onethird will be paid to members of the medical profession.

COUTTS, D. K., F.R.C.S. Eng., M.B., B.S. Lond., has been appointed

Honorary Assistant Surgeon

to the Norfolk and Norwich


CURRIE, J. R., M.D. Glasg., D.P.H., has been appointed Medical Officer of Health of Fife. GIBSON, ALEXANDER

G., M.D. Oxon., M.R.C.P. Lond., has been appointed Honorary Assistant Pathologist to the Radcliffe In-



HALLAM, PHILIP, M.B., Ch.B. Edin., has been appointed District Medical Officer by the Williton (Somerset) Board of Guardians. MALLESON, H. C., L.R.C.P. Lond., M.R.C.S., L.D.S.Eng., has been appointed Dental Surgeon to Christ’s Hospital (Bluecoat School), Horsham.

MITCHELL. ALEXANDER JOHN, M.D., Ch.B. Glasg., has been appointed District Medical Officer by the Gloucester Board of Guardians. MOULD. G. T., M.R.C.S. Eng., L.R.C.P. Lond., has been appointed Assistant in the Refraction Department for School Children, Royal London

Ophthalmic Hospital.

PONTON. JOHN ALFRED WILLIAM, M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O. Dub., has been appointed Medical Officer of Health for the Ottery St. Mary (Devon) Urban District Council. SHEPHERD, THOMAS WILLIAM, L.R.C.S. Edin., L.S.A. Lond., has

appointed District Medical Officer by the Launceston (Cornwall) Board of Guardians. been

Vacancies. informalion regarding each vacancy reference should be

For further

made to the advertisement (see Index).

BANBURY, HORTON INFIRMARY.-HouseSurgeon. Salary P,80 per annum,

The Chancellor of the Exchequer recognises the desirability of allowing some system of choice of medical men in the case of new participants in the scheme, and looks favourably upon the institution of a wide panel of local medical men willing to serve.

with board and residence.

BARNSLEY, BECKETT HOSPITAL.-Second House Surgeon, unmarried.

Salary £100 per annum

and all found.

BENENDEN, KENT, NATIONAL SANATORIUM.-Assistant Medical Officer.. unmarried. Salary £100 per annum, with board, lodging, and

washing. BIRKENHEAD BOROUGH HOSPITAL.-Junior Resident House Surgeon. Salary B80 per annum, with board and washing. BooTLE BOROUGH HOSPITAL.-Honorary Physician. BRIGHTON, ROYAL SUSSEX COUNTY HOSPITAL.-Assistant Pathologist. Salary JB100 per annum, with board, residence, and laundry. BURY INFIRMARY.-Senior House Surgeon and Junior House Surgeon. Salary .B110 and E80 per annum respectively, with board, residence, and washing. CANTERBURY, KENT AND CANTERBURY HOSPITAL.-House Physician, unmarried. Salary ;E70 per annum, with board, lodging, and

The Central Insurance Office, in giving its approval to arrangements proposed to be made by any approved society or health committee with medical men, and in other matters, will act on the advice of the Advisory Committee to be set up under the Bill; and the Chancellor of the Exchequer recognises that on the Advisory Committee the representation of the medical profession must be adequate ; or, as an alternative, that a special Medical Advisory Committee should be constituted.


CAPE TowN, SOUTH AFRICAN COLLEGE.-Professor of Physiology. Salary oE500 per annum. CHELTENHAM GENERAL HOSPITAL.-House Physician, unmarried. Salary jB80 per annum, with board, lodging, and washing. CITY OF LONDON HOSPITAL FOR DISEASES OF THE CHEST, Victoria Park,





Salary £80 per annum,



with rooms, board, washing, and attendance. DEVONPORT, ROYAL ALBERT HOSPITAL.-Assistant House Surgeon for six months, unmarried. Salary at rate of £50 per annum, with board, apartments, and laundry. EALING, KING EDWARD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL.-Physician, Surgeon, Gynoecologist, and Laryngologiat. FINCHLEY, URBAN DISTRICT OF.-Medical Officer of Health and School Medical Officer. Salary B3SO per annum. HACKNEY UNION INFIRMARY, Homerton.-Second Assistant Medical Officer, unmarried. Salary R120 per annum, with rations, apartments, washing, and attendance. HAMPSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL.-Assistant County Medical Officer of Health. Salary JB250 pet annum. ’

