A$STRACTS MwzzoTrt, L. and Hxwvo-Becm~~, M. A.. Escorpionismo cn la Republics Mexicans Rev. Inst . Salubr. F.n%rm-trop. (Mex .), 21, 3, 1961 .
T~ annual death rate due to scorpionism in Mexico for the years 19409 varied betwcen 1588 and 1944 . During 1957, 1,495 deaths were reported, while in 1958, 1,107 deaths occurred . In the state of Colima the mortality rate was 83 ~7 per 100,000 population . The morbidity rate for scorpion venom poisoning in Mexico is unknown. Three-quarters of the deaths were in children under 4 years of age. Most of these oceurred during the summer months . The authors discuss the possibilty of initiating a campaign against scorpions in Mexico . F.E .R.
TxwvE, R., GARANTI, L., and PwvwN, M.: Sul secreto glandole mandibolari dells di Cossus cossus L. (C. ligniperda Farb.) (Lepidoptera). XI Internat, Kongr. F. Entom., Wien, 1960, Vehr. B. III, p . 73 .
TIfE secretion of the mandibular glands of C. cossus L. is a colourless oil having the formula C H 0,. On chromatography it was separated into 3 isomeric fractions: cossina A, B, and C with proportions of 50, 40 and 10 per cent. The crude venom was a mixture of primary, doubly unsaturated alcohol acetates having 14 carbon atoms. The structural part is-CH=CH (CHI, CH=CH-. The toxin is probably used as a defence substance against those ants which may disturb the larvae. F.E .R.
Bsrrma, S. and TOSCifi-FRONTALI, N. : Biochemical and toxicological aspects of Zatrodectus iredecimguttatus venom . XI Internat. Kongr. F. Entom., Wien, 1960, Vehr. B. III, p 115.
TIfE subcutaneous LD in mice of the dried venom glands of L. tredeclmguttatus was 0 900 mg/kg; in guinea Pigs, 0 075 ; in the roach Periplanpeta americarw (intra-abdominal), 21 ~0 ; in the fly Musca domesttca.(intrathorax), 0 ~6. The lethality of this toxin for the mouse was of the same order as that of the venom of Plioneutra fera . The venom caused contraction of guinea pig tracheal rings in a concentration of 32 mg/1 saline. Twelve amino acids were identified in the toxin. Of the five fractions separated by electrophoresis, only one showed toxic activity in the several biological assays. F.E .R.
BewRn, R. L. : The nature of certain arthropod venoms and their effects on insect physiology . XI Internat . Kongr. F. Euom ., Wien, 1960, Vehr . B. III, p 44.
Tin: secretions of salivary and venom glands of predatory insects and spiders are categorized as being either outright insecticidal, killing promptly, or activating the somatic neuromuscular system to cause temporary or permanent paralysis. The potency of these venoms varies greatly from species to species. One of the most potent venoms, that of Microbracon, is present in the eggs, larvae, pupae and adults. The extract of 1 mg of the female wasp can paralyze 250,000 Galleria larvae . D.W.M .