e NAVAN New an
n 1997, the NAVAN Education C0m-
mittee, lead by Lynn Hadaway M.Ed., RNC, CRNl, felt that the PICC
What denotes a "quallflecllnstruc:tor''l An applicant must provide the fol-
ea.use Approw1 Progtam needed to
lowing information for each person
be revised The progIlUIl'S SlreIlglhs and es were reviewed and dl&CUIIIIed wJbin the COIIII11ittee, with final CXlnaIIlalCe that a revWon was needed In 5eplember 1999, at the 13th amual NAVAN conference in 0rIand0, t1orida, an improved PICC Course Approva1 Program was launched. Anyone applying for new or renewing past PICC Course Approva1 status will be subject to the improved process now in place.
involved in the design, development and delivety of the course: (1) how to contact each individual, (2) the academic preparation of each individual, (3) their cIinica1 experience with PICCs, (4) the training and education experience of each individual, and (5) 0ngoing evidence of continuing education in N thetapy / vascu1ar access. The Education Committee Chairperson (s), who consults with the committee if there are any questions about the applicant'S qualifications, reviews this infonnation. The committee makes a fina1 determination of qualification with the approval of the Board of Directors.
What Is the purpose of the .-IsIonsl The purpose of the PICC Course Approval Program revisions is twofold. The education committee feels that it is necessary to assess each applicant's submitted course in comparison with a curriculum checklist that has been accepted by the NAVAN Board of Directors. Additionally, the committee believes that courses meeting these minimum requirements, and coupled with qualified instructors, will provide the most comprehensive approach to PICC education.
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How does the application process world A request to the NAVAN office will generate an application package. The fee for an application package is $25.00 for NAVAN members and $50.00 for non-members. The application package includes the following: • Policy and procedure • Curriculum checklist
• Biographical data form • Program agreement form • Application checklist The applicant returns to NAVAN: • Cuniculum checklist • 1 copy of the PlCC course partidpant handout • 3 blinded copies
• Sample course evaluation tool • Biographical data form • Sample of certificate of completion or attendance • Agreement forms • Submission fee (NAVAN Members: $200. Non-members: $250.)
The NAVAN office will review the
submitted information and then notify the applicant within 1 week of receipt that the application is being processed or return it indicating what must be added or changed. The fully completed application will be sent to the Education Committee Chair and the blinded partidpant handout/workbook will be sent to 3 reviewers. Reviewers have been accepted by the education committee and the Board of Directors, and have received inslructions in the standardized criteria for
PCC Program
assessment. Acceptance by 2 of the 3 (not the individual evaluation forms!), reviewers will mean approval of the and a calwlation eX the mean (or avercourse. The reviewers have 3 weeks to age) for each point on the participant's t;ead the infonnation, complete their evaluation tool. Copies eX each evaluachecklist and return it to the NAVAN tion form will not be accepted office. As you can see, the applicant can anticipate a final decision eX accep- Are there any ongoing tance or rejection within 45 to 60 days Quality Manapment from the date eX submission. Any rejec- mechan in placet The quality management program is tion will be supported with a complete report, providing details about the rea- not a new element eX the PIOC Course son for rejection. Approva1 progr.un; however, it has been NAVAN PICC Course Approval is revised. The purpose of the revised granted for a 2-year period. Approved quality management initiative is to evalprograms can identify the following uate NAVAN's internal processes for this phrase in their marketing materials and program, and to evaluate the outcomes for all PICC courses that have been on their program certificates: . "1his program has met the minimum approved by NAVAN. curriculum requirements for a PICC Data collected quarterly include the Approval Program as outlined by the number of mganizations or individuals National Association of Vascular Access with approved courses, the number of Networks (NAVAN)." courses provided, the number of partidpants attending, the number of new If I'm approved, what infonnation applications, and the length of time for must I provide back to NAVAN processing each application. following dasses that I teach? The education committee also noted Quarterly reports are part of the par- value in tracking "speda1 focus" areas tidpant agreement. Quarterly reports and in 1999/2000 will monitor the folmust include: a list of dates and loca- lowing two areas per the class outcome tions of PICC courses taught, a sum- data: That the insbuetor's lmowledge eX mary of evaluations from each course the topic(s) was acceptable for greater
than 90% of the pattidpQnts, the teaching methods or inStIUdI~ strategies were acreptable ~ _uthan 90% eX the pa1ticipants. Obviously. these two data points must be induded in the evaluation tool design submitted by the applicant The NAVAN Education Committee feels that the Plec Course Approval Program is valuable and worthwhile. If you are an independent FlOC insbucror or worlc with a manufacturer proyiding
PICC education, consider the value of NAVAN approval. NAVAN is the premier national 0Iganizati0n for vaswIar access networldng among clinidans, manufacturers and researchers. A list of approved PICC courses is published in every JVAD and is supplied upon request to those seeking this infonnation. GET APPROVED TODAY! •
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