ComnsH, J. E., LIMITED, 16, St. Ann’s-square, Manchester. Talks with Sanatorium Patients. By Gilbert Heatheote, Medical Officer, Crossley Sanatorium. Price ls. 6d. net. FISOHER, GUSTAV, Jena. Lehrbuch der Kinderheilkunde. Herausgegeben

von Professor Dr. E. Feer, Direktor der Univ. Kinderklinik in Heidelberg. Price, paper, M.11.50 ; bound, M.12.50. Die Hodgkinsche Krankheit. Von Dr. Kurt Ziegler, Privatdozent in Breslau. Price M.9. Vergiftungen durch Tiere und animalische Stoffe. Ein Grundriss der zoologischen Toxikologie fiir praktische Aerzte un Naturwissenschaftler. Von Friedrich Kanngiesser, Dr. med. et phil., Docent an der Universitat Neuchatel. Price M.l. ’


HIRSCHWALD, AUGUST, Berlin. Veroffentlichungen aus dem Herausgegeben


Heft 48. Beiträge


Gebiete des Militar-Sanitatswesens.


Medizinal-Abteilung Preussischen Kriegsministeriums. Lehre


Königlicht ’

" Weilschen Krankheit." der Hand einer Epidemiei in dem Standorte Hildesheim wahrend des Sommers, 1910. Von Generalarzt Dr. Hecker und Stabsarzt Professor Dr. Otto. von

der sog.

Klinische und atiologische Studien




Price M.8. Heft 47. Das Königliche Hauptsanitätsdepot in Berlin. Price M.2. Heft 48. Ueber ein Eiweisareagena zur Harnprufuug fiir dasi Untersuchungsbesteck der Sanitiitsoffiziere. Vortrage undt Berichte aus der Sitzung des Wissenschaftlichen Senats beideir Kaiser Wilhe lms-Akademie fiir das militärärztliche Bildungswesent am 6 Mai. 1909. Zusammengestellt in der Medizinal-Abteilung; des Königlich Preussischen Kriegsministeriums. Price M1.60.

LOMMANS, GREEN, Calcutta. Treatment



London, New York, Bombay,


of Neurasthenia by Teaching of Brain Control. By Dr. Roger Vittoz. Translated by H. B. Brooke. Price 3s. 6d. net.


HASTINGS, EAST SUSSEX HOSPITAL.-Assistant House Surgeon. Salary at rate of £50 per annum, with rooms, board, and


EAST SUSSEX COUNTY ASYLUM.-Locum Tenens Assistant Medical Officer for about four and a half months. Salary 4 guineas a week, with board, lodging, washing. &c. INDIAN MEDICAL SERVICE, India Office, London.-Twelve Commissions in His Majesty’s Indian Medical Service. LANCASHIRE EDUCATION COMMITTEE.-School Medical Inspector. Salary .E250 per annum. LEEDS HOSPITAL FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN.-House Surgeon for six months. Salary at rate of .E50 per annum, with board. LEICESTER INFIRMARY.-Assistant House Physician for six months. Salary at rate of JE60 per annum, with board, apartments, and



LIVERPOOL INFIRMARY FOR CHILDREN CLINICAL SCHOOL.-Resident House Physician. Salary at rate of C60 per annum, with board and


LONDON HOSPITAL, Whitechapel, E.-Medical Registiarship. Salary £100 per annum. Also Surgical Registrarship. Salary oElOO per annum. LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY.-Three Medical Men for Missionary Service. MACCLESFIELD GENERAL INFIRMARY.-Senior House Surgeon. Salary ,E1OO per annum, with board and residence. MANCHESTER, ST. MARY’S HOSPITALS FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN.Two House Surgeons. Salary at rate of £50 per annum, with board and residence. MANCHESTER, HULME DISPENSARY. Dale-street, Stretford-road.-House Surgeon, unmarried. Saiary £150 per annum, with rooms.